Feminist Theology

(The TQCC of Feminist Theology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Book Review: Spirit Life6
Reconciliation as a Feminist Mission: An Analysis of Reconciliation in Cases of Violence Against Women in Indonesia3
Searching for an Inclusive Approach to Biblical Laws Relating to Women: Observing Innertextual Developments in the Dead Sea Scrolls as an Instructive Tool2
“I Can’t Believe We’re Still Protesting This!”: How the Lesbian-Feminist Embodies Our Way Forward2
Trans-Formed by the Spirit: How the Doctrine of Miraculous Conception Reveals Jesus to Be an Intersex Trans Man2
Editorial May 231
The Pursuit of Deviant Happiness and Queer Spiritual Well-being Among Malaysian Gay Men: A Theological Proposal1
Ritual Sequestration, Genital Cutting, and Hierodulic Servitude: A Triad of Feminist Dilemmas1
Enter the Crone: Wisdom and the (Ageing) Female Body1
Reading African-Wise: Exodus 3.1-14 as Interpreted in the Lumpa Church of Alice Lenshina in Zambia1
Rosemary Radford Ruether: First Impressions and Lasting Impacts1
Street Mothers: How Might a Feminist Critique of Christology Impact the Christian Faith of Women on Council Estates in the United Kingdom?1
Toward a Counter-History of Christianity: Theologies and Critical Analytics from Rosemary Radford Ruether1
Honoring Rosemary Radford Ruether: Feminism Was Her Liberation1
Book Review: A Blackqueer Sexual Ethics: Embodiment, Possibility, and Living Archive1
Kaleidoscopic Preaching: Incorporating Multiple Voices into an Evangelical Sermon1
Queer(y)ing Naga Indigenous Theology1
Christian Feminist Theology in Pakistan0
Holy Spirit Mother, the Baptismal Womb, and the Walesby Tank: Excavating Early Christian Women Baptizers0
Tara in Vajrayana Buddhism: A Critical Content Analysis0
My Grandmothers Baked Cakes for the Queen of Heaven: A Journey from Judaism to Goddess Spirituality0
Queer Theology and a Synodal Catholic Church0
Inhabiting Adamancy: Contributions Toward a Queer Feminist Theology0
Evil in the Twenty-First Century0
The Western Revival of Goddess Worship0
Interview with Dr Hugo Córdova Quero0
Sonic Metaphors: Music, Sound, and Ecofeminist Theology0
Individuality Combined with Entrepreneurial Spirit: Breaking Patriarchal Codes in Prabha Khaitan’s A Life Apart0
Among the Cloud of Witnesses: Rosemary Radford Ruether0
Pastoral Care for Christian and Muslim Women Regarding Radicalism in Indonesia0
Amazons: The Reality Behind Their Legend0
The Trouble with White Feminist Theologians? Decentring White Normativity in Feminist Theology0
Book Review: Queer Ministers: Voices From The Global South: ‘A Burning Fire in My Bones’0
Book Review: The Indecent Theologies of Marcella Althaus-Reid: Voices From Asia and Latin America0
Ecofeminist Theology: Intersectional Justice and Plumwood’s Philosophical Animism0
The Mother, the Warrior, the Midwife and the Holy Whore: An Ethnographic Study of Women’s Faith, Sacralisation and Embodiment0
The Divine Feminine in Christianity0
Rosemary Radford Ruether’s Global Scope in Interfaith Reconciliation0
Immaculate Conception of Gender: The Marian Phenomenon Among Catholic Women Pilgrims0
Book Review: Fragments for Fractured Times: What Feminist Practical Theology Brings to the Table0
Appeal to Women’s Experience in Ethics: Lessons from Feminism and the Challenge from Postcolonial Critique0
Reconciliating the Relationship Between Christian Churches and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex+ People: The Letter of São Paulo as a Counter Hegemonic Discourse in Times of Religious 0
Altarplay: A Technology of the Soul0
Book Review: Black, Quare, and Then to Where: Theories of Justice and Black Sexual Ethics0
Book Review: Rage in the Belly: Hunger in the New Testament0
Book Review: Embodiment and the Shape of Black Theological Thought0
Lady Jane Grey: A Tudor Dissenter and Her Work0
The Sin of Being Human? Christian Theological Response to Mental Illness0
Irish Nuns and Education in the Anglophone World, 1800–19000
Disrupting Disruptions: Charting and Challenging Notions of Gender in Philippine Feminist Theologizing0
Bleeding Women in Sacred Spaces: Negotiating Theological Belonging in the ‘Pathway’ to Priesthood0
Sacred Subtexts: Depictions of Girls as Christ Figure and Holy Fool in the Films Moana and Whale Rider0
Queer (Non-) Method and Eschatological Imagination: An Experiment0
Ecofeminist Theologies in the Age of Climate Crisis0
In Memoriam Prof Rosemary Radford Ruether (1936–2022)0
The Unacknowledged Knowable Face of G*d: Health, Spirituality and Religious Life0
Book Review: How to Be an Antiracist0
The Transfigurations/Twists of the Religious: An Introduction to the Theological Epistemology of Marcella Althaus-Reid0
The Principle and Practice of Mahr in Muslim Marriages0
Stirring Being with Grace: A Queer Pneumatological Disruption of Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Gender0
Women Healing the Globe, Preserving the Tibetan Plateau0
Book Review: Queering Christian Worship: Reconstructing Liturgical Theology0
Ethics of Care in Laudato Si’: A Postcolonial Ecofeminist Critique0
Allegory and the Body as Icon: Evelyn Underhill and Barbara Brown Taylor0
Book Review: God is a Black Woman0
Feminist Theological Themes in the Biblical Art of Lilian Broca: From Lilith to Mary Magdalene0
Theology, Gender, and Me: Insider Auto-Ethnographic Research Method and Its Impact in Trans-Related Theological Research0
A Nomadic Spirituality in the Dream of the Red Chamber: Seeking the Goddess in an Immanent Process0
Doing Dirty Theology: How Ensoiled Humans Participate in the Flourishing of All Earthlings0
“Gay Bashing” in Sacred Space: Lesbian Feminism and the Rise of Digital Violence0
Patriarchy, Dominance and Liberation: A Self-discovery in Anita Nair’s Lessons in Forgetting0
Women in Neo-Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah, and the Mainline Churches in Contemporary Nigeria0
Book Review: Balkan Contextual Theology: An Introduction0
This Is My Body0
Fragmented Voices with Guilt and Apologies: Interrogating Narratives on Ordination of Women in Nagaland Churches0
Book Review: Out of Control: Couples, Conflict and the Capacity for Change0
20th December 1945 to the 14th July 20210
Theological Reinterpretation of “Christology of Water” from Feng Shui0
The Purpose of Evil Was to Survive It: Black and Womanist Rejecting the Cross for Salvation0
Trans Issues? Beyond a Hermeneutic of Mutilation0
Toward A Planetary Community: Rosemary Radford Ruether’s impact on Liberation Theology0
Rosemary Radford Ruether: Colleague and Friend0
To Whom Do We Confess Our Sins? A Feminist Liturgical Critique of the Scottish Episcopal Church’s 1982 Confession0
The Body Speaks: Art as Language0
Theological Matricide in the Ancient Israelite Religion and Commentary on the Book of Lamentations0
The Chispa Carrier For Rosemary Radford Ruether0
Rosemary Reuther and Her Impact on Feminist and Ecofeminist Theology in Latin America0
Feminist Writing As a Healing Force for Personal Growth: Managing Pain In Black Milk By Elif Shafak0
The Tender and Kind Rosemary I knew0
Gender and Sexual Desire Justice in African Christianity0
Book Review: Lee Edelman and the Queer Study of Religion0
Book Review: Reading the Magnificat in Australia: Unsettling Engagements0
Identification and Belonging: A Case Study of White German Women Converts to Islam0
Book Review: The Bible and Sexual Violence Against Men0
Gender, War, and Religion: Feminist Perspectives on Pathways to Just Peace0
Ukukupukula Pampoto: Cultural Construction of Silence Regarding Gender-Based Violence among Pentecostal Married Women in Zambia0
Book Review: For the Good of the Church: Unity, Theology and Women0
Toward a Positive hiv Theology: A Queer Hermeneutic Reading of the Book of Job0
Book Review: Queer and Indecent: An Introduction to Marcella Althaus Reid0
Introduction by Theresa A. Yugar and Janice Poss0
Reminiscences of Rosemary Radford Ruether0
Book Review: Enfleshing the Unconscious: Feminist Imaginings0
Book Review: Theresa A. Yugar, Sarah E. Robinson, Lilian Dube and Teresia Mbari Hinga (eds), Valuing Lives, Healing Earth: Religion, Gender, and Life on Earth0
Book Review: Vocation and Violence: The Church and #MeToo0
A Study of Patriarchy and Misogyny in the Context of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Forest of Enchantments0
A Strange Sadness: Margaret Baxter on the Trauma of Conversion0
Optics and Visio Dei: Interpretations of Female Mystic Art0
Clandestine Freedom: Toward the Development of a Queer Incarnational Theology0
Love as Enlightenment and Enlightenment as Love: Reading Feminist Hermeneutic of Reconstruction in Vanessa R Sasson’s Yasodhara and the Buddha0
Persephone at Mid-Life: Revisiting Feminist Archetypal Theory in a Personal Journey Through Menopause0
Book Review: Motherly: Reimagining the Maternal Body in Feminist Theology and Contemporary Art0
The Body as a Battlefield: A Feminist Interpretation of Mulan as a Source of Theology in the Face of Gender-Based Violence0
Ministry Among Immigrants at Risk: Women and Children0
Book Review: Decolonizing Christianity: Becoming Badass Believers0
Re-reading the Story of Hagar From a Nias Bride’s Perspective0
Book Review: Rage in the Belly: Hunger in the New Testament0