European Security

(The H4-Index of European Security is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The European Commission’s new role in EU security and defence cooperation: the case of the European Defence Fund38
The when, what, where and why of European Union sanctions33
Digital/sovereignty and European security integration: an introduction29
Digital sovereignty and taking back control: from regulatory capitalism to regulatory mercantilism in EU cybersecurity29
The EU’s hegemonic imaginaries: from European strategic autonomy in defence to technological sovereignty22
Artificial intelligence and EU security: the false promise of digital sovereignty21
Introduction: shades of contestation and politicisation of CFSP21
Speaking sovereignty: the EU in the cyber domain20
Digital sovereignty, geopolitical imaginaries, and the reproduction of European identity18
The EU, sanctions and regional leadership17
Border security and the digitalisation of sovereignty: insights from EU borderwork16
European nuclear weapons? Zombie debates and nuclear realities15
The post-Lisbon high representatives: an introduction15
Contesting procedural norms: the impact of politicisation on European foreign policy cooperation14
Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures:an assessment of the EU High Representatives’ political leadership14