Health & Social Care in the Community

(The H4-Index of Health & Social Care in the Community is 22. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Barriers and facilitators of disclosing domestic violence to the healthcare service: A systematic review of qualitative research87
Dealing with distress from the COVID‐19 pandemic: Mental health stressors and coping strategies in vulnerable latinx communities54
Examining barriers to harm reduction and child welfare services for pregnant women and mothers who use substances using a stigma action framework47
Interventions for reducing loneliness: An umbrella review of intervention studies39
A systematic review of the effect of stigma on the health of people experiencing homelessness38
Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on family carers in the community: A scoping review37
Re‐examining mental health crisis intervention: A rapid review comparing outcomes across police, co‐responder and non‐police models36
Religious‐based negative attitudes towards LGBTQ people among healthcare, social care and social work students and professionals: A review of the international literature34
Sense of coherence and burnout in nursing home workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Spain34
I can't believe they are dead. Death and mourning in the absence of goodbyes during the COVID‐19 pandemic31
A cross‐sectional analysis of factors associated with stress, burnout and turnover intention among healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic in the United States30
The hidden minority: Discrimination and mental health among international students in the US during the COVID‐19 pandemic30
The physical and mental health effects of housing homeless people: A systematic review29
Accessibility and utilisation of telehealth services among older adults during COVID‐19 pandemic in the United States29
Fear and anxiety about COVID‐19 among local and overseas Chinese university students28
Prevalence of compassion fatigue among helping professions and relationship to compassion for others, self‐compassion and self‐criticism26
Link worker perspectives of early implementation of social prescribing: A ‘Researcher‐in‐Residence’ study25
Colliding worlds: Family carers’ experiences of balancing work and care in Ireland during the COVID‐19 pandemic24
Experiences of adults with intellectual disabilities accessing acute hospital services: A systematic review of the international evidence23
Clapping for carers in the Covid‐19 crisis: Carers' reflections in a UK survey23
Identifying barriers and facilitators of translating research evidence into clinical practice: A systematic review of reviews22
Using community‐based participatory research to address STI/HIV disparities and social determinants of health among young GBMSM and transgender women of colour in North Carolina, USA22
Diabetes‐related avoidable hospitalisations and its relationship with primary healthcare resourcing in China: A cross‐sectional study from Sichuan Province22