Review of International Economics

(The median citation count of Review of International Economics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Propagation of economic shocks through global supply chains—Evidence from Hurricane Sandy30
Revisiting the real exchange rate misalignment‐economic growth nexus via the across‐sector misallocation channel23
Disaggregated gravity: Benchmark estimates and stylized facts from a new database22
Capital mobility and the synchronization of business cycles: Evidence from the European Union20
Fear thy neighbor: Spillovers from economic policy uncertainty19
The global sanctions data base–Release 3: COVID‐19, Russia, and multilateral sanctions17
Financial market spillovers of U.S. monetary policy shocks14
Natural disasters, aggregate trade resilience, and local disruptions: Evidence from Hurricane Katrina12
Does value‐added tax reform boost firms’ domestic value added in exports? Evidence from China12
Foreign direct investment, innovation, and domestic value‐added in exports: Firm‐level evidence from China11
The impact of Chinese import competition on Italian manufacturing10
Foreign direct investment under uncertainty evidence from a large panel of countries9
What drives Chinese overseas M&A investment? Evidence from micro data9
Highways and firms' exports: Evidence from China8
Is the Internet bringing down language‐based barriers to international trade?8
China–US economic and trade relations, trade news, and short‐term fluctuation of the RMB exchange rate8
The interrelation between formal and informal institutions through international trade7
The impact of offshoring on technical change: Evidence from Swedish manufacturing firms7
Exchange rate flexibility, the real exchange rate, and adjustment to terms‐of‐trade shocks6
RMB misalignment: What does a meta‐analysis tell us?6
EU integration and structural gravity: A comprehensive quantification of the border effect on trade6
Do immigrants shield the locals? Exposure to COVID‐related risks in the European Union6
A pragmatic approach to estimating nondiscriminatory non‐tariff trade costs5
PostCOVID‐19 exit strategies and emerging markets economic challenges5
Volatility transmission and volatility impulse response functions in the main and the satellite Renminbi exchange rate markets5
Investor‐state dispute settlement and multinational firm behavior5
The impact of oil prices on world trade5
Agriculture exports, child labor and youth education: Evidence from 68 developing countries5
Trade and currency weapons5
The effects of external shocks on the business cycle in China: A structural change perspective4
ECB monetary policy and commodity prices4
Heterogeneous effects of nontariff measures on cross‐border investments: Bilateral firm‐level analysis4
The effect of seasonal work visas on native employment: Evidence from US farm work in the Great Recession4
The impact of export promotion with matchmaking on exports and service outsourcing4
China’s import demand for agricultural products: The impact of the Phase One trade agreement4
An anatomy of the impact of COVID‐19 on the global and intra‐Commonwealth trade in goods4
Tax treaties worldwide: Estimating elasticities and revenue foregone4
Do China and Russia undermine Western sanctions? Evidence from DiD and event study estimation4
Productivity effects of processing and ordinary export market entry: A time‐varying treatments approach4
Do US exporters take advantage of free trade agreements? Evidence from the US‐Colombia free trade agreement4
Analyzing the effects of economic sanctions: Recent theory, data, and quantification3
Sold to China: Container traffic in the Port of Piraeus3
Magnification of the ‘China shock’ through the U.S. housing market3
Identifying Chinese supply shocks: Effects of trade on labor markets3
The relative impact of different forces of globalization on wage inequality: A fresh look at the EU experience3
Asymmetric information, quality, and regulations3
Trade and capital flows: Substitutes or complements? An empirical investigation3
Extraterritorial trade sanctions: Theory and application to the US–Iran–EU conflict3
Bill of lading data in international trade research with an application to the COVID‐19 pandemic3
Sanctions in directed trade networks3
All‐around trade liberalization and firm‐level employment: Theory and evidence from China3
Different antidumping legislations within the WTO: What can we learn from China's varying market economy status?3
The trade and welfare effects of the belt and road initiative3
Sanctions and their impacts on medical trade and health outcomes3
The sources of international investment income in emerging market economies3
Global current account imbalances and the link between income and consumption inequality3
Services trade and labor market outcomes: Evidence from Italian firms3
Going Dutch? Firm exports and FDI in the wake of the 2014 EU‐Russia sanctions3
Heterogeneous effects of Aid‐for‐Trade on donor exports: Why is Japan different?2
Financial foreign direct investment and the economic performance of developing countries2
Immigrant labor and the institutionalization of the U.S.‐born elderly2
Factor intensity reversals redux: Feenstra is right!2
Trade liberalization and firm toxic emissions2
Export adjustment to input trade liberalization: The role of import wholesaling services2
Trade, emissions, and regulatory (non‐)compliance: Implications of firm heterogeneity2
Targeted Liberalization: China's foreign investment regulation reform and its post‐WTO‐accession export surge2
Optimal investment in human capital under migration uncertainty2
Revisiting time as a trade barrier: Evidence from a panel structural gravity model2
Spatial outward FDI: Evidence from China's multinational firms2
The role of management practices in acquisitions and the FDI location decision2
The Leontief Paradox Redux2
How does the belt and road initiative promote China's import?2
European financial systems through the crisis: Patterns and convergence2
FDI and unemployment, a growth perspective2
Estimating the general equilibrium effects of services trade liberalization2
Monetary policy transparency and real exchange rate adjustment2
IMF conditionality and capital controls: Capital account liberalization to capital inflow management?2
Shifts in the portfolio holdings of euro area investors in the midst of COVID‐19: Looking‐through investment funds2
Trade and credit reallocation: How banks help shape comparative advantage2
Gravity of intermediate inputs in productivity spillovers: Evidence from foreign direct investment in China2
Smart or smash? The effect of financial sanctions on trade in goods and services2
Quantifying the partial and general equilibrium effects of sanctions on Russia2
Search and learning in export markets: Evidence from interviews with Colombian exporters2
Trade policy uncertainty and pollution emissions of export enterprises—The case of China‐ASEAN free trade area2
Divert when it does not hurt: The initiation of economic sanctions by US presidents from 1989 to 20152
Partial dollarization and financial frictions in emerging economies2
Foreign exchange interventions under a minimum exchange rate regime and the Swiss franc2
The effects of heterogeneous sanctions on exporting firms: Evidence from Denmark2
Firm‐level trade effects of WTO accession: Evidence from Russia2
Exporting and sourcing strategies2
Liberalization for services foreign direct investment and product mix adjustment: Evidence from Chinese exporting firms1
Mobile capital, optimal tariff, and tariff war1
External sustainability in Spanish economy: Bubbles and crises, 1970–20201
Financial globalization and monetary transmission1
Spillovers in global production networks1
Capital controls and the volatility of the renminbi covered interest deviation1
Unemployment effects of trade with a low‐wage country: A minimum‐wage model with sector‐specific factors1
The Hubei lockdown and its global impacts via supply chains1
Implications of exchange rate volatility for trade: Volatility measurement matters1
International cooperation in foreign reserve policies in the presence of competitive hoarding1
The effect of intra‐firm linkages on firm productivity1
Another brick in the wall. Immigration and electoral preferences: Direct evidence from state ballots1
The magnification effect in global value chains1
Carry trades and US monetary policy1
International trade with social comparisons1
The impact of free trade agreements in national markets: Evidence from the telecommunications sector in Latin America1
Short‐ and long‐run labor market adjustment to import competition1
Are importing and exporting complements or substitutes in an emerging economy? The case of Colombia1
Exchange rate expectations and exports: Firm‐level evidence from China1
Digitalization and outward foreign direct investment of Chinese listed firms1
Every crisis does matter: Comparing the databases of financial crisis events1
Automation, global value chains and functional specialization1
Macroeconomic instability and targeting rules for monetary policy in an endogenously growing small open economy1
Regional real exchange rates and growth: Evidence from resource‐based regional economies1
Weather shocks and exchange rate flexibility1
Economic integration, industrial structure, and catch‐up growth: Firm‐level evidence from Poland1
One size may not fit all: Financial fragmentation and European monetary policies1
Effects of international trade on income revisited1
Spatial spillovers in trade agreement memberships: Does institutional proximity matter?1
Firm‐productivity and cross border merger1
Information accessibility and export quality: Evidence from China1
Why trade when you can transfer the technology: Revisiting Smith and Ricardo1
Central bank communication and expectations: Evidence for inflation‐targeting economies1
Exploring the impact of economic integration agreements through extreme bounds analysis1
How did China's zero Covid policy affect its exports?1
Immigration, welfare, and inequality: How much does the labor market specification matter?1
Intellectual property‐related preferential trade agreements and US offshoring to developing countries1
Foreign market entry, upstream market power, and endogenous mode of downstream competition1
Dynamics of mass migration1
Testing the validity of purchasing power parity for China: Evidence from the Fourier quantile unit root test1
Does immigration enforcement affect whereless‐educatedUS natives and Hispanic immigrants live?1
Chinese regions' participation in global value chains and the associated global transmission of export price and quantity shocks1
The impact of trade with pure exporters1
Regional headquarters and foreign direct investment1
The impact of policy uncertainty on foreign direct investment: Micro‐evidence from Japan's international investment agreements1
The impact of macroprudential policies on the transmission of shocks across financially integrated countries1
Issue Information0
Capital flows to developing countries: Implications for monetary policy across the globe0
Engel curves on outsourcing and foreign environmental taxes: A valued‐added approach0
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Exchange rate shocks, multinational firms and access to finance0
Trade and labor market segregation in Colombia0
Cover Image0
Third‐country exchange rate effects on foreign direct investment flows: A global vector autoregessive approach0
Trade and credit: Revisiting the evidence0
Capital flow reversals and currency crises: Do capital flow types matter?0
Trade policy uncertainty: Evidence from the Arab League countries0
Brexit and foreign students in gravity0
International information flows, sentiments, and cross‐country business cycle fluctuations0
Did 272 billion dollars from China help stabilize business cycle fluctuations in recipient countries?0
Gain without pain? Non‐tariff measures, plant markup, and productivity0
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Adjusting to China competition: Evidence from Japanese plant‐product‐level data0
Silver, fiduciary money, and the Chinese economy, 1890–19350
Importing inputs for climate change mitigation: The case of agricultural productivity0
Capital controls as a bargaining device: The case of Iceland0
Distributional effects of nonresident investors on the housing market and welfare0
Samuelson, Mortensen, and Melitz walk into a chocolate bar: A tale of jobs, inter‐generational conflict, and international trade0
Corporate tax, R&D and export decisions: Evidence from European firms0
Monetary union, asymmetric recession, and exit0
The flip side of the China syndrome: Local labor market effects in China0
Currency internationalization and openness: A paradigm from renminbi0
Terms‐of‐trade effects of productivity shocks in developing economies0
International trade and income distribution: The effect of corporate governance regimes0
Double whammy? Trade and automation in engineering services0
Why do firms import via merchants in entrepôt countries rather than directly from the source?0
Exporters' environmental premium in a developing country: Firm‐level evidence from China0
Estimating gravity coefficients with multiple layers of heterogeneity0
Quantifying economic impacts of trade agreements with heterogeneous trade elasticities0
Spillovers from government policy during a crisis: Evidence from international trade during COVID‐19 lockdowns0
The Linder hypothesis for foreign direct investment revisited0
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Optimal tariffs and firm technology choice: An environmental approach0
Service liberalization and productivity in high‐tech firms: Evidence from China0
The ripple effect: How trade policy shocks impact innovation of Chinese firms0
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The joint macroeconomic impacts of capital markets integration and fertility0
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Spillover effects of government subsidies on outward foreign direct investment: Evidence from China0
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International trade, job training, and labor reallocation0
Bayesian estimation of the Eurozone currency union effect0
How did GVC‐trade respond to previous health shocks? Evidence from SARS and MERS0
Tariffs, R&D, and two merger policies0
Subsidized wages, small businesses, and exports: Evidence from the paycheck protection program0
Governing personal data and trade in digital services0
Scale, scope, and the international expansion strategies of multiproduct firms0
Trade liberalization along the firm size distribution: The case of the EU‐South Korea FTA0
Low tariff on dirty goods—Environmental negligence or environmental concern?0
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Import competition and industry location in a small‐country model of productivity growth0
The geography of payment activity on PayPal0
Missing: A correlation between exchange rate misalignment and GDP growth0
Competition in taxes and intellectual property right0
The politics of tariff cooperation in the presence of trade costs0
The case for starting a new exchange rate after debt settlement: Reexamining alternatives to Argentina’s exchange rate policy in 2001–20020
The effect of maximum residue limit standards on China's agri‐food exports: A health perspective0
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The impacts of trade liberalization on the local labor market: Older women are especially vulnerable0
Corporate income taxation and multinational production0
Patterns of regulatory heterogeneity in international trade: Intensity, coverage, and structure0
Importer market power and preferential trade agreements: Empirical evidence0
Introduction to the special issue on immigration to OECD countries0
TBTs, firm organization and labor structure0
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Sovereign default and capital controls0
Exporters' reaction to positive foreign demand shocks0
Trade wars and trade disputes: The role of equity and political support0
Macroprudential policies, capital controls, and income inequality0
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Nonlinear spillover and portfolio allocation characteristics of energy equity sectors: Evidence from the United States and Canada0
εces preferences and trade0
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Barrier or opportunity? How trade regulations shape Colombian firms' export strategies0
Monopsony power, offshoring, and a European minimum wage0
Trade, access to varieties, and patterns of consumption0
Integrated versus segmented markets: Implications for export pricing and welfare0
Do non‐exporters lose from lower trade costs?0
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Productivity premium of multinationals in global ownership linkages: A comparison of second‐tier subsidiaries0
A footloose capital model of economic development0
Do exporters respond to both tariffs and nominal exchange rates? Evidence from Chinese firm‐product data0
Firm‐level prices, quality, and markups: The role of immigrant workers0
What drives economic growth forecast revisions?0
The link between organizational choice and global input sourcing under sequential production0
Relational links for insertion in non‐mass global value chains: Opportunities for middle‐income countries0
Determinants and international transmission of interest rates: Do foreign reserves and sovereign debt matter?0
Tax policy competition under destination‐based taxation0
Effects of foreign direct investment in services on input imports of manufacturing firms: Evidence from China0
Impact of China on commodity exporters0
Debt and real interest rates: Evidence from G20 countries0
Pass‐through of shocks into different U.S. prices0