Disaster Prevention and Management

(The median citation count of Disaster Prevention and Management is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Towards meaningful participation in humanitarian studies: co-researching with persons with disabilities in Central Sulawesi39
Graduate certificate in local development planning, land use management and disaster risk management: a knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) evaluation17
“Effing Awful!”: developing audio representation as a medium for conveying people’s experiences of flooded homes16
Assessing equity in disaster risk governance in Brazil and Colombia14
The role of “not for profits” (NFPs) in disaster preparedness in Aotearoa New Zealand14
Interruptions: imagining an analytical otherwise for disaster studies in Latin America14
Aging queer in a pandemic: intersectionalities and perceptions12
Post-disaster research: inspirational early career scholars transcript for the disasters: deconstructed livestream on 15 September 202110
Get ready: disaster preparedness and response for people with chronic illnesses living in hazard-prone Petone, Aotearoa New Zealand9
Local perspectives on landslide prevention and management in Kalimpong district, West Bengal, India9
The reproduction of vulnerability: the incarceration and homelessness transcript for the Disasters: Deconstructed livestream on 31 March 20229
Guest editorial: Introduction to calling for change in disaster studies – rethinking disaster studies9
DRR pioneers: interview with Ben Wisner9
Comparative analysis of urban and rural housing reconstruction post 9.21 Chi-Chi and 5.12 Wenchuan earthquakes: complexity, challenges and policy exploration8
Toward development of comprehensive national disaster response plans: an evaluation of Nigeria's national disaster response plan, 20028
Rural cooperatives in disaster risk reduction and management: contributions and challenges7
Problems and promises of postmodernism in (re)liberating disaster studies7
Participatory child-centered disaster risk reduction education: an innovative Chinese NGO program7
Guest editorial: Introduction to the special issue: liberating disaster studies7
Intersectoral approaches: the key to mitigating psychosocial and health consequences of disasters and systemic risks7
Critical points in the views of G7’s country leaders on national agendas for SDGs and SFDRR7
Macroeconomic co-benefits of DRR investment: assessment using the Dynamic Model of Multi-hazard Mitigation CoBenefits (DYNAMMICs) model6
Participatory 3D model to promote intergenerational engagement for disaster risk reduction in São Luiz do Paraitinga, Brazil6
The importance of belonging: reflections on a participatory action research project in Jacksonville, Florida6
Using photovoice to investigate the impact of place attachment on community resilience in Iceland5
Learning in municipalities after disasters5
The reflective research diary: a tool for more ethical and engaged disaster research5
Facilitating the voices of people with disabilities in disaster research: a case study of participatory timeline methodologies in Sindhupalchok Nepal5
Punishment and survival – incarcerated persons' experiences with extreme heat in Texas prisons5
Towards a liberatory pedagogy of disaster risk reduction among built environment educators5
Social learning for enhancing social-ecological resilience to disaster-shocks: a policy Delphi approach5
The distribution of Cyclone Idai’s water impacts in Beira, Mozambique5
A conceptual exploration of researcher positionality and critical reflexivity in disaster research through the lens of Bourdieu5
Disaster governance as the governance of decentralized systems: the case of the 2003 Bam earthquake in Iran4
Guest editorial: GAR 2022 special issue: addressing systemic risk – the future of risk governance4
A framework to integrate indigenous knowledge into disaster risk reduction to build disaster resilience: insights from rural South Africa4
Sculpting stories: methods to unsettle knowledge production in disasters4
Governing systemic and cascading disaster risk in Indonesia: where do we stand and future outlook4
Reconstruction of heritage in Bhaktapur, Nepal: examining tensions and negotiations between the “local” and the “global”4
Environmental disasters and the elusiveness of prevention4
“I thought I lost my home”: resource loss, distress and recovery after the Manaro Voui volcanic disaster on Ambae Island4
Disaster racism: using Black sociology, critical race theory and history to understand racial disparity to disaster in the United States4
Daily vulnerability and disaster resilience: a case study of preferred community assets and social capital for Latinx coastal residents4
Guest editorial4
“It keeps eating at you, little by little”: a photo essay on drought experiences across Morocco's agro-pastoral landscapes3
Why are you in disaster studies? Liberating future scholars from oppressive disaster science3
Crisis communication planning and nonprofit organizations3
Emotional and behavioural responses to the 19 September 2017 earthquake: the case of the occupants of three multi-storey buildings3
Disaster risk reduction (DRR) pioneers interview with Charlotte Benson [1]3
Social vulnerability and disasters: development and evaluation of a CONVERGE training module for researchers and practitioners3
Guest editorial: Exploring inclusive publishing practices with early career disaster-studies researchers3
Considerations for creating equitable and inclusive communication campaigns associated with ShakeAlert, the earthquake early warning system for the West Coast of the USA3
DRR pioneer interview with Thea Hilhorst3
Pacific methodologies in critical disaster studies3
Expanding the transdisciplinary conversation towards pluriversal distributive disaster recovery: development ethics and interculturality3
Community and governmental perspectives on climate disaster risk finance instruments in Colombia3
Editorial: On the local in localised disaster risk reduction2
The storm after the storm: the long-term lingering impacts of hurricanes on schools2
An Afrocentric approach to climate change adaptation: indigenous seasonal predictors among Ndau people in Chimanimani in Zimbabwe2
Reviewing the place of migrants in disasters: a personal perspective2
Challenges in construction material supply for post-disaster transport infrastructure recovery: a case study of the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake in New Zealand2
Educational experiences of children and youth with disabilities impacted by wildfires2
Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India2
Guest editorial: Emerging voices and pathways to inclusive disaster studies2
Guest editorial: Tensions between tradition and innovation in disaster risk reduction, climate action and reconstruction2
Disasters and gender in Japanese anime films: Makoto Shinkai’sYour NameandWeathering with You2
Gender and leadership in the wake of the 2010 earthquake and tsunami in Chile2
Attitudes towards the release of ALPS water from Fukushima NPP2
Reflexivity, habitus and vulnerability: Vietnamese farmers' attribution of responsibility in a post-disaster context2
Policy implementation for extreme hazard events in Caribbean Small Island Developing States: a case study – Trinidad and Tobago and Grenada2
Interview between Bruno Haghebaert and Ian Davis concerning the early days of disaster risk reduction 1970–20002
System aisa hi hai” – exploring local researchers' perspective on barriers toward conducting locally relevant disaster research1
A conversation towards post-colonial futures for disaster risk reduction in South Asia1
Disaster capitalism in times of COVID-19 conversation on disasters: deconstructed on September 15, 20201
Toward a critical technical practice in disaster risk management: lessons from designing collaboration initiatives1
Partnerships in the recovery planning process: lessons from Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and Irma1
Serious gaming to explore and investigate disaster recovery gaps1
The disaster return-entry process: a discussion of issues, strategies and future research1
A stranger with your door key: are we mistaking alienation for place attachment?1
Editorial: On priorities, values and relationships in practice: a new road for disaster scholarly publishing1
The Differential Risk Transfer: a new approach for reducing vulnerability to climate-related hazards1
Managing disasters integrating traditional knowledge and scientific knowledge systems: a study from Narayani basin, Nepal1
Assessing the accountability mechanisms in the 2015 Nepal earthquakes housing reconstruction: a case study of Bungamati, Lalitpur Metropolitan city, Nepal1
Potential non-disasters of 20211
Interoperability and standardization: lessons from the fruit-bowl1
Assembling fire: beyond engineering solutions1
Flood risk governance in Brazil and the UK: facilitating knowledge exchange through research gaps and the potential of citizen-generated data1
Advancing “no natural disasters” with care: risks and strategies to address disasters as political phenomena in conflict zones1
Individualism and collectivism in small-scale fisheries post-3.11 Japan1
Social capital and institutional complexity in Svalbard: the case of avalanche disaster management1
Urban planning approaches to support community-based flood adaptation in North Jakarta Kampungs1