Business Strategy and the Environment

(The median citation count of Business Strategy and the Environment is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Why do (some) German car manufacturers go electric? The role of dynamic capabilities and cognitive frames357
Issue Information328
Creating social and environmental value through integrated thinking: International evidence313
Diving into the business strategy: The strategy tripod's influence on supply chain sustainability orientation300
Drivers of employees' proactiveness for sustainability embeddedness: Examining situation‐related antecedents of information exchange286
Enhancing environmental information transparency through corporate social responsibility reporting regulation263
Strategic ambidexterity in green product innovation: Obstacles and implications251
Does firms' carbon disclosure increase consumers' recycling willingness and firms' recycling performance?244
Startups as sustainability transformers: A new empirically derived taxonomy and its policy implications228
Sustainable competencies of social entrepreneurship for sustainable development: Exploratory analysis from a developing economy224
Attribute imbalances and innovation implementation based on grounded theory: A case of Chinese enterprises in Gansu Province221
The strategic choice of payment method in takeovers: The role of environmental, social and governance performance212
Green intellectual capital and green business strategy: The role of green absorptive capacity204
Micro is beautiful. Adoption of eco‐innovations in micro‐firms201
Death or rebirth? How small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises respond to responsible investment192
Barriers to adopting circular business models: A cross‐sectoral analysis190
Corporate purpose and early disaster response: Providing evidence of dynamic materiality?167
Determinants of firms' initiative and inertia in pursuing climate neutrality strategies—Theoretical explanations and empirical evidence165
Beyond external pressures: How work conditions harm employees' social and environmental responsibilities161
Pressures for sub‐supplier sustainability compliance: The importance of target markets in textile and garment supply chains161
Investigating sustainability tensions and resolution strategies in the plastic food packaging industry—A paradox theory approach144
How going green builds trusting beliefs144
The importance of product lifetime labelling for purchase decisions: Strategic implications for corporate sustainability based on a conjoint analysis in Germany143
Proposing effective strategies for meeting an environmental regulation with attainable technology improvement targets137
Sustainable board governance and environmental performance: European evidence133
Does clean technology weaken the environmental impact on the financial performance? Insight from global oil and gas companies125
Attaining Sustainable Development Goals through embedding circular economy principles: Evidence from food processing small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises in India124
The twofold transition: Framing digital innovations and incumbents' value propositions for sustainability123
Environmental pressure and board gender diversity: Evidence from the European Union Emission Trading System123
Green logistics operations and its impact on supply chain sustainability: An empirical study122
Environmental, social, and governance reporting in family firms: The critical role of CEO attributes121
Sustainable entrepreneurship: When does environmental compliance improve corporate performance?121
How the social dimension of ESG influences CEO compensation: Role of CEO and board characteristics116
Critical factors for the success of Sustainable Development Goal 12 in the digital transformation era: The effect of ISO 14001114
Understanding voluntary pro‐environmental behavior among colleagues: Roles of green crafting, psychological empowerment, and green organizational climate112
The challenges that remain: The role of innovation intermediary‐led training in implementing circular business models111
The influence of top management team diversity on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) reporting: Evidence from Sri Lanka106
Analysing organisations' engagement with and impacts to sustainability104
‘Do I share because I care?’: Investigating the factors influencing consumer's adoption of shared consumption102
In the search for greener buildings: The role of green human resource management101
The impact of ESG news on the volatility of the Portuguese stock market—Does it change during recessions?101
Big Data capability and sustainability oriented innovation: The mediating role of intellectual capital100
Open strategy and dynamic capabilities: A framework for circular economy business models research98
The ABC‐LCA method for the integration of activity‐based costing and life cycle assessment98
Green signals: The impact of environmental protection support policies on firms' green innovation97
A systematic and major review of proactive environmental strategies in hospitality and tourism: Looking back for moving forward97
Sustainable business models and innovation strategies to realize them: A review of 87 empirical cases94
Psychological ownership rather than material consumption: Can fashion firms' new subscription services become an environmentally sustainable business strategy?93
Issue Information93
The wicked problem of sustainable development in supply chains92
The sustainability prism of structural changes in the European Union agricultural system: The nexus between production, employment and energy emissions92
Issue Information92
Firm, industry, and country effects on CO2 emissions levels88
Sustainable university entrepreneurship: Revisiting firm growth patterns87
Bridging the valley of death in the EU renewable energy sector: Toward a new energy policy87
Short‐term solutions to biodiversity conservation in portfolio construction: Forward‐looking disclosure and classification‐based metrics86
CEO tenure and environmental fraud for listed family firms84
Global evidence on the association between environmental, social, and governance disclosures and future earnings risk83
Corporate accountability for biodiversity and species extinction: Evidence from organisations reporting on their impacts on nature83
The making of imperfect indicators for biodiversity: A case study of UK biodiversity performance measurement83
Buyer–supplier partnerships and circular economy performance in food supply chains: Serial mediation by commitment contract and innovation performance83
Corporate social and environmental disclosure as a sustainable development tool provided by board sub‐committees: Do women directors play a relevant moderating role?83
Cross‐national differences in stakeholder management: Applying institutional theory and comparative capitalism framework82
Industrial energy consumption and pollutant emissions: Combined decomposition of relative performance and absolute changes82
Attention to carbon footprints in food choices and the crowding out effect of attention‐leading nudges81
A novel hybrid decision‐making framework for measuring Industry 4.0‐driven circular economy performance for textile industry80
Climate change exposure and the takeover market: A text‐based analysis79
Do sustainable supply chain practices mitigate carbon emissions? The role of supplier environmental, social and governance training79
The automated sustainability auditor: Does artificial intelligence curtail greenwashing behavior in Chinese firms?78
Product portfolio decarbonization: Deleting hot products for a cooler supply chain76
Do venture capital investments contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals?76
Does corporate ESG, an essential factor for overcoming the climate crisis, affect sustainability: The effects of psychological distance and purchase intention74
Empirical modeling approaches in sustainable supply chain management: A review with bibliometric and network analyses73
Towards integrative multi‐stakeholder responsibility for net zero in e‐waste: A systematic literature review73
Circular business model innovation and cognitive framing: Addressing the “missing micro”73
Decarbonization types of medium‐sized and mid‐cap firms in the manufacturing sector73
Rethinking dynamic capabilities in light of sustainability: A bibliometric analysis72
Economic freedom and corporate carbon emissions: International evidence72
Developing resilience strategies amid supply chain risks in the automotive industry: A stakeholder theory perspective72
Country‐level analysis of the relationships between sustainability and the textile–clothing–leather–footwear industries72
RETRACTED: Exploring antecedents for the circular economy capability of micro, small and medium enterprises: An empirical study71
Corporate “Greening” and Innovation: A Reinterpretation Based on Historical Immortals71
Untangling the Impact of ESG Performance on Financing and Value in the Supply Chain: A Congruence Theory Perspective70
Tracing the Reverse Relationship Among Environmental Benefits, Business Model Innovation, and Eco‐Innovation: Does Cooperation Matter?69
The Symbiotic Production of Food and Green Electricity: Consumer Preferences for Food Produced in Agrivoltaic Systems66
Building Sustainable Supply Chain Resilience: Insights From a Mixed‐Method Study66
Application of digital technologies for sustainable product management in a circular economy: A review66
Institutional and stakeholder effects on carbon mitigation strategies65
Future perspectives on the role of extended producer responsibility within a circular economy: A Delphi study using the case of the Netherlands65
Circular economy and sustainability: The role of organizational behaviour in the transition journey64
Circular product design challenges: An exploratory study on critical barriers64
Managing sustainability—Does the integration of environmental, social and governance key performance indicators in the internal management systems contribute to companies' environmental, social and go63
A resilience approach to corporate biodiversity impact measurement63
Two‐period supply chain coordination strategies with ambidextrous sustainable innovations63
Climate risk disclosures and global sustainability initiatives: A conceptual analysis and agenda for future research63
The nexus between environmental and financial performance: Evidence from gulf cooperative council banks63
A cluster analysis of the global wind power industry: Insights for renewable energy business stakeholders and environmental policy decision makers62
How does digitization enable green innovation? Evidence from Chinese listed companies62
Sustainable entrepreneurship and legitimacy building in protected areas: Overcoming distinctive barriers through activism61
Exploring the potential of SMEs to build individual, organizational, and community resilience through sustainability‐oriented business practices61
The effect of environmental, social and governance score on operating performance after mergers and acquisitions61
Creating shared value through open innovation approaches: Opportunities and challenges for corporate sustainability61
Stemming the tide: Does climate risk affect M&A performance?60
Towards sustainable development in the hospitality sector: Does green human resource management stimulate green creativity? A moderated mediation model60
Activists' and social entrepreneurs' approaches towards consumer culture: Providing a protective space for sustainability transitions59
Influence of the entrepreneur's capacity in business performance59
Towards sustainable development: Green supply chain design and planning using monetization methods59
Why don't asset managers accelerate ESG investing? A sentiment analysis based on 13,000 messages from finance professionals58
Uncovering Industry 4.0 technology attributes in sustainable supply chain 4.0: A systematic literature review57
Sustainable development in aviation logistics: Successful drivers and business strategies57
Resource recombination perspective on open eco‐innovation: Open innovation type, strategic orientation, and green innovation56
Accentuating the interconnection between business sustainability and organizational performance in the context of the circular economy: The moderating role of organizational competitiveness56
Investigating environmentally sustainable consumption: A diary study of home‐based consumption behaviors55
Driving toward business sustainability: Empirical evidence from low‐carbon practices55
Bioeconomic innovations breeding more sustainable innovations: A value chain perspective from Argentina53
The Internationalization–Environmental Performance Relationship: Does it Differ between MNEs in Advanced and Less Advanced Economies?53
Identifying barriers and good practices for implementing circular economy principles in small and medium enterprises53
Chief executive officer narcissism, power and sustainable development goals reporting: An empirical analysis52
Issue Information52
Mitigating excessive financialization or promoting innovation? Productivity effects of China's carbon emission trading scheme52
Does government ownership help make private firms greener? Evidence from an emerging market52
Assessing the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on the social sustainability of agrifood companies52
Top management team gender diversity and green innovation: A contingent curvilinear link51
The local range of natural cosmetics: Consumer perceptions and assessments in Germany51
Eco‐centric success: Stakeholder approaches to sustainable performance via green improvisation behavior and environmental orientation in the hotel industry51
Do environmental regulations and technological innovation enhance environmental well‐being in sub‐Saharan Africa?50
Do firms' sustainability practices pay off during global crises? Evidence from Asia and the Pacific50
Triggering employee green activism through green human resource management: The role of green organizational learning and responsible leadership50
Beyond the hype: Deciphering brand trust amid sustainability skepticism50
Degrowth attitudes among entrepreneurs hinder fast venture scaling50
Accomplishing sustainable development goals through international management system standards and multinational supply chains49
The impact of financial investment on corporate environmental sustainability: Reservoir effect or crowding‐out effect?49
Issue Information49
Digital data‐driven technologies and the environmental sustainability of micro, small, and medium enterprises: Does size matter?48
The tone of buyer firms' annual reports and suppliers' green innovation: The spillover effects in the supply chain48
Green cryptocurrency and business strategies: Framework and insights from a stewardship literature review48
What are the factors that most influence the formation of workers' labor values in order to achieve sustainable development in Latin America?48
The effect of digitalization on sustainability reporting: The role of sustainability competence, green knowledge integration, and stakeholder pressure48
Designing a circular business strategy: 7 years of evolution at a large washing machine manufacturer47
The formation of a sustainable organizational identity: Insights from Brazilian coffee producers47
Sustainability risk and portfolio management—A strategic scenario method for sustainable product development47
Government environmental concerns and corporate green innovation: Evidence from heavy‐polluting enterprises in China47
Debtholders' reaction to sustainability reporting regulations: International evidence46
Shaping ESG commitment through organizational psychological capital: The role of CEO power46
A natural resource and institutional theory‐based view of green‐lean‐six sigma drivers for environmental management46
Role of supplier engagement to reduce Scope 3 emissions in circular supply chains46
Segmentation, environmental identity and stages of change: An application to a wildlife trust46
Using technology to improve the management of development impacts on biodiversity45
Can CEO environmental awareness promote new product development performance? Empirical research on Chinese manufacturing firms45
Net‐zero emission targets and the role of managerial environmental awareness, customer pressure, and regulatory control toward environmental performance45
Exploring enablers and inhibitors of AI‐enabled drones for manufacturing process audits: A mixed‐method approach45
Does environmental sustainability attract foreign investment? Evidence from developing countries45
Citizens and cities: Leveraging citizen science and big data for sustainable urban development45
How do stakeholder groups make sense of sustainability: Analysing differences in the complexity of their cognitive frames44
Stakeholder governance to facilitate collaboration for a systemic circular economy transition: A qualitative study in the European chemicals and plastics industry44
Harnessing digitalization for sustainable development: Understanding how interactions on sustainability‐oriented digital platforms manage tensions and paradoxes44
A multi‐perspective exploration of the environmental website disclosure in global manufacturing44
Strategic planning oriented to circular business models: A decision framework to promote sustainable development43
Does social influence turn pessimistic consumers green?43
Developing an emission risk control model in coal‐fired power plants for investigating CO2 reduction strategies for sustainable business development43
Analyzing the integrated effect of circular economy, Lean Six Sigma, and Industry 4.0 on sustainable manufacturing performance from a practice‐based view perspective43
Circular business model: Breaking down barriers towards sustainable development42
Strategic sustainable development of Industry 4.0 through the lens of social responsibility: The role of human resource practices42
Biodiversity disclosure, sustainable development and environmental initiatives: Does board gender diversity matter?42
Circular economy disclosure and integrated reporting: The role of corporate governance mechanisms42
Determinants of corporate sustainability message sharing on social media: A configuration approach42
Circular economy and resilience: A research agenda42
Sustainable behaviour at work: How message framing encourages employees to choose electric vehicles42
Executive compensation and sustainable business practices: The moderating role of sustainability‐based compensation42
Achieving the circular economy through environmental policies: Packaging strategies for more sustainable business models in the wine industry41
What digital‐enabled dynamic capabilities support the circular economy? A multiple case study approach41
Critical human and behavioral factors on the adoption of sustainable supply chain management practices in the context of automobile industry41
A path towards enterprise environmental performance improvement: How does CEO green experience matter?41
First things first: Unselfconscious corporate virtuosity and corporate performance41
Social, environmental, and economic dimensions of innovation capabilities: Theorizing from sustainable business41
The bioeconomy transformation as an external enabler of sustainable entrepreneurship40
Traders as sustainability governance actors in global food supply chains: A research agenda40
Green growth versus economic growth: Do sustainable technology transfer and innovations lead to an imperfect choice?40
Towards a holistic framework for sustainable value analysis in business models: A tool for sustainable development40
Managing and accounting for corporate biodiversity contributions. Mapping the field40
Individual entrepreneurial orientation, value congruence, and individual outcomes: Does the institutional entrepreneurial environment matter?40
How can China's sustainable development be damaged in consequence of financial misallocation? Analysis from the perspective of regional innovation capability40
Blockchain‐based recycling and its impact on recycling performance: A network theory perspective40
Structural model for analysis of key performance indicators for sustainable manufacturer–supplier collaboration: A grey‐decision‐making trial and evaluation laboratory‐based approach40
Unleashing proactive low‐carbon strategies through behavioral factors in biodiversity‐intensive sustainable supply chains: Mixed methodology39
Greening the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain39
Navigating a net‐zero economy future: Antecedents and consequences of net‐zero economy‐based green innovation39
Green apparel buying behaviour: A Stimulus–Organism–Behaviour–Consequence (SOBC) perspective on sustainability‐oriented consumption in Japan39
How can organizations measure the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria? Validation of an instrument using item response theory to capture workers' perception39
Public organizations and biodiversity disclosure: Saving face to meet a legal obligation?39
The role of online information sources in enhancing circular consumption behaviour: Fostering sustainable consumption patterns in the digital age39
Connecting businesses and biodiversity conservation through community organizing: The case of babassu breaker women in Brazil39
Examining the interactions among smart supply chains and carbon reduction strategies: To attain carbon neutrality38
Drivers and Challenges in Achieving Corporate Carbon Neutrality—Qualitative Investigation of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Technologies38
Sustainability orientation and post‐entry performance: The role of brand and market‐oriented capabilities38
Corporate commitment to climate change action, carbon risk exposure, and a firm's debt financing policy38
Gamification for sustainable consumption: A state‐of‐the‐art overview and future agenda38
Retraction: Industry 4.0 and circular economy practices: A new era business strategies for environmental sustainability38
Integrating decision support tools into businesses for sustainable development: A paradoxical approach to address the food waste challenge38
Green HRM practices, employee well‐being, and sustainable work behavior: Examining the moderating role of resource commitment37
An environmental policy of green intellectual capital: Green innovation strategy for performance sustainability37
Drivers of green apparel consumption: Digging a little deeper into green apparel buying intentions37
Green capabilities, green purchasing, and triple bottom line performance: Leading toward environmental sustainability37
Exploring antecedents of innovations for small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises' environmental sustainability: An interpretative framework37
Putting the ‘economy’ back in the circular economy37
A nonlinear relationship between corporate environmental performance and economic performance of green technology innovation: Moderating effect of government market‐based regulations37
Refuse derived fuels as an immediate strategy for the energy transition, circular economy, and sustainability37
Digitalization and sustainable development: How could digital economy development improve green innovation in China?37
Examining the influence of employee engagement in supporting the implementation of green supply chain management practices: A green human resource management perspective36
An exploratory study of green‐lean‐six sigma motivators for environmental sustainability: Managerial insights from a developed and developing economy36
ESG performance and green innovation: An investigation based on quantile regression36
Sustainable development‐oriented regulatory and competitive pressures to shift toward a circular economy: The role of environmental orientation and Industry 4.0 technologies36
Green innovation and the stock market value of heavily polluting firms: The role of environmental compliance costs and technological collaboration36
Sustainable entrepreneurship on digital platforms and the enactment of digital connectivity through business models35
Dual‐threshold effect of resources and governance on the role of regulations in green innovation: Novel insights from a four‐regime panel approach35
Toward low‐carbon sustainable development: Exploring the impact of digital economy development and industrial restructuring35
The Quantum Leap Toward a Sustainable Future: Exploring the Nexus Between Blockchain, Circular Economy, and Managerial Perceptions35
Sustainable entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals: Community‐led initiatives, the social solidarity economy and commons ecologies34
Bayesian insights on digitalization and environmental sustainability practices. Towards the twin transition in the EU34
Business strategies and corruption in small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises: The impact of business group affiliation, external auditing, and international standards certification34
ISO 14001 and corporate financial performance: A Systematic Literature Review34
Sustainable development for private equity: Integrating environment, social, and governance factors into partnership valuation34
Impact of corporate governance diversity on carbon emission under environmental policy via the mandatory nonfinancial reporting regulation34
Critical success factors‐based strategy to facilitate green manufacturing for responsible business: An application experience in Indian context34
Carbon emissions, fracking, and firm value of U.S. oil and gas firms33
Industry 4.0 deployment for circular economy performance—Understanding the role of green procurement and remanufacturing activities33
Connecting strategic orientation, innovation strategy, and corporate sustainability: A model for sustainable development through stakeholder engagement33
Risks in circular business models innovation: A cross‐industrial case study for composite materials33
Utilisation of certification schemes for recycled products in the Australian building and construction sector33
The transition towards benefit corporations: What are the roles for stakeholders?33
Corporate entrepreneurial leadership, resources, capabilities, and sustainable performance33
A good name is rather to be chosen: The impact of CEO reputation incentives on corporate green innovation32
From sustainable value to shareholder value: The impact of sustainable governance and anti‐corruption programs on market valuation32
The perfect combination to win the competition: Bringing sustainability and customer experience together32
Assessing the Impact of Board Sustainability Committees on Greenhouse Gas Performance: Evidence From Industrialised European Countries32
Government eco‐innovation incentives in a recycling system: A Stackelberg‐type model32
Corporate ESG reporting quantity, quality and performance: Where to now for environmental policy and practice?32
Hybrid business models in the sharing economy: The role of business model design for managing the environmental paradox32
Business sustainability under the influence of female directors toward the risk‐taking in innovation: Evidence from textual analysis32
How environmental reputation and ethical behavior impact the relationship between environmental regulatory enforcement and environmental performance32
Supplier evaluation in the context of circular economy: A forward step for resilient business and environment concern32