Environmental Politics

(The median citation count of Environmental Politics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The future of ‘environmental’ policy in the Anthropocene: time for a paradigm shift96
Climate changed urban futures: environmental politics in the anthropocene city82
Nationalist ideology, rightwing populism, and public views about climate change in Europe80
Jobs vs. climate justice? Contentious narratives of labor and climate movements in the coal transition in Germany72
The evolution of climate governance in China: drivers, features, and effectiveness56
Early oil industry disinformation on global warming53
Transforming ecological modernization ‘from within’ or perpetuating it? The circular economy as EU environmental policy narrative45
The fantasy of carbon offsetting44
Weaponizing economics: Big Oil, economic consultants, and climate policy delay44
From populism to climate scepticism: the role of institutional trust and attitudes towards science41
More-than-human solidarity and multispecies justice in the climate crisis40
Varieties of climate governance: the emergence and functioning of climate institutions38
Green nationalism. Climate action and environmentalism in left nationalist parties36
Intersectionality & Climate Justice: A call for synergy in climate change scholarship34
‘Ecobordering’: casting immigration control as environmental protection33
Making matter great again? Ecofeminism, new materialism and the everyday turn in environmental politics33
Climate institutions in Brazil: three decades of building and dismantling climate capacity31
Narrating plastics governance: policy narratives in the European plastics strategy31
The Future of Environmental Peace and Conflict Research29
Imaginary lock-ins in climate change politics: the challenge to envision a fossil-free future28
Does youth participation increase the democratic legitimacy of UNFCCC-orchestrated global climate change governance?28
Populism as an act of storytelling: analyzing the climate change narratives of Donald Trump and Greta Thunberg as populist truth-tellers28
Politicizing climate change in times of populism: an introduction28
Who owns marine biodiversity? Contesting the world order through the ‘common heritage of humankind’ principle27
The unbearable lightness of climate populism25
The limits of opportunism: the uneven emergence of climate institutions in India24
Advocating inaction: a historical analysis of the Global Climate Coalition23
What If: multispecies justice as the expression of utopian desire22
Scepticisms and beyond? A comprehensive portrait of climate change communication by the far right in the European Parliament21
Philanthropic foundations as agents of environmental governance: a research agenda20
Climate change and right-wing populism in the United States20
Multilevel business power in environmental politics: the avocado boom and water scarcity in Chile19
A hard Act to follow? The evolution and performance of UK climate governance19
Multi-species justice: a view from the rights of nature movement19
The dismantling of renewable energy policy in Italy18
Swimming against the current: Australian climate institutions and the politics of polarisation18
The knowledge politics of climate change loss and damage across scales of governance17
The development of climate institutions in the United States17
The centre-periphery divide and attitudes towards climate change measures among Western Europeans17
Same, same but different? How democratically elected right-wing populists shape climate change policymaking17
The Dangers of Mainstreaming Solar Geoengineering: A critique of the National Academies Report17
The manifestation of the green agenda: a comparative analysis of parliamentary debates16
Postapocalyptic narratives in climate activism: their place and impact in five European cities16
Command and control or market-based instruments? Public support for policies to address vehicular pollution in Beijing and New Delhi16
Climate justice in more-than-human worlds15
From influencing to engagement: a framing model for climate communication in polarised settings15
Imagination and critique in environmental politics15
Environmental justice implications and conceptual advancements: community experiences of proposed shale gas exploration in the UK15
The environmental politics of reproductive choices in the age of climate change15
Germany’s Federal Climate Change Act15
Institutionalising decarbonisation in South Africa: navigating climate mitigation and socio-economic transformation14
Climate cooperation in the shadow of solar geoengineering: an experimental investigation of the moral hazard conjecture14
Patterns of European bioeconomy policy. Insights from a cross-case study of three policy areas14
Attitudes towards climate change aid and climate refugees in New Zealand: an exploration of policy support and ideological barriers14
Climate policy expertise in times of populism – knowledge strategies of the AfD regarding Germany’s climate package14
Back to the grassroots? The shrinking space of environmental activism in illiberal Hungary13
‘Heart of steel’: how trade unions lobby the European Union over emissions trading13
Whose policy is it anyway? Public support for clean energy policy depends on the message and the messenger13
Reconciling climate change leadership with resource nationalism and regional vulnerabilities: a case-study of Kazakhstan12
Digitalizing forest landscape restoration: a social and political analysis of emerging technological practices12
Geoengineering, climate change and ecological security12
Retrogradism in context. Varieties of right-wing populist climate politics11
Proxy-led accountability for natural resource extraction in rentier states11
What matter matters as a matter of justice?11
‘Anything Westminster can do we can do better’: the Scottish climate change act and placing a sub-state nation on the international stage11
Anti-environmentalism and proto-authoritarian populism in Brazil: Bolsonaro and the defence of global agri-business11
Earth system boundaries and Earth system justice: sharing the ecospace11
Implementing the EU renewable energy directive in Norway: from Tailwind to Headwind10
Towards more sustainable global supply chains? Company compliance with new human rights and environmental due diligence laws10
Indigenous-led grassroots engagements with oil pipelines in the U.S. and Russia: the NoDAPL and Komi movements10
From symbolism to substance: what the renewal of the Danish climate change act tells us about the driving forces behind policy change10
The politics of climate change adaptation in Brazil: framings and policy outcomes for the rural sector10
Governing through the nationally determined contribution (NDC): five functions to steer states’ climate conduct9
Unpacking the process: how agenda-setting theory explains the case of creating large scale marine protected areas in Brazil9
Responsibilities for just transition to low-carbon societies: a role-based framework9
‘At the heart of human politics’: agency and responsibility in the contemporary climate novel9
Sustainability spectacle and ‘post-oil’ greening initiatives9
Explaining differences in party reactions to the Fridays for Future-movement – a qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of parties in three European countries9
The temporal cleavage: the case of populist retrotopia vs. climate emergency9
Spiral-scaling climate action: lessons from and for the academic flying less movement8
Extractive industry disasters and community responses: a typology of vulnerable subjects8
End of the line: environmental justice, energy justice, and opposition to power lines8
The role of the Sovereign state in 21stcentury environmental disasters8
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it: how the public’s economic confidence in the fossil fuel industry reduces support for a clean energy transition7
Who’s afraid of more ambitious climate policy? How distributional implications shape policy support and compensatory preferences7
Towards eco-social politics: a case study of transformative strategies to overcome forms-of-life crises7
Urgencies and imperatives for revolutionary (environmental) transitions: from degrowth and postdevelopment towards the pluriverse?6
The meaning of leadership in polycentric climate action6
The necessity of a transformational approach to just transition: defence worker views on decarbonisation, diversification and sustainability6
Beneficial relations between species & the moral responsibility of wondering6
Toward Dangerous US Unilateralism on Solar Geoengineering6
To drill or not to drill: determinants of geothermal energy project siting in Japan6
The politics of climate policy innovation: the case of the Argentine carbon tax6
Introduction: What’s the value of multispecies justice?6
Polarisation vs consensus-building: how US and German news media portray climate change as a feature of political identities6
Manufacturing ignorance: think tanks, climate change and the animal-based diet6
Solar geoengineering research on the U.S. policy agenda: when might its time come?6
Of parliament and presentism: electoral representation and future generations in Germany5
Plastic politics: industry stakeholders and the navigation of plastic control policy in India5
Truth and power: deliberation and emotions in climate adaptation processes5
China’s approach to global fisheries: power in the governance of anti-illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing5
Rehabilitating Ranger uranium mine:scientific uncertainty, deep futures and the production of ignorance5
The discursive sources of environmental progress and its limits: biodiversity politics in France5
China’s Green Belt and Road Initiative: transnational environmental governance and causal pathways of orchestration5
Whose system, what change? A critical political economy approach to the UK climate movement5
Assessing the impact of the securitization narrative on climate change adaptation in Nigeria5
Contested discourses of a circular plastics economy in Europe: prioritizing material, economy, or society?4
The politics of 21st century environmental disasters4
Walking a thin line: a reputational account of green central banking4
Concerned and willing to pay? Comparing policymaker and citizen attitudes towards climate change4
Careful knowing as an aspect of environmental justice4
Nature, limits and form-of-life4
Activism without hope? Four varieties of postapocalyptic environmentalism4
Actors, legitimacy, and governance challenges facing negative emissions and solar geoengineering technologies4
The relationship between ecology and economy in German public opinion, 1984–20194
Extreme weather and climate policy4
The formation of feed-in tariffs and the emergence of wind power in Finnish routine corporatism: favoring the economics of large-scale energy production4
Contrasting visions of the green new deal4
Hard to say goodbye: South Korea, Japan, and China as the last lenders for coal4
Climate change doesn’t win you a climate election: party competition in the 2021 Norwegian general election4
Indigenous and traditional communities’ ways of knowing and being in planetary justice4
Taking it seriously: commitments to the environment in South-South preferential trade agreements4
Two cheers for collapse? On the uses and abuses of the societal collapse thesis for imagining Anthropocene futures4
Like diamonds in the sky? Public perceptions, governance, and information framing of solar geoengineering activities in Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States3
Disaster? No surprise3
Explaining the energy mix in China’s electricity projects under the belt and road initiative3
A novel way of being together? On the depoliticising effects of attributing rights to nature3
Climate security reversed: the implications of alternative security policies for global warming3
Understanding barriers to linking heterogeneous emissions trading schemes: evidence from and lessons for Northeast Asia3
The 2020 US Election and its climate consequences3
Crowdsourcing infrastructures of green everyday life: how sustainable sharing, swapping and gardening initiatives in Vienna tackle the lack of transformative agency in eco-politics3
Proud fathers and fossil fuels: gendered identities and climate obstruction3
Political ecologies of green-collar crime: understanding illegal trades in European wildlife3
Continuities and changes; voices and silences: a critical analysis of the first three decades of scholarship in Environmental Politics3
When does the structural power of business fade? assessing business privileged access at global climate negotiations3
Resilience of the EU ETS to contextual disturbance: the case of EU enlargement and its impact on ETS policymaking dynamics3
The international governance of gene drive organisms3
Tied to a star: the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand and the 2020 election3
Conditional environmentalism of right-wing populism in power: ideology and/or opportunities?3
Strategic capacity in the context of the European multilevel polity: post-accession environmental protest in the Czech Republic3
Considering subnational support of climate change policy in the United States and the implications of symbolic policy acts3
Exploring the influence of agricultural actors on water quality policy: the role of discourse and framing3
Supporting environmental protection in good and bad economic circumstances3
The self-work of planetary justice3
An EV-fix for Indonesia: the green development-resource nationalist nexus3
Framing of environmental issues in voluntary sport organizations3
A feminist climate policy? Examining Canada’s climate commitments2
Resilient peripheralisation through authoritarian communication against energy democracy in South Korea2
Environmental apocalypse and space: the lost dimension of the end of the world2
Styles of decarbonization2
Climate action and populism of the left in Ecuador2
Planetary disasters: moving the UN disaster risk reduction framework into cosmopolitised reality2
‘The Green New Deal’ as partisan cue: Evidence from a survey experiment in the rural U.S.2
Planetary justice: a systematic analysis of an emerging discourse2
Power & temporality in pursuing transformative planetary justice2
Further Reflections on the National Academies Report on Solar Geoengineering: A Response to Stephens et al2
Planetary justice reconsidered: developing response-abilities in planetary relations2
Implementing community-based forest management in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest: a strategic action fields perspective2
Foreign direct investment and discriminatory environmental enforcement: a firm level perspective2
Doubling down on DAPL: the contentious politics of pipeline governance in Illinois2
Progressive selection and the erosion of Canadian environmental governance: evidence from elite interviews2
A dynamic institutional analysis of China’s engagement with Africa’s renewable energy market2
Predicting the U.S. environmental protection agency’s criminal enforcement outcomes, 1983–20192
Can’t buy me love: billionaire entrepreneurs’ legitimation strategies in transnational climate governance2
All we want is the earth: land, labour and movements beyond environmentalism2
The Role of International Engagement in Greening China’s Belt and Road Initiative2
Climate change governance and Indigenous Peoples participation: an analysis from the Chilean case2
Hide and brag: the strategic use of media in China’s war on air pollution2
Hub-driven policy packages as a basis for e-waste reform: rationales and a case study2
Environmental governance of China’s Belt and Road Initiative2
Making activists out of environmentalists: new experimental evidence2
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) as a governance instrument – accounting for politics, negotiation progress, and related mechanisms under the Paris Agreement2
Fossil fuel divestment and public climate change policy preferences: an experimental test in three countries2
Affective politics of air pollution: atmospheres and activism in the Tel Aviv Metropolitan Region2
The central bank lacuna in green state transformation2