Environmental Politics

(The H4-Index of Environmental Politics is 25. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The future of ‘environmental’ policy in the Anthropocene: time for a paradigm shift96
Climate changed urban futures: environmental politics in the anthropocene city82
Nationalist ideology, rightwing populism, and public views about climate change in Europe80
Jobs vs. climate justice? Contentious narratives of labor and climate movements in the coal transition in Germany72
The evolution of climate governance in China: drivers, features, and effectiveness56
Early oil industry disinformation on global warming53
Transforming ecological modernization ‘from within’ or perpetuating it? The circular economy as EU environmental policy narrative45
Weaponizing economics: Big Oil, economic consultants, and climate policy delay44
The fantasy of carbon offsetting44
From populism to climate scepticism: the role of institutional trust and attitudes towards science41
More-than-human solidarity and multispecies justice in the climate crisis40
Varieties of climate governance: the emergence and functioning of climate institutions38
Green nationalism. Climate action and environmentalism in left nationalist parties36
Intersectionality & Climate Justice: A call for synergy in climate change scholarship34
Making matter great again? Ecofeminism, new materialism and the everyday turn in environmental politics33
‘Ecobordering’: casting immigration control as environmental protection33
Narrating plastics governance: policy narratives in the European plastics strategy31
Climate institutions in Brazil: three decades of building and dismantling climate capacity31
The Future of Environmental Peace and Conflict Research29
Does youth participation increase the democratic legitimacy of UNFCCC-orchestrated global climate change governance?28
Populism as an act of storytelling: analyzing the climate change narratives of Donald Trump and Greta Thunberg as populist truth-tellers28
Politicizing climate change in times of populism: an introduction28
Imaginary lock-ins in climate change politics: the challenge to envision a fossil-free future28
Who owns marine biodiversity? Contesting the world order through the ‘common heritage of humankind’ principle27
The unbearable lightness of climate populism25