German Politics

(The TQCC of German Politics is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
How Political Parties Respond to Pariah Street Protest: The Case of Anti-Corona Mobilisation in Germany31
Taking to the Streets in Germany – Disenchanted and Confident Critics in Mass Demonstrations20
Party Competition in Migration Debates: The Influence of the AfD on Party Positions in German State Parliaments20
Breaking the Budgetary Taboo: German Preference Formation in the EU's Response to the Covid-19 Crisis20
Rally Effect in the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of Affectedness, Fear, and Partisanship19
‘Climate-Soviets,’ ‘Alarmism,’ and ‘Eco-Dictatorship’: The Framing of Climate Change Scepticism by the Populist Radical Right Alternative for Germany16
The Greatest of the Small? The Netherlands, the New Hanseatic League and the Frugal Four16
The Wall in the Mind – Revisited Stable Differences in the Political Cultures of Western and Eastern Germany15
A Matter of Trust: How Political and Social Trust Relate to the Acceptance of Covid-19 Policies in Germany15
New Contentious Politics. Civil Society, Social Movements, and the Polarisation of German Politics14
Leading from Behind? Gender Equality in Germany During the Merkel Era14
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) as Populist Issue Entrepreneur: Explaining the Party and its Voters in the 2021 German Federal Election14
Framing COVID-19: Public Leadership and Crisis Communication By Chancellor Angela Merkel During the Pandemic in 202011
Game-Changers for Gender Equality in Germany’s Labour Market? Corporate Board Quotas, Pay Transparency and Temporary Part-Time Work11
Becoming Mainstream? The Emergence of Digital Policies in German Regional Party Politics11
Acting in the Shadow of German Hegemony? The Role of Small States in the Economic and Monetary Union (Introduction to the Special Issue)10
A Rainbow Bundestag? An Intersectional Analysis of LGBTI Representation in Angela Merkel’s Germany10
Reconciling Parliamentary Size with Personalised Proportional Representation? Frontiers of Electoral Reform for the German Bundestag10
Protest and Electoral Breakthrough: Challenger Party-Movement Interactions in Germany9
German Labour Market Resilience in Times of Crisis: Revealing Coordination Mechanisms in the Social Market Economy9
‘The Politicisation Game’: Strategic Interactions in the Contention Over TTIP in Germany9
A (New) East–West-Divide? Representative Democracy in Germany 30 Years after Unification8
Protest and Polarisation in the Context of Energy Transition and Climate Policy in Germany: Mindsets and Collective Identities8
Safe and Risky Sovereigns in the Euro Area Capital Market: Financial Drivers of Fiscal Policies in Germany and Italy8
Gender Equality in the Field of Care: Policy Goals and Outcomes During the Merkel Era7
Resisting the Pressures of Globalisation: The Repeated Failure of Elite Sport Reforms in Re-United Germany7
Citizen Deliberation in Germany: Lessons from the ‘Bürgerrat Demokratie’6
Against All Odds: Angela Merkel, Ursula von der Leyen, Anngret Kramp-Karrenbauer and the German Paradox of Female CDU Leadership6
Civil Society, Cleavage Structures, and Democracy in Germany5
The Nomination and Electoral Competitiveness of Working Class Candidates in Germany5
Short-Term Issue Emphasis on Twitter During the 2017 German Election: A Comparison of the Economic Left-Right and Socio-Cultural Dimensions5
Forging Plural Coalitions in Times of Polarisation: Protest for an Open Society in Germany5
The Bundestag in the Pandemic Year 2020/21 – Continuity and Challenges in the Covid-19 Crisis5
Legislative Democracy in the Bundestag After Reunification5
Unequal Geographic Representation in a Mixed-Member Electoral System: Evidence from the German Bundestag5
COVID-19 as a Catalyst for Policy Change: The Role of Trigger Points and Spillover Effects5
(How) Perceived Descriptive Underrepresentation Decreases Political Support: The Case of East Germans5
Digitalisation Labs: A New Arena for Policy Design in German Multilevel Governance5
Angela Merkel and the CDU Quota Curse5
Torn between Two Lovers: German Policy on Economic and Monetary Union, the New Hanseatic League and Franco-German Bilateralism5