Journal of International Trade & Economic Development

(The median citation count of Journal of International Trade & Economic Development is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The effects of FDI on economic growth in Africa37
Economic freedom, foreign direct investment, and economic growth: The role of sub-components of freedom34
The impact of digitalization on export of high technology products: A panel data approach*33
Foreign direct investment and income inequality: Does institutional quality matter?27
Symmetric and asymmetric effects of crude oil price and exchange rate on stock market performance in Nigeria: Evidence from multiple structural break and NARDL analysis26
Global economic sanctions, global value chains and institutional quality: Empirical evidence from cross-country data21
A literature review of the nexus between migration and internationalization21
Does institutional quality matter for export product quality? Evidence from China20
The dynamic relationship between economic globalisation, institutional quality, and ecological footprint: Evidence from Ghana18
Use of industrial robots and Chinese enterprises’ export quality upgrading: Evidence from China18
CO2emissions, export and foreign direct investment: Empirical evidence from Middle East and North Africa Region17
The impact of foreign direct investment on CO 2 emissions considering economic development: Evidence from South Korea17
The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle for the Next Eleven countries: A panel data analysis with Fourier functions17
Does the import diversity of inputs mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19 on global value chains?16
Financial constraints and global value chain participation: Firm-level evidence from India16
Revisiting the link between trade openness and economic growth using panel methods15
Renewable energy consumption, globalization, and economic growth shocks: Evidence from G7 countries14
The difference in the FDI inflows – Income inequality relationship between developed and developing countries14
Agricultural exports and agricultural economic growth in developed countries: Evidence from OECD countries13
Wage effects of global value chains participation and position: An industry-level analysis113
Poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa: The mixed roles of democracy and trade openness12
Trade liberalization policies and foreign direct investment inflows in Africa: Evidence from new measures of trade liberalization12
The asymmetric effect of financial development on human capital: Evidence from a nonlinear ARDL approach12
Financial systems, regulatory quality, and economic growth12
FDI, tourism, and accelerating the rate of economic growth in Spain11
Does economic complexity influence the efficacy of foreign direct investment? An empirical inquiry11
Polluting firms' location choices and pollution havens in an R&D-based growth model for an international emissions trading market11
Oil price volatility and US dollar exchange rate volatility of some oil-dependent economies10
Asymmetric role of human capital and trade liberalization in the economic growth of Pakistan: Fresh evidence from the nonlinear analysis10
Trade liberalization and wage inequality: Evidence from Chile10
The Economic Complexity Index (ECI) and output volatility: High vs. low income countries10
Does financial liberalization lead to financial development? Evidence from emerging economies9
Energy imports as inhibitor of economic growth: The role of impact of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption9
An analysis on the relationship between ICT, financial development and economic growth: Evidence from Asian developing countries9
Asymmetric openness-growth nexus in 20 highly open OIC countries: Evidence from quantile-on-quantile regression approach9
Role of governance in open trade policies–growth nexus in ECOWAS countries: The use of extended IV approach in panel data9
Human capital expansion and firms’ export product quality: Evidence from China9
Foreign exchange market response to pandemic-induced fear: Evidence from (a)symmetric wild bootstrap likelihood ratio approach9
The impact of high-technology trade on employment8
Effects of FDI on trade among countries along the Belt and Road: A network perspective8
International trade policy uncertainty spillover on stock market: Evidence from fragile five economies8
Differential impact of the Great Recession on foreign and domestic firms in China: Did processing trade play a role in export performance?8
The impact of real exchange rate on international trade: Evidence from panel structural VAR model8
Financial development, export and economic growth: Panel data evidence from Commonwealth of Independent States8
Financialization and income inequality: An extreme bounds analysis8
Foreign direct investment and institutions: A case of Indian firms7
On women participation and empowerment in international trade: Impact on trade margins in the MENA region7
Does it matter where you export and does productivity rise with exporting?7
Impact of export intensity on energy intensity in manufacturing plants: Evidence from India7
On the relationship between rules of origin and global value chains7
Do remittances impact on entrepreneurial activities? Evidence from a panel data analysis7
Foreign direct investment and financial development in Africa: A causality assessment in the frequency domain7
Global value chains and product sophistication in developing countries; the case of Indian manufacturing7
Do customs and other trade regulatory barriers lead firms to bribe? Evidence from Asia7
Global sanctions, foreign direct investment, and global linkages: evidence from global data7
The influence of key economic globalization factors on economic growth and environmental quality: An empirical study in Southeast Asian countries7
Enterprise heterogeneity, agglomeration model, and urban exports: Evidence from Chinese cities and micro enterprises7
Do countries’ interdependence, asymmetry, and policy variances matter in the remittance-poverty causal nexus?6
Do regional trade agreements promote international trade? New empirical evidence from the East African Community6
Human capital, governance, foreign direct investment and their relationship with TFP growth: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa6
Comparative advantage of crude oil production:evidence from 28 oil-producing countries6
Urban development in China: On the sorting of skills6
Aid for trade and export sophistication in recipient countries6
Understand growth episodes in Sub-Saharan Africa: Do exogenous shocks matters?6
The innovation and exports interplay across Africa: Does business environment matter?6
Export tax rebates and enterprise export resilience in China6
Globalization, government regulation, and country risk: International evidence5
The impact of FTAs on export duration: Evidence from China’s agricultural firms5
Empirical research on the impact of international trade network of high-tech product on its global value chain5
Heterogeneous Impacts of COVID-19 on trade: Evidence from China’s province-level data5
The effect of trade on market power — evidence from developing economies5
Does financial development foster economic globalization in emerging economies? Time series evidence from China and India5
Shocks effects of inflation, money supply, and exchange rate on the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ): Asymmetric SVAR modelling5
Exporting and environmental performance: Where you export matters5
Adjustment to trade opening: The case of labor share in India's manufacturing industry5
Exchange rate appreciation and outward FDI in China5
Effects of Services on Economic Growth in Albania: An ARDL Approach5
The impact of administrative simplification on outward foreign direct investment: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China5
Exchange rate volatility and Turkey-Germany bilateral trade: An asymmetry analysis5
Does ICT promote digitizable product trade? – Evidence from Chinese exports to the ‘Belt and Road’ countries5
The investment volatility-dampening role of foreign aid in poor sub-Saharan African countries5
Trade and profit efficiency of manufacturing industries in South Africa4
Does new donors' aid affect gross exports and GVC participation differently?4
The impact of China’s outward foreign direct investment on its export similarity with belt and road countries4
Dimensional and dynamic effects of common currency on trade: The case of the African Franc Zone4
Import demand elasticities revisited4
Financial integration and the comparative advantage of exports4
Brain drain or brain gain? International labor mobility and human capital formation4
Trade restrictions on digital services and the impact on manufacturing exports4
Job prospects and labour mobility in China4
The choice of technology and international trade4
Home country institutional restraint and outward foreign direct investment: Evidence from Chinese heterogeneity enterprises4
Dynamic linkages between trade, growth, inequality, and poverty in emerging countries: An application of panel ARDL approach4
Storm survivors: Evidence from firms in times of pandemic4
Effects of capital flow restrictions: Evidence of welfare improvement4
Export product diversification, poverty and tax revenue in developing countries4
The effect of Confucius Institutes on Chinese outward foreign direct investment: A province-level analysis4
Learning-by-exporting vs. self-selection in Ecuadorian manufacturing firms: Evidence from different industry classifications4
Welfare implications of trade liberalization when revenue matters4
The growth impact of trade openness: A comparative analysis of the USA and China4
Capital mobility and business cycle synchronization in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of the digital economy4
On the environmental effects of development and non-development expenditure in India: Evidence from an asymmetric ARDL model4
Effects of destination countries financial development and public export credit guarantees on Spanish exports3
Influence of overseas ethnic Chinese networks on China’s outward foreign direct investment3
Does innovation activity affect trade openness? An ARDL bounds testing approach for 10 European countries3
Real exchange rates and remittance inflows in Jamaica3
The role of side payment requirements in free trade negotiations under asymmetric information3
The impact of host country institutional quality on OFDI: Evidence from China3
Untapping the role of trade facilitation indicators, logistics and information technology in export expansion and diversification3
Gravity channels in trade3
Friends or foe? The complementarity or substitutability of financial development and FDI, financial development, and trade openness on domestic investment3
The alternative version of J-curve hypothesis testing: Evidence between the USA and Canada3
Asymmetric impact of multifarious exchange rate shocks on stock prices: Fresh insights from multiple thresholds nonlinear autoregressive distributed-lag approach3
Does trade freedom affect exchange rate movement? A perspective of high-technology trade3
Does GVC participation help industrial upgrading in developing countries? New evidence from panel data analysis3
SMEs' heterogeneity at the extensive margin and within the intensive margin of trade3
The effects of the Eurasian Economic Union on regional foreign direct investment and implications for growth3
Can data flow provisions facilitate trade in goods and services? —Analysis based on the TAPED database3
Official visits and foreign direct investment3
Tackling the shadow economy through inflation and access to credit3
Extreme exchange rate dynamics and export trade in the selected oil-exporting countries in Africa. Multiple asymmetric threshold non-linear ARDL approach3
The impact of financial crises on the relationship between imports, exports, and consumption-based CO2 emissions: Do country income levels matter?3
How significant is trade, macroeconomic management, and economic integration for foreign indebtedness in West African countries?3
Determinants of service trade: How information and communication technology-based services are different?3
Tariff pass-through and implications for domestic markets: Evidence from U.S. steel imports3
Global value chains and shadow economy: A multi-dimensional analysis3
Exports of intermediate goods and innovation: Evidence from China’s firms3
Technology intensive trade and business cycle synchronisation: Evidence from a panel threshold regression model for India3
The impact of Spanish immigrants on the Trinidad and Tobago’s economy: can Spanish as a second language promote trade?3
Logistics input intensity, trade facilitation and comparative advantage3
Does fintech facilitate enterprise outward foreign direct investment? Evidence from China3
Effects of decolonization on bilateral trade: Evidence from natural experiments3
Firms’ participation in global value chains marketing activities and performance: the roles of international experience and technological turbulence3
Exports and innovation under trade conflicts: A dynamic and heterogeneous perspective3
The impact of trade sanctions on the relative demand for skilled labor and wages: Evidence from Iran3
Trade openness and green technology: The extent of trade openness and environmental policy matter3
Is the Nigerian economy balance-of-payments constrained? Empirical evidence from multi-sectoral model with intermediate imports3
Impacts of deep trade agreements on trade and welfare – An application to China joining the RCEP and CPTPP2
Welfare implications of solving the distance puzzle: global evidence from the last two centuries2
The impact of special economic zones on structural change2
Multiple shocks and the external market structure of China’s manufacturing industry2
Revisiting domestic support to agriculture at the WTO: Ensuring a level playing field2
Financial inclusion, household consumption instability and democracy in developing countries: A finite mixture of regressions approach2
Within- and between-firm wage inequalities and trade integration in GVC2
Does financial development and economic growth matter for services export? Cross-country evidence from OECD countries2
The causality relationship between income inequality, debt, and economic growth in Sub-Saharan African countries 12
Determinants of export pricing at the firm-level: evidence from Egypt2
RCEP’s financial integration before and after the global financial crisis: an empirical analysis2
Export effects of non-tariff measures: The role of aid for trade2
Globalization and labor demand elasticities: Do trading partners matter2
The inefficiency of exporting SMEs: Evidence from manufacturing industry2
Export diversification and income inequality in Central Africa: An analysis of the employment channel2
Environmental regulation, trade openness and polluting emissions: City-level empirical evidence from China2
Economic sanctions and global banking flows: The moderating roles of financial market properties and institutional quality2
The effects of trade openness on rural-urban sectoral employment, wages, and earnings: Evidence from Peru's second wave of trade liberalization2
The short-run and long-run impacts of foreign aid and remittances on economic growth: Evidence from African countries2
Asymmetric effects of exchange rate volatility on Turkish-German commodity trade2
International emigration and economic complexity: Evidence from the dynamic GMM panel VAR approach2
Can intellectual property protection promote domestic value added in exports? Evidence from mainland China2
Analyzing the trade potential of SIDs with a focus on CARICOM’s small resource exporters2
Foreign direct investment, human capital and export diversification in Africa: A panel smooth transition regression (PSTR) model analysis2
The relationship between FDI, political risk and institutional quality in sub-Saharan Africa2
Inter-and intra-Asian regional value chains: Identifying country characteristics2
Regional integration and product quality upgrading: The case of Vietnam’s manufacturing industries2
Understanding the nexus between energy sources and export performance: Evidence from emerging economies2
Testing the export-led growth hypothesis in Turkey: New evidence from time and frequency domain causality approaches2
Foreign-firm work experience and entrepreneurial choice in China2
The threshold effect of public debt on the twin imbalances: Evidence from MENA countries2
Import liberalization and Chinese citizens’ sense of social fairness: empirical research based on 2010–2015 CGSS data2
Destination country’s institutional quality and Chinese E-commerce exports2
Exchange rate fluctuations, volatility and exports: The intensive margin effect for Turkish firms*2