Creativity and Innovation Management

(The H4-Index of Creativity and Innovation Management is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Digital transformation: What we have learned (thus far) and what is next76
Developing radical innovation capabilities: Exploring the effects of training employees for creativity and innovation57
Exploring business model innovation in SMEs in a digital context: Organizing search behaviours, experimentation and decision‐making54
A multistudy analysis of abusive supervision and social network service addiction on employee's job engagement and innovative work behaviour37
Living up to the expectations: The effect of design thinking on project success36
Innovation in the Agri‐Food sector: Exploiting opportunities for Industry 4.033
Decent work and innovative work behaviour: Mediating roles of work engagement, intrinsic motivation and job self‐efficacy33
Understanding crowdsourcing projects: A review on the key design elements of a crowdsourcing initiative30
The impact of green organizational and human resource factors on developing countries' small business firms tendency toward green innovation: A natural resource‐based view approach28
Frugal innovation enablers, critical success factors and barriers: A systematic review27
Innovation ecosystem strategies of industrial firms: A multilayered approach to alignment and strategic positioning24
Innovative work behavior in Singapore evoked by transformational leaders through innovation support and readiness22
What do blockchain technologies imply for digital creative industries?21
Initiative climate, psychological safety and knowledge sharing as predictors of team creativity: A multilevel study of research and development project teams21
The social side of innovation: When and why advice network centrality promotes innovative work behaviours20
Creativity in non‐routine jobs: The role of transformational leadership and organizational identification20
Design and marketing: Intersections and challenges20
A new perspective on technology‐driven creativity enhancement in the Fourth Industrial Revolution19
Pattern‐based development of digital platforms19