Quality of Life Research

(The median citation count of Quality of Life Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Psychometric properties of the EQ-5D-5L: a systematic review of the literature353
COSMIN reporting guideline for studies on measurement properties of patient-reported outcome measures322
Minimal important change (MIC): a conceptual clarification and systematic review of MIC estimates of PROMIS measures213
Quality of life under the COVID-19 quarantine197
The impact of lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic on mental and social health of children and adolescents128
Perceived benefits and limitations of using patient-reported outcome measures in clinical practice with individual patients: a systematic review of qualitative studies63
Response shift in patient-reported outcomes: definition, theory, and a revised model62
Health-related quality of life issues, including symptoms, in patients with active COVID-19 or post COVID-19; a systematic literature review59
Enhancing validity, reliability and participation in self-reported health outcome measurement for children and young people: a systematic review of recall period, response scale format, and administra55
How is quality of life defined and assessed in published research?52
Norwegian population norms for the EQ-5D-5L: results from a general population survey47
Implications of response shift for micro-, meso-, and macro-level healthcare decision-making using results of patient-reported outcome measures44
Health-related quality of life and its predictors among adults living with HIV/AIDS and receiving antiretroviral therapy in Pakistan41
Quality of life of COVID-19 critically ill survivors after ICU discharge: 90 days follow-up40
Using nationally representative percentiles to interpret PROMIS pediatric measures38
Depression and anxiety in cancer patients before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: association with treatment delays35
Health-promoting behaviors mediate the relationship between eHealth literacy and health-related quality of life among Chinese older adults: a cross-sectional study34
Between-group minimally important change versus individual treatment responders32
The influence of psychosocial factors on patient-reported outcome measures in rotator cuff tears pre- and post-surgery: a systematic review31
First steps in PROMs and PREMs collection in Wales as part of the prudent and value-based healthcare agenda31
Rural–urban differences in health-related quality of life: patterns for cancer survivors compared to other older adults30
Are all domains of life satisfaction equal? Differential associations with health and well-being in older adults30
Belgian population norms for the EQ-5D-5L, 201829
Patient-level barriers and facilitators to completion of patient-reported outcomes measures28
Standard set of patient-reported outcomes for personality disorder27
Inequality and heterogeneity in health-related quality of life: findings based on a large sample of cross-sectional EQ-5D-5L data from the Swedish general population26
Physical distancing is related to fewer electronic and in-person contacts and to increased loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic among older Europeans25
Prevalence and 11-year incidence of common eye diseases and their relation to health-related quality of life, mental health, and visual impairment25
Psychometric assessment of EQ-5D-5L and ReQoL measures in patients with anxiety and depression: construct validity and responsiveness24
The Mental Health Quality of Life Questionnaire (MHQoL): development and first psychometric evaluation of a new measure to assess quality of life in people with mental health problems24
Health-related quality of life in refugee youth and the mediating role of mental distress and post-migration stressors24
Feasibility of the EQ-5D in the elderly population: a systematic review of the literature24
Factors associated with impaired quality of life three months after being diagnosed with COVID-1924
Experience of women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: a systematic review of qualitative research24
Population norms of health-related quality of life in Moscow, Russia: the EQ-5D-5L-based survey24
Health-related quality of life in children with and without physical–mental multimorbidity23
ESMvis: a tool for visualizing individual Experience Sampling Method (ESM) data23
Comparison of online and face-to-face valuation of the EQ-5D-5L using composite time trade-off22
Association among multimorbidity, physical disability and depression trajectories: a study of urban–rural differences in China22
Constructing arguments for the interpretation and use of patient-reported outcome measures in research: an application of modern validity theory22
Differences in mental health and health-related quality of life between the Israeli and Italian population during a COVID-19 quarantine21
Health-related quality of life and all-cause mortality among older healthy individuals in Australia and the United States: a prospective cohort study21
Focus on disability-free life expectancy: implications for health-related quality of life21
Criteria for item selection for a preference-based measure for use in economic evaluation20
Health-related quality of life in adults with low-grade gliomas: a systematic review20
Effectiveness of motivational interviewing on anxiety, depression, sleep quality and quality of life in heart failure patients: secondary analysis of the MOTIVATE-HF randomized controlled trial20
Assessing the engagement of children and families in selecting patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and developing their measures: a systematic review20
Association between 24-hour movement behaviors and health-related quality of life in children20
Development of the Patient Scale of the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS) 3.0: a qualitative study20
Cross-sectional validation of the PROMIS-Preference scoring system by its association with social determinants of health20
Happiness and depression in psoriasis: a cross-sectional study in Germany20
Assessing chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy with patient reported outcome measures: a systematic review of measurement properties and considerations for future use19
Triangulation of multiple meaningful change thresholds for patient-reported outcome scores19
Maintenance of high quality of life as an indicator of resilience during COVID-19 social distancing among community-dwelling older adults in Finland19
The elderly living in single-person households in South Korea: a latent profile analysis of self-esteem, life satisfaction, and depression19
Quality of life in adults with autism spectrum disorder: influence of age, sex, and a controlled, randomized mindfulness-based stress reduction pilot intervention19
Psychometric properties of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) pediatric item bank peer relationships in the Dutch general population19
Gender differences in quality of life, physical activity, and risk of hypertension among sedentary occupation workers18
Loneliness as a gender-specific predictor of physical and mental health-related quality of life in older adults18
Critical examination of current response shift methods and proposal for advancing new methods17
Capturing what matters: updating NICE methods guidance on measuring and valuing health17
Perceptions of parents of the impact of autism spectrum disorder on their quality of life and correlates: comparison between mothers and fathers17
Posttraumatic growth and well-being among people living with HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis in recognition of 40 years of HIV/AIDS17
Physical activity and quality of life among college students without comorbidities for cardiometabolic diseases: systematic review and meta-analysis16
Dutch utility weights for the EORTC cancer-specific utility instrument: the Dutch EORTC QLU-C10D16
Quality of life in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis16
Self-reported quality of life following stroke: a systematic review of instruments with a focus on their psychometric properties16
The impact of multimorbidity patterns on health-related quality of life in the general population: results of the Belgian Health Interview Survey16
The use of proxies and proxy-reported measures: a report of the international society for quality of life research (ISOQOL) proxy task force16
Test–retest reliability of the EQ-5D-5L and the reworded QOLIBRI-OS in the general population of Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom16
Measurement invariance of the short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale and latent mean differences (SWEMWBS) in young people by current care status15
Comparison of psychometric properties of GOHAI, OHIP-14, and OHIP-EDENT as measures of oral health in complete edentulous patients aged 60 years and more15
The measurement performance of the EQ-5D-5L versus EQ-5D-3L in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa15
Comparison of patient- and clinician-reported outcome measures in lower back rehabilitation: introducing a new integrated performance measure (t2D)15
Combining EQ-5D-5L items into a level summary score: demonstrating feasibility using non-parametric item response theory using an international dataset15
Efficacy of physical therapy interventions on quality of life and upper quadrant pain severity in women with post-mastectomy pain syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis15
The validity of proxy responses on patient-reported outcome measures: Are proxies a reliable alternative to stroke patients’ self-report?15
"I feel like my body is broken": exploring the experiences of people living with long COVID15
Valuation of the EQ-5D-3L in Russia15
Validity, responsiveness and minimal important change of the EQ-5D-5L in patients after rotator cuff repair, shoulder arthroplasty or thumb carpometacarpal arthroplasty15
Psychometric properties of the PROMIS-57 questionnaire, Norwegian version15
Patients’ and parents’ perspective on the implementation of Patient Reported Outcome Measures in pediatric clinical practice using the KLIK PROM portal15
Smartphone App for monitoring Asthma in children and adolescents14
The association between social isolation and musculoskeletal health in older community-dwelling adults: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study14
Effects of school-based mindfulness intervention on health-related quality of life: moderating effect of gender, grade, and independent practice in cluster randomized controlled trial14
Examination of individual and multiple comorbid conditions and health-related quality of life in older cancer survivors14
A qualitative investigation of the relevance of skin irritation and self-confidence bolt-ons and their conceptual overlap with the EQ-5D in patients with psoriasis14
COVID-19 pandemic reduces the negative perception of oral health-related quality of life in adolescents14
Health-related quality of life in adolescents: individual and combined impact of health-related behaviors (DADOS study)14
Likely change indexes improve estimates of individual change on patient-reported outcomes13
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30)13
Quality of life and ability to work of patients with Post-COVID syndrome in relation to the number of existing symptoms and the duration since infection up to 12 months: a cross-sectional study13
The longitudinal validity of proxy-reported CHU9D13
Polypharmacy and trajectories of health-related quality of life in older adults: an Australian cohort study13
Health-related quality of life outcome measures for children surviving critical care: a scoping review13
Psychometric properties of the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS® pediatric item banks Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in a general population13
Adverse childhood experiences and impact on quality of life in adulthood: development and validation of a short difficult childhood questionnaire in a large population-based health survey13
Development of prognostic models for Health-Related Quality of Life following traumatic brain injury13
Feasibility of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) assessment for cancer patients using electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO) in daily clinical practice13
Mental well-being of the general population: direct and indirect effects of socioeconomic, relational and health factors13
The relationship between physical and mental health multimorbidity and children’s health-related quality of life13
Patient-reported experience with patient-reported outcome measures in adult patients seen in rheumatology clinics13
Health-related quality of life and overall survival: a prospective study in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiotherapy13
Effects of intradialytic exercise on health-related quality of life in patients undergoing maintenance haemodialysis: a systematic review and meta-analysis13
Moving towards patient-reported outcomes in routine clinical practice: implementation lessons from the BREAST-Q12
Symptom clusters and quality of life in persons with multiple sclerosis across the lifespan12
Prevalence vs impact: a mixed methods study of survivorship issues in colorectal cancer12
The impact of loneliness and social isolation on health state utility values: a systematic literature review12
Clinicians’ perspectives on the integration of electronic patient-reported outcomes into dermatology clinics: a qualitative study12
Impact of economic factors, social health and stressful life events on physical health-related quality of life trajectories in older Australians12
Enhancing the multi-dimensional assessment of quality of life: introducing the WHOQOL-Combi12
A two-step, test-guided Mokken scale analysis, for nonclustered and clustered data12
Assessing baseline dependency of anchor-based minimal important change (MIC): don’t stratify on the baseline score!12
Use of the visual analogue scale for health state valuation: a scoping review12
Family quality of life for families of children with disabilities in African contexts: a scoping review12
Association between physical activity and patient-reported outcome measures in patients with lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis12
Initial quantitative development of the Norse Feedback system: a novel clinical feedback system for routine mental healthcare12
A Rasch model analysis of two interpretations of ‘not relevant’ responses on the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI)12
A longitudinal view of successful aging with HIV: role of resilience and environmental factors12
28th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research11
Moving beyond family: unequal burden across mental health patients’ social networks11
Social support and quality of life among rural family caregivers of persons with severe mental illness in Sichuan Province, China: mediating roles of care burden and loneliness11
Active and sham transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) improved quality of life in female patients with fibromyalgia11
Comparison of the anxiety, depression and their relationship to quality of life among adult acute leukemia patients and their family caregivers: a cross-sectional study in China11
Post-stroke fatigue level is significantly associated with mental health component of health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study11
A framework to make PROMs relevant to patients: qualitative study of communication preferences of PROMs11
Translation, cultural adaptation and construct validity of the German version of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit for informal Carers (German ASCOT-Carer)11
Understanding the patient experience in hepatocellular carcinoma: a qualitative patient interview study11
Valuing health-related quality of life using a hybrid approach: Tunisian value set for the EQ-5D-3L11
Agreement between proxy- and self-report scores on PROMIS health-related quality of life domains in pediatric burn survivors: a National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation11
Psychometric validity and reliability of the 10- and 2-item Connor–Davidson resilience scales among a national sample of Americans responding to the Covid-19 pandemic: an item response theory analysis11
Knowledge translation concerns for the CONSORT-PRO extension reporting guidance: a review of reviews11
Quality of life among women with symptomatic, screen-detected, and interval breast cancer, and for women without breast cancer: a retrospective cross-sectional study from Norway11
Comparing the measurement properties of the EQ-5D-5L and the EQ-5D-3L in hypertensive patients living in rural China11
The cross-lagged association between depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis: a three-wave longitudinal study11
Response shift in results of patient-reported outcome measures: a commentary to The Response Shift—in Sync Working Group initiative11
Updated normative data for the EORTC QLQ-C30 in the general Dutch population by age and sex: a cross-sectional panel research study11
Quality of life profiles and their association with clinical and demographic characteristics and physical activity in people with a stoma: a latent profile analysis11
Quality of life and subjective sleep-related measures in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder10
Measurement properties of the Dutch PROMIS-29 v2.1 profile in people with and without chronic conditions10
Health-related quality of life among breast cancer patients compared to cancer survivors and age-matched women in the general population in Vietnam10
‘Like holding the axe on who should live or not’: adolescents’ and adults’ perceptions of valuing children’s health states using a standardised valuation protocol for the EQ-5D-Y-3L10
Diabetic foot disease: a systematic literature review of patient-reported outcome measures10
Patient adherence to patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) completion in clinical care: current understanding and future recommendations10
Establishing content validity of LIMB-Q Kids: a new patient-reported outcome measure for lower limb deformities10
Neurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life of children after pediatric intensive care admission: a systematic review10
Psychological interventions improve quality of life despite persistent pain in endometriosis: results of a 3-armed randomized controlled trial10
Health-related quality of life in adults with tetralogy of Fallot repair: a systematic review and meta-analysis10
Validation of the EQ-5D-5L and psychosocial bolt-ons in a large cohort of people living with multiple sclerosis in Australia10
FABry Disease Patient-Reported Outcome-GastroIntestinal (FABPRO-GI): A new Fabry disease-specific gastrointestinal outcomes instrument10
How is your life? understanding the relative importance of life domains amongst older adults, and their associations with self-perceived COVID-19 impacts10
Development and psychometric validation of a patient-reported outcome measure of recurrent urinary tract infection impact: the Recurrent UTI Impact Questionnaire10
Identifying health-related quality of life cut-off scores that indicate the need for supportive care in young adults with cancer10
Patient-reported outcome measures in pediatric solid organ transplantation: Exploring stakeholder perspectives on clinical implementation through qualitative description10
Development of an EORTC questionnaire measuring instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) in patients with brain tumours: phase I–III10
Associations between healthy lifestyle score and health-related quality of life among Chinese rural adults: variations in age, sex, education level, and income10
Mediating effect of post-stroke depression between activities of daily living and health-related quality of life: meta-analytic structural equation modeling10
Criteria for developing, assessing and selecting candidate EQ-5D bolt-ons10
Cross-cultural adaptation into French and validation of the SCAR-Q questionnaire10
Quality of life after stroke: a longitudinal analysis of a cluster randomized trial10
Multidimensional frailty and quality of life: data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing10
The effects of U.S. county and state income inequality on self-reported happiness and health are equivalent to zero9
Evaluation of a multidisciplinary care model to improve quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised controlled trial9
Ankle fractures: a systematic review of patient-reported outcome measures and their measurement properties9
Using confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch analysis to examine the dimensionality of The Patient Assessment of Care for Chronic Illness Care (PACIC)9
If it’s information, it’s not “bias”: a scoping review and proposed nomenclature for future response-shift research9
Living with cryptoglandular anal fistula: a qualitative investigation of the patient's experience through semi-structured patient interviews9
Evidence on the relationship between PROMIS-29 and EQ-5D: a literature review9
Translation and psychometric validation of the traditional Chinese version of patient-reported outcomes measurement information system Pediatric-25 Profile version 2.0 (PROMIS-25) in Chinese Children 9
Measuring health-related quality of life in young children with physical illness: psychometric properties of the parent-reported KIDSCREEN-279
Assessing the construct validity of the Quality-of-Life-Aged Care Consumers (QOL-ACC): an aged care-specific quality-of-life measure9
Australian adolescent population norms for the child health utility index 9D—results from the young minds matter survey9
Periodontitis assessed with a new screening tool and oral health-related quality of life: cross-sectional findings among general-population adults9
Psychopathology and health-related quality of life as patient-reported treatment outcomes: evaluation of concordance between the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and the Short Form-36 (SF-36) in psychiat9
Health-related quality of life in seven European countries throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the European COvid Survey (ECOS)9
The association between diabetic complications and health-related quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional study from Iran9
Supporting researchers in knowledge translation and dissemination of their research to increase usability and impact9
The minimal important change for the EQ VAS based on the SF-36 health transition item: observations from 25772 spine surgery procedures9
Health state utilities associated with treatment process for oral and injectable GLP-1 receptor agonists for type 2 diabetes9
Assessing forgetfulness and polypharmacy and their impact on health-related quality of life among patients with hypertension and dyslipidemia in Greece during the COVID-19 pandemic9
A scoping review on studies about the quality of life of informal caregivers of stroke survivors9
Association between frequency of laughter and oral health among community-dwelling older adults: a population-based cross-sectional study in Japan9
Short-term impact of COVID-19 on quality of life, perceived stress, and serious psychological distress in an adult population in the midwest United States9
How to make PROMs work: qualitative insights from leaders at United States hospitals with successful PROMs programs8
Development of a standard set of PROs and generic PROMs for Dutch medical specialist care8
Chronic physical conditions, physical multimorbidity, and quality of life among adults aged ≥ 50 years from six low- and middle-income countries8
Quality of life following adult veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review8
Health-related quality of life of children born very preterm: a multinational European cohort study8
Long COVID quality of life and healthcare experiences in the UK: a mixed method online survey8
Psychometric properties of two abbreviated Connor–Davidson Resilience scales in Chinese infertile couples8
Reference data among general population and known-groups validity among hypertensive population of the EQ-5D-5L in Vietnam8
Gender differences in factors associated with low quality of life and depression in Korean patients with ankylosing spondylitis8
Patient-reported outcome (PRO) measurements in chronic and malignant diseases: ten years’ experience with PRO-algorithm-based patient-clinician interaction (telePRO) in AmbuFlex8
Factors associated with oral health-related quality of life during pregnancy: a prospective observational study8
Establishing thresholds for meaningful within-individual change using longitudinal item response theory8
Predictors of health-related quality of life in Parkinson’s disease: the impact of overlap between health-related quality of life and clinical measures8
A comprehensive qualitative framework for health-related quality of life in Duchenne muscular dystrophy8
Adaptation and validation of the Chinese version of the Sleep Quality Questionnaire8
Social factors of health-related quality of life in older adults: a multivariable analysis8
Association amongst social support inside or outside the family and depression symptoms: longitudinal study of urban–rural differences in China8
Health-related quality of life in cancer immunotherapy: a systematic perspective, using causal loop diagrams8
Continuous quality improvement in measure development: Lessons from building a novel clinical feedback system8
Assessing fatigue in children and adolescents: Psychometric validation of the German version of the PROMIS® Pediatric Short Form v2.0 - Fatigue 10a in school children and pediatric chronic pain patien8
Mental health, quality of life and optimism during the covid-19 pandemic: a comparison between Brazil and Portugal8
“A fog that impacts everything”: a qualitative study of health-related quality of life in people living with HIV who have cognitive impairment8
Mental component of health-related quality of life is an independent predictor of incident functional disability among community-dwelling older people: a prospective cohort study8
Response-shift effects in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: a secondary analysis of clinical trial data7
Using structural equation modeling to investigate change and response shift in patient-reported outcomes: practical considerations and recommendations7
Response shift after coronary revascularization7
Minimal important differences of EORTC QLQ-C30 for metastatic breast cancer patients: Results from a randomized clinical trial7
Atrial fibrillation, quality of life and distress: a cluster analysis of cognitive and behavioural responses7
Validation and comparison of five preference-based measures among age-related macular degeneration patients: evidence from mainland China7
The effect of polypharmacy on quality of life in adult patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the United States7
Health-related quality of life after first-ever acute ischemic stroke: associations with cardiovascular health metrics7
Challenges and opportunities for using population health data to investigate cancer survivors’ quality of life in Australia7
The prediction of mortality by quality of life assessed with the WHOQOL-BREF: a longitudinal analysis at the domain and item levels using a seven-year follow-up period7
Health-related physical indicators and self-rated quality of life in older adults with neurocognitive disorder7
Social support and health-related quality of life among the oldest old — longitudinal evidence from the multicenter prospective AgeCoDe-AgeQualiDe study7
Mapping the Haem-A-QoL to the EQ-5D-5L in patients with hemophilia7
Financial difficulties and patient-reported outcomes among patients with advanced heart failure7
Associations of Mediterranean diet with psychological ill-being and well-being throughout the pregnancy course: The GESTAFIT project7
Quality of life in urologic cancer patients: importance of and satisfaction with specific quality of life domains7
Patient-reported outcome measures in Arabic-speaking populations: a systematic review7
A closer look at quality of life in the hepatocellular carcinoma literature7
Patient-reported outcome measures of musculoskeletal symptoms and psychosocial factors in musicians: a systematic review of psychometric properties7
Advances in nonparametric item response theory for scale construction in quality-of-life research7
Stages of lipoedema: experiences of physical and mental health and health care7
Cancer-related fatigue mediates the relationships between physical fitness and attendance and quality of life after participation in a clinical exercise program for survivors of cancer7
The Swedish version of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Quality Of Life measure (ACL-QOL): translation and measurement properties7
Understanding factors that affect wellbeing in trans people “later” in transition: a qualitative study7
Sensitivity of the EQ-5D-5L for fatigue and cognitive problems and their added value in Q-fever patients7
The challenges inherent with anchor-based approaches to the interpretation of important change in clinical outcome assessments7
Development and validation of a short version of the Sarcopenia Quality of Life questionnaire: the SF-SarQoL7
Frequency and influence of “not relevant” responses on the Dermatology Life Quality Index among adults with atopic dermatitis7
The influence of frailty syndrome on quality of life in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes7
The QALY is ableist: on the unethical implications of health states worse than dead7
A comparison of the influencing factors of chronic pain and quality of life between older Koreans and Korean–Americans with chronic pain: a correlational study7
Normative profile of the EQ-5D-5L dimensions, EQ-5D-5L index and EQ-VAS scores for the general Thai population7
The ICECAP-A instrument for capabilities: assessment of construct validity and test–retest reliability in a general Dutch population7
Quality of life and associated factors among patients with tuberculosis at the University of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital, Ethiopia7
What difference does multiple imputation make in longitudinal modeling of EQ-5D-5L data? Empirical analyses of simulated and observed missing data patterns7
Comparing patient global impression of severity and patient global impression of change to evaluate test–retest reliability of depression, non-small cell lung cancer, and asthma measures7
What is QOL in children and adolescents with physical disabilities? A thematic synthesis of pediatric QOL literature7
How to measure fluctuating impairments in people with MS: development of an ambulatory assessment version of the EQ-5D-5L in an exploratory study7
Efficient and precise Ultra-QuickDASH scale measuring lymphedema impact developed using computerized adaptive testing7
Quality of life in first episode psychosis: a cluster analytic approach6
Measurement properties and interpretability of the PROMIS item banks in stroke patients: a systematic review6
An investigation of the effect of smartphone-based pain management application on pain intensity and the quality-of-life dimensions in adolescents with chronic pain: a cluster randomized parallel-cont6
Therapeutic massage/Tuina for treatment of functional dyspepsia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials6
Health utilities in pediatric cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis for clinical implementation6