Occupational Medicine-Oxford

(The TQCC of Occupational Medicine-Oxford is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Mental health of staff working in intensive care during Covid-19243
Covid-19 shelter-at-home and work, lifestyle and well-being in desk workers92
Persistent post-covid symptoms in healthcare workers65
Working through COVID-19: ‘Zoom’ gloom and ‘Zoom’ fatigue51
Presenteeism during the COVID-19 pandemic: risks and solutions50
Doctors’ reporting of mental health stigma and barriers to help-seeking39
Association between seasonal flu vaccination and COVID-19 among healthcare workers31
Hospital clinicians’ psychosocial well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: longitudinal study30
The challenges of COVID-19 for the well-being of academic staff23
What workers can tell us about post-COVID workability23
COVID-19 vaccination intent among London healthcare workers21
The impact of depression, anxiety and comorbidity on occupational outcomes20
COVID-19: smoke testing of surgical mask and respirators19
COVID-19 outbreaks in hospital workers during the first COVID-19 wave18
Source and symptoms of COVID-19 among hospital workers in Milan18
Sleepiness and safety at work among night shift NHS nurses16
Long COVID and return to work: a qualitative study15
Systematic review of first responder post-deployment or post-incident psychosocial interventions13
Workplace COVID-19 vaccination, challenges and opportunities13
Long Covid Implications for the workplace13
An evaluation of REACTMH mental health training for healthcare supervisors13
Presenteeism among workers: health-related factors, work-related factors and health literacy13
COVID-19 deaths among nurses: a cross-sectional study13
Shift work characteristics and burnout among nurses: cross-sectional survey12
Shift work, inflammation and musculoskeletal pain—The HUNT Study12
The potential impact of post-COVID symptoms in the healthcare sector12
Military service and alcohol use: a systematic narrative review12
Occupational burnout in oncologists in Kazakhstan11
Risk factors for complex posttraumatic stress disorder in UK police11
Potential risk factors associated with COVID-19 in health care workers11
Occupational management of healthcare workers exposed to COVID-1911
Underreporting of mesothelioma, asbestosis and pleural plaques in Brazil11
Physical work exposure matrix for use in the UK Biobank11
Impact of social contacts on SARS-CoV-2 exposure among healthcare workers10
Chronic fatigue syndrome and occupational status: a retrospective longitudinal study10
The experience of D/deaf healthcare professionals during the coronavirus pandemic10
Covid-19 presentation among symptomatic healthcare workers in Ireland10
Long working hours, depression and suicidality among OB/GYNs in Japan9
The relative importance of work-related psychosocial factors in physician burnout9
Burden of Silicosis among stone crushing workers in India9
Mental health care utilization by first responders after Paris attacks9
Healthcare workers and protection against inhalable SARS-CoV-2 aerosols9
Impact of menopausal symptoms on work and careers: a cross-sectional study8
SARS-CoV-2 IgG response in symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19-infected healthcare workers8
Brief trauma therapy for occupational trauma-related PTSD/CPTSD in UK police8
An evaluation of influenza vaccine uptake in UK medical students8
Considering the long-term respiratory effects of Covid-197
Covid-19 and workers’ protection: lessons to learn, and lessons overlooked7
Shift work tolerance7
Engagement among physicians fighting COVID-19: the mediating role of autonomy7
Educators’ occupational well-being in health and social care education6
Psychological distress and line-of-duty head injuries in firefighters6
Occupational contact urticaria to cannabis sativa6
HSE Management Standards and burnout dimensions among rehabilitation professionals6
Risks posed by Covid-19 to healthcare workers6
Exploring Hong Kong nurses’ decision-making processes around presenteeism6
Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with sickness absence and work ability6
Acceptance of skin products in healthcare workers: an empirical investigation6
Occupational causes of hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a systematic review and compendium6
Long-term follow-up of young denim sandblasters in Turkey6
The psychosocial work environment among educators during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Wearable technology and health improvement5
Identification of Surgeon Burnout via a Single-Item Measure5
Carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud’s phenomenon: a narrative review5
Economic evaluations of interventions against influenza at workplaces: systematic review5
Managing neurodiversity in workplaces5
Workplace cardiovascular risk reduction by healthcare professionals—a systematic review5
Non-malignant silica-related diseases in a specialized outpatient clinic5
Allergic contact dermatitis in healthcare workers5
Presenteeism—the case for action5
Physician deaths from COVID-19 have been lower than expected5
Cold working environments as an occupational risk factor for COVID-195
Doctors’ attitudes to patient occupation information in four hospital specialties5
Pulmonary oxygen toxicity in occupational diving4
Efficacy and costs of a workplace wellness programme4
Comparing the acute effects of shiftwork on mothers and fathers4
Tattoo artists and dental workers have similar musculoskeletal pain patterns4
Effectiveness of an intervention to reduce accidents in bus drivers4
Skin and respiratory ill-health attributed to occupational face mask use4
Bilateral peroneal nerve paralysis in agricultural workers: three case reports4
Cold intolerance and hand-arm vibration syndrome4
Is Dupuytren’s disease an occupational illness?4
Occupational asthma in office workers4
The antioxidant, tert-butylhydroquinone: a new cause of asthma4
Differentiating HAVS and CTS4
Flour exposure, sensitization and respiratory health among Alberta trainee bakers4
Developing a suicide postvention framework for staff in primary healthcare4
Co-occurrence of pneumoconiosis with COPD, pneumonia and lung cancer4
Loneliness in the workplace: a mixed-method systematic review and meta-analysis4
Proportionate mortality study of unionized maintenance of way railroad workers4
Adapting the Primary Care PTSD Screener for firefighters4
Prison officers’ experiences of aggression: implications for sleep and recovery4
Behavioural responses of Intensivists to stressors in Intensive Care3
A self-report questionnaire to detect hand dermatitis in nurses3
Expanding the strategic and clinical leadership role of accredited specialists3
Occupational burnout among clinical research associates in China3
Non-classical presentation of carpal tunnel syndrome3
Problematic substance use: an assessment of workplace implications in midwifery3
Evaluation of metabolic syndrome and sleep quality in shift workers3
Non-fatal injuries among police officers during use-of-force encounters3
Shift rotation scheme, sleepiness and sleep quality in night-shift workers3
Reconstructing historical exposure to asbestos: the validation of ‘educated guesses’3
Scottish Firefighters Occupational Cancer and Disease Mortality Rates: 2000-20203
Underascertainment of COVID-19 cases among first responders: a seroepidemiological study3
Occupation and 20-year hearing decline: findings from The HUNT Study3
Firefighting and melanoma, epidemiological and toxicological associations: a case report3
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among Belgian workers in long-term care facilities3
The correlation between occupation type and fibromyalgia severity3
Depression prevention in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic3
Heat stress associated with aerosol PPE and its impact3
Workers’ health surveillance targeting mental health: evaluation of a training3
Dementia in veterans and non-veterans in England: a cross-sectional survey3
Shift work amongst older UK workers and job exit3
Should long-term symptoms following COVID-19 infection be considered an occupational disease?3
Occupational Health in Aquaculture3
We should protect NHS staff against mental illness just as we protect them against COVID-193
Trends in pneumoconiosis in Brazil, 1979–20193
Occupational asbestos exposure and ovarian cancer: updated systematic review2
Training the next generation of occupational physicians2
Ocular occupational injuries in the United States between 2011–20182
Risk of work-related violence in England and Wales2
Palmaris brevis spasm syndrome in manual workers using vibratory tools2
Evaluation of chlorhexidine sensitization amongst healthcare workers2
Age profile of NHS workers in occupational physician clinics2
(In awe and wonder at) All Creatures Great and Small2
Assessing the psychosocial impact of stammering on work2
Supporting BAME workers and occupational risk from Covid-192
Occupational effects in patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome2
Duration–response association between occupational exposure and pancreatic cancer risk: meta-analysis2
Fasting during Ramadan and fitness for work implications2
Impaired hospitalized patient mobility is associated with nurse injuries2
A Research Agenda for Workplace Stress and Well-being2
Determinants of cervical spine disorders in military pilots: a systematic review2
Motor neuron disease risk and magnetic field exposures2
Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma2
Duty-related trauma and PTSD symptoms in US urban firefighters2
Safety incidents and obstructive sleep apnoea in railway workers2
Factors associated with workability in Spanish health centre workers2
Factors influencing medium- and long-term occupational impact following COVID-192
An outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in a public-facing office in England2
Toxic inhalation of sodium metabisulphite by-products from a shipping container2
Silicosis—lessons from Australia’s Dust Diseases Taskforce (2019–21)2
Antibody response to an accelerated course of Hepatitis B vaccination2
Hypoxaemia and risk of asphyxia during underground work in artisanal cobalt mines2
Standardized incidence ratios of malignant neoplasms among patients with pneumoconiosis2
Typology of employers offering line manager training for mental health2
Common challenges in returning to work after brain injury2
Staff support during COVID-19 within an Acute Hospital Trust2
Evaluation of an occupational medicine patient consultation note assessment tool2
Forgotten fatalities: British military, mining and maritime accidents since 19002
Understanding clinical case complexity in occupational health2
Diagnostic challenges of radiological opacities in silicosis - case reports2
Evaluation of a training programme for critical incident debrief facilitators2
The vaccination clinic 20212
Health surveillance for occupational hand dermatitis in healthcare workers2
Cognitive mechanisms and resilience in UK-based general practitioners: cross-sectional findings2
Health, lifestyle and occupational risks in Information Technology workers2
Occupational recovery of Dutch workers with low back pain2
Impact of menopausal symptoms on presenteeism in Japanese women2
Enablers and barriers to mental health initiatives in construction SMEs2
Acute respiratory distress after exposure to chlorine dioxide-based disinfectant2
Morbidities among older workers and work exit: the HEAF cohort2
Should healthcare workers with occupational exposure to HPV be vaccinated?2
Climate change effects on mental health: are there workplace implications?2
Occupational asthma in teachers2
Is it time for all companies to have a ‘medicus primus’?2
Influence of ergonomic factors on peripheral neuropathy under HAV exposure2
Night work, sleepiness and modafinil2
Silicosis after short-term exposure2
Mayo Clinic Strategies to Reduce Burnout. 12 Actions to Create the Ideal Workplace1
Enzymes: new uses for old hazards1
The association between self-treatment and mental health among Swedish physicians1
Discussion on Covid Age1
Film production during the Covid-19 pandemic1
Pitfalls of using the ILO classification for silicosis compensation claims1
A Hard Day’s Night1
Occupational risk of COVID-19 in foreign-born employees in Denmark1
Management standards and burnout among surgeons in the United Kingdom1
Gustave Caillebotte, The Floor Planers, 18751
Hepatitis B Vaccination Booster for Healthcare Workers1
Psychosocial risk in healthcare workers after one year of COVID-191
Shift work and cardiovascular strain on working and non-working days1
Role of shift work in dietary changes among Danish nurses1
SARS-CoV-2 exposures among healthcare workers in New York City1
Working permanent night shifts and insomnia among nurses1
Cryoglobulins and cold agglutinins for hand arm vibration syndrome1
Management referral triaging process pilot study: a ‘telephone first’ approach1
‘Stat’ workflow modifications to expedite care after needlestick injuries1
Nightshift work and irregular menstrual cycle: 8-year follow-up cohort study1
The Post Covid-19 Pandemic Future of Work1
Changes to the fit note1
COVID-19 associated with Raynaud’s phenomenon in a vibration-exposed worker1
Prevention Is Far Better Than Cure—Revisiting the Past to Strengthen the Present: The Lesson of Bernardino Ramazzini (1633–1714) in Public Health1
Winslow Homer, The Herring Net, 18851
Notified occupational mental disorders: associations with health and income1
Culture of presenteeism: emergent perspectives from an NHS-workforce convenience sample1
Increased risk of lower limb osteoarthritis among former professional soccer (football) players1
Cortisol awakening response in the airborne rescue service1
Development and validation of sustainable employability index among older employees1
Work-related injuries and attendance at a Canadian regional emergency department1
Health service COVID-19 wellbeing and support initiatives: a mixed-methods evaluation1
New psychoactive substances, safety and mental health in prison officers1
How Covid-19 has Impacted on Ways of Working1
Protecting Outdoor workers from Cold1
Exploring the importance of work outcomes in gynaecological patients1
Sustaining work ability amongst female professional workers with long COVID1
Validity of submaximal aerobic capacity and strength tests in firefighters1
The Operational Mental Health Patient Care Pathway1
Physicians’ deaths related to SARS-Cov-2 infections in Italy1
Turbine effect on dental students’ lateral pinch modulation and performances1
A challenge to the evidence behind noise guidelines for UK hospitals1
Development of decision aid on health help-seeking for medical students1
Valved respirators may be preferable during the covid-19 pandemic1
Service user satisfaction with telemedicine in an occupational healthcare setting1
Improved perception of work following a stress management intervention1
Machine operator’s lung outbreak due to Eikenella corrodens1
Presenteeism and sleep duration on workdays and days off1
Risks Posed by Covid-19 to Healthcare Workers1
Hand–arm vibration and outcomes of surgery for Dupuytren’s contracture1
John Nelson Norman MB ChB, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCS (Edin, Glas), FFOM, C Biol, Fi Biol, FRSB Born: 16 May 1932 Died: 27 September 20221
Comparing shift work tolerance across occupations, work arrangements, and gender1
Healthcare workers’ acceptance of and adherence to latent tuberculosis treatment1
Long-term occupational exposures on disability-free survival and mortality in older adults1
Burnout and compassion fatigue among Exercise Physiologists in mental healthcare1
Gender differences in self-perceived changes among Japanese workers with depression1
Help-seeking intentions of UK construction workers: a cross-sectional study1
Management of Vulnerability to Occupational Hazards (Covid-19)1
Lewis Hine, Powerhouse mechanic, c19201
Systematic review of hearing loss in dental professionals1
Lived experience of work and long COVID in healthcare staff1
Occupational arsenic exposure and genitourinary cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis1
New occupational medicine competency framework for UK undergraduate medical students1
Sick leave during pregnancy and occupational factors: a systematic review1
Justifying quarantine in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in healthcare1
Erratum to: An evaluation of REACTMH mental health training for healthcare supervisors1
How Sex and Gender Impact Clinical Practice: An Evidence-Based Guide to Patient Care1
Evaluation of neurological testing for hand–arm vibration syndrome1
Pandemic preparedness from the perspective of Occupational Health professionals1
Creating a return to work Medical Readers’ Theatre1
SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in workers from a Colombian University Hospital1
Autism Equality in the Workplace. Removing Barriers and Challenging Discrimination1
Advancing fatigue management in healthcare: risk-based approaches that enhance health service delivery1
Cost-of-living crisis impacts the nursing and midwifery professions1
Silicosis: enlarged cervical lymph nodes, pericardial effusion and lung abnormalities1
A national survey of skin health in nursing personnel1
Giant cell reparative granuloma of the phalanx in a violinist1
Climate change and heat stress1
Occupational asthma, rhinitis and contact urticaria from greenhouse work1