Statistical Methods in Medical Research

(The H4-Index of Statistical Methods in Medical Research is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Simulation models for aggregated data meta-analysis: Evaluation of pooling effect sizes and publication biases91
Adaptive enrichment trial designs using joint modelling of longitudinal and time-to-event data62
A latent class linear mixed model for monotonic continuous processes measured with error55
Joint regression analysis of clustered current status data with latent variables50
Variance estimation for the average treatment effects on the treated and on the controls44
Bayesian multiple Gaussian graphical models for multilevel variables from unknown classes32
The “Why” behind including “Y” in your imputation model29
Estimating target population treatment effects in meta-analysis with individual participant-level data25
A generalized epidemiological model with dynamic and asymptomatic population25
Simulation extrapolation method for measurement error: A review24
Bayesian analysis of joint quantile regression for multi-response longitudinal data with application to primary biliary cirrhosis sequential cohort study22
Estimating drug concentration–response relationships by applying causal inference methods for continuous point exposures and time-to-event outcomes22
A Bayesian beta-binomial piecewise growth mixture model for longitudinal overdispersed binomial data19
A matching-based machine learning approach to estimating optimal dynamic treatment regimes with time-to-event outcomes18
Interval estimation in three-class receiver operating characteristic analysis: A fairly general approach based on the empirical likelihood17
Multivariate generalized linear mixed models for continuous bounded outcomes: Analyzing the body fat percentage data17
Frequentist rules for regulatory approval of subgroups in phase III trials: A fresh look at an old problem17
A unified approach to power and sample size determination for log-rank tests under proportional and nonproportional hazards17
Optimal study designs for cluster randomised trials: An overview of methods and results17
ROSIE: RObust Sparse ensemble for outlIEr detection and gene selection in cancer omics data17