Statistical Methods in Medical Research

(The H4-Index of Statistical Methods in Medical Research is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Detecting the skewness of data from the five-number summary and its application in meta-analysis61
Estimating the sample mean and standard deviation from order statistics and sample size in meta-analysis47
Minimum sample size for developing a multivariable prediction model using multinomial logistic regression45
Multiple imputation with missing data indicators45
Predictive performance of machine and statistical learning methods: Impact of data-generating processes on external validity in the “large N, small p” setting37
Small sample sizes: A big data problem in high-dimensional data analysis36
Estimation of required sample size for external validation of risk models for binary outcomes31
Conditional copula models for correlated survival endpoints: Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials29
Spatial scan statistics can be dangerous25
Commentary on the use of the reproduction number R during the COVID-19 pandemic23
Adjusting for selection bias due to missing data in electronic health records-based research23
Fitting to the UK COVID-19 outbreak, short-term forecasts and estimating the reproductive number20
Mediation effects that emulate a target randomised trial: Simulation-based evaluation of ill-defined interventions on multiple mediators18
Glucodensities: A new representation of glucose profiles using distributional data analysis18
A Bayesian dose–response meta-analysis model: A simulations study and application17
Developing clinical prediction models when adhering to minimum sample size recommendations: The importance of quantifying bootstrap variability in tuning parameters and predictive performance16
Propensity score analysis methods with balancing constraints: A Monte Carlo study16
The change in estimate method for selecting confounders: A simulation study16
Statistical methods used to combine the effective reproduction number, R(t), and other related measures of COVID-19 in the UK16
Revisiting performance metrics for prediction with rare outcomes16