European Journal of Cancer Care

(The median citation count of European Journal of Cancer Care is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Roles of general practitioners in shared decision‐making for patients with cancer: A qualitative study66
Adapting a breast cancer early presentation intervention for Black women: A focus group study with women of Black African and Black Caribbean descent in the United Kingdom53
Knowledge, perception of HIV symptom severity and cervical cancer screening behaviour among women living with HIV in China52
Psychological predictors of chemotherapy‐induced nausea in women with breast cancer: Expectancies and perceived susceptibility29
‘Who would even want to talk about death?’ A qualitative study on nursing students' experiences of talking about death with terminally ill patients with cancer24
Nonpharmacological Interventions for Managing the Dyspnea-Fatigue-Physical/Role Functioning Symptom Cluster in Lung Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review23
Diagnosis, management and impact on patients' lives of cancer‐related neuropathic pain (CRNP): A European survey20
Patient acceptability of circulating tumour DNA testing in endometrial cancer follow‐up19
Predictors of unmet supportive care needs of adult cancer patients in Ethiopia19
Psychosocial well‐being of brain cancer patients and support persons: A mapping review of study types over time18
What do women at high risk of breast cancer request of a patient education day? Focus interviews with women before and after deciding about prophylactic interventions18
Predictors of overall survival in non‐small‐cell lung cancer patients with metastatic spinal cord compression treated with short‐course radiotherapy17
Trajectories of symptom severity predicts quality of life change in newly diagnosis lymphoma survivors: An initial study16
Issue Information16
Timely integration of palliative care into cancer care15
Death with dignity: Are we providing adequate palliative care to cancer patients?15
Optimising the management of patients with multiple myeloma in Spain: A measurement of the social return on investment15
Development and psychometric evaluation of the Spanish version of the lung cancer screening health belief scale15
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The possibility of impossibility: The hope for a cure among terminally ill cancer patients in China13
The impact of socioeconomic deprivation on mortality in cervical cancer patients in Cornwall (England)12
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Issue Information12
A qualitative exploration: Dietary behaviour of Malaysian breast cancer survivors11
The Ambulatory Medical Assistance (AMA) programme during active‐phase treatment in patients with haematological malignancies: A cost‐effectiveness analysis11
Primary care‐based lung and breast cancer control in China: A commentary on lessons learnt from Korea11
Analysis of Factors That Influence the Spiritual Care Needs of Patients with Advanced Cancer11
Adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy among White British and ethnic minority breast cancer survivors in the United Kingdom10
Can routine register data be used to identify vulnerable lung cancer patients of suboptimal care in a German comprehensive cancer centre?10
A qualitative exploration of the facilitators and barriers to early diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancer: Perceptions of patients and carers10
Cancer‐related fatigue in hospitalised patients treated for lymphoma and its burden on family caregivers10
Nutrient intakes from supplement and factors associated with supplement use among breast cancer survivors: A cross‐sectional study10
Improving breast and colorectal cancer screening uptake in Malaysia10
Correlation of vascular endothelial growth factor with survival and pathological characteristics of patients with osteosarcoma: A systematic review and meta‐analysis10
Understanding pain related to adjuvant endocrine therapy after breast cancer: A qualitative report9
Demonstrating the value of early economic evaluation alongside clinical trials: Exercise medicine for men with metastatic prostate cancer9
Evaluation of Heart Substructures as a Function of Dose and Radiation-Induced Toxicities in Left-Sided Breast Cancer Radiotherapy9
Validity and reliability of the Spanish fear‐avoidance components scale in breast cancer survivors9
'The experience of spirituality in family caregivers of adult and elderly cancer patients receiving palliative care: A meta‐synthesis'9
CONTACT–Patient‐Centred Care Questionnaire to assess care for patients treated with oral anticancer drugs: Development and psychometric validation9
The evolving management of epithelioid sarcoma9
A nationwide register‐study of healthcare utilisation in the year preceding a colorectal cancer recurrence diagnosis9
Can improving quality of sleep reduce the symptoms of cancer‐related fatigue in adults?: A systematic review9
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia: A Qualitative Study of Patient and Practitioner Experiences of Managing Treatment9
Can supervised group‐based multimodal exercise improve health‐related quality of life in women with ovarian cancer undergoing chemotherapy?9
Nurses' perceived knowledge and benefits of artificial nutrition and hydration for patients nearing death: A survey among Jordanian nurses9
Referral of patients with cancer to palliative care: Attitudes, practices and work‐related experiences among Swedish physicians8
Evaluation of the role of the clinical Nurse Specialist in cancer care: an integrative literature review8
Unmet supportive care needs associated with quality of life for people with lung cancer: A systematic review of the evidence 2007–20208
Patient’s worry about cancer and the general practitioner’s suspicion of cancer or serious illness: A population‐based study in Denmark8
Effects of psychosocial factors on posttraumatic growth among lung cancer patients: A structural equation model analysis8
Primary care use by men with symptoms of possible prostate cancer: A multi‐method study with an ethnically diverse sample in London8
Female breast cancer treatment and survival in South Australia: Results from linked health data8
Development and psychometric evaluation of a lymphoedema self‐management behaviour questionnaire for breast cancer patients8
Feasibility and benefits of a videoconferencing‐based home exercise programme for paediatric cancer survivors during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic8
Health‐related quality of life and physical functioning in patients participating in a rehabilitation programme, undergoing non‐myeloablative allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Outco8
The Relationship Between Upper‐Limb Lymphedema and Fatigue Among Breast Cancer Survivors8
Patient preference attributes in eHealth interventions for cancer‐related fatigue: A scoping review8
Symptom monitoring in cancer and fully automated advice on supportive care: Patients' perspectives on self‐management strategies and the eHealth self‐management application Oncokompas7
Palliative chemotherapy for breast cancer: A population‐based cohort study of emergency hospital admissions and place of death7
Treatment decision‐making and the added value of the general practitioner: A qualitative exploration of cancer patients' perspectives7
Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions on health outcomes of children with cancer: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials7
Rapid screener for the assessment of fear of progression in cancer survivors: The Fear of progression‐Questionnaire Rapid Screener7
Cost‐effectiveness analysis of primary treatments for localised prostate cancer: A population‐based Markov analysis using real‐world evidence7
Hospitalisations of patients with cancer in the last stage of life. Reason to improve advance care planning?7
Modulatory Potential of Poly (ADP‐Ribose) Polymerase 1 (PARP1) in BRCA‐Mutated Tumors7
The effectiveness of mandala drawing in reducing psychological symptoms, anxiety and depression in hospitalised adolescents with cancer: A randomised controlled trial7
The effect of treatment delay on quality of life and overall survival in head and neck cancer patients7
Development of the health behaviour scale for cancer patients (HBSCP), analysis of its factorial structure and evaluation of its psychometric properties7
Clinical practice of hepatitis B screening in patients starting with chemotherapy: A survey among Dutch oncologists7
The effects of administered interventions on quality of life of children with cancer in Turkey: A systematic review and meta‐analysis7
Evaluating the impact of COVID‐19 on supportive care needs, psychological distress and quality of life in UK cancer survivors and their support network7
The effect of physical and psychosocial symptoms on caregiver burden of parents of children with cancer7
Intensive complex physical therapy combined with intermittent pneumatic compression versus Kinesio taping for treating breast cancer‐related lymphedema of the upper limb: A randomised cross‐over clini7
Response to ‘Cancer‐related fatigue in hospitalised patients treated for lymphoma and its burden on family caregivers’6
Long‐COVID and long‐term cancer survivorship—Shared lessons and opportunities6
A global view of adherence to colonoscopy follow‐up in cascade screening of colorectal cancer6
Evaluation of COVID‐19 fear and quality of life in patients with haematopoietic stem cell transplantation during the COVID‐19 pandemic6
Distress screening for patients with malignant diseases: Role in assuring psycho‐oncological support6
The association between sociodemographic factors and time to diagnosis for colorectal cancer in northern Sweden6
A commentary on Benites et al. (2021) “The experience of spirituality in family caregivers of adult and elderly cancer patients receiving palliative care: A meta‐synthesis”6
Relationship communication and the course of psychological outcomes among couples coping with localised prostate cancer6
Investigating the breast cancer screening–treatment–mortality pathway of women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer: Results from linked health data6
Cancer of unknown primary ‐ incidence, mortality trend, and mortality‐to‐incidence ratio is associated with human development index in Central Serbia, 1999–2018: Evidence from the national cancer regi6
Psychometric properties of Pediatric Quality of Life multidimensional fatigue scale in Italian paediatric cancer patients: A multicentre cross‐sectional study6
Early integration of palliative care among cancer patients: The perspective of oncology nurses in Turkey6
Will I or my loved one die? Concordant awareness between terminal cancer patients and their caregivers is associated with lower patient anxiety and caregiver burden5
Role of RUNX2 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC): A Systematic Scoping Review5
A population‐based linked cohort of cancer and primary care data: A new source to study the management of cancer in primary care5
Evaluation of the implementation of Value‐Based Healthcare with a weekly digital follow‐up of lung cancer patients in clinical practice5
Diagnostic accuracy of follow‐up tests for detecting colorectal cancer recurrences in primary care: A systematic review and meta‐analysis5
Response to “Occupational rehabilitation of male breast cancer patients: Return patterns, motives, experiences, and implications—A qualitative study”5
Recovery of respiratory muscle strength, physical function, and dyspnoea after lobectomy in lung cancer patients undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation: A retrospective study5
A constructivist grounded theory study on decision‐making for treatment choice among Black African and Black Caribbean prostate cancer survivors5
Investigation of coronavirus anxiety and caregiving burden among the parents of children with cancer during the COVID‐19 outbreak: A descriptive and cross‐sectional study5
The experience of female oncological patients and fertility preservation: A phenomenology study5
Fear of Progression and Resilience as Mediators of the Association between Family Function and Quality of Life among Patients with Cervical Cancer5
Health care professionals' perspectives on shared decision making supported by personalised‐risk‐for‐recurrences‐calculations regarding surveillance after breast cancer5
Health‐related quality of life and treatment effects in patients with well‐differentiated gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms: A systematic review and meta‐analysis5
The price of oncology rehabilitation programs must be increased for allowing comprehensiveness and quality5
Patient‐reported participation in hepatopancreatobiliary surgery cancer care: A pilot intervention study with patient‐owned fast‐track protocols5
Not as simple as "fear of the unknown": A qualitative study exploring anxiety in the radiotherapy department5
Association between Perceived Control and Quality of Life among Patients with Breast Cancer: Structural Equation Analysis5
The Looming Cancer: A Qualitative Study on the Experience of Living with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) before the Initiation of Treatment5
Impact of Rural-Urban Differences in Acceptance and Meaning of Life among Breast Cancer Patients in India5
Supporting decision‐making regarding fertility preservation in patients with cancer: An integrative review5
Treatment time interval in breast cancer: A population‐based study on the impact of type and number of cancer centres attended5
Associations of self‐efficacy, social support and coping strategies with health‐related quality of life after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer: A cross‐sectional study5
Different Coping Constructs in Haematological Cancer Patients: The Influence of Dyadic on Individual Coping Interplay of DC and IC in Haematological Cancer5
A cross‐sectional study of factors associated with influenza vaccination in Korean cancer survivors5
Unmet supportive care needs of breast, colorectal and testicular cancer survivors in the first 8 months post primary treatment: A prospective longitudinal survey5
Issue Information4
Re: ‘Occupational rehabilitation of male breast cancer patients: Return patterns, motives, experiences, and implications—A qualitative study’4
Response to ‘Response to “Occupational rehabilitation of male breast cancer patients: Return patterns, motives, experiences, and implications—A qualitative study.”’4
Cervical cancer incidence by ethnic group in Scotland from 2008 to 2017: A population‐based study4
Barriers to utilisation of cancer rehabilitation from the expert's view: A cross‐sectional survey4
Issue Information4
Quality of Life in Cervicofacial Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: Assessment with the Skin Cancer Index4
Cognitive late effects following allogeneic stem cell transplantation in haematological cancer patients4
Anticolorectal Cancer Activity of Bilobalide in Patient-Derived Colorectal Cancer Organoids and AOM/DSS Mouse Model4
Evaluation of multidisciplinary team decisions in neuroendocrine neoplasms: Impact of expert centres4
Physical activity interventions in older people with cancer: A review of systematic reviews4
Personal Values, Wishes, and Goals of Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer: A Qualitative Study4
Predictors of depressive symptoms before and after diagnostic procedures in women with abnormal Pap smear attending cervical cancer screening programme in Serbia4
Factors associated with adjuvant systemic anti‐cancer treatment discontinuation for early breast cancer during the COVID‐19 pandemic4
Assessment of patient symptom burden and information needs helps tailoring palliative care consultations: An observational study4
Life engagement and anxiety‐depressive symptoms in adolescents and young adults with or without a cancer history and their mothers: A dyadic analytic approach4
The role of the general practitioner in cancer care in general and with respect to complementary and alternative medicine for patients with cancer4
Impact of palliative care on quality of life in advanced cancer: A meta‐analysis of randomised controlled trials4
Access to paediatric oncology centres in Switzerland: Disparities across rural–urban and Swiss‐foreigners cohorts4
Feasibility of a supervised and home‐based tailored exercise intervention in head and neck cancer patients during chemoradiotherapy4
Supportive care needs of patients living with an extremely rare and unpredictable cancer: The Epithelioid Haemangioendothelioma patient experience4
The role of acceptance in parents whose child suffers from cancer4
Screening for distress in women with gynaecological cancer: Adaptation of the distress thermometer for gynaecological oncology patients4
Measuring Incompatibilities between Areas of Life in Cancer Survivors: Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the INCOMPAT‐CS Instrument4
Psychological flexibility and fear of recurrence in prostate cancer4
Routine follow‐up care for head and neck cancer after curative treatment: A 3‐year experience of measuring patients' self‐reported needs, preferences, quality of life and attitudes towards follow‐up4
Dying of mesothelioma: A qualitative exploration of caregiver experiences4
One size does not fit all: The case for targeted education in genetics and genomics for cancer nurses4
Correlation between PD-L1 Expression, Clinicopathological Factors, and Metastasis Risk in Colorectal Cancer Patients4
The unique information and communication needs of men affected by prostate cancer: A qualitative study of men's experience4
A prospective evaluation of the fourth national Be Clear on Cancer ‘Blood in Pee’ campaign in England4
Development and psychometric evaluation of the Aversion to Bowel Cancer Screening Scale3
Exploring the views of patients' and their family about patient‐initiated follow‐up in head and neck cancer: A mixed methods study3
Being assigned a clinical nurse specialist is associated with better experiences of cancer care: English population‐based study using the linked National Cancer Patient Experience Survey and Cancer Re3
Variation in ovarian cancer care in Australia: An analysis of patterns of care in diagnosis and initial treatment in New South Wales3
A patient‐centred approach to determine optimal supportive care across the cancer trajectory: a cross‐sectional study3
Rare cancers and cancer of unknown primary: Here's what you should know!3
Patient-Reported Experiences of Supportive Cancer Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic3
Cancer‐related fatigue measures in palliative care: A psychometric systematic review3
Posttraumatic stress symptoms in Chinese children with ongoing cancer treatment and their parents: Are they elevated relative to healthy comparisons?3
Factors associated with the development of second primary tumours in head and neck cancer patients3
The unmet needs of patients with advanced incurable head and neck cancer and their carers: A systematic review and meta‐ethnography of qualitative data3
The psychosocial impact of living with mesothelioma: Experiences and needs of patients and their carers regarding supportive care3
Social ecological influences on treatment decision‐making in men diagnosed with low risk, localised prostate cancer3
Unmet supportive care needs of patients with rare cancer: A systematic review3
A qualitative exploration of physical and psychosocial well‐being in the short and long term after treatments for cervical cancer3
Colorectal cancer survivorship: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative research3
Mastication in health‐related quality of life in patients treated for oral cancer: A systematic review3
Cancer during pregnancy: A qualitative study of healthcare experiences of Australian women3
‘They were aware of who I was as a person’: Patients’ and health professionals’ experiences of using the PEGASUS intervention to facilitate decision‐making around breast reconstruction3
Suicidal ideation in patients with cancer: Its prevalence and results of structural equation modelling3
Abdominal cancer symptoms: Evaluation of the impact of a regional public awareness campaign3
Rehabilitation in children and adolescents undergoing stem cell transplantation: A pilot study focused on motor performance3
Socio‐economic burden of disease: Survivorship costs for renal cell carcinoma3
Cost‐effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening strategies: A systematic review3
Influence of social networks on cancer survivors' self‐management support: A mixed methods study3
‘They say you can get addicted’: Exploring factors that fuel the fear of addiction to prescription opioids among cancer survivors3
Self‐reported signs and symptoms of secondary upper limb lymphoedema related to breast cancer treatment: Systematic review3
Dying in hospital is worse for non‐cancer patients. A regional cross‐sectional survey of bereaved relatives' views3
Clinical practice guidelines and consensus for the screening of breast cancer: A systematic appraisal of their quality and reporting3
Co‐designing a behavioural intervention for reducing the impact of chemotherapy‐induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms: An evidence‐ and theory‐driven approach3
Work resumption and retention in patients with advanced cancer: Experiences and perspectives of general and occupational health care professionals3
Caregiver distress and quality of life in primary caregivers of oncology patients in active treatment and follow‐up3
A qualitative exploration of the factors influencing the decision to transfuse elective platelets in cancer care3
Patterns and quality of care for head and neck cancer in Belgium: A population‐based study3
Hepatocellular carcinoma and its impact on quality of life: A review of the qualitative literature3
Factors affecting medical healthcare‐seeking behaviours of female patients according to their stage of being diagnosed with breast cancer3
Extrinsic emotional regulation experienced by lung cancer patients and their family caregivers during progression‐free survival3
Identifying unmet needs and limitations in physical health in survivors of Head and Neck Cancer3
The impact of dysphagia prehabilitation on swallowing outcomes post‐chemoradiation therapy in head and neck cancer: A systematic review3
A systematic review: Sexual well‐being and perceived barriers to seeking professional help among Chinese adults living with cancer3
The impact of radical prostatectomy on the social well‐being of prostate cancer survivors: A qualitative meta‐synthesis3
Cancer diagnosis, treatment and care: A qualitative study of the experiences and health service use of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers3
Assessing the impact of socio‐economic determinants on access to care, surgical treatment options and outcomes among patients with renal mass: Insight from the universal healthcare system3
Socio‐economic outcomes among long‐term childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia survivors enrolled between 1971 and 1998 in EORTC CLG studies: Results of the 58LAE study3
Cancer pain and lower functional status predict poor trajectories of symptom and fatigue distress in patients with lung cancer3
Factors Associated with Adherence to Complete Decongestion Therapy in Women with Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema2
Improving cancer outcomes in Asia: Can primary care take the lead?2
Desires vs. conditions: A qualitative study exploring the factors affecting the place of death of child with cancer in Turkey2
‘When I can ride my bike, I think, am I at all as sick as they say?’ An exploration of how men with advanced lung cancer form illness perceptions in everyday life2
Behavioural oncology research in Africa: Lessons from the last two decades and key considerations moving forward2
Effect of chewing gum on the management of chemotherapy‐induced oral mucositis in children: Systematic review of experimental studies2
Predictors of adherence, contamination and dropout in home‐based walking by lung and oesophageal cancer patients from two randomised control trials: An exploratory study2
Caregiver activation of relatives of patients with advanced cancer2
A qualitative exploration of women's perspectives and acceptability of including new cancer awareness information in all‐clear breast or cervical screening results2
What matters to you? An investigation of patients’ perspectives on and acceptability of prehabilitation in major cancer surgery2
Cancer Outpatients’ Self‐Reported Pain Relief, Analgesic Adherence, and Constipation during Follow‐Up Support: A Prospective, Longitudinal Study2
Role of Symptomatic Management in Understanding Effects of Early Integration of Palliative Care among Nonmetastatic Lung Cancer Patients on Psychological Well-Being2
Benefits and challenges of cancer peer support groups: A systematic review of qualitative studies2
Avoidant coping as mediator of the relationship between rumination and mental health among family caregivers of Chinese breast cancer patients2
Supportive care needs of men with prostate cancer: A systematic review update2
How Do Patients Use Self-Care to Manage Nonspecific Symptoms Prior to a Cancer Diagnosis? A Rapid Review to Inform Future Interventions to Reduce Delays in Presentation to Primary Care2
The effect of education given to women with hearing impairments on the behaviours of Pap smear screening2
Identification of a Novel Circadian Rhythm-Related Signature for Predicting Prognosis and Therapies in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Based on Bulk and Single-Cell RNA Sequencing2
Oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas in patients with no identified risk factors: Feeling like an outsider2
EDITORIAL: The critical role of nurse practitioners in the care of cancer patients2
“A lot can happen in five years”: Women's attitudes to extending cervical screening intervals2
Determining the need for a breast cancer awareness educational intervention for women with mild/moderate levels of intellectual disability: A qualitative descriptive study2
Early palliative care associated with lower costs for adults with advanced cancer: evidence from Hungary2
How does social context influence appraisal and help‐seeking for potential cancer symptoms in adults aged 50 and over? A qualitative interview study2
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment Advancements: A Review of Evolving Strategies2
Relationships among sexual function, marital intimacy, type D personality and quality of life in patients with ovarian cancer, with spouses2
Challenges in self‐management of persons living with advanced cancer: An exploratory, in‐depth interview study2
Patients' health literacy is associated with timely diagnosis of cancer—A cross‐sectional study in Denmark2
Systematic adaptation of the adherence improving self‐management strategy to support breast cancer survivors' adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy: An intervention mapping approach2
Development Process of a Holistic Assessment Questionnaire to Measure and Monitor Cancer‐Related Fatigue2
Patients and carers' perspectives of participating in a pilot tailored exercise program during chemoradiotherapy for high grade glioma: A qualitative study2
Unacceptable pain in oncology: The patients' perspective on reasons for absence of pain interventions2
Antiemetic Efficacy and Safety of Palonosetron on Days 1 and 5 with Aprepitant and Dexamethasone during Bleomycin, Etoposide, and Cisplatin Chemotherapy in Patients with Germ Cell Tumor: A Prospective2
‘It needs experience and courage’: Awareness towards end of life communication practices in oncologists: A mixed methods study2
Controlled non‐randomised before–after study evaluating the impact of a focused recommendation card on vaccination rates of oncological patients—The Easy Vaccination in Oncology (EVO) strategy2
Reducing workloads of public health workers in organised colorectal cancer screening in China2
Cancer patients admitted in the emergency department: A single‐centre observational study2
Cancer of unknown primary origin; Know the enemy2
‘We do need to keep some human touch’ Patient and clinician experiences of ovarian cancer follow‐up and the potential for an electronic patient‐reported outcome pathwa2
Association of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet and risk of bladder cancer: A case–control study2
Revisiting Cancer Diagnosis in Scotland: Further Insights from the Second Scottish National Cancer Diagnosis Audit2
Family history of cancer in first degree relatives and risk of cancer of unknown primary2
Pharmaceutical cancer care for haematology patients on oral anticancer drugs: Findings from an economic, clinical and organisational analysis2
Developing a care pathway for hospital‐based advance care planning for cancer patients: A modified Delphi study2
Patients with cancer experience high impact of emotional consequences of reduced ability to eat: A cross sectional survey study2
Health economic studies of colorectal cancer and the contribution of administrative data: A systematic review2
How should health care providers inform about palliative sedation? A qualitative study with palliative care professionals2
Longitudinal symptom burden in adult patients with acute leukaemia participating in the PACE‐AL randomised controlled exercise trial—an explorative analysis2
Utilisation of complementary medicine in cancer patients and survivors: Expected benefits and its association to psychosocial factors2