Building Research and Information

(The H4-Index of Building Research and Information is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) enablers for offsite interior design and construction47
Scan-to-BIM method in construction: assessment of the 3D buildings model accuracy in terms inventory measurements41
Physiological sensing-driven personal thermal comfort modelling in consideration of human activity variations36
Development of historic building information modelling: a systematic literature review36
Circular economy in the Australian AEC industry: investigation of barriers and enablers33
Exploring the adoption of BIM amidst the COVID-19 crisis in China32
Facilitating a transition to a circular economy in construction projects: intermediate theoretical models based on the theory of planned behaviour21
The state of earthen housing worldwide: how development affects attitudes and adoption20
Housing space and occupancy standards: developing evidence for policy from a health and wellbeing perspective in the UK context19
Design for healthy ageing – the relationship between design, well-being, and quality of life: a review19
Investigating the indoor environmental quality of different workplaces through web-scraping and text-mining of Glassdoor reviews19
AI-powered virtual assistants nudging occupants for energy saving: proactive smart speakers for HVAC control17
An indoor environmental quality assessment of office spaces at an urban Australian university17
Building information modelling application of material, water, and climate footprint analysis17
The impact of policy instruments on the first generation of Tall Wood Buildings17
A critical review of African green building research16
Implementing modular integrated construction in high-rise high-density cities: perspectives in Hong Kong16
The impact on human behaviour in shared building spaces as a result of COVID-19 restrictions16
Nature connectedness and biophilic design16
Energy poverty, housing and health: the lived experience of older low-income Australians16