Social Development

(The TQCC of Social Development is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Time alone well spent? A person‐centered analysis of adolescents' solitary activities26
Considering multiple levels of influence on adjustment in school: Ethnic–racial public regard, peer socialization, and social‐emotional learning practices22
The structure of emotion regulation strategies in adolescence: Differential links to internalizing and externalizing problems19
Children’s restorative justice in an intergroup context14
Keeping friends in mind: Development of friendship concepts in early childhood14
Adolescent intergroup connections and their developmental benefits: Exploring contributions from social network analysis14
Social goals and bullying: Examining the moderating role of self‐perceived popularity, social status insecurity and classroom variability in popularity13
Parental emotion coaching moderates the effects of family stress on internalizing symptoms in middle childhood and adolescence13
Quality over quantity: A transactional model of social withdrawal and friendship development in late adolescence12
The COVID‐19 pandemic, mask‐wearing, and emotion recognition during late‐childhood12
Mind what teacher says: Teachers’ propensity for mental‐state language and children's theory of mind in middle childhood12
Cultural variation in the early development of initiative in children's prosocial helping12
Between a boy and a girl: Measuring gender identity on a continuum11
Examining launch and snare effects in the longitudinal associations between shyness and socio‐emotional difficulties in childhood11
Parental play supportiveness and kindergartners’ peer problems: Children's playfulness as a potential mediator11
Internalizing and externalizing correlates of parental overprotection as measured by the EMBU: A systematic review and meta‐analysis10
“Where’s your bum brain?” Humor, social understanding, and sibling relationship quality in early childhood10
The influence of age and experience of (un)fairness on third‐party punishment in children9
Bullying and social goal‐setting in youth: A meta‐analysis9
Parental psychological control perceived in adolescence predicts jealousy toward romantic partners in emerging adulthood via insecure attachment8
Understanding how child temperament, negative parenting, and dyadic parent–child behavioral variability interact to influence externalizing problems8
Children's interpretation moderates relations of maternal autonomy support with sociability and assertiveness in China8
The role of family expressiveness in American and Chinese adolescents' emotional experiences7
Parental structuring during shared chores and the development of helping across the second year7
Maternal caregiving, prosocial behavior, and self‐esteem in middle childhood7
The role of the Home Literacy Environment for children's linguistic and socioemotional competencies development in the early years7
A latent class examination of affinity for aloneness in late adolescence and emerging adulthood7
Early maternal autonomy support as a predictor of child internalizing and externalizing behavior trajectories across early childhood7
Family functioning and emotion socialization in Chinese two‐parent households: A person‐centered approach7
How dislike and bullying co‐develop: A longitudinal study of negative relationships among children6
The structure of educational inequity: Adolescents’ access to parent education through friendship networks and its impact on academic outcomes6
Within‐ and between‐person associations among internalizing and externalizing problems during middle childhood6
“It's okay if you flap your hands”: Non‐autistic children do not object to individual unconventional behaviors associated with autism6
The co‐evolution of friendship, defending behaviors, and peer victimization: A short‐term longitudinal social network analysis6
Assessing children's relationships with pet dogs: A multi‐method approach6
Gender essentialism predicts prejudice against gender nonconformity in two cultural contexts6
Preschoolers’ responses to prosocial opportunities during naturalistic interactions with peers: A cross‐cultural comparison6
Siblings versus parents: Warm relationships and shyness among Chinese adolescents6
Parenting, young children's behavioral self‐regulation and the quality of their peer relationships6
A comparison of models for inferring longitudinal reciprocal relationships between constructs: A case example with internalizing and externalizing problems6
Physiological substrates of imagination in early childhood5
Spanish validation of the Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC) in preschool and elementary children: Relationship with emotion knowledge5
The effects of parenting styles and parental positivity on preschoolers’ self‐perception5
Self‐regulated behavior and parent‐child co‐regulation are associated with young children's physiological response to receiving critical adult feedback5
Siblings in lockdown: International evidence for birth order effects on child adjustment in the Covid19 pandemic5
The feeling thinking talking intervention with teachers advances young children's emotion knowledge5
The development of emotion regulation in adolescence: What do we know and where to go next?5
Mother‐child talk about mental states: The what, who, and how of conversations about the mind5
Theory of mind, gender, gains in friendships versus peer acceptance and anxious solitude from middle childhood through early adolescence5
Achieving status and reducing loneliness during the transition to college: The role of entitlement, intrasexual competitiveness, and dominance5
Student, classroom, and teacher factors associated with teachers’ attunement to bullies and victims4
Ethnicity as a predictor of gender segregation among young children in an informal urban settlement in Kenya4
Decisions and mechanisms of intergroup bias in children's third‐party punishment4
Parent emotion talk with preschoolers from low‐income Mexican American and Chinese American families: Links to sociocultural factors4
The effect of different types of social norms on children's sharing behavior: The roles of parents, teachers, and peers4
Age‐related differences in reasoning about the acceptability of eating animals4
Psychometric properties of Virtual Environment for Social Information Processing, a social information processing simulation assessment for children4
The interaction between parental warmth and the teacher‐student relationship predicts changes in early elementary children's problem behaviors4
Trajectories of low‐income mothers’ and fathers’ engagement in learning activities and child socioemotional skills in middle childhood4
Group bias in children’s rectification of inequality using resources of different values4
Primary school students’ attitudes towards peers displaying hyperactivity: Examining impacts of homophily and inter‐group contact on students’ social inclusion4
How being observed influences preschoolers’ emotions following (less) deserving help4
Broadening gender self‐categorization development to include transgender identities4
Adolescent normative beliefs about aggression mediate the association between fathers’ psychological control in adolescence and physical aggression in emerging adulthood4
Trajectories of team and individual sports participation in childhood and links with internalizing problems4
Young children evaluate and follow others’ arguments when forming and revising beliefs3
Negotiating Whiteness: Exploring White elementary school‐age children's racial identity development3
Adolescents’ and emerging adults’ reminisces about emotions in the context of disclosing, concealing, and lying to parents3
Parenting is genetically influenced: What does that mean for research into child and adolescent social development?3
Fighting stigma‐based bullying in primary school children: An experimental intervention using vicarious intergroup contact and social norms3
The moderating effect of facial emotion recognition in maternal emotion socialization and child socioemotional adjustment3
Focusing on different informant characteristics by situation: The dimensions of benevolence and competence in children's trust judgment3
Interpersonal synchrony is associated with infants’ reactions to subtle changes in caregiver‐infant interactions3
Development of synchrony‐dominant expectations in observers3
A social identity perspective on conformity to cyber aggression among early adolescents on WhatsApp3
Concurrent and prospective effects of income, adversity, and parenting behaviors on middle‐childhood effortful control and adjustment3
Adolescents’ moral reasoning when honesty and loyalty collide3
Associations among child temperament, parenting, and young children's moral and conventional understanding: The moderating role of self‐regulation3
Science resource inequalities viewed as less wrong when girls are disadvantaged3
Latent profile analysis of classroom behavior problems in an American national sample of prekindergarten children3
Longitudinal associations between coping and peer victimization: Moderation by gender and initial peer victimization3
Emotion matters in early polite lies: Preschoolers’ polite lie‐telling in relation to cognitive and emotion‐related abilities3
Household chaos, parental responses to emotion, and child emotion regulation in middle childhood3
Toddlers' preference for prosocial versus antisocial agents: No associations with empathy or attachment security3
Children's and adolescents’ evaluations of peers who challenge their group: The role of gender norms and identity3
Maternal sensitivity and non‐intrusiveness at 12 months predict attention to emotional facial expressions at 24 months: A cross‐lagged panel approach3
The effect of imagined contact valence on adolescents’ and early adults’ stereotypes, emotions, and behavioral intentions toward ethnic groups3
Stable, longitudinal relations between early paternal supportive parenting and preschool‐age children's self‐regulation3
Longitudinal bidirectionality of emotion knowledge and inhibitory control in low‐income children using cross‐lagged panels3
Empathy in preschool Portuguese children: Validation of the Empathy Questionnaire (EmQue)3
Prosocial risk taking and interpersonal regret in children: An individual differences study3
The roles of caregivers and friends in adolescent daily emotion dynamics3
Prosocial behaviour between siblings exposed to intimate partner violence3
Adolescents’ perceptions of social risk and prosocial tendencies: Developmental change and individual differences3
Group over need: Convergence in the influence of recipient characteristics on children's sharing in Iran and Canada3