Social Development

(The H4-Index of Social Development is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Time alone well spent? A person‐centered analysis of adolescents' solitary activities26
Considering multiple levels of influence on adjustment in school: Ethnic–racial public regard, peer socialization, and social‐emotional learning practices22
The structure of emotion regulation strategies in adolescence: Differential links to internalizing and externalizing problems19
Children’s restorative justice in an intergroup context14
Keeping friends in mind: Development of friendship concepts in early childhood14
Adolescent intergroup connections and their developmental benefits: Exploring contributions from social network analysis14
Social goals and bullying: Examining the moderating role of self‐perceived popularity, social status insecurity and classroom variability in popularity13
Parental emotion coaching moderates the effects of family stress on internalizing symptoms in middle childhood and adolescence13
Cultural variation in the early development of initiative in children's prosocial helping12
Quality over quantity: A transactional model of social withdrawal and friendship development in late adolescence12
The COVID‐19 pandemic, mask‐wearing, and emotion recognition during late‐childhood12
Mind what teacher says: Teachers’ propensity for mental‐state language and children's theory of mind in middle childhood12