Plainsong & Medieval Music

(The TQCC of Plainsong & Medieval Music is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Ainard of Dives and the Ste-Catherine-du-Mont office for St Katherine of Alexandria: ‘Inter praecipuos cantores scientia musicae artis’2
Jerome of Moray: a Scottish Dominican and the evolution of Parisian music theory 1220–12802
Sarah Ann Long, Music, Liturgy, and Confraternity Devotions in Paris and Tournai, 1300–1550, Eastman Studies in Music. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press; Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 21
David Andrés Fernández and Alejandro Vera, Los Cantorales de la Catedral de Lima: Estudio, Reconstrucción y Catálogo. Madrid: Sociedad Española de Musicología, 2022. 594 pp. €35. ISBN 978 84 86878 92 1
Johannes de Muris's Musica speculativa cited by Jacobus de Ispania0
PMM volume 30 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
New evidence from Shrewsbury on the creation and circulation of music in high-medieval England0
PMM volume 30 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
PMM volume 32 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
Differentiating hands in square chant notation0
Catherine Saucier, ed., Historia sancti Iohannis evangeliste (traditionibus Leodiensis et Boscudocis), Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen/Musicological Studies 65, Historiae 34. Kitchener, ON: The Institu0
On dubious claims regarding the enigmatic Chilston0
PMM volume 31 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Songs materialising as music: medieval monophony in song books and music manuscripts0
PMM volume 31 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Preacher and prophet: intersecting voices of St John the Evangelist in late medieval ‘s-Hertogenbosch0
The insular daily Lady Mass of the thirteenth century: sources, repertory and transmission0
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The responsories of the Old Hispanic Night Office and their sources0
Liturgical chant bibliography 300
New observations on the quilisma: occurrence, position and function in northern Low Countries sources0
Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary According to the Use of Salisbury,I:Introduction and Choir Book;II:Priest's Book, Directory and Ordinal, ed. John Harper with Sally Harper and Matthew Che0
PMM volume 32 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Antonio Calvia, Stefano Campagnolo, Andreas Janke, Maria Sofia Lannutti and John Nádas, eds., The End of the Ars Nova in Italy: The San Lorenzo Palimpsest and Related Repertories, La Tradizione Musica0
Rachel May Golden, Mapping Medieval Identities in Occitanian Crusade Song. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. xviii + 284 pp. £35.99. ISBN 978 0 190 94861 0.0
The music theory booklet Balliol 173A, fols. 74r–81v: scribal organisation of an early medieval theory miscellany0
Notes on the origin of a fragmentary pontifical0
PMM volume 33 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Zsuzsa Czagány (ed.), Antiphonale Varadinense: s. XV, vol. I: Proprium de tempore; vol. II: Proprium de sanctis et commune sanctorum; vol. III: Tanulmányok / Essays, Musicalia Dan0
Esperanza Rodríguez-García and Daniele V. Filippi, eds., Mapping the Motet in the Post-Tridentine Era. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2019. xvi + 287 pp. £95. ISBN 978 1 138 20710 3 (hardback); 9780
PMM volume 30 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Hidden colouration: deep metrical flexibility in Machaut0
Revisiting ‘Toledo, Rome, and the Legacy of Gaul’: new evidence from the Divine Office0
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PMM volume 32 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Chevalier mult estes guariz and the ‘pre-chansonnier’ vernacular lyric0
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Ars Antiqua motets in fourteenth-century Italy: liturgical priorities, style and notation in Bodleian, lat. liturg. e. 420
Benedictus es domine, the Ambrosian Canticle of the Three Children in the Fiery Furnace0
Processional melodies in the Old Hispanic rite0
PMM volume 30 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Two early layers of Sanctus melodies0
Ornamental melismas in Aquitanian introits0
PMM volume 33 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Dwight F. Reynolds, The Musical Heritage of Al-Andalus, SOAS Studies in Music. Abingdon: Routledge, 2021. xiii + 260 pp. ISBN 978 0 367 24314 2 (hardback); 978 0 429 28165 5 (ebook).0
PMM volume 31 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
‘And lastly, one for Saint Blaise’: bishops, widows and patronage in a lost Office of Reginold of Eichstätt0
Dealing with change: the Carthusians and Corpus Christi0
Owen Rees, The Requiem of Tomás Luis de Victoria (1603). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. xiv + 262 pp. £75. ISBN 978 1 107 05442 4.0
David Andrés Fernández and Jane Morlet Hardie, eds., Into the Diaspora: Essays on Medieval and Early Modern Liturgical Music Manuscripts at the University of Sydney, Musicological Studies 113. Kitchen0
PMM volume 32 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Commemorating the Virgin Mary at Barking Abbey: Cambridge, University Library, Dd.12.560