Current Biology

(The median citation count of Current Biology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
How to avoid a post-antibiotic age543
Cell motility: Bioelectrical control of behavior without neurons272
Neuroscience: Therapy modulates decision-making in Parkinson’s disease215
Evolution: ‘Millefoglie’ origin of mitochondrial cristae208
Evolution: A social parasite was born from a virgin193
Sleep: Giving it up to get it on179
North Atlantic tipping point ahead169
Seeing polarization of light with the naked eye159
Genetic admixture and language shift in the medieval Volga-Oka interfluve155
An LRH-RSL4 feedback regulatory loop controls the determinate growth of root hairs in Arabidopsis154
Lucy Aplin129
Ramesh Boonratana123
Army ants take the stage117
Circadian rhythm disruption linked to skeletal muscle dysfunction in the Mexican Cavefish114
How to survive in the desert114
Sleep need-dependent changes in functional connectivity facilitate transmission of homeostatic sleep drive113
Small and Large Bumblebees Invest Differently when Learning about Flowers110
Post-ER degradation of misfolded GPI-anchored proteins is linked with microautophagy109
Middle Pleistocene genome calibrates a revised evolutionary history of extinct cave bears102
Life underground102
Ancient Australia99
Ancient and modern stickleback genomes reveal the demographic constraints on adaptation99
Social neuroscience: Primate research goes wireless97
EGFR signaling activates intestinal stem cells by promoting mitochondrial biogenesis and β-oxidation91
Photoperiod-1 regulates the wheat inflorescence transcriptome to influence spikelet architecture and flowering time91
Circabidian rhythm of sex pheromone reception in a scarab beetle90
Behavioral neuroscience: Computation in individual neurons90
Losing, preserving, and restoring vision from neurodegeneration in the eye89
Cep104 is a component of the centriole distal tip complex that regulates centriole growth and contributes to Drosophila spermiogenesis88
Developmental biology: A hole in the matrix88
Nilay Yapici87
Plant biology: Phylogenomics of mustards and their relatives86
Differential coding of absolute and relative aversive value in the Drosophila brain83
Collective action in birds83
Molecular basis of (E)-β-farnesene-mediated aphid location in the predator Eupeodes corollae83
Fear dynamically structures the ocean’s pelagic zone82
Disparate insults relevant to schizophrenia converge on impaired spike synchrony and weaker synaptic interactions in prefrontal local circuits80
Conservation genetics80
Multisensory spatial perception in visually impaired infants79
Mechanisms of lactic acid gustatory attraction in Drosophila78
Response to Kratochvíl and Rovatsos77
Sediment archives reveal irreversible shifts in plankton communities after World War II and agricultural pollution77
Social behavior: Using visual cues to guide dancing on the fly74
Aggression: The dark side of mirror neurons sheds light on their functions73
Evolutionary genetics: Inversions — Do not quail but go big!72
An expedition to a tropical Arctic72
Evolution: Stress fans the flames of innovation72
Perceptual learning as a result of concerted changes in prefrontal and visual cortex71
A Causal Role for Gastric Rhythm in Human Disgust Avoidance71
Microbial protection favors parasite tolerance and alters host-parasite coevolutionary dynamics69
A causal role for the human subthalamic nucleus in non-selective cortico-motor inhibition69
Cell-size control69
Climate adaptation around the world68
Efference copies: Side-eyeing across species67
A family tree of everything alive67
Active space garnering by leaves of a rosette plant67
A novel period mutation implicating nuclear export in temperature compensation of the Drosophila circadian clock66
TES-1/Tes and ZYX-1/Zyxin protect junctional actin networks under tension during epidermal morphogenesis in the C. elegans embryo66
Development: Sea anemone segments polarise64
Financing ecosystem restoration64
Paleozoic cave system preserves oldest-known evidence of amniote skin64
Animal behavior: A tale of two apes64
Active sensing: How to eliminate self-generated noise63
A tree full of primate genomes61
Using eDNA to find Micrognathozoa60
Ground squirrels initiate sexual maturation during hibernation59
Neuromodulation: A model for dopamine in salience encoding59
Phage biology: Stuck with dU59
Tactile localization promotes infant self-recognition in the mirror-mark test58
Plant biology: Managing age-related bursts during leaf development58
Cancer cell invasion: Caveolae and invadosomes are partners in crime58
Pauses during communication release behavioral habituation through recovery from synaptic depression58
Ecological variation in adult social play reveals a hidden cost of motherhood for wild chimpanzees58
Drosophila flight: How flies control casts and surges58
Wine on the move57
Neurobiology: Resetting the axon’s batteries57
CLOCKWORK ORANGE promotes CLOCK-CYCLE activation via the putative Drosophila ortholog of CLOCK INTERACTING PROTEIN CIRCADIAN56
Neuroscience: Moving thoughts control insulin release56
Cross-modal modulation gates nociceptive inputs in Drosophila56
Claustral neurons projecting to frontal cortex restrict opioid consumption55
A single residue confers selective loss of sugar sensing in wrynecks55
Independent origins of powered flight in paravian dinosaurs?55
Evolution of endosymbiosis-mediated nuclear calcium signaling in land plants55
Coordination between growth and stress responses by DELLA in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha55
Drosophila Tubulin-Specific Chaperone E Recruits Tubulin around Chromatin to Promote Mitotic Spindle Assembly55
Repeated evolution of a reproductive polyphenism in plants is strongly associated with bilateral flower symmetry55
The neural representation of an auditory spatial cue in the primate cortex54
Mechanosensory and command contributions to the Drosophila grooming sequence54
Centromere pairing enables correct segregation of meiotic chromosomes54
Real-time processes in the development of action planning54
Xyloglucan deficiency leads to a reduction in turgor pressure and changes in cell wall properties, affecting early seedling establishment54
How to know whales, and ourselves53
Microstimulation of sensory cortex engages natural sensory representations53
Development: Keeping Time with Transcription53
Plant physiology: ARSK1, a regulator of TOR1 and mediator of P-adaptive root growth53
Anesthesia disrupts distance, but not direction, of path integration memory52
Neuroscience: Hedonic worms gorge on high-energy foods52
Bird migration: Flying high to avoid overheating?51
Seasonal fishery facilitates a novel transmission pathway in an emerging animal reservoir of Guinea worm51
The heterochronic LIN-14 protein is a BEN domain transcription factor51
Viral infection disrupts intestinal homeostasis via Sting-dependent NF-κB signaling in Drosophila51
Efficiency and prioritization of inference-based credit assignment50
Discovering the role of Patagonian birds in the dispersal of truffles and other mycorrhizal fungi49
Stable transfection in protist Corallochytrium limacisporum identifies novel cellular features among unicellular animals relatives49
All about Allium49
The NAergic locus coeruleus-ventrolateral preoptic area neural circuit mediates rapid arousal from sleep49
The chirality of the mitotic spindle provides a mechanical response to forces and depends on microtubule motors and augmin49
The nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio drives cellularization in the close animal relative Sphaeroforma arctica49
Dopamine in the songbird auditory cortex shapes auditory preference49
Nathan Morehouse48
Sensory Neurobiology: A New Crossroads Deep in the Cortex48
Intrinsically disordered sequences can tune fungal growth and the cell cycle for specific temperatures48
Avian navigation: Head direction cells in the quail hippocampus48
Melatonin targets the paraventricular thalamus to promote non-rapid eye movement sleep in C3H/HeJ mice48
Frequency modulation of rattlesnake acoustic display affects acoustic distance perception in humans48
Hybrid zones47
Transient perceptual enhancements resulting from selective shifts of exogenous attention in the central fovea47
Enhanced reinstatement of naturalistic event memories due to hippocampal-network-targeted stimulation47
Mouse vision: Variability and stability across the visual processing hierarchy47
Brain-wide bidirectional neuropeptide modulation of individual neuron classes regulates a developmental decision47
Nesting at extreme polar latitudes by non-avian dinosaurs47
Biodiversity, resilience and the stability of evolutionary systems47
The BES1/BZR1-family transcription factor MpBES1 regulates cell division and differentiation in Marchantia polymorpha47
Sleep regulation: The gut sets the threshold47
Inter-organ steroid hormone signaling promotes myoblast fusion via direct transcriptional regulation of a single key effector gene46
Neuroscience: Memory modification without catastrophe46
Ancient genome of the Chinese Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou46
Floral bullseyes and stratospheric ozone46
Eviatar Yemini46
Phased polyploid genomes provide deeper insight into the multiple origins of domesticated Saccharomyces cerevisiae beer yeasts45
Seamount mining test provides evidence of ecological impacts beyond deposition45
Climate canaries45
Convergent evolution of cardiac-glycoside resistance in predators and parasites of milkweed herbivores45
Adaptations for gas exchange enabled the elongation of lepidopteran proboscises45
Spd-2 gene duplication reveals cell-type-specific pericentriolar material regulation45
My bird45
Surface flow for colonial integration in reef-building corals45
Anomalous binocular vision in African Harrier-Hawks45
Brain rhythms: How control gets into working memory45
Brood parasitism risk drives birds to breed near humans45
The Hoatzin45
Functional convergence of on-off direction-selective ganglion cells in the visual thalamus45
Visual ecology: How glossy colours shine and confuse44
Ets21C sustains a pro-regenerative transcriptional program in blastema cells of Drosophila imaginal discs44
Wastewater warnings44
Juliet A. Gerrard44
Cytokinin promotes growth cessation in the Arabidopsis root44
Noah Whiteman44
Elliot M. Meyerowitz44
Structural changes in cell wall pectic polymers contribute to freezing tolerance induced by cold acclimation in plants44
Late Pleistocene stickleback environmental genomes reveal the chronology of freshwater adaptation44
Calpain-2 regulates hypoxia/HIF-induced plasticity toward amoeboid cancer cell migration and metastasis44
Australian magpies44
Domestic dogs: Born human whisperers44
Fly navigation: Yet another ring43
How to restore ocean biodiversity43
Collective behaviour: When avoidance becomes a deterrent43
Evolution and development: From the pet shop to the pelagic zone43
Auditory neuroethology: What the frog’s lungs tell the frog’s ear43
Evolution: How to evolve a thick skin42
Evolution: Ant trail pheromones promote ant–aphid mutualisms42
Plant development: How competing modes of growth coexist in close proximity42
Population temporal structure supplements the rate code during sensorimotor transformations42
Acetylcholine potentiates glutamate transmission from the habenula to the interpeduncular nucleus in losers of social conflict42
Social behavior: Closing the gap for close encounters42
Neuroscience: Connecting the dots in memory42
Evolution: Cleistogamy to the rescue of zygomorphic flowers42
Specialized predation by deep-sea Solenogastres revealed by sequencing of gut contents42
Hunter-gatherer admixture facilitated natural selection in Neolithic European farmers42
Ligation of newly replicated DNA controls the timing of DNA mismatch repair42
Neuroscience: Flies and grits42
Vision: Space and colour meet in the fly optic lobes42
Increasing interhemispheric connectivity between human visual motion areas uncovers asymmetric sensitivity to horizontal motion42
Neuroepithelial progenitors generate and propagate non-neuronal action potentials across the spinal cord42
From genes to shape in leaf development and evolution41
Lost knowledge41
Phagocytosis: Phagolysosome vesiculation promotes cell corpse degradation41
Neurobiology: From genome and connectome to understanding behavior41
Cytoskeleton: The many flavors of cilia transition fibers41
Endocrine signals fine-tune daily activity patterns in Drosophila41
Genetics: A cross-kingdom evolutionary handoff40
Ancient DNA: Pathogens caught in the Minoan labyrinth40
Evolution: Unveiling a hidden tripartite relationship40
Evolution: The evolutionary rat race in New Guinea and Australia40
Historical human migrations: From the steppe to the basin40
Sensory biology: Thirsty glia motivate water consumption40
Biological rhythms: Hormones under moon control39
Genome evolution: On the nature of trade-offs with polyploidy and endopolyploidy39
Worm development: Push not pull in gonad morphogenesis39
Motor control: Ready, steady, go!39
Developmental biology: A dinosaur in a quail egg39
Emotional states: Sweet relief for depressed flies39
Cytoplasmic incompatibility: A Wolbachia toxin–antidote mechanism comes into view39
Active vision gates ocular dominance plasticity in human adults39
Aversive conditioning: Principles of memory storage in sensory cortex38
Evolution: The great photosynthesis heist38
Immortal orexin cell transplants restore motor-arousal synchrony during cataplexy38
The economy of terrestrial locomotion38
Neural coding: Looking up and down the visual thalamus38
Iron and manganese availability drives primary production and carbon export in the Weddell Sea38
Vitellogenesis: The evolutionary origins of nutrient uptake in animals38
Natural selection: Fair weather cooperators38
Evolution: Was the nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio a key factor in the origin of animal multicellularity?38
Birdsong: Not all contest but also cooperation?38
The rise and fall of whales37
NuMA deficiency causes micronuclei via checkpoint-insensitive k-fiber minus-end detachment from mitotic spindle poles37
Ant queens cannibalise infected brood to contain disease spread and recycle nutrients37
Face and voice perception: Monkey see, monkey hear37
Salmonid fishes37
Nanog organizes transcription bodies37
Microtubule nucleation from the fibrous corona by LIC1-pericentrin promotes chromosome congression37
Brain and body: Implanting a placebo in the brain to alleviate pain37
Apical PAR protein caps orient the mitotic spindle in C. elegans early embryos37
Cetaceans balancing on the brink37
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases37
A Wnt11 and Dishevelled signaling pathway acts prior to injury to control wound polarization for the onset of planarian regeneration37
The way of the dodo37
Peter Sterling37
Photobiology: Fish eggs go sunny side up36
Plant biology: Two green revolutions mediated by DELLA36
Phosphate acquisition and metabolism in plants36
Neelima Roy Sinha36
Effects of a seismic survey on movement of free-ranging Atlantic cod36
Specializations in optic flow encoding in the pretectum of hummingbirds and zebra finches36
Salp fecal pellets release more bioavailable iron to Southern Ocean phytoplankton than krill fecal pellets36
Food-caching mountain chickadees can learn abstract rules to solve a complex spatial-temporal pattern36
Programmed DNA elimination36
Gamma-protocadherins regulate dendrite self-recognition and dynamics to drive self-avoidance36
FGF21 Induced by the ASK1-p38 Pathway Promotes Mechanical Cell Competition by Attracting Cells36
Mechano-chemical enforcement of tendon apical ECM into nano-filaments during Drosophila flight muscle development36
Grouping behavior in a Triassic marine apex predator36
Evolution: The art of deceptive pollination36
Toby Kiers36
Meiotic sister chromatid exchanges are rare in C. elegans36
Ploidy is an important determinant of fluoroquinolone persister survival36
Martin Giurfa36
Performance errors during rodent learning reflect a dynamic choice strategy36
Causal oscillations in the visual thalamo-cortical network in sustained attention in ferrets35
Ecology: A few species dominate forest tree abundance pan-tropically35
Northeastern Asian and Jomon-related genetic structure in the Three Kingdoms period of Gimhae, Korea35
Evolution: No end in sight for novel incredible (heterotrophic) protists35
Emergent human-like covert attention in feedforward convolutional neural networks35
Nod factor receptor complex phosphorylates GmGEF2 to stimulate ROP signaling during nodulation35
Translational illusions35
Translocation of shorebird siblings shows intraspecific variation in migration routines to arise after fledging35
Self-recognition: From touching the body to knowing the self35