Industrial and Corporate Change

(The H4-Index of Industrial and Corporate Change is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The enabling technologies of industry 4.0: examining the seeds of the fourth industrial revolution101
Can self-regulation save digital platforms?57
Is the fourth industrial revolution a continuation of the third industrial revolution or something new under the sun? Analyzing technological regimes using US patent data47
An evolutionary perspective on economic catch-up by latecomers41
Innovating Big Tech firms and competition policy: favoring dynamic over static competition36
Automation, digitalization, and changes in occupational structures in the automobile industry in Germany, Japan, and the United States: a brief history from the early 1990s until 201834
The knowledge spillover of innovation28
Regulating digital ecosystems: bridging the gap between competition policy and data protection27
Regulating platforms and ecosystems: an introduction27
Platform mergers and antitrust26
Ecosystems and competition law in theory and practice26
Innovation, upgrading, and governance in cross-sectoral global value chains: the case of smartphones26
Economic impact of public R&D: an international perspective22
How data shape actor relations in artificial intelligence innovation systems: an empirical observation from China20
Measuring the impacts of labor in the platform economy: new work created, old work reorganized, and value creation reconfigured19
Anatomy of the Italian occupational structure: concentrated power and distributed knowledge19
Sectoral systems of innovation in the era of the fourth industrial revolution: an introduction to the special section18