Statistics and Computing

(The median citation count of Statistics and Computing is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Latent structure blockmodels for Bayesian spectral graph clustering79
Multilevel importance sampling for rare events associated with the McKean–Vlasov equation24
funBIalign: a hierachical algorithm for functional motif discovery based on mean squared residue scores21
Robust and efficient sparse learning over networks: a decentralized surrogate composite quantile regression approach17
Exact gradient evaluation for adaptive quadrature approximate marginal likelihood in mixed models for grouped data16
A limit formula and recursive algorithm for multivariate Normal tail probability15
A parameter estimation method for multivariate binned Hawkes processes14
Improving bridge estimators via f-GAN14
Kryging: geostatistical analysis of large-scale datasets using Krylov subspace methods14
Exact simulation of normal tempered stable processes of OU type with applications13
A limit formula and a series expansion for the bivariate Normal tail probability13
Optimal designs for nonlinear mixed-effects models using competitive swarm optimizer with mutated agents13
Sparse and geometry-aware generalisation of the mutual information for joint discriminative clustering and feature selection13
Dynamic and robust Bayesian graphical models12
Split Hamiltonian Monte Carlo revisited11
Automatic search intervals for the smoothing parameter in penalized splines11
Optimal designs for dose-escalation trials and individual allocations in cohorts11
Robust supervised learning with coordinate gradient descent10
Adaptive online variance estimation in particle filters: the ALVar estimator10
Wavelet Monte Carlo: a principle for sampling from complex distributions10
Limitations of the Wasserstein MDE for univariate data10
Automatically adapting the number of state particles in SMC$$^2$$10
Cost free hyper-parameter selection/averaging for Bayesian inverse problems with vanilla and Rao-Blackwellized SMC samplers10
Representative random sampling: an empirical evaluation of a novel bin stratification method for model performance estimation9
Unbalanced distributed estimation and inference for the precision matrix in Gaussian graphical models8
Efficient estimation and correction of selection-induced bias with order statistics8
Recursive inversion models for permutations8
Group sparse structural smoothing recovery: model, statistical properties and algorithm8
$$\pi $$VAE: a stochastic process prior for Bayesian deep learning with MCMC8
Multilevel estimation of normalization constants using ensemble Kalman–Bucy filters8
Insufficient Gibbs sampling8
Partial replacement imputation estimation for partially linear models with complex missing pattern covariates8
Bootstrapping multiple systems estimates to account for model selection8
Randomized self-updating process for clustering large-scale data7
A fast epigraph and hypograph-based approach for clustering functional data7
Fast Bayesian inversion for high dimensional inverse problems7
Resampling-based confidence intervals and bands for the average treatment effect in observational studies with competing risks7
High-dimensional regression with potential prior information on variable importance7
ECOPICA: empirical copula-based independent component analysis7
A 4D-Var method with flow-dependent background covariances for the shallow-water equations7
An expectile computation cookbook7
Screen then select: a strategy for correlated predictors in high-dimensional quantile regression7
Online estimation and community detection of network point processes for event streams7
Identifiability of discrete input–output hidden Markov models with external signals7
Performance analysis of greedy algorithms for minimising a Maximum Mean Discrepancy7
Automated generation of initial points for adaptive rejection sampling of log-concave distributions7
False discovery rate envelopes7
Quantile generalized measures of correlation6
Quantile-distribution functions and their use for classification, with application to naïve Bayes classifiers6
A framework of regularized low-rank matrix models for regression and classification6
Evaluating Gaussian process metamodels and sequential designs for noisy level set estimation6
Kent feature embedding for classification of compositional data with zeros6
A point mass proposal method for Bayesian state-space model fitting6
Efficient and accurate inference for mixtures of Mallows models with Spearman distance6
Total effects with constrained features6
Ensemble sampler for infinite-dimensional inverse problems6
Model-based clustering of multiple networks with a hierarchical algorithm6
Empirical likelihood and estimation in single-index varying-coefficient models with censored data6
Bayesian additive regression trees with model trees5
Improved inference for areal unit count data using graph-based optimisation5
Practical Hilbert space approximate Bayesian Gaussian processes for probabilistic programming5
Parallelized integrated nested Laplace approximations for fast Bayesian inference5
A non-stationary model for spatially dependent circular response data based on wrapped Gaussian processes5
Scalable methods for computing sharp extreme event probabilities in infinite-dimensional stochastic systems5
Data fusion using factor analysis and low-rank matrix completion5
Sequential sampling of junction trees for decomposable graphs5
A simple method for rejection sampling efficiency improvement on SIMT architectures5
Consistency factor for the MCD estimator at the Student-t distribution5
A random persistence diagram generator5
Bayesian hierarchical models incorporating measurement error for interrupted time series design5
Modularized Bayesian analyses and cutting feedback in likelihood-free inference5
The recursive variational Gaussian approximation (R-VGA)5
Convergence rate of multiple-try Metropolis independent sampler4
Variable selection using axis-aligned random projections for partial least-squares regression4
Fisher Scoring for crossed factor linear mixed models4
State-dependent importance sampling for estimating expectations of functionals of sums of independent random variables4
COMBSS: best subset selection via continuous optimization4
A finite mixture model for multiple dependent competing risks with applications of automotive warranty claims data4
A multivariate heavy-tailed integer-valued GARCH process with EM algorithm-based inference4
Joint latent space models for ranking data and social network4
Scalable computations for nonstationary Gaussian processes4
Efficient and generalizable tuning strategies for stochastic gradient MCMC4
Distributed statistical optimization for non-randomly stored big data with application to penalized learning4
Variational Bayes on manifolds4
Accelerated gradient methods for sparse statistical learning with nonconvex penalties4
Improvements on scalable stochastic Bayesian inference methods for multivariate Hawkes process4
Hidden Markov models for multivariate panel data4
Learning from missing data with the binary latent block model4
Hierarchical sparse Cholesky decomposition with applications to high-dimensional spatio-temporal filtering4
Representation and simulation of multivariate Dickman distributions and Vervaat perpetuities4
Optimal representative sample weighting4
Model-based clustering with missing not at random data3
Scale mixtures of multivariate centered skew-normal distributions3
Direct sampling with a step function3
Fast and universal estimation of latent variable models using extended variational approximations3
On predictive inference for intractable models via approximate Bayesian computation3
Nonnegative Bayesian nonparametric factor models with completely random measures3
Bayesian tree-based heterogeneous mediation analysis with a time-to-event outcome3
Lévy Langevin Monte Carlo3
Large-scale correlation screening under dependence for brain functional connectivity network inference3
A Metropolis-class sampler for targets with non-convex support3
Model-free global likelihood subsampling for massive data3
On the performance of particle filters with adaptive number of particles3
Inference issue in multiscale geographically and temporally weighted regression3
Certified coordinate selection for high-dimensional Bayesian inversion with Laplace prior3
Online prediction of extreme conditional quantiles via B-spline interpolation3
High-dimensional local polynomial regression with variable selection and dimension reduction3
Generalised likelihood profiles for models with intractable likelihoods3
Parallelizing MCMC sampling via space partitioning3
Maximum likelihood estimation of the Fisher–Bingham distribution via efficient calculation of its normalizing constant3
Modeling volatility for high-frequency data with rounding error: a nonparametric Bayesian approach3
Functional mixtures-of-experts3
Sparse estimation in high-dimensional linear errors-in-variables regression via a covariate relaxation method3
Ensemble Kalman filter based sequential Monte Carlo sampler for sequential Bayesian inference3
Subgraph nomination: query by example subgraph retrieval in networks3
PCA-uCPD: an ensemble method for multiple change-point detection in moderately high-dimensional data3
A two-stage Bayesian semiparametric model for novelty detection with robust prior information3
A communication-efficient, online changepoint detection method for monitoring distributed sensor networks3
Constrained least squares simplicial-simplicial regression3
Moments and random number generation for the truncated elliptical family of distributions3
High-dimensional structure learning of sparse vector autoregressive models using fractional marginal pseudo-likelihood3
A wavelet-based approach for imputation in nonstationary multivariate time series3
Detecting conflicting summary statistics in likelihood-free inference3
A data-adaptive method for outlier detection from functional data3
A fast and accurate numerical method for the left tail of sums of independent random variables3
euMMD: efficiently computing the MMD two-sample test statistic for univariate data3
Density deconvolution under a k-monotonicity constraint3
Bayesian inference for continuous-time hidden Markov models with an unknown number of states3
Natural gradient hybrid variational inference with application to deep mixed models3
The clustered Mallows model2
Unbiased and multilevel methods for a class of diffusions partially observed via marked point processes2
A sparse matrix formulation of model-based ensemble Kalman filter2
A robust and efficient algorithm to find profile likelihood confidence intervals2
Trans-cGAN: transformer-Unet-based generative adversarial networks for cross-modality magnetic resonance image synthesis2
Graph matching beyond perfectly-overlapping Erdős–Rényi random graphs2
Spline estimation of functional principal components via manifold conjugate gradient algorithm2
Latent uniform samplers on multivariate binary spaces2
Individualized causal mediation analysis with continuous treatment using conditional generative adversarial networks2
A reliable data-based smoothing parameter selection method for circular kernel estimation2
Distributed hypothesis testing for large dimensional two-sample mean vectors2
An efficient workflow for modelling high-dimensional spatial extremes2
Efficient modeling of quasi-periodic data with seasonal Gaussian process2
Functional autoencoder for smoothing and representation learning2
Particle gradient descent model for point process generation2
Stab-GKnock: controlled variable selection for partially linear models using generalized knockoffs2
Detecting and diagnosing prior and likelihood sensitivity with power-scaling2
Accelerating Bayesian inference for stochastic epidemic models using incidence data2
Multi-index antithetic stochastic gradient algorithm2
Probabilistic time integration for semi-explicit PDAEs2
Multivariate zero-inflated INGARCH models: Bayesian inference and composite likelihood approach2
R-VGAL: a sequential variational Bayes algorithm for generalised linear mixed models2
Gaussian process learning via Fisher scoring of Vecchia’s approximation2
A novel approach for parameter estimation of mixture of two Weibull distributions in failure data modeling2
Computing marginal likelihoods via the Fourier integral theorem and pointwise estimation of posterior densities2
Co-clustering of evolving count matrices with the dynamic latent block model: application to pharmacovigilance2
Classifier-dependent feature selection via greedy methods2
MALA with annealed proposals: a generalization of locally and globally balanced proposal distributions2
Maximum softly-penalized likelihood for mixed effects logistic regression2
Mixture of multivariate Gaussian processes for classification of irregularly sampled satellite image time-series2
Clustering longitudinal ordinal data via finite mixture of matrix-variate distributions2
Tuning diagonal scale matrices for HMC2
A Mallows-type model averaging estimator for ridge regression with randomly right censored data2
Optimal designs for generalized linear mixed models based on the penalized quasi-likelihood method2
Efficient estimation of expected information gain in Bayesian experimental design with multi-index Monte Carlo2
Maximum likelihood estimation for discrete latent variable models via evolutionary algorithms2
Accelerated failure time models with error-prone response and nonlinear covariates2
Shrinkage priors via random imaginary data2
Consistent online Gaussian process regression without the sample complexity bottleneck2
Unlabelled landmark matching via Bayesian data selection, and application to cell matching across imaging modalities2
Random perturbation subsampling for rank regression with massive data2
Estimating a signal subspace in the presence of impulsive noise2
On the identifiability of Bayesian factor analytic models2
Rate-optimal refinement strategies for local approximation MCMC2
Greedy recursive spectral bisection for modularity-bound hierarchical divisive community detection2
Efficient importance sampling for large sums of independent and identically distributed random variables2
Bayesian learning via neural Schrödinger–Föllmer flows2
Embedded topics in the stochastic block model2
On automatic bias reduction for extreme expectile estimation2
Expectile and M-quantile regression for panel data2
Sequential model identification with reversible jump ensemble data assimilation method2
Control variate selection for Monte Carlo integration2
Bayesian spatiotemporal modeling for inverse problems2
Variable selection using a smooth information criterion for distributional regression models2
Use generalized linear models or generalized partially linear models?2
The polytope of optimal approximate designs: extending the selection of informative experiments2
Type I Tobit Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for censored outcome regression2
Correlation-based sparse inverse Cholesky factorization for fast Gaussian-process inference2
Optimal scaling of random walk Metropolis algorithms using Bayesian large-sample asymptotics2
Learning binary undirected graph in low dimensional regime2
A joint latent factor analyzer and functional subspace model for clustering multivariate functional data1
Bayesian parameter inference for partially observed stochastic volterra equations1
A framework for mediation analysis with massive data1
Supervised learning via ensembles of diverse functional representations: the functional voting classifier1
A similarity-based Bayesian mixture-of-experts model1
A Riemannian Newton trust-region method for fitting Gaussian mixture models1
Deep state-space Gaussian processes1
Optimally adaptive Bayesian spectral density estimation for stationary and nonstationary processes1
Global–local shrinkage multivariate logit-beta priors for multiple response-type data1
Systematic enumeration of definitive screening designs1
Conditional particle filters with diffuse initial distributions1
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the exact optimal experimental design problem1
Changepoint detection in non-exchangeable data1
A two-stage approach for Bayesian joint models: reducing complexity while maintaining accuracy1
Efficient estimation of multiple expectations with the same sample by adaptive importance sampling and control variates1
Statistical inference and goodness-of-fit test in functional data via error distribution function1
Frugal Gaussian clustering of huge imbalanced datasets through a bin-marginal approach1
Geographically weighted quantile regression for count Data1
Continuity approximation in hybrid Bayesian networks structure learning1
Logit unfolding choice models for binary data1
A data-adaptive dimension reduction for functional data via penalized low-rank approximation1
A new flexible Bayesian hypothesis test for multivariate data1
Enmsp: an elastic-net multi-step screening procedure for high-dimensional regression1
A stochastic approximation ECME algorithm to semi-parametric scale mixtures of centred skew normal regression models1
Identifiability and parameter estimation of the overlapped stochastic co-block model1
Reversed particle filtering for hidden markov models1
Large-scale unsupervised spatio-temporal semantic analysis of vast regions from satellite images sequences1
Doubly robust estimation and robust empirical likelihood in generalized linear models with missing responses1
Quantifying uncertainty with a derivative tracking SDE model and application to wind power forecast data1
Nonparametric Bayesian online change point detection using kernel density estimation with nonparametric hazard function1
Generating directed networks with predetermined assortativity measures1
Variational inference with vine copulas: an efficient approach for Bayesian computer model calibration1
Robust score matching for compositional data1
A quadratic upper bound algorithm for regression analysis of credit risk under the proportional hazards model with case-cohort data1
Correction to: Explainable generalized additive neural networks with independent neural network training1
Ensemble slice sampling1
Testing common degree-correction parameters of multilayer networks1
Cauchy robust principal component analysis with applications to high-dimensional data sets1
Empirical investigations of boosting with pseudo-outcome imputation for missing responses1
Adaptation of the tuning parameter in general Bayesian inference with robust divergence1
Augmented pseudo-marginal Metropolis–Hastings for partially observed diffusion processes1
Modern non-linear function-on-function regression1
Novel sampling method for the von Mises–Fisher distribution1
New mixed portmanteau tests for time series models1
Maximum likelihood estimation of the Weibull distribution with reduced bias1
Wasserstein principal component analysis for circular measures1
Stochastic three-term conjugate gradient method with variance technique for non-convex learning1
Generalized parallel tempering on Bayesian inverse problems1
The computational asymptotics of Gaussian variational inference and the Laplace approximation1
Optimal experimental design for linear time invariant state–space models1
Accelerating the estimation of renewal Hawkes self-exciting point processes1
Approximate blocked Gibbs sampling for Bayesian neural networks1
Detecting renewal states in chains of variable length via intrinsic Bayes factors1
Correction to: Finite mixtures of quantile and M-quantile regression models1
High-dimensional order-free multivariate spatial disease mapping1
An analysis of the modality and flexibility of the inverse stereographic normal distribution1
Core-elements for large-scale least squares estimation1
Improving power by conditioning on less in post-selection inference for changepoints1
Distributed additive hazards regression analysis of multi-site current status data without using individual-level data1
The sparse dynamic factor model: a regularised quasi-maximum likelihood approach1
A SUR version of the Bichon criterion for excursion set estimation1