Chaos Solitons & Fractals

(The median citation count of Chaos Solitons & Fractals is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Time evolution of nonadditive entropies: The logistic map311
Hybrid solutions for the (2+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon-Kotera-Sawada equation in fluid mechanics283
Large-scale robustness-oriented efficient edge addition through traversal tree-based weak edge identification164
Classical Rabi oscillations induced by unbalanced dissipation on a nonlinear dimer164
Optimal pruned tree-cut mapping-based fast shielding for large-scale networks157
Transformations of spike and burst oscillations in the stochastic Rulkov model148
Optimal impulsive blood glucose control through multiple injections126
Ambiplasma separation into matter and antimatter by a train of baryon-acoustic solitons in the problem of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe124
Temporal link prediction based on node dynamics118
A class of computational approaches for simulating fractional functional differential equations via Dickson polynomials115
Developing a novel mucociliary clearance boundary condition (MCBC) to simulate micro-scale particle transfers inside the respiratory tract system without generating extra computational cells114
Integrated L113
On a heavy-tailed distribution and the stability of an equilibrium in a distributed delay symmetric network112
Dynamics of stochastic predator-prey systems with continuous time delay111
Dynamical robustness in a heterogeneous network of globally coupled nonlinear oscillators104
Turing-like patterns induced by the competition between two stable states in a discrete-time predator–prey model101
Response solutions for a kind of quasi-periodic forced neuron system97
Exponential stabilization of chaotic systems based on fuzzy time-triggered intermittent control96
Global structures of clew-shaped conservative chaotic flows in a class of 3D one-thermostat systems95
Stochastic bifurcations and its regulation in a Rijke tube model95
Self-organization and evolution of structure and function in cultured neuronal networks94
Generalized compacton equation, conservation laws and exact solutions94
The unique limit cycle in post Keynesian theory93
Wada boundaries on a hyperbolic pair of pants93
On a coupled nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger system93
Generalized enriched cyclic contractions with application to generalized iterated function system92
Families’ influence on romantic relationship and its reconstruction92
Editorial Board91
Asymptotic synchronization of conformable fractional-order neural networks by L’ Hopital’s rule90
A novel blood glucose time series prediction framework based on a novel signal decomposition method89
A tensor-based independent cascade model for finding influential links considering the similarity88
Self-similar attractor sets of the Lorenz model in parameter space87
Random deposition with spatially correlated noise (RD-SCN) model: Multi-affine analysis86
Collective canard explosions of globally-coupled rotators with adaptive coupling86
Social contagion in high-order network with mutation85
Unveiling pseudo-crucial events in noise-induced phase transitions83
Discrete scaling and criticality in a chain of adaptive excitable integrators83
Attractor memory in a nonautonomous multistable system83
Editorial: Nonlinear dynamics and networks in sports82
Local dispersal, trophic interactions and handling times mediate contrasting effects in prey-predator dynamics82
A novel parameter for nonequilibrium analysis in reconstructed state spaces82
Auto-oscillations and chaos at collective motion of agents81
High-accuracy approximation of evolutionary pairwise games on complex networks80
Mining relationships between performance of link prediction algorithms and network structure79
Global existence of unique solutions to equations for pattern formation in active mixtures79
Dynamical behaviours of a delayed diffusive eco-epidemiological model with fear effect77
Two neural-network-based methods for solving elliptic obstacle problems77
Bifurcation analysis of a synthetic drugs model affected by multiple factors77
Dynamics caused by the mean-reverting Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process in a stochastic predator–prey model with stage structure76
Bifurcation and chaos in one dimensional chains of small particles76
Dynamical analysis on a size-structured population model of Daphnia with delayed birth process76
Turing patterns in domains with periodic inhomogeneities; a homogenization approach75
A delayed fractional-order tumor virotherapy model: Stability and Hopf bifurcation74
Theoretical understanding of evolutionary dosing following tumor dynamics73
Estimation of the parameterized integral inequalities involving generalized p-convex mappings on fractal sets and related applications73
Liquidity externality in a market of buying adjustable agents72
Crossing limit cycles for discontinuous piecewise differential systems formed by linear Hamiltonian saddles or linear centers separated by a conic71
Riemann boundary value problem on non-rectifiable curves with torsion points71
The dynamical analysis of non-uniform neocortical network model in up-down state oscillations71
Synchronization of multiple mobile reservoir computing oscillators in complex networks71
Light bullets in a nonlocal Rydberg medium with PT-symmetric moiré optical lattices70
On symmetric gH-derivative: Applications to dual interval-valued optimization problems69
The chaotic monopolist revisited with bounded rationality and delay dynamics69
Antisocial behavior-based environmental feedback in spatial prisoner's dilemma game69
Emergent magnetic field and vector potential of the toroidal magnetic hopfions68
A singular value decomposition based approach to handle ill-conditioning in optimization problems with applications to portfolio theory68
The Hutchinson–Barnsley theory for iterated function system with bounded cyclic contractions68
CMPN: Modeling and analysis of soccer teams using Complex Multiplex Passing Network68
Network-wide traffic state reconstruction: An integrated generative adversarial network framework with structural deep network embedding67
Adaptive fault-tolerant double asynchronous control for switched semi-Markov jump systems via improved memory sampled-data technique66
From absolute equilibrium to Kardar–Parisi–Zhang crossover: A short review of recent developments65
Auto-parametric resonance of flexible viscoelastic beams under interaction between longitudinal and transverse modes65
Controlling subharmonic resonance and chaos by a fast forcing in a van der Pol–Duffing oscillator with parametrically excited damping65
Interplays between different secretases in the generation of Amyloid-β64
Existence and uniqueness of blow-up solution to a fully fractional thermostat model63
Capture of stochastic P-bifurcation in a delayed mechanical centrifugal governor63
Approximation-solvability of population biology systems based on p-Laplacian elliptic inequalities62
Switching behavior of the gamma power in the neuronal network modulated by the astrocytes62
Comment on “Practical finite difference method for solving multi-dimensional black-Scholes model in fractal market” [Chaos, Solitons Fractals 157 (2022) 111895]62
Fault estimation and tolerant bumpless transfer control for switched systems62
The role of Far-Sighted agents on the evolution of cooperation in social dilemma61
Unraveling the effects of network, direct and indirect reciprocity in online societies61
A discrete Darboux–Lax scheme for integrable difference equations61
Editorial Board61
A new result on the fractal dimension estimates of random attractor for non-autonomous random 2D stochastic dynamical type systems61
Impurity–impurity and impurity–breather interactions combined with energy localization in a quantum 1D Klein–Gordon chain61
Synchronization for stochastic large-scale systems via intermittent delay discrete observation control61
Robust limit cycle control for finite-time generation of sustained oscillations in nonlinear systems with mixed dead-zone and saturation61
Impact of sparse inter-layer coupling on the dynamics of a heterogeneous multilayer network of chaotic maps60
Applying chaos indicators to Bianchi cosmological models60
Analysis of Th1/Th2 response pattern with Treg cell inhibition and stochastic effect59
Output tracking control for state-dependent switched systems with input delay59
Statistical properties of mutualistic-competitive random networks59
Comment on the paper “An efficient numerical scheme for fractional characterization of MHD fluid model, Muhammad Hamid, Muhammad Usman, Yaping Yan, Zhenfu Tian, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2022, 16258
Geometric progressions meet Cantor sets58
An innovative approach based on optimization for the determination of initial conditions of continuous-time chaotic system as a random number generator58
Impact of dynamic compensation with resource feedback on the common pool resource game58
Principle of least effort vs. maximum efficiency: deriving Zipf-Pareto's laws58
On the global polynomial stabilization and observation with optimal decay rate57
Electron impact processes in voltage-controlled phase transition in vanadium dioxide thin films57
Quantifying the status of economies in international crop trade networks: A correlation structure analysis of various node-ranking metrics57
Bayesian inversion for a fractional Lotka-Volterra model: An application of Canadian lynx vs. snowshoe hares56
On fractional impulsive system for methanol detoxification in human body56
On the co-complex-type k-Fibonacci numbers56
Numerical approximation and fast implementation to a generalized distributed-order time-fractional option pricing model55
Quantitative orbit classification of the planar restricted three-body problem with application to the motion of a satellite around Jupiter54
Derivation of vertical concentration profile for nonuniform sediment in suspension using Shannon entropy54
Coupling resonance of signal responses induced by heterogeneously mixed positive and negative couplings in cognitive subnetworks54
On the dynamical stochastic electrostatic noise fluctuations in Zakharov model54
Stability and bifurcation analysis of a fractional order delay differential equation involving cubic nonlinearity53
Dynamics of an autonomous electromechanical pendulum-like system with experimentation53
Editorial Board53
Localization and delocalization of light in synthetic photonic lattices with hybrid Bloch-Anderson modulations53
A novel room-based epidemic model: Quarantine, testing, and vaccination strategies52
Effects of the limited incentive pool on cooperation evolution in public goods game52
Cascading 1D-Convnet Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Network with Modified COCOB Optimizer: A Novel Approach for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction52
A nonlinear optimal control problem with an application to optimal dosing of cytotoxic drugs52
Stochastic optimal control and piecewise parameterization and optimization method for inventory control system improvement52
Sources of multifractality of the brain rs-fMRI signal51
NLS-type equations from quadratic pencil of Lax operators: Negative flows51
Theory and numerics of vibrational resonance in a three-level atomic optical bistable system51
A generic impulsive controller for Hamiltonian time-independent systems51
Echo effect in brain networks51
Effect of diffusion on steady state stability of an oscillatory reaction model50
Maxwell-scalar system and scalar field with impurity: Novel approach to find nontrivial solutions50
Editorial Board50
Electromagnetohydrodynamic effects with single-walled carbon nanotubes particles in a corrugated microchannel50
A new technique for solving a class of strongly nonlinear oscillatory equations50
A Peano-based space-filling surface of fractal dimension three50
Cellular transport through nonlinear mechanical waves in fibrous and absorbing biological tissues50
Mittag–Leffler stability for a fractional Euler–Bernoulli problem49
Swarm intelligence for protecting sensitive identities in complex networks49
Dynamics of two coupled van der Pol–Mathieu oscillators49
Role of noise in spiking dynamics of diffusive memristor driven by heating-cooling cycles49
Stationary distribution and bifurcation analysis for a stochastic SIS model with nonlinear incidence and degenerate diffusion49
Multi-vortex beams in nonlinear media with harmonic potential wells49
Spatial optical soliton cluster solutions in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media49
Correlation-enhanced viable core in metabolic networks49
On fixed-time interlayer synchronization of two-layer multiweighted complex dynamic networks: An economic and practical non-chattering adaptive control approach49
Geometric analysis of the spontaneous electrical activity in anterior pituitary corticotrophs48
Oscillations in a Josephson junction lattice stimulated by a common load48
Detecting bifurcations in a fractional-order neural network with nonidentical delays via Cramer’s rule48
Solitons and modulation instability of the perturbed Gerdjikov–Ivanov equation with spatio-temporal dispersion48
Topologically protected metastable states in classical dynamics48
Oscillations in SIR behavioural epidemic models: The interplay between behaviour and overexposure to infection48
Stochastic resonance in gene transcriptional regulatory system driven by Gaussian noise and Lévy noise48
Chaotic Complex Hashing: A simple chaotic keyed hash function based on complex quadratic map47
Editorial Board47
Exploration of bifurcation and stability in a class of fractional-order super-double-ring neural network with two shared neurons and multiple delays47
The impact of the self-recognition ability and physical quality on coupled negative information-behavior-epidemic dynamics in multiplex networks47
A novel and effective method to characterize complex systems47
Break an enhanced plaintext-related chaotic image encryption algorithm46
Gas path parameter prediction of aero-engine based on an autoregressive discrete convolution sum process neural network46
Manifestation of interval uncertainties for fractional differential equations under conformable derivative46
Multifractal behavior relationship between crypto markets and Wikipedia-Reddit online platforms46
Chaotic dynamics of off-equatorial orbits around pseudo-Newtonian compact objects with dipolar halos45
A generalized gravity model for influential spreaders identification in complex networks45
Suppressing spiral waves in a lattice array of coupled neurons using delayed asymmetric synapse coupling45
Optimal control strategies of a fractional order model for Zika virus infection involving various transmissions45
Mean-square exponential input-to-state stability for stochastic neutral-type quaternion-valued neural networks via Itô’s formula of quaternion version45
Regularized Perona & Malik model involving Caputo time-fractional derivative with application to image denoising45
Noise-induced enhancement of stability and resonance in a tri-stable system with time-delayed feedback45
Stochastic admissibility and H45
Platelet-driven routes to chaos in a model of hepatitis45
Comments on “a novel approach to approximate fractional derivative with uncertain conditions”44
Promotion of cooperation mechanism on the stability of delay-induced host-generalist parasitoid model44
Blind extraction of ECG signals based on similarity in the phase space44
A stability analysis for multi-term fractional delay differential equations with higher order44
Doppler shift during overdrive pacing of spiral waves. Prediction of the annihilation site44
Dynamic model of vibrating plate coupled with a granule bed44
European Option Pricing Problems with Fractional Uncertain Processes44
Spiral waves in fractal dimensions and their elimination in λ − ω systems with less damaging intervention44
A SIR-type model describing the successive waves of COVID-1944
Analysis and FPGA of semi-fractal shapes based on complex Gaussian map44
Synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos and reservoir computing via scalar signals44
Chaotic Attractors Generated by a Memristor-Based Chaotic System and Julia Fractal43
Controllability of discrete-time semilinear Riemann–Liouville-like fractional equations43
Topological entropy of multivalued maps in topological spaces and hyperspaces43
Investigating the impact of memory effects on computer virus population dynamics: A fractal–fractional approach with numerical analysis43
Beyond linear correlation: Strong nonlinear structures in diurnal temperature range variability over southern China43
Time and space generalized diffusion equation on graph/networks43
Complex-valued neural networks with time delays in the L42
Nonlinear redistribution of wealth from a stochastic approach42
Turing-Hopf bifurcation analysis and normal form of a diffusive Brusselator model with gene expression time delay42
A sequential-path tree-based centrality for identifying influential spreaders in temporal networks42
Anomalous diffusion in umbrella comb42
Pathogen diversity in meta-population networks42
Probabilistic memristive networks: Application of a master equation to networks of binary ReRAM cells42
Epidemic spreading in populations of mobile agents with adaptive behavioral response42
Dynamics of chaotic waterwheel model with the asymmetric flow within the frame of Caputo fractional operator41
Fractal interpolation over nonlinear partitions41
Epidemic threshold and ergodicity of an SEIR model with vertical transmission under the telegraph noise41
Stochastic SIR model predicts the evolution of COVID-19 epidemics from public health and wastewater data in small and medium-sized municipalities: A one year study41
Cluster states and π-transition in the Kuramoto model with higher 41
Stationary distribution of a stochastic ratio-dependent predator-prey system with regime-switching41
Expanding the duopoly Stackelberg game with marginal costs into a multipoly game with lowering the burden of mathematical calculations: a numerical analysis41
Modeling the dynamic of COVID-19 with different types of transmissions40
Optimal tuning of support vector machines and k-NN algorithm by using Bayesian optimization for newborn cry signal diagnosis based on audio signal processing features40
On a new class of Atangana-Baleanu fractional Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential inclusions with non-instantaneous impulses40
A new uncertain random portfolio optimization model for complex systems with downside risks and diversification40
Periodic orbit description of the blowout bifurcation and riddled basins of chaotic synchronization40
A new method for spatio-temporal transmission prediction of COVID-1940
A generalization of Müntz-Legendre polynomials and its implementation in optimal control of nonlinear fractional delay systems40
Solar energy aspects of gyrotactic mixed bioconvection flow of nanofluid past a vertical thin moving needle influenced by variable Prandtl number40
A practical leader–follower hybrid control scheme for wheeled mobile robots39
Self-regulation of a network of Kuramoto oscillators39
A new 2D-HELS hyperchaotic map and its application on image encryption using RNA operation and dynamic confusion39
Improving demand forecasting in open systems with cartogram-enhanced deep learning39
Allee-induced bubbling phenomena in an interacting species model39
New spin models in ecology: Super multi-stationarity and chaos39
Note on a Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered epidemic model with the heterogeneity in susceptibility39
Data-driven reconstruction of chaotic dynamical equations: The Hénon–Heiles type system39
Dynamical behaviors of autonomous and nonautonomous models of generalist predator–prey system with fear, mutual interference and nonlinear harvesting38
An application of fixed point technique of Rothe’s-type to interpret the controllability criteria of neutral nonlinear fractional ordered impulsive system38
Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a multiple delayed predator–prey system with fear effect, prey refuge and Crowley–Martin function38
Energy control in a quantum oscillator using coherent control and engineered environment38
Action potential solitons and waves in axons38
RBF-ARX model-based MPC approach to inverted pendulum: An event-triggered mechanism38
Controlling COVID-19 transmission with isolation of influential nodes38
Bound-state soliton gas as a limit of adiabatically growing integrable turbulence38
A mathematical model for tumor-immune competitive system with multiple time delays38
Quasi-synchronization of multi-layer delayed neural networks with parameter mismatches via impulsive control38
Symmetry group analysis of several coupled fractional partial differential equations38
EID-based robust stabilization for delayed fractional-order nonlinear uncertain system with application in memristive neural networks38
An analysis of the global fuel-trading market based on the visibility graph approach37
An extended AKNS eigenvalue problem and its affiliated integrable Hamiltonian hierarchies37
Coevolution of non-pharmaceutical interventions and infectious disease spreading in age-structured populations37
Resistive and synaptic properties modulation by electroforming polarity in CMOS-compatible Cu/HfO2/Si device37
Dynamics of a stochastic prey–predator system with prey refuge, predation fear and its carry-over effects37
Source localization in signed networks based on dynamic message passing algorithm37
Coexistence in a four-species food web model with general functional responses37
Time-delayed feedback bistable stochastic resonance system and its application in the estimation of the Polyester Filament Yarn tension in the spinning process37
Spiraling elliptic beam arrays in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media37
Phase trajectories, chaotic behavior, and solitary wave solutions for (3+1)-dimensional integrable Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation in fluid dynamics36
Interaction uncertainty in financial networks36
Maximal canards in a slow–fast Rosenzweig–MacArthur model with intraspecific competition among predators36
Transition among oscillation death, amplitude death, and revival of oscillation in coupled time-delayed systems with diffusivity and common environment36
Editorial Board36
Slow-fast dynamics in non-linear enzyme cascades gives rise to spatial multiscaling.36
Disruptions in segregation mechanisms in fMRI-based brain functional network predict the major depressive disorder condition36
Application of a vibration resonance-assisted enhanced feedforward cascaded stochastic resonance system in bearing diagnostics36
Design and analysis of grid attractors in memristive Hopfield neural networks36
Robustness of hypergraph under attack with limited information based on percolation theory35
Design of two dimensional hyperchaotic system through optimization benchmark function35
Experimental evaluation of the optimal working temperature for the Josephson threshold detector in single-photon detection applications35
Hopf bifurcation mechanism analysis in an improved cortex-basal ganglia network with distributed delays: An application to Parkinson’s disease35
Quantitative analysis of limit cycles in two-stroke oscillators with exponential functions based on Perturbation Incremental Method35
Vortex light bullets in rotating Quasi-Phase-Matched photonic crystals35
A mathematical model to examine the effect of quarantine on the spread of coronavirus34
Multivalued neutrosophic fractals and Hutchinson-Barnsley operator in neutrosophic metric space34