International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

(The median citation count of International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Craft beer in the situational context of restaurants: effects of product involvement and antecedents361
Pricing research in hospitality and tourism and marketing literature: a systematic review and research agenda240
Gathering pre-purchase information for a cruise vacation with virtual reality: the effects of media technology and gender232
Why do hotels go green? Understanding TripAdvisor GreenLeaders participation204
An assessment of crisis management techniques in hotels in London and Stockholm as response to COVID-19’s economic impact147
Recognizing emotions in restaurant online reviews: a hybrid model integrating deep learning and a sentiment lexicon131
Outcomes of servant leadership among flight attendants: test of parallel and serial multiple mediating effects130
Are people the greatest asset: talent management in SME hotels in Nigeria during the COVID-19 crisis120
The role of experiential familiarity in shaping hotel-chain competitiveness119
Fostering customer-oriented constructive deviance: the influence of moral emotions and moral disengagement115
Coffee and gastronomy: a potential ‘marriage’? The case of Vietnam97
Self-service technologies (SSTs) in airline services: multimediating effects of flow experience and SST evaluation94
Employee and customer perspectives in discovering the antecedent and output relationships for hotel branding development94
Toward a framework for perceived yuanfen in the accommodation service encounter: a grounded theory study93
Traveling with pets: designing hospitality services for pet owners/parents and hotel guests93
Fly me to the moon: from corporate branding orientation to retailer preference and business performance93
Do efforts to address safety pay off? Evidence from the sharing economy in the post–pandemic world91
Mediating customer engagement in the relationship between fast-food restaurants' innovativeness and brand evangelism during COVID-19: evidence from emergent markets89
Risk or benefit? Economic and sociocultural impact of P2P accommodation on community resilience, consumer perception and behavioral intention88
Emotion regulation research in hospitality and tourism86
Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey: hospitality industry in Macao under the COVID-19 pandemic85
Unveiling the food safety climate’s paths to adequate food handling in the hospitality industry in Brazil82
Coming to terms with a socially unsustainable fine dining business model81
Symmetrical and asymmetrical analysis of the complex relationship between perceived environmental uncertainty and creative performance: exploring a competency formula80
Vicarious abusive supervision among restaurant frontline employees: the role of employee industry tenure78
Operation policy of multi-capacity logistic robots in hotel industry77
The trickle-down effect of leader psychological capital on follower creative performance: the mediating roles of job crafting and knowledge sharing75
Employing the houseless as corporate social responsibility74
The impact of tourism on the women employment in South American and Caribbean countries72
Social network analysis in hospitality and tourism: Guest editorial69
Local government’s role in promoting city hospitality: a meta-ethnography with a public management perspective69
To whom do restaurants’ preventive measures matter more during a pandemic? The moderating effects of need-for-cognition and relationship strength68
Resilient leadership in hospitality and tourism enterprises: conceptualization and scale development67
Employees’ helping behavior toward the victims of human trafficking in the lodging industry67
Impact of virtual reality experiences on destination image and visit intentions: the moderating effects of immersion, destination familiarity and sickness67
Can AI robots foster social inclusion? Exploring the role of immersive augmentation in hospitality65
Leadership inclusion theory: a grounded theory study on hotel executives64
Fostering green service innovation perceptions through green entrepreneurial orientation: the roles of employee green creativity and customer involvement64
A co-created value scale for the hospitality service: applying a text mining approach63
Frontline employee-driven change in hospitality firms: an analysis of receptionists’ personality on implemented suggestions62
Employee perceptions of wellness programs in the hospitality industry62
Do financial anxiety and generalized anxiety mediate the effect of perceived organizational support on service employees’ career commitment?61
MetaWOM – toward a sensory word-of-mouth (WOM) in the metaverse61
How negative workplace gossip undermines employees’ career growth: from a reputational perspective59
Life events, philosophy, spirituality and gastronomy experience58
Professional event associations in crisis: exploring the relationship between recovery strategy fit and organizational commitments from the perspective of members58
Growing the pie: an examination of coopetition benefits in the US lodging industry58
Understanding the process of a new product category from birth to maturity in the restaurant market: a knowledge evolution perspective57
Understanding quondam commitments to retain employees: insights from the case of flight attendants and pilots57
A review of studies on tourism and climate change from 2007 to 202156
Social cognition of humanoid robots on customer tolerance of service failure55
Artist residencies as specialist accommodation: cultural entrepreneurship during the COVID-19 pandemic53
Employer event communication and hospitality workers’ resilience during the COVID-19 crisis: the role of core beliefs examination and family support53
Outcomes of environmental awareness52
Managers’ attitudes toward employees with depression and organizational citizenship behaviors in the hospitality industry: assessing the mediating role of personality51
Cruising in the COVID-19 pandemic era: Does perceived crowding really matter?50
Gig workers’ self-protective behaviour against legal risks: an application of protection motivation theory50
Critical success factors of green hotel investment in Taiwan50
Exploring the nexus between usage motivation and behavioral intention in metaverse hospitality and tourism: moderation and mediation insights49
How the creative mindset affects entrepreneurial success in the tourism sector: the mediating role of innovation capability49
Back to the table: how omnichannel social media marketing returns customers to restaurant locations49
Green food packages’ effects on consumers’ pre- to post-consumption evaluations of restaurant curbside pickup service49
The role of knowledge sharing in hotel newcomer socialization: a formal intervention program48
Green human resource management, perceived green organizational support and their effects on hotel employees’ behavioral outcomes48
Customer experience and brand loyalty in the full-service hotel sector: the role of brand affect48
The effects of on-the-job embeddedness and its sub-dimensions on small-sized hotel employees’ organizational commitment, work engagement and turnover intentions48
Affective components of gastronomy tourism: measurement scale development and validation47
Impact of socioeconomic prosperity and race on crowdfunding success47
The value proposition of food delivery apps from the perspective of theory of consumption value47
Role of affective forecasting in customers’ hotel service experiences47
How do wineries price their wine experiences?46
A comparison of the importance of wine supplier quality attributes for on-premise and off-premise wine retail establishments46
The theory-practice research gains from big data: evidence from hospitality loyalty programs45
Green pull motives and overall tourist satisfaction: a macro- and micro-levels analysis45
Family incivility, emotional exhaustion, and hotel employees’ outcomes: a moderated mediation model44
Combating quiet quitting: implications for future research and practices for talent management44
Tokenism in the workplace: does brand activism benefit LGBTQ+ employees in the hospitality industry?44
Market dynamism and sustainability in heritage tourism destinations: The enhancing role of bridging capital43
Guest editorial: The sharing economy in a post-pandemic world43
Guest editorial: Creating, managing and marketing gastronomy experiences in hospitality and tourism43
I can be myself: robots reduce social discomfort in hospitality service encounters43
Unveiling the role of congruity in service robot design and deployment42
Customer acceptance of humanoid service robots in hotels: moderating effects of service voluntariness and culture42
Stand by me: analyzing the tourist–intelligent voice assistant relationship quality41
Luxury hotel technology trends: a multigenerational analysis41
The effect of servicescape on place attachment and experience evaluation: the importance of exoticism and authenticity in an ethnic restaurant41
Adopting the metaverse in the luxury hotel business: a cost–benefit perspective41
How does restaurant experienscape affect solo diners' emotions and dining satisfaction in Korea?41
PLS-SEM’s most wanted guidance40
Humility breeds creativity: the moderated mediation model of leader humility and subordinates’ creative service performance in hospitality40
Green management practices and trust for green behavioral intentions and mediation of ethical leadership. An attribution theory perspective in tourism40
Resistance to blockchain adoption in the foodservice industry: moderating roles of public pressures and climate change awareness40
Metaverse as a driver for customer experience and value co-creation: implications for hospitality and tourism management and marketing39
Relational resources for promoting restaurant employees’ thriving at work39
The double-edged sword effect of artificial intelligence awareness among hotel employees39
Artificial intelligence: an overview of research trends and future directions38
Age-inclusive hospitality and tourism: navigating the metaverse travel with avatar38
Sustainable hospitality and tourism in the Anthropocene era: the need for a more radical shift of the current circular economy models38
Drivers of social sustainability practices: quality management, human capital and innovation38
Artificial intelligence (AI) for tourism: an European-based study on successful AI tourism start-ups38
What factors motivate customers to embrace a metaverse hotel?36
Women empowerment in restaurants: effects of femvertising, purplewashing and feminist identity on consumers’ willingness to pay a premium36
From shared leadership to proactive customer service performance: a multilevel investigation35
Becoming cynical and depersonalized: how incivility, co-worker support and service rules affect employee job performance35
“Building back better”: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the resilience of the hospitality and tourism industries35
Positive power: events as temporary sites of power which “empower” marginalised groups35
Plant-based food is unhealthy—that’s not true! How can corrective messages help promote plant-based menus in quick-service restaurants?34
A conjoint analysis of attributes influencing attendance of academic conferences34
Is eco-label hotel engagement the pathway to sustainability practices via entrepreneurial resilience and orientation in Oman? Findings from PLS-SEM and fsQCA34
Creativity in the hospitality and tourism industry: a meta-analysis34
The gateway bug to edible insect consumption: interactions between message framing, celebrity endorsement and online social support33
Online food delivery research: a systematic literature review33
The competitive productivity (CP) of tourism destinations: an integrative conceptual framework and a reflection on big data and analytics33
How service robots’ human-like appearance impacts consumer trust: a study across diverse cultures and service settings33
Triple grief cycle of cancelled events: the emotional crisis aftermath33
The double-edged effects of visualizing wine style: sweetness scale on wine label33
Effects of customers’ perceived risks of sharing economy on self-protective behavior toward COVID-1933
What have hosts overlooked for improving stay experience in accommodation-sharing? Empirical evidence from Airbnb customer reviews33
A framework of customer experience management for hotel industry32
How organizational dehumanization impacts hospitality employees service recovery performance and sabotage behaviors: the role of psychological well-being and tenure32
Does perceived overqualification lead employees to further knowledge hiding? The role of relative deprivation and ego depletion32
The past of tourist behaviour in hospitality and tourism in difficult times: a systematic review of literature (1978–2020)32
Applying image recognition techniques to visual information mining in hospitality and tourism31
A holistic assessment of eWOM management effectiveness with agent-based modeling31
Restaurant management and food waste reduction: factors affecting attitudes and intentions in restaurants of Spain31
A qualitative study of antecedents of enduring involvement and its role in dining experiences of tourists30
Detecting fake hospitality reviews through the interplay of emotional cues, cognitive cues and review valence30
Drivers and interrelationships of three types of pro-environmental behaviors in the workplace30
Creating customer value in the sharing economy: an investigation of Airbnb users and their tripographic characteristics30
A comparison between chatbot and human service: customer perception and reuse intention29
Employee perceptions of hotel CSR activities during the COVID-19 pandemic29
Customer experience in the hotel industry: a systematic literature review and research agenda28
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), ethical climate and pride in membership moderated by casino dealers’ customer orientation28
Influence of social identity on service sabotage in hospitality organizations: cross-level roles of job embeddedness, organizational identification and supervisor support28
How does customer cooperation affect employees’ prosocial service behavior in upscale Chinese hotels? An affective social exchange perspective28
Mind the gap: a critical reflection on hotel employee turnover28
The mobilization of employees’ psychological resources: how servant leadership motivates pro-customer deviance27
An exploration of employees’ experiences of online food delivery: evidence from employee reviews27
How does discrimination occur in hospitality and tourism services, and what shall we do? A critical literature review27
Customer online reviews and hospitality employees’ helping behavior: moderating roles of self-efficacy and moral identity27
A bibliometric review on knowledge management in tourism and hospitality: past, present and future trends27
How does AI awareness affect employees’ voice behavior in the service industry? A transactional theory of stress perspective27
Customer value co-creation in the hospitality and tourism industry: a systematic literature review27
Vulnerability to COVID-19 unemployment in the Portuguese tourism and hospitality industry27
Experience design of lifestyle communities: the future of hospitality and tourism27
Conducting mixed methods research27
Realizing potential through absorptive capacity to create competitive advantage in hospitality organizations26
Spatial structure and influencing factors of an emerging wine tourism network: a case study of the Ningxia wine region26
Experimental design studies in hospitality and tourism research: constructive recommendations26
Consequences of employee personality in the hospitality context: a systematic review and meta-analysis26
A social network analysis of interlocking directorates in the accommodation sector26
An exploratory study of US craft brewery owners’ motivations for adopting environmental practices25
Financial performance assessment of branded and non-branded hotel companies. Analysis of the Portuguese case25
Nonlinear effects of employee engagement and satisfaction on turnover intention25
Exploring the effect of perceived fun at work on hospitality employees’ behaviors in and out of work25
Deep learning in hospitality and tourism: a research framework agenda for future research25
Hotel management schemes: liminal protean pathways derived from acting as lifeguards in Gulf luxury resorts25
COVID-19 pandemic and hotel property performance25
Indoor air quality monitoring and management in hospitality: an overarching framework25
Fast food consumption value: examining the moderating role of process value25
How immersive technologies are redefining the customer journey. Guest editorial24
Key factors driving customers’ restaurant dining behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic24
The impact of religiosity on political skill: evidence from Muslim hotel employees in Turkey24
Top management team gender diversity and firm risk-taking in the hospitality industry24
Covid-19 crisis management human resource cost-retrenchment: the role of transformational leadership and ethical climate24
Event tourist experience value: multi-item scale development and validation24
The combined use of symmetric and asymmetric approaches: partial least squares-structural equation modeling and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis24
The impact of exploitative leadership on hospitality employees’ proactive customer service performance: a self-determination perspective24
The role of masculine and feminine gender enactment in hospitality leadership24
Viewing hospitality from an interdisciplinary lens: a systematic review of 30-year research on hospitality in health care24
Hospitality business models, customer well-being and trust: the mediating role of competitive service advantage23
Principles of foodservice ethics: a general review23
How maladjustment and workplace bullying affect newcomers’ turnover intentions: roles of cognitive diversity and perceived inclusive practices23
A global perspective on the impact of COVID-19 on peer-to-peer accommodation: human mobility, case number and lockdown policies23
A prediction framework on the helpfulness of reviews for processing Chinese and English hotel reviews23
Intellectual structure of leadership studies in hospitality and tourism23
Social networks, network interaction and resilience of B&Bs in rural China23
Willingness-to-pay for robot-delivered tourism and hospitality services – an exploratory study23
Revealing mission statements in a hotel brand sector using social network analytic approach23
Understanding the drivers of consumers’ acceptance and use of service robots in the hotel industry22
Talent management in the hospitality and tourism industry: the role of societal and organisational culture22
From teamwork to psychological well-being and job performance: the role of CSR in the workplace22
Why not travel? Reviewing constraints from the perspective of customer rights in hospitality and tourism22
Women in hospitality and tourism: a study of the top-down and bottom-up dynamics22
Why customer mistreatment undermines hospitality employees’ performance: the moderating role of job crafting22
Technology for sustainability: the impact of Avatar-led Green Training on OCBE and green creativity22
“I want to help but customers mistreat me”: the dual moderating role of prosocial motivation on the impact of customer mistreatment22
Hotel experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: high-touch versus high-tech22
How the Metaverse can add new layers of hospitality services: a perspective of senior industry practitioners22
Guest editorial22
Examining the negative relationship between length of stay at a hotel and customer satisfaction: evidence from online customer reviews22
Cognitive–analytical and emotional–social tasks achievement of service robots through human–robot interaction22
Exploring the critical attributes of robot chef restaurants and their impact on customer perceived value: a mixed-methods study22
Asymmetric relationship between customer sentiment and online hotel ratings: the moderating effects of review characteristics22
Rethinking work-life integration: empowering talent in emerging hospitality and tourism work paradigms22
The dynamics in asymmetric effects of multi-attributes on customer satisfaction: evidence from COVID-1921
A 30-year journey of hospitality and tourism research: a comprehensive topic modeling analysis21
A systematic review of empirical studies of pro-environmental behavior in hospitality and tourism contexts21
Regression trees for hospitality data analysis21
Positive and negative switching barriers: promoting hotel customer citizenship behaviour through brand attachment21
Women’s career and imposter syndrome: moderating effects of female role model and diversity management in the hospitality and tourism sector21
Utilitarian vs hedonic roles of service robots and customer stereotypes: a person–environment fit theory perspective20
Modeling tourists’ preference between hotels and peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing accommodation: a pre- and post-COVID-19 comparison20
From the final frontier to the metaverse: exploring the role of sharing economy principles in revolutionizing space tourism20
Navigating the generative AI travel landscape: the influence of ChatGPT on the evolution from new users to loyal adopters20
Events’ external stakeholders and their influence strategies in tourism: perspectives from Borneo20
Using hotel reviews to assess hotel frontline employees’ roles and performances20
Decision model innovation for competitive productivity (CP) in the airport industry20
Luxury hotels as orchestrators in gastronomic destination development and management: the case of Borgo Egnazia and the Itria Valley20
Determinants of instant messaging use for communication with hotels: a policy-capturing study20
Can nostalgia-themed stimuli predict customer loyalty and continued patronage?19
Empowering leadership in hospitality and tourism management: a systematic literature review19
The intention-behaviour gap in sustainable hospitality: a critical literature review19
Why targeting attitudes often fails to elicit sustainable tourist behaviour19
Building “causal realism” in experimental studies within hospitality and tourism19
Hotel employees’ occupational stigma narratives: perceived attributes, formation paths and destigmatization mechanisms19
Forecasting daily attraction demand using big data from search engines and social media19
Re-examining the roles of experience quality at festivals: a comparative analysis using SEM and fsQCA19
Polluted psyche: the effect of regional discrimination on tourists’ unethical behavior intention19
What drives restaurant competitive productivity (CP): a comprehensive examination at meso-micro levels19
Risk-induced competitive productivity in times of recession: a chaordic tourism decision-making perspective19
Camera eats first: exploring food aesthetics portrayed on social media using deep learning19
Gaining resilience through transformative services in cause-related events: an interaction ritual chain perspective19
Exploring the diversity of emotion in hospitality and tourism from big data: a novel sentiment dictionary18
The decision-making process regarding the continuance intention of using branded apps: an integrated approach to the PAM and the TPB18
Customer attributions for LGBT-friendly branding hotels and skepticism18
Detriments of exploitative leadership in the hotel industry: role of conspiracy beliefs and forgiveness climate18
How do consumers select between hotels and Airbnb? A hierarchy of importance in accommodation choice18
The influence of consumer confusion on the repurchase intentions of hotel guests: the role of brand loyalty and customer satisfaction18
Racial discrimination against Asian American employees: impact of employee coping strategies on employee competence and work quality of life18
Impact of the length of stay at hotels on online reviews18
Effects of metaverse experience on behavioral intention of visitors: moderating role of similarity between virtual and real experience18
More popular, more listings? Effects of popularity on Airbnb host expansion18
The power of internet exposure: influence of online news coverage on restaurant survival18
Classifying travellers’ requirements from online reviews: an improved Kano model18
Let pictures speak: hotel selection-recommendation method with cognitive image attribute-enhanced knowledge graphs18
Millennials’ staycation experience during the COVID-19 era: mixture of fantasy and reality18
Why do hotels find reducing their carbon footprint difficult?18
Why and when perceived organizational exploitation inhibits frontline hotel employees’ service performance: a social exchange approach18
Build trust, they will come: the case of casino high rollers!18
Cultural perceptions of ethical leadership and its effect on intention to leave in the independent hotel industry18
Examining the pathway linking workplace incivility and employee well-being: a study among frontline hotel employees in India17
Recovery experience of wellness tourism and place attachment: insights from feelings-as-information theory17
A triadic model of job retention and turnover dynamics in the hospitality industry17
Examining the relative influence of multidimensional customer service relationships in the food delivery application context17
Mobile payment technology in hospitality and tourism: a critical review through the lens of demand, supply and policy17
Updates in service standards in hotels: how COVID-19 changed operations17
The changing determinants of tourists’ repurchase intention: the case of short-term rentals during the COVID-19 pandemic17
Idiosyncratic deals and occupational well-being in the hospitality industry: the mediating role of organization-based self-esteem17
Cocreation of gastronomy experience through cooking classes17