International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

(The median citation count of International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Adoption of AI-based chatbots for hospitality and tourism368
PLS-SEM’s most wanted guidance260
Metaverse as a driver for customer experience and value co-creation: implications for hospitality and tourism management and marketing206
The combined use of symmetric and asymmetric approaches: partial least squares-structural equation modeling and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis201
Comparing crisis management practices in the hotel industry between initial and pandemic stages of COVID-19190
The value proposition of food delivery apps from the perspective of theory of consumption value181
The COVID-19 crisis and sustainability in the hospitality industry169
COVID-19 and restaurant demand: early effects of the pandemic and stay-at-home orders144
Hospitality managers in turbulent times: the COVID-19 crisis126
Influences of artificial intelligence (AI) awareness on career competency and job burnout124
Green human resource management, perceived green organizational support and their effects on hotel employees’ behavioral outcomes124
Role of artificial intelligence and robotics to foster the touchless travel during a pandemic: a review and research agenda116
Big data empowered agility for dynamic, volatile, and time-sensitive service industries: the case of tourism sector115
Rise of the machines: towards a conceptual service-robot research framework for the hospitality and tourism industry111
Tourists’ perceptions regarding the use of anthropomorphic robots in tourism and hospitality107
The role of social media advertising in hospitality, tourism and travel: a literature review and research agenda100
Artificial intelligence: a systematic review of methods and applications in hospitality and tourism99
Is TripAdvisor still relevant? The influence of review credibility, review usefulness, and ease of use on consumers’ continuance intention96
A reflection on the Great Resignation in the hospitality and tourism industry95
A systematic and critical review of leadership styles in contemporary hospitality: a roadmap and a call for future research93
Sharing economy research in hospitality and tourism: a critical review using bibliometric analysis, content analysis and a quantitative systematic literature review92
Perceived risks from drone food delivery services before and after COVID-1990
Service robots and COVID-19: exploring perceptions of prevention efficacy at hotels in generation Z89
Seeing destinations through vlogs: implications for leveraging customer engagement behavior to increase travel intention89
Leveraging ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (AI)-based applications in the hospitality and tourism industry: practices, challenges and research agenda88
Using the social exchange theory to explore the employee-organization relationship in the hospitality industry87
Big data and analytics in hospitality and tourism: a systematic literature review87
Smart hospitality: from smart cities and smart tourism towards agile business ecosystems in networked destinations86
“Find a flight for me, Oscar!” Motivational customer experiences with chatbots86
On being warm and friendly: the effect of socially responsible human resource management on employee fears of the threats of COVID-1980
Impact of anthropomorphic features of artificially intelligent service robots on consumer acceptance: moderating role of sense of humor79
Impact of green human resource practices on hotel environmental performance: the moderating effect of environmental knowledge and individual green values76
Evolving research perspectives on food and gastronomic experiences in tourism76
How do hotels in developing countries manage the impact of COVID-19? The case of Lebanese hotels74
Management commitment to the ecological environment, green work engagement and their effects on hotel employees’ green work outcomes74
“Donate to help combat COVID-19!” How typeface affects the effectiveness of CSR marketing?73
Customer value co-creation in the hospitality and tourism industry: a systematic literature review73
Updates in service standards in hotels: how COVID-19 changed operations72
Green mindfulness and green creativity nexus in hospitality industry: examining the effects of green process engagement and CSR71
Attitudes toward service robots: analyses of explicit and implicit attitudes based on anthropomorphism and construal level theory71
Customers’ evaluation of mechanical artificial intelligence in hospitality services: a study using online reviews analytics70
Job perceptions of Generation Z hotel employees towards working in Covid-19 quarantine hotels: the role of meaningful work68
Empowering leadership in hospitality and tourism management: a systematic literature review67
The role of green HRM in driving hotels' green creativity67
Artificial intelligence for hospitality big data analytics: developing a prediction model of restaurant review helpfulness for customer decision-making65
Artificial intelligence (AI) for tourism: an European-based study on successful AI tourism start-ups64
Spicing up hospitality service encounters: the case of Pepper™62
Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey: hospitality industry in Macao under the COVID-19 pandemic62
Managing hotel revenue amid the COVID-19 crisis61
Willingness-to-pay for robot-delivered tourism and hospitality services – an exploratory study61
Well-being and career change intention: COVID-19’s impact on unemployed and furloughed hospitality workers61
Effectiveness of sustainability communication on social media: role of message appeal and message source61
The effects of job crafting on tour leaders’ work engagement: the mediating role of person-job fit and meaningfulness of work60
Sustainability in hospitality and tourism: a review of key research topics from 1994 to 202060
Narcissistic leadership and behavioral cynicism in the hotel industry: the role of employee silence and negative workplace gossiping59
Sentiment analysis in hospitality and tourism: a thematic and methodological review58
A comparison between chatbot and human service: customer perception and reuse intention58
Contactless service in hospitality: bridging customer equity, experience, delight, satisfaction, and trust57
Fire in the belly: the impact of despotic leadership on employees work-related outcomes in the hospitality setting55
Food consumption experiences: a framework for understanding food tourists’ behavioral intentions55
Talent management in hospitality and tourism: a systematic literature review and research agenda54
Stand by me: analyzing the tourist–intelligent voice assistant relationship quality54
Customer pressure and restaurant employee green creative behavior: serial mediation effects of restaurant ethical standards and employee green passion54
A critical reflection on digitalization for the hospitality and tourism industry: value implications for stakeholders54
Contemporary leadership in hospitality: a review and research agenda54
Application of consumer innovativeness to the context of robotic restaurants54
A critical review of robot research and future research opportunities: adopting a service ecosystem perspective52
Systematic literature review of food waste in educational institutions: setting the research agenda51
Hotel experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: high-touch versus high-tech50
Understanding tourists' memorable local food experiences and their consequences: the moderating role of food destination, neophobia and previous tasting experience49
Entrepreneurship in rural hospitality and tourism. A systematic literature review of past achievements and future promises49
Antecedents of positive eWOM in hotels. Exploring the relative role of satisfaction, quality and positive emotional experiences48
Robots at your service: value facilitation and value co-creation in restaurants48
The effects of hotel green business practices on consumers’ loyalty intentions: an expanded multidimensional service model in the upscale segment48
Travel experience sharing on social media: effects of the importance attached to content sharing and what factors inhibit and facilitate it47
The thematic evolution of customer engagement research: a comparative systematic review and bibliometric analysis47
Fostering green service innovation perceptions through green entrepreneurial orientation: the roles of employee green creativity and customer involvement47
A digital transformation approach in hospitality and tourism research47
Revealing industry challenge and business response to Covid-19: a text mining approach47
Robot vs human: expectations, performances and gaps in off-premise restaurant service modes47
How hotels adjust technology-based strategy to respond to COVID-19 and gain competitive productivity (CP): strategic management process and dynamic capabilities47
Customer emotion research in hospitality and tourism: conceptualization, measurements, antecedents and consequences46
Impact of COVID-19: research note on tourism and hospitality sectors in the epicenter of Wuhan and Hubei Province, China46
Improving the service industry with hyper-connectivity: IoT in hospitality46
Destination image through social media analytics and survey method46
Linking environmental knowledge, environmental responsibility, altruism, and intention toward green hotels through ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes45
Hotel servicescape and customer citizenship behaviors: mediating role of customer engagement and moderating role of gender45
The impact of COVID-19 on hotel customer satisfaction: evidence from Beijing and Shanghai in China45
Online review helpfulness: the moderating effects of review comprehensiveness45
The impact of AI-enabled service attributes on service hospitableness: the role of employee physical and psychological workload45
Local food and changes in tourist eating habits in a sun-and-sea destination: a segmentation approach44
A critical review of smart hospitality and tourism research44
The effects of on-the-job embeddedness and its sub-dimensions on small-sized hotel employees’ organizational commitment, work engagement and turnover intentions43
A critical review of moderation analysis in tourism and hospitality research toward robust guidelines43
Risk, crisis and disaster management in hospitality and tourism: a comparative review43
Key factors driving customers’ restaurant dining behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic43
Labor shortage solution: redefining hospitality through digitization43
Employees’ challenge-hindrance appraisals toward STARA awareness and competitive productivity: a micro-level case42
Why travelers switch to the sharing accommodation platforms? A push-pull-mooring framework41
Service failure research in the hospitality and tourism industry: a synopsis of past, present and future dynamics from 2001 to 202041
Online food delivery research: a systematic literature review41
Customers’ perceptions of hotel AI-enabled voice assistants: does brand matter?40
Hospitality employees’ emotions in the workplace: a systematic review of recent literature40
Research on the relationship between wellness tourism experiencescape and revisit intention: a chain mediation model40
COVID-19 two years on: a review of COVID-19-related empirical research in major tourism and hospitality journals40
The service digitalization in fine-dining restaurants: a cost-benefit perspective39
Reading between the lines: analyzing online reviews by using a multi-method Web-analytics approach39
“Building back better”: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the resilience of the hospitality and tourism industries39
COVID-19-related job insecurity and employees’ behavioral outcomes: mediating role of emotional exhaustion and moderating role of symmetrical internal communication39
The internet of things in upscale hotels: its impact on guests’ sensory experiences and behavior39
Employee perceptions of hotel CSR activities during the COVID-19 pandemic39
Robots can’t take my job: antecedents and outcomes of Gen Z employees’ service robot risk awareness39
Big data analytics and hotel guest experience: a critical analysis of the literature39
Socially responsible human resource practices and hospitality employee outcomes38
The changing determinants of tourists’ repurchase intention: the case of short-term rentals during the COVID-19 pandemic38
A critical review and reconstruction of perceptual brand equity38
Vulnerability to COVID-19 unemployment in the Portuguese tourism and hospitality industry38
Are environmental-related online reviews more helpful? A big data analytics approach37
Leader knowledge hiding, feedback avoidance and hotel employee outcomes: a moderated mediation model37
Barriers and drivers of environmental sustainability: Australian hotels37
Customer experience and brand loyalty in the full-service hotel sector: the role of brand affect37
Turning home boredom during the outbreak of COVID-19 into thriving at home and career self-management: the role of online leisure crafting37
Restaurant frontline employees’ turnover intentions: three-way interactions between job stress, fear of COVID-19, and resilience36
Can human resource flexibility disentangle innovative work behavior among hospitality employees? The roles of harmonious passion and regulatory foci36
A systematic review of empirical studies of pro-environmental behavior in hospitality and tourism contexts36
Discovering the relationship among knowledge management, sustainability marketing and service improvement: the moderating role of consumer interest35
Creativity in the hospitality and tourism industry: a meta-analysis35
Sense of calling, emotional exhaustion and their effects on hotel employees’ green and non-green work outcomes35
The competitive productivity (CP) of tourism destinations: an integrative conceptual framework and a reflection on big data and analytics35
Resilience in hospitality and tourism: issues, synthesis and agenda35
A segmented machine learning modeling approach of social media for predicting occupancy33
Smart dining, smart restaurant, and smart service quality (SSQ)33
Perceived robotic server qualities and functions explaining customer loyalty in the theme park context33
Exploring key factors influencing customer behavioral intention in robot restaurants33
What affects the online ratings of restaurant consumers: a research perspective on text-mining big data analysis33
Quiet quitting: relationship with other concepts and implications for tourism and hospitality33
Creating customer value in the sharing economy: an investigation of Airbnb users and their tripographic characteristics33
Research progress in tourism, leisure and hospitality in Europe (1969–2018)33
Relative effects of human capital, social capital and psychological capital on hotel employees’ job performance33
Why are Chinese and North American guests satisfied or dissatisfied with hotels? An application of big data analysis33
The environmentally friendly role of edible insect restaurants in the tourism industry: applying an extended theory of planned behavior33
The effect of paradoxical leadership on extra-role service in the hospitality industry32
A framework of customer experience management for hotel industry32
30 years of artificial intelligence (AI) research relating to the hospitality and tourism industry32
High-frequency forecasting from mobile devices’ bigdata: an application to tourism destinations’ crowdedness32
How organizational justice in the hospitality industry influences proactive customer service performance through general self-efficacy32
How to avoid common mistakes in experimental research?31
The impact of exploitative leadership on hospitality employees’ proactive customer service performance: a self-determination perspective31
Exploring the roles of hotel wellness attributes in customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction: application of Kano model through mixed methods31
How does discrimination occur in hospitality and tourism services, and what shall we do? A critical literature review31
A meta-analytic model on the role of organizational support in work-family conflict and employee satisfaction31
The after-shock effects of high-performers turnover in hotel industry: a multi-level study30
Emotional intelligence and job performance in the hospitality industry: a meta-analytic review30
COVID-19 impact on hospitality retail employees’ turnover intentions30
Asymmetric relationship between customer sentiment and online hotel ratings: the moderating effects of review characteristics30
Who is an evangelist? Food tourists’ positive and negative eWOM behavior30
Evaluating hotel websites through the use of fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS30
Forecasting daily attraction demand using big data from search engines and social media30
How organizational dehumanization impacts hospitality employees service recovery performance and sabotage behaviors: the role of psychological well-being and tenure29
Becoming cynical and depersonalized: how incivility, co-worker support and service rules affect employee job performance29
How does quality of mobile food delivery services influence customer loyalty? Gronroos’s service quality perspective28
Recovery experience of wellness tourism and place attachment: insights from feelings-as-information theory28
Origins and consequences of intrapreneurship with behaviour-based approach among employees in the hospitality industry28
Employee perceptions of wellness programs in the hospitality industry28
Information and communication technologies and human resources in hospitality and tourism28
A reflection of greenwashing practices in the hospitality industry: a scoping review28
Beauty premium or beauty penalty in sharing accommodation situations based on lay theories27
How to enhance scholarly impact: recommendations for university administrators, researchers and educators27
Do Gen Zs feel happy about their first job? A cultural values perspective from the hospitality and tourism industry27
How visual attention to social media cues impacts visit intention and liking expectation for restaurants27
Beyond simple messaging: a review of crisis communication research in hospitality and tourism27
A workplace-driven model on the formation of OCB-C: perspectives of social exchange theory and agency theory27
Examining the relative influence of multidimensional customer service relationships in the food delivery application context27
“A home away from hem”: exploring and assessing hotel staycation as the new normal in the Covid-19 era27
An integrative model of facial recognition check-in technology adoption intention: the perspective of hotel guests in Singapore27
The role of parasocial relationship in social media marketing: testing a model among baby boomers27
Human resource management studies in hospitality and tourism domain: a bibliometric analysis27
Are employee assistance programs helpful? A look at the consequences of abusive supervision on employee affective organizational commitment and general health26
Employee engagement, its antecedents and effects on business performance in hospitality industry: a multilevel analysis26
Gathering pre-purchase information for a cruise vacation with virtual reality: the effects of media technology and gender26
Tit for tat: understanding the responding behavior of property hosts on peer-to-peer rental platforms26
Gender discrimination and perceived fairness in the promotion process of hotel employees26
Drivers and interrelationships of three types of pro-environmental behaviors in the workplace26
Generation Z domestic food tourists’ experienced restaurant innovativeness toward destination cognitive food image and revisit intention26
Does family matter? The moderating role of family involvement on the relationship between CSR and firm performance26
The impact of social capital and knowledge sharing intention on restaurants’ new product development25
A systematic and critical review of Internet of Things in contemporary hospitality: a roadmap and avenues for future research25
Scent marketing: linking the scent congruence with brand image25
Top management team gender diversity and firm risk-taking in the hospitality industry25
Redefining luxury service with technology implementation: the impact of technology on guest satisfaction and loyalty in a luxury hotel25
Impact of organizational mistreatment on employee performance in the hotel industry25
Investigation of efficiency in the UK hotel industry: a network data envelopment analysis approach25
Pricing research in hospitality and tourism and marketing literature: a systematic review and research agenda25
The construction of the affinity-seeking strategies of Airbnb homestay hosts25
Examining restaurant purchase intention during crises: the role of message appeal25
Investigating onsite restaurant interactive self-service technology (ORISST) use: customer expectations and intentions25
Human–robot interactions in the restaurant setting: the role of social cognition, psychological ownership and anthropomorphism24
How does review disconfirmation influence customer online review behavior? A mixed-method investigation24
The role of customer familiarity in evaluating green servicescape: an investigation in the coffee shop context24
Peer-to-peer accommodation amid COVID-19: the effects of Airbnb cleanliness information on guests’ trust and behavioral intentions24
Fun at workplace and intention to leave: role of work engagement and group cohesion24
Perceived vulnerability of job loss and satisfaction with life in the hospitality sector in times of pandemic: a multi-mediational approach24
A comparative review of hospitality and tourism innovation research in academic and trade journals24
To stream or not to stream? Exploring factors influencing impulsive consumption through gastronomy livestreaming24
Group diversity and employee service innovative behavior in the hospitality industry: a multilevel model23
Exploring the impact of social media platform image on hotel customers’ visit intention23
Why do hotels find reducing their carbon footprint difficult?23
Water resources in the hotel industry: a systematic literature review23
Antecedents and consequences of co-creation value with a resolution of complex P2P relationships23
Can “bad” stressors spark “good” behaviors in frontline employees? Incorporating motivation and emotion23
Consequences of employee personality in the hospitality context: a systematic review and meta-analysis23
The empowering role of hospitable telemedicine experience in reducing isolation and anxiety: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic23
Consumers’ lodging intentions during a pandemic: empirical insights for crisis management practices based on protection motivation theory and expectancy theory23
The effect of servicescape on place attachment and experience evaluation: the importance of exoticism and authenticity in an ethnic restaurant23
Exploring hotel employees’ regulatory foci and voice behavior: the moderating role of leader-member exchange22
Implementing dynamic revenue management in hotels during Covid-19: value stream and wavelet coherence perspectives22
A hotel stay for a respite from work? Examining recovery experience, rumination and well-being among hotel and bed-and-breakfast guests22
Determinants of price and revenue for peer-to-peer hosts. The state of the art22
How social media influencer’s event endorsement changes attitudes of followers: the moderating effect of followers’ gender22
Beyond competing for talent: an integrative framework for coopetition in talent management in SMEs22
Family-supportive supervisor behaviors and employee turnover intention in the foodservice industry: does gender matter?22
Actor value formation in Airbnb: insight from multi-source data22
Tourism demand nowcasting using a LASSO-MIDAS model22
Environmentally specific authentic leadership and team green creative behavior based on cognitive-affective path systems22
Adapt to not just survive but thrive: resilience strategies of five-star hotels at difficult times22
Let’s not just “talk” about it: reflections on women’s career development in hospitality22
Is eco-label hotel engagement the pathway to sustainability practices via entrepreneurial resilience and orientation in Oman? Findings from PLS-SEM and fsQCA22
Food vloggers and parasocial interactions: a comparative study of local and foreign food vlogs using the S-O-R paradigm22
The impact of knowledge management on the internationalization, organizational ambidexterity and performance of Spanish hotel chains22
Extracting revisit intentions from social media big data: a rule-based classification model22
Is coolness important to luxury hotel brand management? The linking and moderating mechanisms between coolness and customer brand engagement22
Fueling the spirit of care to surmount hazing: foregrounding the role of spiritual leadership in inhibiting hazing in the hospitality context21
Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on the financial performance of the hospitality and tourism industries: an ensemble MCDM approach in the Indian context21
Unveiling the food safety climate’s paths to adequate food handling in the hospitality industry in Brazil21
Value cocreation research in tourism and hospitality: a comparative bibliometric analysis21
Attracting Generation Z talents to the hospitality industry through COVID CSR practices21
A systematic review of work–family enrichment in the hospitality industry21
A bibliometric review on knowledge management in tourism and hospitality: past, present and future trends21
Measuring the up-to-date quality of online food delivery: formative index construction21
Assessing the application of multi-criteria decision making techniques in hospitality and tourism research: a bibliometric study21
A reconsideration of the EWOM construct in restaurant research: what are we really measuring?21
Detecting fake hospitality reviews through the interplay of emotional cues, cognitive cues and review valence21
Green human resource management, job embeddedness and their effects on restaurant employees’ green voice behaviors20
Social CRM: linking the dots of customer service and customer loyalty during COVID-19 in the hotel industry20
All without leaving home: building a conceptual model of virtual tourism experiences20
Will catering employees’ job dissatisfaction lead to brand sabotage behavior? A study based on conservation of resources and complexity theories20
From teamwork to psychological well-being and job performance: the role of CSR in the workplace20
Burnout and counterproductive workplace behaviours among frontline hospitality employees: the effect of perceived contract precarity20
You don’t have to tip the human waiters anymore, but … Unveiling factors that influence consumers’ willingness to pay a price premium for robotic restaurants20
A recipe for food promotion: effects of color brightness on food evaluations and behavioral intentions20