Feminism & Psychology

(The median citation count of Feminism & Psychology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Regulating “untrustworthy patients”: Constructions of “trust” and “distrust” in accounts of inpatient treatment for anorexia23
The intersection of autism and gender in the negotiation of identity: A systematic review and metasynthesis22
From ignorance to knowledge: Sexual consent and queer stories20
Speaking out against everyday sexism: Gender and epistemics in accusations of “mansplaining”20
“A day-to-day struggle”: A comparative qualitative study on experiences of women with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain18
Navigating intimate trans citizenship while incarcerated in Australia and the United States16
Toward a feminist psychological theory of “institutional trauma”14
“Kick the XX out of your life”: An analysis of the manosphere’s discursive constructions of gender on Twitter14
“Fake it ‘till you make it”: Authenticity and wellbeing in late diagnosed autistic women12
Looking on the bright side: Positivity discourse, affective practices and new femininities11
A history of lesbian politics and the psy professions10
Difference or dysfunction?: Deconstructing desire in the DSM-5 diagnosis of Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder10
Staying strong: Exploring experiences of managing emotional distress for African Caribbean women living in the UK10
#mothersday: Constructions of motherhood and femininity in social media posts10
Digital mothering: Sharenting, family selfies and online affective-discursive practices9
“I want to look as if I am my child’s big sister”: Self-satisfaction and the yummy mummy in Taiwan9
Saying the unsayable: The online expression of mothers’ anger during a pandemic9
Mapping the abject: Women's embodied experiences of premenstrual body dissatisfaction through body-mapping8
Editorial introduction: The politics of psychological suffering7
Blurred lines: Technologies of heterosexual coercion in “sugar dating”6
Fighting for abortion rights: Strategies aimed at managing stigma in a group of Italian pro-choice activists6
Mothering on the web: A feminist analysis of posts and interactions on a Chilean Instagram account on motherhood6
Fit to conceive? Representations of preconception health in the UK press6
He kākano ahau – identity, Indigeneity and wellbeing for young Māori (Indigenous) men in Aotearoa/New Zealand6
“Other” psychologists: An autoethnographic conversation about difference, deviance and defiance5
Adolescent perspectives on gendered ideologies in physical activity within schools: Reflections on a female-focused intervention5
“Facilitating wife” and “feckless manchild”: Working mothers’ talk about divisions of care on Mumsnet5
“I want you to help me, you’re family”: A relational approach to women's experience of distress and recovery in the perinatal period4
“Deal me in”: Hillary Clinton and gender in the 2016 US presidential election4
Online breastfeeding publics: Sociality, support and selfies4
Designedly intentional misgendering in social interaction: A conversation analytic account4
POWES is pronounced “feminist”: Negotiating academic and activist boundaries in the talk of UK feminist psychologists4
Seeking safety from male partner violence in Turkey: Toward a context-informed perspective on women's decisions and actions3
“I don’t have an address”: Housing instability and domestic violence in help-seeking calls to a support service3
“I am not a monster”: An affective–discursive analysis of men's perspectives on their engagement in violence against women3
Contributions to reducing online gender harassment: Social re-norming and appealing to empathy as tried-and-failed techniques3
A Feminist Relational Discourse Analysis of mothers’ voiced accounts of the “duty to protect” children from fatness and fatphobia3
“I didn’t feel normal”: Young Canadian women’s experiences with polycystic ovary syndrome3
Vulnerable advantages: Re-searching my self while navigating queer identity, research ethics, and emotional labour3
“If your institution refuses to provide what you need, create it yourself”: Feminist praxis on #AcademicTwitter3
Guns on campus: An autoethnography of “concealed carry” policies3
Book Review: Migrant mothers in the digital age: Emotion and belonging in migrant maternal online communities by Leah Williams Veazey2
“I’m not just made for men”: Managing misogyny in online sex work2
What are we aiming for? Exploring tensions in healthcare provider perspectives on and communications about eating disorder recovery2
“We will make you feel safe”: Female medical staff's experiences of meeting with raped women in Sweden2
Gender/sex markers, bio/logics, and U.S. identity documents2
Women's health magazines and postfeminist healthism: A critical discourse analysis2
Constructions of family relationships in a COVID Christmas: An analysis of television advertisements on YouTube2
Prejudice in “inclusive” spaces: Cisgenderist collusion in the interview context2
Decolonizing feminist knowledge: The standpoint of majority world feminist activists in Perú2
The practical realization of the feminist welfare state: Equal sharing and gender equality in institutional interaction about parental leave in Sweden2
Decolonising and demedicalising intersex research2
The failed promise of consent in women's experiences of coercive and unwanted anal sex with men2
Refugee women's pregnancy and childbirth experiences in the US: Examining context through a reproductive justice framework2
Vulnerability and empowerment on the ground: Activist perspectives from the global feminisms project2
Conspiracy theories in online deliberation on gender identity legislation: Dilemmas of prejudice and political partisanship and implications for LGBTQI+ claims2
Book Review: Body image: Understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women, and children, 3rd Edition by Sarah Grogan2
Am I vulnerable? Researcher positionality and affect in research on gendered vulnerabilities2
How to have great sex: Exploring sexual subjectivities and discourses of desire in mainstream online media aimed at women1
Making meaning of women's persistence and protagonism in the wake of genocidal violence: Maya Ixil and K’iche’ women of Chajul, Guatemala1
Mother blaming and anorexia: How ideological state apparatuses have informed my perception of my mother's role in the formation of my eating disorder1
“Speaking as a mother”: A membership categorisation analysis of child-centric talk in a UK daytime television talk show1
Embodied standpoints in gender difference graphs and tables: When, where, and why are men still prioritized?1
Beyond voice: An onto-epistemological analysis of maternal transition inquiry1
The affective afterlife of naked body protests1
Book Review: A feminist companion to social psychology by Madeleine Pownall and Wendy Rogers1
Book Review: Language, gender and parenthood online: Negotiating motherhood in Mumsnet talk by Jai Mackenzie1
Unsettling vulnerability: Queer and feminist interventions1
“Not that it makes you less of a mother, but…”: Navigating discourses of responsible motherhood in the context of VBAC1
Attending to vulnerability in sexual violence research1
Book Review: Complaint! by Sara Ahmed1
“Small town girls” and “country girls”: Examining the plurality of feminine rural subjectivity1
“There are two sides to everything”: Re (locating) vulnerability in the surrogacy industry in India1
The cost of pleasing social expectations: A serial mediation of Israeli mothers’ anxiety and depression in the relationship between defensiveness and parental self-efficacy1
Digital families: Gendered relationships in online spaces1
Beyond abjection: Exploring narratives after premenstrual dysphoric disorder1
Reproductive governance and the affective economy1
“Troubled” derby subjectivities: Wellbeing and feminist new materialist movements in sport1
Book Review: The new politics of fatherhood: Men’s movements and masculinities by Ana Jordan1
Comparing social representations of feminism among education and engineering majors: Insights for developing feminist pedagogies1
“As tough as she is beautiful”: Discourses of female professional wrestlers in World Wrestling Entertainment’s “Evolution”1
Systemic vulnerability: Towards a theoretical framework for identifying institutional failures that violate rights1
Dress codes written for dietetics education programs: A Foucauldian discourse analysis1
“I hardly see the husband”: Noticing the absence of men in paid domestic labour research1