Feminism & Psychology

(The H4-Index of Feminism & Psychology is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Regulating “untrustworthy patients”: Constructions of “trust” and “distrust” in accounts of inpatient treatment for anorexia23
The intersection of autism and gender in the negotiation of identity: A systematic review and metasynthesis22
From ignorance to knowledge: Sexual consent and queer stories20
Speaking out against everyday sexism: Gender and epistemics in accusations of “mansplaining”20
“A day-to-day struggle”: A comparative qualitative study on experiences of women with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain18
Navigating intimate trans citizenship while incarcerated in Australia and the United States16
Toward a feminist psychological theory of “institutional trauma”14
“Kick the XX out of your life”: An analysis of the manosphere’s discursive constructions of gender on Twitter14
“Fake it ‘till you make it”: Authenticity and wellbeing in late diagnosed autistic women12
Looking on the bright side: Positivity discourse, affective practices and new femininities11
A history of lesbian politics and the psy professions10
Difference or dysfunction?: Deconstructing desire in the DSM-5 diagnosis of Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder10
Staying strong: Exploring experiences of managing emotional distress for African Caribbean women living in the UK10
#mothersday: Constructions of motherhood and femininity in social media posts10