Journal of Process Control

(The TQCC of Journal of Process Control is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A continuous-time LPV models for a biofiltration process in wastewater nitrification — A global approach methodology for parametric estimation82
Adaptive data-driven design of fault-tolerant control systems with unknown dynamics55
Robust state estimation of the anaerobic digestion process for municipal organic waste using an unscented Kalman filter53
Wiener models robust identification of multi-rate process with time-varying delay using expectation-maximization algorithm45
Process monitoring using causal graphical models, with application to clogging detection in steel continuous casting43
Automated search of process control limits for fault detection in time series data38
Editorial Board35
Editorial Board34
Enhanced pressure control system for the vacuum vessel of Damavand Tokamak using PID and multiple model control32
Constrained model predictive control of an industrial high-rate thickener30
A recurrent neural network-based approach for joint chance constrained stochastic optimal control30
Markov Chain approach to get control limits for a Shewhart Control Chart to monitor the mean of a Discrete Weibull distribution29
Saturated output-feedback control and state estimation of a class of exothermic tubular reactors29
Hybrid method for multi-rate refined oil pumping station system unsteady state estimation with bad data attacks28
Editorial Board28
Direct approaches for PDE-constrained dynamic optimization based on space–time orthogonal collocation on finite elements28
Imitation of piping warm-up operation and estimation of operational intention by inverse reinforcement learning27
Performance-driven semiconductor silicon crystal quality control26
Nonlinear-Control-Oriented Modeling of the Multi-Variable Underground Coal Gasification Process for UCG Project Thar: A Machine Learning Perspective26
Editorial Board25
Real-time optimization modifier adaptation approach using quadratic approximation of the plant-model mismatch function24
Robust data-based predictive control of systems with parametric uncertainties: Paving the way for cooperative learning24
A fault-injection-based approach to leak localization in water distribution networks using an ensemble model of Bayesian classifiers24
Scheduling tank trucks at a fuel distribution terminal using max-plus model-based predictive control23
Editorial Board23
Combined optimal sensor network design and self-optimizing control with application in a typical sugarcane mill23
Editorial Board22
A novel performance assessment method of the carbon efficiency for iron ore sintering process22
Multivariate/minor fault diagnosis with severity level based on Bayesian decision theory and multidimensional RBC22
Calibration and validation for a real-time membrane bioreactor: A sliding window approach21
Enhanced multicorrelation block process monitoring and abnormity root cause analysis for distributed industrial process: A visual data-driven approach21
A quasi-sequential algorithm for PDE-constrained optimization based on space–time orthogonal collocation on finite elements21
Structured sparsity modeling for improved multivariate statistical analysis based fault isolation21
Estimation of the optimum propane content for the Spheripol Polypropylene process21
Control of cascaded series dead-time processes with ideal achievable disturbance attenuation using a predictors-based structure20
Spatiotemporal-response-correlation-based model predictive control of heat conduction temperature field19
Modified active disturbance rejection control based on gain scheduling for circulating fluidized bed units19
Extremum seeking control for optimization of an open-loop grinding mill using grind curves19
Adaptive multi-task optimization strategy for wastewater treatment process19
Multivariate batch to batch optimisation of fermentation processes to improve productivity18
Distributed process monitoring based on joint mutual information and projective dictionary pair learning18
Transfer Learning in wastewater treatment plants control: Measuring the transfer suitability18
Dynamic transfer partial least squares for domain adaptive regression17
Dynamic optimization and nonlinear model predictive control of a semi-batch epoxidation process17
Spectral radius-based interval principal component analysis (SR-IPCA) for fault detection in industrial processes with imprecise data17
Modeling and Bayesian inference for processes characterized by abrupt variations17
Adversarial smoothing tri-regression for robust semi-supervised industrial soft sensor17
Novel complex-valued long short-term memory network integrating variational mode decomposition for soft sensor17
Simultaneous and sequential state and parameter estimation using receding-horizon nonlinear Kalman filter17
A two-phase soft sensor modeling framework for quality prediction in industrial processes with missing data17
A local–global transformer for distributed monitoring of multi-unit nonlinear processes17
Operational adjustment modeling approach based on Bayesian network transfer learning for new flotation process under scarce data17
Hierarchical nonlinear model predictive control with multi-time-scale for wastewater treatment process16
Multi-objective optimal scheduling of laminar cooling water supply system for hot rolling mills driven by digital twin for energy-saving16
Fault-tolerant safe control for water networks: A backstepping neural control barrier function approach16
Convex reformulations for self-optimizing control optimization problem: Linear Matrix Inequality approach16
ILC-based two-layer strategy for economic performance improvement in industrial MPC systems16
A robust model predictive control algorithm for input–output LPV systems using parameter extrapolation16
A stochastic approach for the solution of single and multi–objective optimisation problems of biological processes in sequencing batch reactor16
Virtual unmodeled dynamic and data-driven nonlinear robust predictive control16
Editorial Board16
Optimal output-feedback temperature regulation of a catalytic reverse flow reactor PDEs model15
MPC closed-loop identification without excitation15
Experimental validation of an interval observer-based sensor fault detection strategy applied to a biohydrogen production dark fermenter15
ANFIS and Takagi–Sugeno interval observers for fault diagnosis in bioprocess system15
Optimal control problems of a reaction–diffusion ecological model with a protection zone15
Learning of model-plant mismatch map via neural network modeling and its application to offset-free model predictive control15
Data-knowledge-driven diagnosis method for sludge bulking of wastewater treatment process15
Predicting goal attainment in process-oriented behavioral interventions using a data-driven system identification approach15
Global self-optimizing control of batch processes14
Comparison of multiple Kalman filter and moving horizon estimator for the anesthesia process14
Robust closed-loop dynamic real-time optimization14
Study of parabolic trough collector with crucial analysis on controller and estimator with variable mirror efficiency14
Condition-driven probabilistic adversarial autoencoder with nonlinear Gaussian feature learning for nonstationary process monitoring14
Latent variable modeling and state estimation of non-stationary processes driven by monotonic trends14
Soft-sensor design via task transferred just-in-time-learning coupled transductive moving window learner14
Industrial process fault detection based on KGLPP model with Cam weighted distance14
Two-dimensional multiphase batch process monitoring based on sparse canonical variate analysis13
Data-knowledge-driven distributed monitoring for large-scale processes based on digraph13
Sliding window neural network based sensing of bacteria in wastewater treatment plants13
Multi-rate Gaussian Bayesian network soft sensor development with noisy input and missing data13
High-dimensional, slow-time-varying process monitoring technique based on adaptive eigen subspace extraction method13
Quasi-online failure times identification of mobile heat sources in 2D geometry13
Steady-state real-time optimization using transient measurements and approximated Hammerstein dynamic model: A proof of concept in an experimental rig13
Simultaneous design and nonlinear model predictive control under uncertainty: A back-off approach13
Long–short-term memory encoder–decoder with regularized hidden dynamics for fault detection in industrial processes13
Optimal production of microalgae in the presence of grazers13
Meta-reinforcement learning for the tuning of PI controllers: An offline approach13
Identifiable prediction animal model for the bi-hormonal intraperitoneal artificial pancreas12
Autoencoder embedded dictionary learning for nonlinear industrial process fault diagnosis12
ANN model adaptation algorithm based on extended Kalman filter applied to pH control using MPC12
Observer design for a nonlinear heat equation: Application to semiconductor wafer processing12
Detection of downhole incidents for complex geological drilling processes using amplitude change detection and dynamic time warping12
Error-feedback temperature regulation for a reverse flow reactor driven by a distributed parameter exosystem12
Deep learning-based model predictive control for real-time supply chain optimization12
Tuning of fuzzy controller with arbitrary triangular input fuzzy sets based on proximal policy optimization for time-delays system12
Design of functional observers for fault detection and isolation in nonlinear systems in the presence of noises12
Differentiable predictive control: Deep learning alternative to explicit model predictive control for unknown nonlinear systems12
Iterative learning robust MPC hybrid fault-tolerant control for multi-phase batch processes with asynchronous switching11
Adaptive predictive control of a fan-ventilated tunnel greenhouse with evaporative cooling11
A fast, fully distributed nonlinear model predictive control algorithm with parametric sensitivity through Jacobi iteration11
Simultaneous online model identification and production optimization using modifier adaptation11
Multi-strategy control to extend the feasibility region for robust model predictive control10
Monitoring multimode processes: A modified PCA algorithm with continual learning ability10
Enhanced MPC based on unknown state estimation and control compensation10
Developing accurate data-driven soft-sensors through integrating dynamic kernel slow feature analysis with neural networks10
A framework for exergy analysis of process control systems10
Editorial Board10
Distributed parameter modeling of fluid transmission lines10
A priority-aware sequential pattern mining method for detection of compact patterns from alarm floods10
Computationally efficient solution of mixed integer model predictive control problems via machine learning aided Benders Decomposition10
Low-order dynamical model and distributed coordinated model predictive control for multi-stage belt conveyor systems10
On timeline of enhancing testing-capacity of COVID-19: A case study via an optimal replacement model10
Editorial Board10
Automatic determination of optimal fault detection filter10
Perspectives on nonstationary process monitoring in the era of industrial artificial intelligence10
Novel adaptive fault detection method based on kernel entropy component analysis integrating moving window of dissimilarity for nonlinear dynamic processes10
Adaptive temperature model for microalgae cultivation systems10
Robust probabilistic predictable feature analysis and its application for dynamic process monitoring10
Pseudo feedforward dynamic matrix control algorithm for desired closed-loop performance in MPC systems10
Lyapunov based on-line model reduction and control of semilinear dissipative distributed parameter systems with minimum feedback information9
Editorial Board9
A probabilistic framework with concurrent analytics of Gaussian process regression and classification for multivariate control performance assessment9
On the update of algebraic states during state estimation of differential–algebraic equation (DAE) systems9
Plantwide control design using latent variables: An integration between control allocation and a measurement combination approach9
Group-sparsity-enforcing fault discrimination and estimation with dynamic process data9
Editorial Board9
Editorial Board9
Editorial Board9
Stability properties of the adaptive horizon multi-stage MPC9
Editorial Board9
Novel fault subspace extraction methods for the reconstruction-based fault diagnosis9
A data-driven fault isolation and estimation approach for unknown linear systems9
Bounded input impulsive control for scheduling therapies9
Performance assessment of multivariate process using time delay matrix9
Multi-objective reinforcement learning in process control: A goal-oriented approach with adaptive thresholds9
Systematic model bank determination approach for nonlinear systems using gap metric and stability margin9
Slowness or Autocorrelation? A serial correlation feature analysis method and its application in process monitoring9
Quality-driven deep feature representation learning and its industrial application to soft sensors9
Development and identification of a reduced-order dynamic model for wastewater treatment plants8
Model-based dynamic sliding mode control and adaptive Kalman filter design for boiler-turbine energy conversion system8
An improved Hammerstein system identification method using Stein Variational Inference and sampling technology8
Numerical solution of nonlinear periodic optimal control problems using a Fourier integral pseudospectral method8
Transformed inputs for linearization, decoupling and feedforward control8
Novel two-dimensional off-policy Q-learning method for output feedba8
Real-time control of torch height in NG-GMAW process based on passive vision sensing technology8
Event-triggered economic MPC with relaxed contractive constraints8
Distributed model predictive control using optimality condition decomposition and community detection8
FPGA-embedded optimization algorithm to maximize the acetate productivity in a dark fermentation process8
Comparison of additive and multiplicative feedforward control8
Fitting second-order cone constraints to microbial growth data8
SA-MSIFF: Soft sensing the cement f-CaO content with a self-adaptive multisource information fusion framework in clinker burning process8
A novel interactive prognosis framework with nonlinear Wiener process and multi-sensor fusion for remaining useful life prediction8
A model-free-based control chart for batch process using U-statistics8
An ETF-based disturbance observer-based control for multivariable processes with time delays8
Data Science and Model Predictive Control:8
Multi-objective optimal control of bioconversion process considering system sensitivity and control variation8
A nonlinear disturbance observer for sliding mode control of surge in centrifugal compressors via TCV actuator8
Integrating online mineral liberation data into process control and optimisation systems for grinding–separation plants8
Editorial Board8
Moving horizon estimation for bounded noises based on the set-membership approach7
A robust supervised subspace learning approach for output-relevant prediction and detection against outliers7
A scenario-based framework for the integration of scheduling and control under multiple uncertainties7
Repetitive process based indirect-type iterative learning control for batch processes with model uncertainty and input delay7
Nonintrusive parameter adaptation of chemical process models with reinforcement learning7
Fault diagnosis based on feature clustering of time series data for loss and kick of drilling process7
Development of feed-forward model predictive control for applications in biomass bubbling fluidized bed boilers7
Approaches based on LAMDA control applied to regulate HVAC systems for buildings7
Optimal temperature trajectory for tubular reactor using physics informed neural networks7
Closed-loop optimisation of neural networks for the design of feedback policies under uncertainty7
Frequency-based multivariable control design with stability margin constraints: A linear matrix inequality approach7
Model predictive control using MISO approach for drug co-administration in anesthesia7
A modified Bayesian network to handle cyclic loops in root cause diagnosis of process faults in the chemical process industry7
A switched system formulation for optimal integration of scheduling and control in multi-product continuous processes7
Fault diagnosis for dynamic system based on the independent latent space reconstruction of generative adversarial network7
A novel method for actuator fault detection considering complex operating processes7
A thermodynamic approach to the stabilization of tubular reactors7
Sensor network design for post-combustion CO27
State estimation of the time–space propagation of COVID-19 using a distributed parameter observer based on a SEIR-type model7
A novel dynamic model for the online prediction of rate of penetration and its industrial application to a drilling process7
Multiparametric/explicit nonlinear model predictive control for quadratically constrained problems7
Decentralized control using selectors for optimal steady-state operation with changing active constraints7
Second-order component analysis for fault detection7
Novel hierarchical nonlinear control algorithm to improve dissolved oxygen control in biological WWTP7