Journal of Gender Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Gender Studies is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Non-binary lives: an anthology of intersecting identities54
The pragmatic ideal: Mary Field Parton and the pursuit of a progressive society44
Arts-integrated approaches to engaging men in violence prevention: mapping a kaleidoscope of arts, masculinities, and feminist possibilities38
Intersectionality in human rights: a discursive critique to understand clashes between the extreme right and political resistance in Brazil36
The Powerpuff Girls: making it as early career academics in physical education26
‘Gender troubles’ in researching violence towards LGBTQ+ people: a case study from Italy22
A language of Ill Feelings: defining the undefined in Alice Hattrick’s Ill Feelings (2021)20
‘All the same under the skin’: representations of class and gender in Michel Faber’s Under the Skin14
Peril and protection in British courtship novels: a study in continuity and change14
Books Received Journal of Gender Studies, vol. 30, no. 413
Does the pandemic have a gender? An exploratory study about the Perceived Impact of COVID-19 measures on women and men in Ukraine and Belarus13
Trajectories in and exits out for young men involved with violence on an inner-city housing estate13
The Terrible We: Thinking with Trans Maladjustment12
Making intersex and non-binary people count? Ambivalent in_visibilities in the German microcensus12
The gender variance scale: developing and piloting a new tool for measuring gender diversity in survey research12
Driven out: women’s employment, the transport sector and social reproduction in Grand Tunis12
Female sexuality in modernist fiction: literary techniques for making women artists11
Face-veiled Women in Contemporary Indonesia11
Maiko masquerade: crafting geisha girlhood in Japan10
Algorithmic folk theories and peer review: on the importance of valuing participant expertise (commentary)10
Women workers and the contestation of gender roles in Vietnam’s new rural factories9
The art of Jane Orleman: childhood trauma and the discourse of sexual violence9
Nevertheless, they persisted. feminist activism and the politics of crisis in Northern Ireland9
Feminist reflections on childhood: A history and call to action9
A techno-feminist analysis of beauty app development in China’s high-tech industry8
Gender and social policy in middle-income countries: comparative welfare regime analysis of fiscal policies8
Masculinity attitudes in the United States across intersections of race/ethnicity, immigration status, and education8
(Re)producing sex/gender normativities: LGB alliance, political whiteness and heteroactivism8
Agentic traits, even when perceived as low value, still hold sway in management8
Entanglements between gender equality and multiculturalism discourses: the case of Sweden7
Pattern of rape and femicide during COVID-19 lockdown: content and discourse analysis of digital media reports in Nigeria7
Global development and female labour force participation: evidence from a multidimensional perspective7
The discourse of gender equality in youth sports: a Swedish example7
Towards a gendered model of second language investment: insights from language learning narratives7
Books received journal of gender studies vol. 33 no 67
“Did you just say I was lit ?” Transgender and non-binary youth doing gender; resisting cisnormativity in South African schools7
The ‘researcher’ versus the ‘political worker’: overlapping identities and their tensions in the field7
Destigmatizing kinks: alien erotica in Netflix’s sex education7
Unpacking women’s work during the COVID-19 pandemic in India: a feminist analysis of mainstream print media7
“Reckless brutality to womankind”: police violence against black women in Colonial Nigeria7
”I became very interested in writing and creativity as ways of connecting with people”: an Interview with Juliet Jacques7
Manning the boundaries: unpacking hetereomasculine complexities among Jamaican inner-city boys7
The (m)other-daughter relationship in McCurdy’s I’m glad my mom died : codependency, anorexia nervosa, and self dis(re)covery6
Books received, journal of gender studies, vol. 33 no. 56
Pedagogies of perfection in the postfeminist digital age: young women’s negotiations of health and fitness on social media6
‘Cool articles from way back when’: appropriations and reanimations of the New Zealand feminist magazine Broadsheet6
Who’s afraid of gender? Who’s afraid of gender? , Judith Butler, London, Allen Lane, 2024, 320 pp., £ 25.00 (hardcover), £ 13.99 (e-book), ISBN 978 0 2415 9582 46
Targeted for being women and reporting on the presidency: gendered-based violence against female journalists by populists in office6
The queer art of history: queer kinship after fascism The queer art of history: queer kinship after fascism , by Jennifer V. Evans, Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 206
‘Science and Technology as Feminine’: raising awareness about and reducing the gender gap in STEM careers6
Feminist media makers in the San Francisco Bay area5
Surrogacy: time we recognized it as a job?5
Buzzfeed’s ‘celebrities reading thirst tweets’: examining the sexualization of men and women in the #MeToo era5
‘Could this really be a place for me?’ Women’s experiences in game jams and video game communities5
‘It’s easy to mistrust police when they keep on killing us’: A queer exploration of police violence and LGBTQ+ Victimization5
A systematic review of TERF behaviour online in relation to sociopsychological group dynamics5
Spectral motherhood and maternal grieving: language and sudden unexplained death in infancy in Australian juvenile fiction4
Humanizing or feminizing intelligent personal assistants? Exploring the gender representation of Siri, Cortana, and Alexa in the Italian public sphere4
Editorial issue 8 20214
Negotiating same-sex partnership in a ‘tolerant’ state4
Toxic masculinity and the college scene: John Berardo on Initiation and the anti-establishment thriller4
Networks of queer reproduction in Sappho magazine (1972–1981)4
Negotiating beauty: exploring beauty narratives of Chinese women in different life stages4
Embodied ambivalence in Taiwan: fat women and gender minorities’ negotiation and subversion of their hyper(in)visibility4
Books Received, Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 32 no. 44
Editorial issue 3 20214
What makes a ‘good man’? A mixed-methods exploration of UK adolescent attitudes towards masculinity4
‘If someone’s freaky, everyone loves it. It’s all about the drama’: young women’s responses and reactions to image based sexual abuse of other young women4
Sexuality securitized: how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine reconfigures (anti-)LGBTQ politics in Eastern Europe4
Gender threat: american masculinity in the face of change4
‘We’re respectful boys … we’re not misogynistic!’: analysing defensive, contradictory and changing performances of masculinity within young men’s in-person and digitally mediated homosocial spaces4
Changing workplace patterns in Saudi Arabia: a gender lens3
Social control in women’s pursuit of secondary education in Kathmandu, Nepal: ‘if I can’t sign my name, I can’t maintain my privacy.’3
‘Black girlhood and emerging sexual identities: sexual citizenship and teenage girls of African descent in Athens’3
Women’s houses in the Basque country: political, cultural and bodily laboratories of feminism3
Whose game? Gender and power in fantasy sports3
Books Received, Journal of Gender Studies, 32, no. 33
Gender back on the agenda in higher education: perspectives of academic staff in a contemporary UK case study3
Contesting gender: young women and feminist generations in gender-based violence services3
Statement of Removal3
The impacts of COVID-19 on the women heading their households in Iran3
Books Received, Journal of Gender Studies, vol. 32 no. 53
How do gender based disparities affect women’s self-rated health and anxiety in the European Union?3
(En)Gendering the word ‘midwife’: semantics, etymology and orientations3
Trans subjectivities in Iran: epistemic misrecognition3
Duct-taped X: gender and the ‘ethically enabling conditions’ of creative-activism on pre-teen peer cultures3
Growing up Queer: crossing gender boundaries in Carla Trujillo’s What Night Brings3
Becoming a young woman through a feminist lens: young feminist women in Turkey3
The gendered politics of crises and de-democratisation: opposition to gender equality3
“Do you have kids? Do you have kids? How many kids do you have?” the enforcement of hegemonic gender in Australian society2
Books Received Journal of Gender Studies vol. 33 no 72
Gender mainstreaming in Swedish academia: translating policy into practice2
New perspectives on gender and translation: new voices for transnational dialogues2
Praxis of compliance: feminist solidarity for women tech workers in India during Covid-192
Ageing in Contemporary China: The Ziran Approach2
Patriarchal pacts in the neo-archaic manosphere: warband brotherhoods as fascist masculinity2
‘Abbiamo liberato un’Islamica ’: deconstructing the argumentative legitimation of discriminatory attitudes against Silvia Romano 12
Gendering democracy: feminist parliamentary responses to opposition against gender equality2
‘I don’t think my torso is anything to write home about’: men’s reflexive production of ‘authentic’ photos for online dating platforms2
Exploring Christian Lutheran theological framings that shape men’s perpetration of domestic violence through pastor perspectives2
Intersectionality and decolonisation in contemporary British crime fiction2
Books Received Journal of Gender Studies , vol. 33, no. 22
Masculine nations, queer bodies and the in/visibilities of gender2
Mundeya di Torr : homosociality, the bodybuilder & the pehlwan in contemporary Pakistan2
Geek entrepreneurs: the social network, Iron Man and the reconfiguration of hegemonic masculinity2
Topological spaces of embodied becoming: queens, queerness, and (infra)structural subterfuge in Singapore2
“I’m not a saint”: divine motherhood at the intersection of single adoption and disability2
Understanding and addressing gender-based violence: an Australian Indigenous approach2
Queer Singaporean futures after 377a: establishing homonormativity as concrete labour2
Empowering the disadvantaged: a perspective on Saudi Arabia’s low-skilled female workers2
Does gender moderate the relationship between physical activity and body dissatisfaction among adolescents?2
Demanding sexual satisfaction: women’s agentic practices and male sexual “non-performance” in Tanzania2
Honouring Jo Woodiwiss2
Roundtable discussion2
‘The culture is disgusting’ : analysing continuities and differences in experiences and perceptions of youth rape culture through cross-generational testimonies online2
An intersectional and discursive approach to identity in multicultural education: the case of the Haitian community in Chile2
Examining peer mentoring with women who experience multiple and complex disadvantage: a feminist ethical model of practice2
A visual analysis intergenerational play histories and practices: five generations of an Australian family2