Journal of Gender Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Gender Studies is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Assessing the impact of mobile money on improving the financial inclusion of Nairobi women46
Paid and unpaid work during the Covid-19 pandemic: a study of the gendered division of domestic responsibilities during lockdown46
The trouble with ‘work–life balance’ in neoliberal academia: a systematic and critical review44
‘Wanna trade?’: Cisheteronormative homosocial masculinity and the normalization of abuse in youth digital sexual image exchange37
Gender equality in higher education and research34
‘Science and Technology as Feminine’: raising awareness about and reducing the gender gap in STEM careers26
‘Rapeable’ and ‘unrapeable’ women: the portrayal of sexual violence in Internet memes about #MeToo22
A techno-feminist analysis of beauty app development in China’s high-tech industry22
Gendered pandemics:suicide, femicide and COVID-1920
Gender-based violence against women users of public transport in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico19
They don’t even think about what the girl might think about it’: students’ views on sexting, gender inequalities and power relations in school19
‘Rape is a man’s issue:’ gender and power in the era of affirmative sexual consent16
Zuckerberg, get out of my uterus! An examination of fertility apps, data-sharing and remaking the female body as a digitalized reproductive subject16
Playing live-streaming ‘love games’: mediated intimacy and desperational labour in digital China15
#8M women’s strikes in Spain: following the unprecedented social mobilization through twitter14
Pedagogies of perfection in the postfeminist digital age: young women’s negotiations of health and fitness on social media13
Gender differences in mental health, academic life satisfaction and psychological vulnerability in a sample of college freshmen: a cross-sectional study12
The social life of data: strategies for categorizing fluid and multiple genders12
Constructing a queer population? Asking about sexual orientation in Scotland’s 2022 census12
Gender back on the agenda in higher education: perspectives of academic staff in a contemporary UK case study12
Sexual and sexist harassment in Spanish universities: policy implementation and resistances against gender equality measures12
Fostering collaborative approaches to gender equality interventions in higher education and research: the case of transnational and multi-institutional communities of practice12
Normalising violence? Girls and sexuality in a South African high school11
Inner and outer beauty: exploring female beauty in contemporary China11
Go the extra mile: a gender approach towards parenthood in early-career academics10
The equality paradox: sexual harassment and gender inequality in a UK university10
Navigating unChartered waters: anchoring Athena SWAN into Irish HEIs10
For whom is ignorance bliss? Ignorance, its functions and transformative potential in trans health10
Asexuality and epistemic injustice: a gendered perspective9
The construction of compulsory heterosexuality by referees in women’s football in Turkey9
Covid-19: experiences of teaching-mothers in Pakistan9
‘I Hate Physical Education’; an analysis of girls’ experiences throughout their school life9
Revisiting surrogacy in India: domino effects of the ban9
‘It started with this one post’: #MeToo, India and higher education8
Sojourning as a wife, a mother and a daughter: a critical autoethnography of a Vietnamese doctoral student in New Zealand8
A femvertising campaign always #LikeAGirl: video responses and audience interactions on YouTube8
‘It’s easy to mistrust police when they keep on killing us’: A queer exploration of police violence and LGBTQ+ Victimization8
The effects of engendered intra-household power dynamics on household food security and nutrition in Malawi8
Intimate partner violence and pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic7
The invisible frontline workers: lived experiences of urban Indian mothers during COVID-19 in India7
Teacher ratings and adolescent students’ perceived social behaviours and gender-role orientations7
An intersectional approach to hegemonic masculinity and internal hegemony: a thematic analysis in South African men7
Nevertheless, they persisted. feminist activism and the politics of crisis in Northern Ireland7
Masks are for sissies: the story of LGBTQI+ asylum seekers in Brazil during COVID-197
The gender order in action: consistent evidence from two distinct workplace settings7
Lived experiences of divorced women in Kashmir: a phenomenological study7
Muslim female subjectivity in Mohsin Hamid’s How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia: disrupting the binary of the religious and the secular in Pakistan7
(En)Gendering the word ‘midwife’: semantics, etymology and orientations7
Global development and female labour force participation: evidence from a multidimensional perspective7
Sparring with patriarchy: the rise of female boxers in the Global South7
Students’ perceptions of gender mainstreaming implementation in university teaching in Greece7
Patriarchal pits: the gendered experiences of female concert photographers7
The 4B movement: envisioning a feminist future with/in a non-reproductive future in Korea7
‘If someone’s freaky, everyone loves it. It’s all about the drama’: young women’s responses and reactions to image based sexual abuse of other young women7
Coding sexual violence as love – choreographed heteronormative gender performances in Latin American competitive dancing7
Sexual Attitudes, Religious Commitment, and Sexual Risk Behaviours among College-Aged Women6
Young people’s constructions of gender norms and attitudes towards violence against women: a critical review of qualitative empirical literature6
‘You are safe. You are not alone:’ gender and Social Support Coping (SSC) in public safety personnel6
Geek entrepreneurs: the social network, Iron Man and the reconfiguration of hegemonic masculinity6
Locked down queer love: intimate queer online relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic6
‘Not to be stereotypical, but .’. Exclusive and inclusive gendered discourses about geology field experiences6
Policing sexuality? Corpus linguistic perspectives to ‘government’ in homosexuality narratives on Nigerian twitter6
Contributions of Service-Learning to more inclusive and less gender-biased Physical Education: the views of Spanish Physical Education Teacher Education students6
The rights and interests of trans and intersex children: considerations, conflicts and implications in relation to the UNCRC6
‘We just want the best for this child’: contestations of intersex/DSD and transgender healthcare interventions6
Perceiving sexual harassment and #metoo social media campaign among Chinese female college students6
Linking political and feminist ideology with openness towards non-binary gender: The development and initial validation of a scale to measure subjective Openness towards Non-Binary Gender (ONBG)6
Brahman women as cultured homemakers – unpacking caste, gender roles and cultural capital across three generations6
Never the right time: maternity planning alongside a science career in academia5
Young people’s digitally-networked bodies: the changing possibilities of what a gendered body can be, do and become online5
Normative Islam, prejudice and women leaders: why do Arab women leaders suffer?5
Excluding veiled women from French public space: the emergence of a ‘respectable’ segregation?5
Does gender moderate the relationship between physical activity and body dissatisfaction among adolescents?5
Towards a gendered model of second language investment: insights from language learning narratives5
Reproduction of and alterations in gender roles in the rescue of material goods after the 2011 earthquake in Lorca (Spain)5
Feminism, Body, Sexuality and Time: A Conversation with Elizabeth Grosz5
Gender differences in self-care for common colds by primary care patients: a European multicenter survey on the prevalence and patterns of practices (the COCO study)5
Mapping transgender studies in Portugal: a systematic search and narrative review4
Trans subjectivities in Iran: epistemic misrecognition4
Gendered bodies and physical education (PE) participation: exploring the experiences of adolescent students and PE teachers in Nova Scotia4
“Did you just say I was lit ?” Transgender and non-binary youth doing gender; resisting cisnormativity in South African schools4
Reflexivity, ethics and accountability: facilitators working for gender transformation with boys and men4
Gender roles in online advertising4
Gender norms in the Indian migrant community in Australia: family, community, and work roles4
Corporal punishment and gender equality: regimes of care and rights in South African schools4
Understanding and addressing gender-based violence: an Australian Indigenous approach4
Deborah Smith’s infidelity: The Vegetarian as feminist translation4
Strategic flexibility in a male-dominated occupation: women software engineers in China4
Agentic traits, even when perceived as low value, still hold sway in management4
Holy Problematics Fabman!: how current representations create a missed opportunity for superhero comics to aid in gay youth identity development4
Tweeting and Retweeting: Gender Discrepancies in Discursive Political Engagement and Influence on Twitter4
Swallowing and spitting out the red pill: young men, vulnerability, and radicalization pathways in the manosphere4
Gender mainstreaming in Swedish academia: translating policy into practice4
Young women living in Iran: gendered drivers influencing social participation and wellbeing4
Surveys on gender issues among anaesthesiologists: where do we go from here?4
A tale of three cities: distinct marriage strategies among Chinese Lesbians4
A comparative analysis of attitudes towards female and male breadwinners in Germany, Sweden and the United States4
Stress and coping of Russian students: do gender and marital status make a difference?4
Negotiating same-sex partnership in a ‘tolerant’ state3
Gender differences in religiosity: a report on Russian data3
‘I spend lots of time on my appearance’: unpacking Chinese academic women’s gendered subjectivities through the lens of bodily performance3
Girls becoming ‘sexy’ on digital spaces: capacities and constraints3
Gay men and masculinity in a homohysteric Turkish body building culture3
The techno-beauty myth: the self-representations of young Chinese women on social media3
Hegemonic masculinity, gender, and social distance: the mediating role of perceived dangerousness3
Topological spaces of embodied becoming: queens, queerness, and (infra)structural subterfuge in Singapore3
The discourse of gender equality in youth sports: a Swedish example3
In/Visibility and the (post-soviet) ‘queer closet’3
‘When he turns his back to me, I give him the finger’: sexual violations in work environments and women’s world-making capacities3
Perceiving an ambiguous situation as sexual harassment: the influence of observer and harasser gender3
Visibility, Inclusion, and exclusion: three generations of Russian-Israeli women journalists3
Good Karen, Bad Karen: visual culture and the anti-vaxx mom on Reddit3
‘Passionate aesthetics’: T-P gender practices and discourses, and the hierarchies within lesbian (lala) communities in contemporary mainland China3
Gendering ‘Thursday Night Football’: Examining dialogue differences between all-female and all-male broadcast teams3
Pattern of rape and femicide during COVID-19 lockdown: content and discourse analysis of digital media reports in Nigeria3
Talking science and feminism3
Collective agreement as investment in women in the Swedish Armed Forces A critical discourse analysis3
Mama’s boy? mother-son bond as a resource for masculinity construction3
College gender composition and bachelor’s degree completion: the disadvantage of enrolment in a male-dominated institution3
The body and sexuality in cultural representation: an interview with Susan Bordo3
‘No less of a woman’: examining the (invisible) life of childfree women academics during the COVID-19 pandemic3