International Journal of Human Resource Management

(The median citation count of International Journal of Human Resource Management is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Artificial intelligence, robotics, advanced technologies and human resource management: a systematic review402
Artificial intelligence – challenges and opportunities for international HRM: a review and research agenda185
Rebooting employees: upskilling for artificial intelligence in multinational corporations140
The adoption of artificial intelligence in employee recruitment: The influence of contextual factors131
May the bots be with you! Delivering HR cost-effectiveness and individualised employee experiences in an MNE99
Algorithmic human resource management: Synthesizing developments and cross-disciplinary insights on digital HRM69
The impact of green HRM on green creativity: mediating role of pro-environmental behaviors and moderating role of ethical leadership style62
Controlled by the algorithm, coached by the crowd – how HRM activities take shape on digital work platforms in the gig economy62
Job quality, fair work and gig work: the lived experience of gig workers61
Building sustainable societies through human-centred human resource management: emerging issues and research opportunities59
Beliefs, anxiety and change readiness for artificial intelligence adoption among human resource managers: the moderating role of high-performance work systems55
High-performance work practices, employee well-being, and supportive leadership: spillover mechanisms and boundary conditions between HRM and leadership behavior53
High performance work systems and innovation in New Zealand SMEs: testing firm size and competitive environment effects42
International HRM in the context of uncertainty and crisis: a systematic review of literature (2000–2018)41
An inter-disciplinary review of the literature on mental illness disclosure in the workplace: implications for human resource management39
The effects of technological supervision on gig workers: organizational control and motivation of Uber, taxi, and limousine drivers37
Remote workers’ well-being, perceived productivity, and engagement: which resources should HRM improve during COVID-19? A longitudinal diary study37
Exploring the adoption of virtual work: the role of virtual work self-efficacy and virtual work climate36
Team-level high-performance work systems, self-efficacy and creativity: differential moderating roles of person–job fit and goal difficulty36
Boundaryless careers and algorithmic constraints in the gig economy35
Digitalised talent management and automated talent decisions: the implications for HR professionals32
What makes telework work? Evidence of success factors across two decades of empirical research: a systematic and critical review31
‘To empower or not to empower, that’s the question’. Using an empowerment process approach to explain employees’ workplace proactivity31
Having their cake and eating it too? Online labor platforms and human resource management as a case of institutional complexity30
Trapped in a loss spiral: how and when work alienation relates to knowledge hiding30
Can green creativity be fostered? Unfolding the roles of perceived green human resource management practices, dual mediation paths, and perceived environmentally-specific authentic leadership30
Recruitment in the gig economy: attraction and selection on digital platforms29
Post-COVID remote working and its impact on people, productivity, and the planet: an exploratory scoping review29
Talent management in the public sector: empirical evidence from the Emerging Economy of Dubai27
Humanoid robot adoption and labour productivity: a perspective on ambidextrous product innovation routines27
Teleworking in times of COVID-19: the role of Family-Supportive supervisor behaviors in workers’ work-family management, exhaustion, and work engagement27
Embedding transparency in artificial intelligence machine learning models: managerial implications on predicting and explaining employee turnover27
Empowering leadership improves employees’ positive psychological states to result in more favorable behaviors26
The role of organization-based self-esteem and job resources in promoting employees’ job crafting behaviors25
Advancing understanding of HRM in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): critical questions and future prospects25
HRM systems, employee proactivity and capability in the SME context24
Furthering transgender inclusion in the workplace: advancing a new model of allyship intentions and perceptions24
Psychological entitlement and organizational citizenship behaviors: the roles of employee involvement climate and affective organizational commitment24
Augmented employee voice and employee engagement using artificial intelligence-enabled chatbots: a field study24
Technology and the hybrid workplace: the affective living of IT-enabled space23
The soft skills gap: a bottleneck in the talent supply in emerging economies23
The moral dark side of performance pressure: how and when it affects unethical pro-organizational behavior23
Staying close to business: the role of epistemic alignment in rendering HR analytics outputs relevant to decision-makers22
Talent management and performance in the public sector: the role of organisational and line managerial support for development22
Technologically mediated human resource management in the gig economy22
Illegitimate tasks, job crafting and their longitudinal relationships with meaning of work21
An integrative review on job burnout among teachers in China: Implications for Human Resource Management21
How inclusive is workplace gender equality research in the Chinese context? Taking stock and looking ahead21
Paving the way for progress in employee agility research: a systematic literature review and framework20
Gender diversity and firm performance: when diversity at middle management and staff levels matter20
The paradox of mental illness and employment: a person-job fit lens20
Fair’s fair: psychological contracts and power in platform work20
From brain drain to brain gain: the agenda for talent management in overcoming talent migration from emerging markets20
Psychosocial safety climate as a mediator between high-performance work practices and service recovery performance: an international study in the airline industry20
Managing emotional labour: the importance of organisational support for managing police officers in England and Italy19
The role of human resource practices for including persons with disabilities in the workforce: a systematic literature review19
Managing furloughs: how furlough policy and perceptions of fairness impact turnover intentions over time19
The role of robotization in work design: a comparative case study among logistic warehouses19
HRM in 21st century small organizations: a midrange typology to describe, contrast and contextualize the phenomenon18
Insider econometrics meets people analytics and strategic human resource management18
Developmental idiosyncratic i-deals and its influence on promotability decisions: the joint roles of proactive personality and developmental challenge18
Human resource management in times of crisis: what have we learnt from the recent pandemic?17
A moderated mediation study of high performance work systems and insomnia on New Zealand employees: job burnout mediating and work-life balance moderating17
Workplace bullying of immigrants working in Sweden16
Exploring mental illness in the workplace:the role of HR professionals and processes16
Women on boards of directors and firm performance: the mediation of employment downsizing16
The impact of discretionary HR practices on knowledge sharing and intention to quit – a three-wave study on the role of career satisfaction, organizational identification, and work engagement16
Encouraging employee voice: coworker knowledge sharing, psychological safety, and promotion focus15
High-performance work practices and labour productivity: a six wave longitudinal study of UK manufacturing and service SMEs15
Fostering mental health at work: the butterfly effect of management behaviors15
Motivational cultural intelligence and expatriate talent adjustment: an exploratory study of the moderation effects of cultural distance15
Employee participation and job satisfaction in SMEs: investigating strategic exploitation and exploration as moderators14
Innovation in SMEs: the role of flexible work arrangements and market competition14
Voice in non-traditional employment relationships: a review and future research directions14
When leader-member exchange leads to knowledge sharing: The roles of general self-efficacy, team leader modeling, and LMX differentiation14
A dual-process model of voice endorsement14
Employer branding orientation: effects on recruitment performance under COVID-1913
Perceived employability of skilled migrants: a systematic review and future research agenda13
Voluntary versus involuntary telecommuting and employee innovative behaviour: a daily diary study13
Employed but not included: the case of consumer-workers in mental health care services13
Entrepreneurial intentions and high-status seeking in career expectations: a portrait of talents in emerging countries13
How CEOs’ inclusive leadership fuels employees’ well-being: a three-level model13
Designing job ads to stimulate the decision to apply: a discrete choice experiment with business students13
Human Capital resource as cost or investment: A market-based analysis12
Inclusive leadership and team creativity: a moderated mediation model of Chinese talent management12
Work–life balance supportive culture: a way to retain employees in Spanish SMEs12
Cool down emotion, don’t be fickle! The role of paradoxical leadership in the relationship between emotional stability and creativity12
Driven to succeed, or to leave? The variable impact of self-leadership in rideshare gig work12
Flexibility oriented HRM practices and innovation: evidence from China and India12
The role of context in overcoming distance-related problems in global virtual teams: an organizational discontinuity theory perspective12
Beyond the ‘e-’ in e-HRM: integrating a sociomaterial perspective12
Middle-managers’ innovative behavior: the roles of psychological empowerment and personal initiative12
The role of high-involvement work practices, supervisor support and employee resilience in supporting the emotional labour of front-line nurses12
Impact of HRM practices on innovative behaviour: mediating role of talent development climate in Indian firms12
Understanding talent management for sports organizations - Evidence from an emerging country12
How important are political skills for career success? A systematic review and meta-analysis11
Routes for employee-driven innovation: how HRM supports the emergence of innovation in a formalized context11
Can green human resource management promote employee green advocacy? The mediating role of green passion and the moderating role of supervisory support for the environment11
Linking high-performance work systems to affective commitment, job satisfaction, and career satisfaction: Thriving as a mediator and wasta as a moderator11
Human resource capabilities in uncertain environments11
Human resource professionals’ human and social capital in SMEs: small firm, big impact11
Global differences in applicant reactions to virtual interview synchronicity11
Low-status expatriates in the United Arab Emirates: a psychological contract perspective11
Voice in context: An international comparative study of employee experience with voice in small and medium enterprises11
Met the expectations? A meta-analysis of the performance consequences of digital HRM10
New ways of working and the implications for employees: a systematic framework and suggestions for future research10
Informal network context: deepening the knowledge and extending the boundaries of social network research in international human resource management10
Socially responsible human resource management and employee green behavior at work: the role of learning goal orientation and moral identity10
Serving the customer, serving the family, and serving the employee: toward a comprehensive understanding of the effects of service-oriented high-performance work systems10
Tensions in talent identification: a multi-stakeholder perspective10
Job satisfaction and public service motivation in Australian nurses: the effects of abusive supervision and workplace bullying10
Personal disposition as the source of variability in the hrm-performance relationship: the moderating effects of conscientiousness on the relationship between high-commitment work system and employee 10
Negative workplace gossip and targets’ subjective well-being: a moderated mediation model10
Between company and community: The case of a community-based protest and its implications for employment relations in an acquaintance society context in China9
The moderating role of resonant leadership and workplace spirituality on the relationship between psychological distress and organizational commitment9
Examining collective creative self-efficacy as a competency indicator of group talent management: a study of SMEs in an emerging economy9
The dynamic capability view in exploring the relationship between high-performance work systems and innovation performance9
Evaluating talent management in emerging market economies: societal, firm and individual perspectives9
The role of inter-team relational coordination in the high-performance work systems–team performance linkage9
Bringing it all back home: the HRM role in workforce localisation in MNEs in Saudi Arabia9
HRM work and open innovation: evidence from a case study9
Executive pay dispersion: Reconciling the differing effects of pay inequality and pay inequity on firm performance9
HRM system situational strength in support of strategy: its effects on employee attitudes and business unit performance8
Labor relations conflict in China: An analysis of conflict measure, conflict solution and conflict outcomes8
Sensemaking and spirituality: the process of re-centring self-decentralisation at work8
Human resource management in the context of high uncertainties8
Developing inclusive and healthy organizations by employing designated lived experience roles: Learning from human resource management innovations in the mental health sector8
The rhetorics of ‘agile’ and the practices of ‘agile working’: Consequences for the worker experience and uncertain implications for HR practice8
HRM’s financial value from obtaining more star performers8
High performance work systems, employee creativity and organizational performance in the education sector8
What It Takes to Be an Effective “Remote Leader” during COVID-19 Crisis: The Combined Effects of Supervisor Control and Support Behaviors8
Leaders mentoring others: the effects of implicit followership theory on leader integrity and mentoring8
Green HRM through social exchange revisited: when negotiated exchanges shape cooperation7
The benefits and penalties of formal and informal flexible working-time arrangements: evidence from a cohort study of Australian mothers7
Responsible leadership during international assignments: a novel approach toward expatriation success7
When and how does ambidextrous leadership influences voice? The roles of leader-subordinate gender similarity and employee emotional expression7
Contested fields of equality, diversity and inclusion at work: an institutional work lens on power relations and actors’ strategies in Germany and Turkey7
Does coworkers’ upward mobility affect employees’ turnover intention? The roles of perceived employability and prior job similarity7
Building a sustainable ecosystem of human resource management research: reflections and suggestions7
A closer look at how and when family-supportive supervision influence work interference with family: the roles of family-role overload and task crafting7
Managing talent in mission-driven organizations: a qualitative exploration7
Talent management in turbulent times: Selection, negotiation, and exploration strategies for talent management in the aeronautics and space industries7
Live like an ant to eat sugar: nurses’ engagement in extreme work conditions and their perceptions of its ethicality6
Becoming culturally agile: Effectively varying contextual responses through international experience and cross-cultural competencies6
Dual-focused transformational leadership and individual creativity: moderating effects of team scout activity and individual perspective-taking6
The value of mixed methods work-family research for human resource management: a review and agenda6
How do idiosyncratic deals influence employees’ effort-reward imbalance? An empirical investigation of the role of social comparisons and denied i-deals6
Promoting knowledge sharing in foreign subsidiaries through global talent management: the roles of local employees’ identification and climate strength6
From wallflower to life and soul of the party: acknowledging time’s role at center stage in the study of careers6
A multi-actor perspective on the effectiveness of human resource management implementation: an empirical analysis based on the ability-motivation-opportunity framework6
Examining work–home segmentation as a coping strategy for frontline workers: a mixed method study of social workers across Australia6
Varying degrees of boundarylessness? The careers of self-employed and directly employed ICT professionals in the UK and Germany6
Work-from-home adjustment in the US and Europe: the role of psychological climate for face time and perceived availability expectations6
CEOs, leaders and managing mental health: a tension-centered approach6
What drives employees to participate in corporate social responsibility? A personal characteristics - CSR capacity - organizational reinforcing model of employees’ motivation for voluntary CSR activit6
Trapped in cisnormative and binarist gendered constraints at work? How HR managers react to and manage gender transitions over time6
The relationship between HIWPs and nurse work engagement: the role of job crafting and supervisor support6
Can reflection explain how empowering leadership affects spillover to family life? let me think about it6
Employee psychological conditions as mediators of the relationship between human resource management and employee work engagement5
Internships and promises of diversity: how anticipatory psychological contracts shape employment intentions in the U.S5
A conceptual cross-disciplinary model of organizational practices for older workers: multilevel antecedents and outcomes5
How entrepreneur’s leadership behavior and demographics shape applicant attraction to new ventures: the role of stereotypes5
Supervisor feedback, relational energy, and employee voice: the moderating role of leader–member exchange quality5
Understanding the impact of family-to-work conflict and enrichment on the performance of entrepreneurial firms: A conservation of resources perspective5
Developing a framework for responsible downsizing through best fit: the importance of regulatory, procedural, communication and employment responsibilities5
"All too human” or the emergence of a techno-induced feeling of being less-able: identity work, ableism and new service technologies5
Working time mismatch and job satisfaction – the role of employees’ time autonomy and gender5
‘Value flows’ between talent and their networks: a case study of international graduates working in Vietnam’s emerging economy5
How can CEOs influence HRM implementation? Unfolding top management’s role in HRM5
Relative leader–member exchange perceptions and employee outcomes in service sector: the role of self-construal in feeling relative deprivation5
Can HR managers as ethical leaders cure the menace of precarious work? Important roles of sustainable HRM and HR manager political skill5
Organizational accommodation of employee mental health conditions and unintended stigma5
The effects of workplace violence on the job stress of health care workers: buffering effects of wellbeing HRM practices5
Structural empowerment and organisational performance: the mediating role of employees’ well-being in Spanish local governments5
Host country national quality of interaction with expatriates: antecedents, process, and outcome5
Family status and changing demands/resources: the overlooked experience of solo-living employees transitioning to homeworking during the Covid-19 pandemic5
Heeding the call from the promised land: identity work of self-initiated expatriates before leaving home5
High-performance work system and transformational leadership for employee constructive voice: unique and relative importance in a high-power distance context5
Work and affective outcomes of social media use at work: a daily-survey study5
Flexibility I-deals and prosocial motives: a trickle-down perspective5
Core job characteristics and change oriented organization citizenship behavior: what can managers do on a day-to-day basis?5
Antecedents of high performance work practices in SMEs: an attention-based view5
Journalists as first responders: a new perspective on emotional labour and initiative taking in crises5
The cost of guilt: unpacking the emotional mechanism between work-to-family conflict and unethical pro-family behavior4
Mind anchors and heart grips: the role of HRM and LMX in internal branding4
An examination of the Beck Anxiety Inventory structure and psychometric properties: A study of American employees.4
Discovering and nurturing local key stakeholders’ talent in emerging economies: using fsQCA to test the external human resources approach4
Quid pro quo? The future for graduate development programmes through the lens of talent management4
Experienced incivility undermines the positive effects of job autonomy on mental and physical health4
Non-binary gender identity expression in the workplace and the role of supportive HRM practices, co-worker allyship, and job autonomy4
Regulating HRM: the limits of regulatory pluralism4
‘Being accepted there makes me rely less on acceptance here’: cross-context identity enactment and coping with gender identity threats at work for non-binary individuals4
The roles of justice climates on high-investment human resource system and unit/individual performance relationships4
How emotional labor harms employee’s performance: unleashing the missing links through anxiety, quality of work-life and Islamic work ethic4
Employment relationships and their implications among self-initiated expatriates4
Sourcing human capital for organizational effectiveness: sourcing strategy, determinants, and alignment4
The impact of green HR practices on employee proactive behaviour4
Perceived organizational support and task performance of employees with disabilities: a need satisfaction and social identity perspectives4
Breaking away or holding on to the past? Exploring HRM systems of export-oriented SMEs in a highly uncertain context: insights from a transition economy in the periphery4
Building (and breaking) a vicious cycle formed by extreme working conditions, work intensification, and perceived well-being: a study of dirty workers in Brazilian favelas4
Performance implications of the HR business partner model and the mediating role of internal efficiency: a comparison between Germany and the United Kingdom4
Constant connectivity and boundary management behaviors: the role of human agency4
Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome: language and national culture diversity messages as strategic recruiting tools for diverse organizations4