Research Evaluation

(The TQCC of Research Evaluation is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Journal citation reports and the definition of a predatory journal: The case of the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)73
The production of scientific and societal value in research evaluation: a review of societal impact assessment methods45
No time for that now! Qualitative changes in manuscript peer review during the Covid-19 pandemic39
Transforming science and society? Methodological lessons from and for transformation research31
On the relationship between interdisciplinarity and impact: Distinct effects on academic and broader impact30
The role of metrics in peer assessments23
Profile of authors publishing in ‘predatory’ journals and causal factors behind their decision: A systematic review21
Does government support of a few leading universities have a broader impact on the higher education system? Evaluation of the Russian University Excellence Initiative18
A formative approach to the evaluation of Transformative Innovation Policies17
Pathways for assessing interdisciplinarity: A systematic review15
Assessing research excellence: Evaluating the Research Excellence Framework15
Capabilities for transdisciplinary research14
Does reviewing experience reduce disagreement in proposals evaluation? Insights from Marie Skłodowska-Curie and COST Actions13
Beyond bean counting: Is the policy effective for the innovation efficiency of wind power industry in China?12
How far does an emphasis on stakeholder engagement and co-production in research present a threat to academic identity and autonomy? A prospective study across five European countries12
Spreading the gospel: Legitimating university rankings as boundary work12
An exploration of referees’ comments published in open peer review journals: The characteristics of review language and the association between review scrutiny and citations11
Science rules! A qualitative study of scientists’ approaches to grant lottery11
Peer review in funding-by-lottery: A systematic overview and expansion11
The footprint of a metrics-based research evaluation system on Spain’s philosophical scholarship: An analysis of researchers’ perceptions10
Biographical representation, from narrative to list: The evolution of curricula vitae in the humanities, 1950 to 201010
Say my name, say my name: Academic authorship conventions between editorial policies and disciplinary practices10
Open Editors: A dataset of scholarly journals’ editorial board positions10
Creating evaluative homogeneity: Experience of constructing a national journal ranking9
Societal targeting in researcher funding: An exploratory approach8
Affective auditing: The emotional weight of the research excellence framework8
Toward a modular evaluation approach of real-world laboratories: Findings from a literature review8
Interdisciplinary knowledge combinations and emerging technological topics: Implications for reducing uncertainties in research evaluation7
Valuation regimes in academia: Researchers’ attitudes towards their diversity of activities and academic performance7
Measuring societal impact of research—Developing and validating an impact instrument for occupational health and safety7
Estimating the effects of public subsidies on the performance of supported enterprises across firm sizes7
Systematizing societal effects of transdisciplinary research7
Do peers share the same criteria for assessing grant applications?7
Understanding collaborative interactions in relation to research impact in social sciences and humanities: A meta-ethnography6
Valorization of transdisciplinary research: An evaluation approach and empirical illustration6
Making the cut: How panel reviewers use evaluation devices to select applications at the European Research Council6
SSH researchers make an impact differently. Looking at public research from the perspective of users6
Enriching research quality: A proposition for stakeholder heterogeneity5
Evaluating socially engaged climate research: Scientists’ visions of a climate resilient U.S. Southwest5
Mirror, mirror on the wall: is economics the fairest of them all? An investigation into the social sciences and humanities in Vietnam5
Interdisciplinary research and policy impacts: Assessing the significance of knowledge coproduction5
Gender diversity and publication activity—an analysis of STEM in the UK5
Competitive exposure and existential recognition: Visibility and legitimacy on academic social networking sites5
Transformative academic institutions: An experimental framework for understanding regional impacts of research4
Expression of concern: Journal citation reports and the definition of a predatory journal: The case of the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)4
Promoting narrative CVs to improve research evaluation? A review of opinion pieces and experiments4
Automated citation recommendation tools encourage questionable citations4
The different responses of universities to introduction of performance-based research funding4
Effects of transdisciplinary research on scientific knowledge and reflexivity4