Critical Public Health

(The median citation count of Critical Public Health is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
COVID-19 contact tracing apps: UK public perceptions38
Masculinities and suicide: unsettling ‘talk’ as a response to suicide in men37
Rethinking disease preparedness: incertitude and the politics of knowledge30
On epidemiology as racial-capitalist (re)colonization and epistemic violence29
Normative positions towards COVID-19 contact-tracing apps: findings from a large-scale qualitative study in nine European countries24
Public health morality, sex, and COVID-19: sexual minority men’s HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) decision-making during Ontario’s first COVID-19 lockdown22
Falling down the rabbit hole? Methodological, conceptual and policy issues in current health inequalities research21
Working ‘upstream’ to reduce social inequalities in health: a qualitative study of how partners in an applied health research collaboration interpret the metaphor21
Intersectionality and eco-social theory: a review of potentials for public health knowledge and social justice20
Public health activism in changing times: re-locating collective agency16
Policing the pandemic: estimating spatial and racialized inequities in New York City police enforcement of COVID-19 mandates15
What is critical about critical public health? Focus on health inequalities12
Building collective control and improving health through a place-based community empowerment initiative: qualitative evidence from communities seeking agency over their built environment12
COVID-19 and techno-solutionism: responsibilization without contextualization?12
Ethnic disparities in health & social care workers’ exposure, protection, and clinical management of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK12
The publics of public health: learning from COVID-1911
The double burden of maldistribution: a descriptive analysis of corporate wealth and income distribution in four unhealthy commodity industries11
Understanding compliance as multi-faceted: values and practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria11
Decolonising the ‘safe space’ as an African innovation: the Nhanga as quiet activism to improve women’s health and wellbeing11
Retraction of scientific papers: the case of vaccine research10
‘Grenfell changes everything?’ Activism beyond hope and despair9
Taking the National(ism) out of the National Health Service: re-locating agency to amongst ourselves9
‘I don’t think there’s anything I can do which can keep me healthy’: how the UK immigration and asylum system shapes the health & wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland9
Can adaptation to ‘extraordinary’ times teach us about ways to strengthen community-based chronic disease prevention? Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic8
Fixed and fluid at the same time: how service providers make sense of relapse prevention in Swedish addiction treatment8
Personalised medicine in the Danish welfare state: political visions for the public good8
The temporal regimes of HIV/AIDS activism in Europe: chrono-citizenship, biomedicine and its others8
Forging compromiso after the storm: activism as ethics of care among health care workers in Puerto Rico7
Rethinking chronicity: public health and the problem of temporality7
Red tape, slow emergency, and chronic disease management in post-María Puerto Rico7
Viewing young men’s online wagering through a social practice lens: implications for gambling harm prevention strategies7
Gaps in health research related to sex work: an analysis of Canadian health research funding7
Framing health, behavior, and society: a critical content analysis of public health social and behavioral science textbooks7
Beyond Asian ‘mask culture’: understanding the ethics of face masks during the Covid-19 pandemic in Singapore7
Predictive analytics in HIV surveillance require new approaches to data ethics, rights, and regulation in public health7
Medical pluralism and ambivalent trust: pandemic technologies, inequalities, and public health in Ecuador and Argentina7
Antibiotic ‘entanglements’: health, labour and everyday life in an urban informal settlement in Kampala, Uganda7
Vulnerability and antimicrobial resistance7
Take the money and run: how food banks became complicit with Walmart Canada’s hunger producing employment practices6
The (failed) promise of multimorbidity: chronicity, biomedical categories, and public health6
How pharmaceutical and diagnostic stakeholders construct policy solutions to a public health ‘crisis’: an analysis of submissions to a United Kingdom House of Commons inquiry into antimicrobial resist6
Socialism as the way forward: updating a discourse analysis of the social determinants of health6
‘I will play this tokenistic game, I just want something useful for my community’: experiences of and resistance to harms of peer research5
‘Open’ relationships: reflections on the role of the journal in the contemporary scholarly publishing landscape5
Assembling the socio-cultural and material elements of young adults’ drinking on a night out: a synthesis of Australian qualitative research5
‘Ebola is a business’: an analysis of the atmosphere of mistrust in the tenth Ebola epidemic in the DRC5
An institutional ethnography of political and legislative factors shaping online sexual health service implementation in Ontario, Canada5
National monitoring systems for health inequalities by socioeconomic status – an OECD snapshot5
Weighing up the future: a meta-ethnography of household perceptions of the National Child Measurement Programme in England5
Policing and public health interventions into sex workers’ lives: necropolitical assemblages and alternative visions of social justice5
Emotions of burden, intensive mothering and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy5
‘I didn’t feel safe inside’: navigating public health advice, housing and living with bushfire smoke5
Beyond biological citizenship: HIV/AIDS, health, and activism in Europe reconsidered5
Collective eating and the management of chronic disease in Dakar: translating and enacting dietary advice5
An investigation of structural violence in the lived experience of food insecurity4
Including ‘inclusion health’? A discourse analysis of health inequalities policy reviews4
Internally displaced people in Lagos: environmental health conditions and access to healthcare in the context of COVID-194
Environmental stewardship in austere times: nurturing sustainable socio-ecological relations4
Towards a theoretically grounded, social democratic public health4
‘If you’re serious about losing weight, why are you drinking all those Cokes?’: a critical discourse analysis of interviews on sugar-sweetened beverages amongst residents of a middle to upper class ne4
Student perceptions of smoke-free school policies in Europe – a critical discourse analysis4
Health movements in the age of austerity: rescaling resistance in Spain and the United Kingdom4
The PrEP response in England: enabling collective action through public health and PrEP commodity activism4
One for All, All for One? Containing the Promise of Solidarity in Precision Medicine4
The intersection of structure and agency within charitable community food programs in Toronto, Canada, during the COVID-19 pandemic: cultivating systemic change4
Chronicity in/and cancer: a qualitative interview study of health professionals, patients, and family carers4
Challenging times: disconnects between patient and professional temporalities in chronic condition management4
The work of waste during COVID-19: logics of public, environmental, and occupational health3
Mental coaching through crisis: digital technologies and psychological governance during COVID-193
Polarizing figures of resistance during epidemics. A comparative frame analysis of the COVID-19 freedom convoy3
Can White allyship contribute to tackling ethnic inequalities in health? Reflections on the experiences of diverse young adults in England3
How Black and Latino young men who have sex with men in the United States experience and engage with eligibility criteria and recruitment practices: implications for the sustainability of community-ba3
Economies of resistance3
Citizenship and pleasure: a study on harm reduction assemblages in Poland3
Problematising the emergence of outbreak science in the governance of global health: making time for slow dis-ease3
Negotiating authoritarian law and (dis)order: medicines, drug shops, and regulators in a poor Yangon suburb3
The affective economy of vaping: a qualitative analysis of responses to an online questionnaire3
Clinician-led evidence-based activism: a critical analysis3
“A change in the narrative, a change in consensus”: the role of Deep End networks in supporting primary care practitioners serving areas of blanket socioeconomic deprivation3
#DiabetesOnAPlate: the everyday deployment and contestation of diabetes stigma in an online setting3
‘Old’ tools in a new era: unpacking the roles of promotional and informational resources in scaled-up preventive interventions3
Frailty goes viral: a critical discourse analysis of COVID-19 national clinical guidelines in the United Kingdom2
Outsourcing sovereignty: global health partnerships and the state in Zambia2
Do you see the problem? Visualising a generalised ‘complex local system’ of antibiotic prescribing across the United Kingdom using qualitative interview data2
A neoliberal transformation or the revival of ancient healing? A critical analysis of traditional Chinese medicine discourse on Chinese television2
The quest for health and the unhealthy ‘others’. A critical case study of Syrian women newcomers’ meeting with health promotion and civic integration discourses upon arrival in Denmark2
Inequities in maternal stressful life events between Indigenous and non-Indigenous women – evidence from a prospective cohort study in New Zealand2
Gendered exposures: exploring the role of paid and unpaid work throughout life in U.S. women’s cardiovascular health2
Time, resourcing, and ethics: how the routinisation of organ donation after circulatory death in the NHS has created new ethical issues2
Evidence-based medicine and physicians’ institutional agency in Russian clinical settings2
Parallel vaccine discourses in Guinea: ‘grounding’ social listening for a non-hegemonic global health2
When the personal is not political: experiences of collective agency amongst participants in the domestic violence response in London, UK2
Pathways of less healthy diets. An investigation of the everyday food practices of men and women in low income households2
Pandemics, infection control and social justice: challenges for policy evaluation2
That’s what I’m supposed to do at work”: gendered labor, self-care, and overdose risk among women who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada2
Moving on in uncertain times: a goodbye2
The impact of vertical public health initiatives on gendered familial care work: public health and ethical issues2
“It’s different for heterosexuals”: exploring cis-heteronormativity in COVID-19 public health directives and its impacts on Canadian gay, bisexual, and queer men2
Un(ac)countable no-bodies: the politics of ignorance in global health policymaking2
“Help curb the hunger pangs”: news media frames of weight loss during the COVID- 19 lockdown2