Critical Public Health

(The H4-Index of Critical Public Health is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
What you should know about RACISM-20 in the U.S.: a fact sheet in the time of COVID-1938
Challenging times: disconnects between patient and professional temporalities in chronic condition management37
Rethinking disease preparedness: incertitude and the politics of knowledge30
Patient advocacy, news coverage, and policy change: Constructing hepatitis B as a social problem in China’s newspapers29
Poisonously single-minded: public health implications of the pharmaceuticalization of leishmaniasis in Colombia24
Silenced stories of illicit drug use in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: experiences of healthcare providers, policymakers, and patients22
E-cigarette flavours and vaping as a social practice: implications for tobacco control21
Recovering political knowledge in public health: learning from sexual and reproductive health work21
Engaging with communities and precarity theory to bring new perspectives to public mental health20
Negotiating authoritarian law and (dis)order: medicines, drug shops, and regulators in a poor Yangon suburb18
Getting to the heart of the matter: a research partnership with Aboriginal women in South and Central Australia16
Outsourcing sovereignty: global health partnerships and the state in Zambia12
Retraction of scientific papers: the case of vaccine research12
Decolonising the ‘safe space’ as an African innovation: the Nhanga as quiet activism to improve women’s health and wellbeing12
Policing and public health interventions into sex workers’ lives: necropolitical assemblages and alternative visions of social justice12