Experimental Physiology

(The TQCC of Experimental Physiology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Reply to Letter to the Editor in response to: Microvascular endothelial function following cessation of long‐term oral contraceptive pill use113
Lower systemic nitric oxide bioactivity, cerebral hypoperfusion and accelerated cognitive decline in formerly concussed retired rugby union players60
C‐type natriuretic peptide induces inotropic and lusitropic effects in human 3D‐engineered cardiac tissue: Implications for the regulation of cardiac function in humans43
The physiological and clinical importance of cardiorespiratory fitness in people with abdominal aortic aneurysm33
Issue Information33
Physiological assessment of a 16 day, 4385 km ultra‐endurance mountain bike race: A case study32
Blunted hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in apnoea divers29
Developmentally programmed obesity: Is there a role for anti‐inflammatory nutritional strategies?28
Editorial Board26
Heat stroke: physiological challenges and breakthroughs25
Retraction: ‘The protease inhibitor UCF‐101 ameliorates streptozotocin‐induced mouse cardiomyocyte contractile dysfunction in vitro: role of AMP‐activated protein kinase’25
The interplay between gastrocnemius medialis force–length and force–velocity potentials, cumulative EMG activity and energy cost at speeds above and below the walk to run transition speed25
Apnoea as a novel method to improve exercise performance: A current state of the literature22
Directional sensitivity of the cerebral pressure–flow relationship in young healthy individuals trained in endurance and resistance exercise22
Exertional heat stroke: nutritional considerations21
Editorial Board21
Editorial Board21
Phenylhydrazine‐induced anaemia reduces subcutaneous white and brown adipose tissues in hypothalamic obese rats20
Association of VEGFA polymorphisms with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Chinese Han and Mongolian populations20
Hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate combined with the hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic and hypoglycaemic clamp technique in skeletal muscle in a large animal model20
Variation in physiological function within and between menstrual cycles: uncovering the contributing factors19
The inaugural ‘Mid‐Career Researcher’ prize: Rewarding and acknowledging future leaders in physiology18
Editorial Board16
M2 muscarinic autoantibodies and thyroid hormone promote susceptibility to atrial fibrillation and sinus tachycardia in an autoimmune rabbit model16
Ascending the gut–brain axis: does the microbiome affect acclimatization to high altitude?16
Age and sex differences in blood pressure responses during hyperpnoea16
Molecular mechanisms underlying fructose‐induced cardiovascular disease: exercise, metabolic pathways and microRNAs15
Mechanosensory encoding in ex vivo muscle–nerve preparations15
Neuroprotective effect of CTK 01512‐2 recombinant toxin at the spinal cord in a model of Huntington's disease14
Critical power is a key threshold determining the magnitude of post‐exercise hypotension in non‐hypertensive young males13
Measuring pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics: Contemporary perspectives13
Sex differences, chronobiology and general anaesthesia in activities of the autonomic nervous system in rats13
Amplified P2X3 pathway activity in muscle afferent dorsal root ganglion neurons and exercise pressor reflex regulation in hindlimb ischaemia–reperfusion13
Issue Information13
Correcting an overactive exercise pressor reflex: A new role for purinergic signalling?12
Acute heat stress amplifies exercise‐induced metabolomic perturbations and reveals variation in circulating amino acids in endurance‐trained males12
Issue Information12
Swimming exercise decreases depression‐like behaviour and inflammatory cytokines in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes12
α1‐Adrenoceptors activate the NLRP3 inflammasome through downregulation of Kir2.1 in cardiac inflammation12
Interference with glutamate antiporter system xc enables post‐hypoxic long‐term potentiation in hippocampus12
Issue Information12
Network model of skeletal muscle cell signalling predicts differential responses to endurance and resistance exercise training11
MyoLoop: Redefining cardiac research with advanced tissue simulation11
Artificial light at night suppresses the expression of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+‐ATPase in the left ventricle of the heart in normotensive and hypertensive rats11
A comparison between left ventricular ejection time measurement methods during physiological changes induced by simulated microgravity11
Klotho, the Greek goddess controlling the fate of skeletal muscle satellite cells11
Are coagulation profiles in Andean highlanders with excessive erythrocytosis favouring hypercoagulability?11
Muscle oxygenation during normoxic and hypoxic cycling exercise in humans with high‐affinity haemoglobin11
When is the right time to initiate rehabilitation? Time will tell…11
The miRNA‐143‐3p–Sox6–Myh7 pathway is altered in obesogenic diet‐induced cardiac hypertrophy11
Impact of resveratrol‐mediated increase in uterine artery blood flow on fetal haemodynamics, blood pressure and oxygenation in sheep11
Thermo‐haemodynamic coupling during regional thigh heating: Insight into the importance of local thermosensitive mechanisms in blood circulation11
Beyond drug discovery: Exploring the physiological and methodological dimensions of zebrafish in diabetes research11
Association between haemoglobin A1c and whole‐body heat loss during exercise‐heat stress in physically active men with type 2 diabetes11
MyoLoop: Design, development and validation of a standalone bioreactor for pathophysiological electromechanical in vitro cardiac studies11
Time course changes in in vivo muscle mechanical function and Ca2+ regulation of force following experimentally induced gradual ovarian failure in mice11
A high‐fat diet supplemented with medium‐chain triglycerides ameliorates hepatic steatosis by reducing ceramide and diacylglycerol accumulation in mice11
Resting skeletal muscle PNPLA2 (ATGL) and CPT1B are associated with peak fat oxidation rates in men and women but do not explain observed sex differences11
Professor Niels Henry Secher: Celebrating success from boat to bench to bedside10
Barosensory vessel mechanics and the vascular sympathetic baroreflex: Impact on blood pressure homeostasis10
In vivo operating lengths of the gastrocnemius muscle during gait in children who idiopathically toe‐walk10
Nitric oxide synthesis stimulated by arachidonic acid accumulation via PPARα in acetylcholine‐stimulated gastric mucous cells10
Acute neuromuscular and hormonal responses to 20 versus 40% velocity loss in males and females before and after 8 weeks of velocity‐loss resistance training10
Investigating the control of exercise hyperpnoea: A synergy of contributions10
Nucleoprotein‐enriched diet enhances protein synthesis pathway and satellite cell activation via ERK1/2 phosphorylation in unloaded rat muscles10
Prognostic value of pulmonary diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide and ventilation–perfusion SPECT findings in pulmonary arterial hypertension10
Experimental Physiology special issue: ‘Mechanotransduction, muscle spindles and proprioception’10
Comments on Harkness‐Armstrong et al. (2021) ‘In vivo operating lengths of the gastrocnemius muscle during gait in children who idiopathically toe‐walk’9
Additive effects of orchiectomy and intermittent hypoxia on lung mechanics and inflammation in C57BL/6J male mice9
Contact events in rugby union and the link to reduced cognition: evidence for impaired redox‐regulation of cerebrovascular function9
Ketogenic diet: Possible mechanism, old and new applications9
Inhibition of the glycogen synthase kinase 3β–hypoxia‐inducible factor 1α pathway alleviates NLRP3‐mediated pyroptosis induced by high glucose in renal tubular epithelial cells9
Exercise temperature regulation following a 35‐day horizontal bedrest9
The long‐term impact of ovariectomy on ventilation and expression of phrenic long‐term facilitation in female rats8
The effect of age and mitigation strategies during hot water immersion on orthostatic intolerance and thermal stress8
Protective effects of Enterococcus faecium strain R30 supplementation on decreased muscle endurance under disuse in rats8
The effect of 4 weeks of high‐intensity interval training and 2 weeks of detraining on cardiovascular disease risk factors in male adolescents8
Lower‐body dynamic exercise reduces wave reflection in healthy young adults8
Biological and methodological factors affecting response variability to endurance training and the influence of exercise intensity prescription8
Acute partial sleep restriction does not impact arterial function in young and healthy humans8
miR‐302a‐3p targets FMR1 to regulate pyroptosis of renal tubular epithelial cells induced by hypoxia–reoxygenation injury8
Early initiation of electrical stimulation paired with range of motion after a volumetric muscle loss injury does not benefit muscle function8
The effects of habitual resistance exercise training on cerebrovascular responses to lower body dynamic resistance exercise: A cross‐sectional study8
Acute hypobaric hypoxia and cardiac energetic response in prepubertal rats: Role of nitric oxide8
Blood‐flow‐restricted exercise: Strategies for enhancing muscle adaptation and performance in the endurance‐trained athlete8
Pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange during prolonged exercise in humans: Influence of dehydration, hyperthermia and sympathoadrenal activity8
Blood flow restriction training attenuates changes in local muscle endurance: At odds with previous work?7
Myths and methodologies: Considerations for evaluating the time course of thermoregulatory adaptation during heat acclimation7
Low‐load resistance exercise with and without blood flow restriction: Which is more effective for increasing local muscle endurance and why?7
Autonomic control of the pulmonary circulation: Implications for pulmonary hypertension7
Larger reductions in blood pressure during post‐exercise standing, but not middle cerebral artery blood velocity, in resistance‐trained versus untrained individuals7
Effects of hyperprotein diet on anxiety, haemodynamics and morphofunctional aspects of the heart of Wistar rats7
Is lung function in a race against time?7
Reproducibility and diurnal variation in middle cerebral artery blood velocity in healthy humans7
More airway smooth muscle in males versus females in a mouse model of asthma: A blessing in disguise?7
Race and ethnicity in physiological research: When socio‐political constructs and biology collide7
Muscle fibre size and myonuclear positioning in trained and aged humans7
Mas‐related G protein‐coupled receptor D is involved in modulation of murine gastrointestinal motility7
Inaugural Review Prize 2023: The exercise hyperpnoea dilemma: A 21st‐century perspective7
Ovariectomy and high salt increase blood pressure and alter sodium transport proteins in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of adult Wistar rats7
Oxygen uptake slow component: Enigma of the ‘excess’ oxygen used during heavy and severe exercise7
Osteocrin/musclin and the natriuretic peptides system: A novel focus in metabolism and cardiovascular prevention7
Understanding right ventricular dyssynchrony: Its myriad determinants and clinical relevance7
The effects of pulmonary hypertension on skeletal muscle oxygen pressures in contracting rat spinotrapezius muscle6
Loss and recovery of myocardial mitochondria in mice under different tail suspension time: Apoptosis and mitochondrial fission, fusion and autophagy6
Ultrasonographic evaluation of diaphragm fatigue in healthy humans6
Age and sex differences in microvascular responses during reactive hyperaemia6
Ventilatory response to head‐down‐tilt in healthy human subjects6
Astrocyte proliferation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus is suppressed across the lifespan of dystrophin‐deficient mdx mice6
Regional changes in cerebral blood flow between the upright and supine posture and over 3 days of bed rest6
Chitinase 3‐like 1 overexpression aggravates hypoxia–reoxygenation injury in IEC‐6 cells by inhibiting the PI3K/AKT signalling pathway6
Cardiovascular and respiratory evaluation in adenosine A2A receptor knockout mice submitted to short‐term sustained hypoxia6
Changes in vastus lateralis fibre cross‐sectional area, pennation angle and fascicle length do not predict changes in muscle cross‐sectional area6
Acute and long‐term effect of specific and non‐specific exercises in patients with chronic neck pain: A protocol for a randomized controlled trial6
Acute hypoxia impairs posterior cerebral bioenergetics and memory in man6
50% body weight loading reduces stature increases and lumbar disc expansion from 4 h hyper‐buoyancy floatation versus 15 min sitting upright6
Betamethasone improved near‐term neonatal lamb lung maturation in experimental maternal asthma6
How to spot the truth6
Young, non‐Hispanic Black men and women exhibit divergent peripheral and cerebral vascular reactivity6
Heartbeats entrain breathing via baroreceptor‐mediated modulation of expiratory activity6
Test–retest reliability of Doppler ultrasound‐based leg blood flow assessments during exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease6
The effectiveness of aerobic exercise on pain and disability in individuals with neck pain: A systematic review and meta‐analysis6
Interleukin‐15 receptor subunit alpha regulates interleukin‐15 localization and protein expression in skeletal muscle cells6
Circulating neuropeptide Y dynamics and performance during exercise in heart failure patients with contemporary medical and device therapy6
Born high, born fast: Does highland birth confer a pulmonary advantage for sea level endurance?6
Ketone monoester attenuates declines in cognitive performance and oxygen saturation during acute severe hypoxic exposure under resting conditions6
Metabolic and ruck performance effects of a novel, light‐weight, energy‐dense ketogenic bar5
Letter about the recently published Viewpoint by H. B. Rossiter and D. C. Poole5
Impact of passive heat stress and passive heat acclimation on circulating extracellular vesicles: An exploratory analysis5
A (heat‐)sensitive matter: Microvascular function and pre‐eclampsia5
Using environmental and exercise physiology to address gender inequalities in climate change and occupational health research5
SCN5A‐C683R exhibits combined gain‐of‐function and loss‐of‐function properties related to adrenaline‐triggered ventricular arrhythmia5
The effect of shame on endothelial function: discussing potential mechanisms and future directions5
Unlocking the complications of chronic concussion in rugby players: A traumatic tale of cerebral injury5
The Paton prize lecture 2021: A colourful experience leading to a reassessment of colour vision and its theories5
Remote limb ischaemic conditioning produces cardioprotection in rats with testicular ischaemia–reperfusion injury5
Even periconceptional alcohol consumption can have long‐term consequences on heart health in the offspring5
Maintaining intravenous volume mitigates hypothermia‐induced myocardial dysfunction and accumulation of intracellular Ca2+5
Proteolytic markers associated with a gain and loss of leg muscle mass with resistance training followed by high‐intensity interval training5
Unveiling the enigma from sick to beauty: Hungry to standardize metrics for dynamic cerebral autoregulation5
Editorial Board5
From doubt to doctorate: Navigating imposter syndrome and thriving in physiology‐based grad studies5
Post‐exercise neural plasticity is augmented by adding blood flow restriction during low work rate arm cycling5
A chronic high‐fat diet does not exacerbate muscle atrophy in fast‐twitch skeletal muscle of aged mice5
Issue Information5
Low‐dose X‐ray radiation induces an adaptive response: A potential countermeasure to galactic cosmic radiation exposure5
Respiratory deficits in a female rat model of Parkinson's disease5
The reproducibility of dendritic cell and T cell counts to a 30‐min high‐intensity cycling protocol as a tool to highlight overtraining5
Effect of exercise on chronic neck pain and central sensitization: A protocol for a randomized crossover trial5
Advancing physiology through transparency: Celebrating our first registered report5
Imaging the large‐scale and cellular response to focal traumatic brain injury in mouse neocortex5
Chasing genes at high‐altitude5
Effects of aerobic exercise on lipopolysaccharide‐induced experimental acute lung injury in the animal model of type 1 diabetes mellitus5
Issue Information5
Role of miR‐211 in a PC12 cell model of Alzheimer's disease via regulation of neurogenin 25
Cardiovascular response to anticipatory and reactionary postural perturbations in young adults5
Sir George Johnson FRCP (1818–96), high blood pressure and the continuing altercation about its origins5
Circulating Notch1 in response to altered vascular wall shear stress in adults4
Haemodynamic, hormonal and renal actions of osteocrin in normal sheep4
Is the intervention as good as (or not substantially worse than) a comparator?4
Issue Information4
Making sense of the carotid body counter‐regulatory response to hypoglycaemia4
Releasing the breaks on breathing frequency4
Issue Information4
Response to Letter to Editor – Comments on: Contact events in rugby union and the link to reduced cognition: evidence for impaired redox‐regulation of cerebrovascular function4
Growth differentiation factor 15 is not modified after weight loss induced by liraglutide in South Asians and Europids with type 2 diabetes mellitus4
Regional variation in nitric oxide‐dependent cutaneous vasodilatation during local heating in young adults4
Assessment of venous pressure by compression sonography of the internal jugular vein during 3 days of bed rest4
Post‐activation potentiation induced by concentric contractions at three speeds in humans4
Physical exercise increases global and gene‐specific (interleukin‐17 and interferon‐γ) DNA methylation in lymphocytes from aged women4
Misunderstanding of race as biology has deep negative biological and social consequences4
Comments on: ‘Contact events in rugby union and the link to reduced cognition: evidence for impaired redox‐regulation of cerebrovascular function’4
Kidney function and cognitive impairment4
Differential shifts in baroreflex control of renal and lumbar sympathetic nerve activity induced by freezing behaviour in rats4
The influence of alcohol on genioglossus single motor units in men and women during wakefulness4
Biophysical, thermo‐physiological and perceptual determinants of cool‐seeking behaviour during exercise in younger and older women4
Differential weight loss with intermittent fasting or daily calorie restriction in low‐ and high‐fitness phenotypes4
Exercise training improves cardiac function and regulates myocardial mitophagy differently in ischaemic and pressure‐overload heart failure mice4
The effect of acute intradermal administration of ascorbate on heat loss responses in older adults with uncomplicated controlled hypertension4
Reliability of the passive leg movement assessment of vascular function in men4
Chronic N‐acetyl cysteine treatment does not improve respiratory system performance in the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy4
Methyltransferase like 3 enhances pinin mRNA stability through N6‐methyladenosine modification to augment tumourigenesis of colon adenocarcinoma4
Microbiomes in physiology: insights into 21st‐century global medical challenges4
Central command suppresses pressor‐evoked bradycardia at the onset of voluntary standing up in conscious cats4
Thyroid hormone disorder and the heart: The role of cardiolipin in calcium handling4
Mind affects matter: Hindbrain GLP1 neurons link stress, physiology and behaviour4
Peripheral sensory function in non‐freezing cold injury patients and matched controls4
The differential modulation of the baroreflex control mechanism in fight, flight or freeze behaviour4
Habitual exercise in youth: A ʻbrainyʼ idea4
Similar inflammatory response and conduit artery vascular function between sexes following induced inflammation4
Handgrip exercise does not alter CO2‐mediated cerebrovascular flow‐mediated dilation3
The passive leg movement technique for assessing vascular function: the impact of baseline blood flow3
Reply to Veerkamp et al.: Comments on Harkness‐Armstrong et al. (2021)3
Delineating the impacts of air temperature and humidity for endurance exercise3
The role of lactate in sepsis and COVID‐19: Perspective from contracting skeletal muscle metabolism3
Sodium butyrate attenuates peritoneal fibroproliferative process in mice3
Test–retest reliability of transfer function analysis metrics for assessing dynamic cerebral autoregulation to spontaneous blood pressure oscillations3
Short exposure to high salt in drinking solution leads to a cardiovascular phenotype of hypertension without changes in the blood volume of rats3
Relationship between neuromuscular fatigue, muscle activation and the work done above the critical power during severe‐intensity exercise3
Placental adaptations supporting fetal growth during normal and adverse gestational environments3
Mitochondrial transplantation combined with coenzyme Q10 induces cardioprotection and mitochondrial improvement in aged male rats with reperfusion injury3
Respiratory performance in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Clinical manifestations and lessons from animal models3
Respiratory muscle metaboreflex: Connecting the ‘dots’3
Post‐exercise hot or cold water immersion does not alter perception of effort or neuroendocrine responses during subsequent moderate‐intensity exercise3
Circulating Gal‐3 and sST2 are associated with acute exercise‐induced sustained endothelial activation: Possible relevance for fibrosis development?3
Active glucose transport varies by small intestinal region and oestrous cycle stage in mice3
Effect of adrenaline on serum mid‐regional pro‐atrial natriuretic peptide and central blood volume3
Issue Information3
Acute and chronic cardiac adaptations in adults born preterm3
Editorial Board3
Variability in exercise tolerance and physiological responses to exercise prescribed relative to physiological thresholds and to maximum oxygen uptake3
Dynamic cerebral autoregulation quantification with spontaneous arterial blood pressure oscillations: Is transfer function analysis our best option?3
Women in space: A review of known physiological adaptations and health perspectives3
Activation of vagovagal reflex prevents hepatic ischaemia–reperfusion‐induced lung injury via anti‐inflammatory and antioxidant effects3
Circulating extracellular microvesicles associated with electronic cigarette use increase endothelial cell inflammation and reduce nitric oxide production3
Characterising sex‐related differences in lower‐ and higher‐threshold motor unit behaviour through high‐density surface electromyography3
Ageing reduces skin wetness sensitivity across the body3
The possible adaption of the human respiratory system to past atmospheres3
Is polycystic ovary syndrome associated with elevated muscle sympathetic nerve activity?3
The role of T‐type calcium channels in elderly human vascular function: A pilot randomized controlled trial3
Acute hypoalgesic, neurophysiological and perceptual responses to low‐load blood flow restriction exercise and high‐load resistance exercise3
Editorial Board3
The addition of blood flow restriction during resistance exercise does not increase prolonged low‐frequency force depression3
Editorial Board3
Remote liver injury following acute renal ischaemia–reperfusion: involvement of circulating exosomal miR‐687 and regulation by thymoquinone3
Diagnostic value of serum NLRP3, metalloproteinase‐9 and interferon‐γ for postoperative hydrocephalus and intracranial infection in patients with severe craniocerebral trauma3
Metabolic and microvascular function assessed using near‐infrared spectroscopy with vascular occlusion in women: age differences and reliability3
Effect of exercise on improving myocardial mitochondrial function in decreasing diabetic cardiomyopathy3
Training‐induced improvements in knee extensor force accuracy are associated with reduced vastus lateralis motor unit firing variability3
Immune system benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease3
Death by nitrogen anoxia: On the integrated physiology of human execution3
Klotho regulates the myogenic response of muscle to mechanical loading and exercise3