
(The median citation count of Mechatronics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Innovative Multi Vibrotactile-Skin Stretch (MuViSS) haptic device for sensory motor feedback from a robotic prosthetic hand87
Editorial Board69
Design and practical implementation of a Neural Network self-tuned Inverse Dynamic Controller for a 3-DoF Delta parallel robot based on Arc Length Function for smooth trajectory tracking42
Development and Implementation of a Collaborative Workspace for Industrial Robots Utilizing a Practical Path Adaptation Algorithm and Augmented Reality37
Editorial Board32
A hybrid ankle-foot orthosis with soft pneumatic actuation30
Editorial Board29
A 4-DoF wearable hand device for haptic rendering of surfaces and edges27
Cooperative antagonistic mechanism driven by bidirectional pneumatic artificial muscles for soft robotic joints26
Experimental study on controlling suspended cable-driven parallel robots for autonomous video-capturing of football games and obtaining the statistics of the games26
Editorial Board25
A design of pneumatic-driven translational pyramidal manipulator and its actively disturbance rejection tracking control24
Novel bulk modulus model to estimate stiffness in fluid power systems24
Feedback control system design for force-sensing concentric tube-based surgical robot: Kinematics using Bernstein polynomials24
Design of visual inertial state estimator for autonomous systems via multi-sensor fusion approach23
A hybrid disturbance observer for delivery drone’s oscillation suppression22
Study on the joint effect of the driving voltage and carrying load on the piezoelectric inertial actuator for positioning22
Interaction force measurement of parallel robots based on structure-integrated force sensors using interpretable linear neural networks22
Investigation of interaction between friction and elastic deformation by using a novel feed drive model22
A real-time explicit mapping and teleoperation control method for humanoid robots with posture constraints21
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Editorial Board20
Vertical error control for the façade-cleaning robot equipped on a gondola20
Thermoelectric modules in mechatronic systems: Temperature-dependent modeling and control20
A convex optimization framework for robust-feasible series elastic actuators20
Modelling and identification of the asymmetric hysteresis in the viscoelastic response of the fingertip under indentation: A multistate friction model with switching parameters19
Connected vehicle driving safety enhancement via dynamic communication channel selection19
Editorial Board18
Reversible fuel cell enabled underwater buoyancy control18
Multiple-model control architecture for a quadrotor with constant unknown mass and inertia18
Alternating pressure control system for hydraulic robots18
Modeling and control of a novel pneumatic two-stage piezoelectric-actuated valve18
Trajectory tracking control of quadcopters under tunnel effects17
High-performance control of fast tool servos with robust disturbance observer and modified 17
Multirate repetitive control for an industrial print-belt system17
Spatial hybrid/parallel force control of a hexapod machine tool using structure-integrated force sensors and a commercial numerical control16
A kinematic-dual snake robot: Undulatory mobile robot driven by controllable side-thrust links16
Editorial Board16
Frequency response data-based peak filter design applied to MIMO large-scale high-precision scan stage16
Model predictive path-following control for truck–trailer systems with specific guidance points — design and experimental validation16
A robust design of time-varying internal model principle-based control for ultra-precision tracking in a direct-drive servo stage16
A novel bearingless interior permanent magnet slice motor driven blood pump15
Multi-mode vehicle pose estimation under different GNSS conditions15
Nonlinear disturbance observers for robotic continuum manipulators15
The cube-shaped hematite microrobot for biomedical application15
A novel MR-conditional cam-based automatic prostate biopsy device15
Compliant control of biomimetic parallel torso based on musculoskeletal control15
Optimal trajectory smoothing for direct energy deposition additive manufacturing processes15
Reduced-order modeling of modular, position-dependent systems with translating interfaces15
Modular Maglev: Design and implementation of a modular magnetic levitation system to levitate a 2D Halbach array14
Enhancing kinematic accuracy of redundant wheeled mobile manipulators via adaptive motion planning14
Improving the stability of a planar tape-spring hyper-redundant manipulator14
Shape estimation of a large workspace continuum manipulator with fusion of inertial sensors14
Robust independent and simultaneous position control of multiple magnetic microrobots by sliding mode controller14
Multi-objective cooperative transportation for reconfigurable robot using isomorphic mapping multi-agent reinforcement learning14
Experimental study of event-based neural network control on parallel manipulator13
Design, modeling and control of a miniature bio-inspired amphibious spherical robot13
An electrostatically suspended contactless platform13
Identification of human control law during physical Human–Robot Interaction13
Design of robotic finger using twisted string actuator with modular passive return rotational joints to achieve high grasping force: Application to wearable sixth finger13
Modeling and control of a 4-ADOF upper-body exoskeleton with mechanically decoupled 3-D compliant arm-supports for improved-pHRI13
Human-cable collision detection with a cable-driven parallel robot13
An original mechatronic design of a kinaesthetic hand exoskeleton for virtual reality-based applications12
Towards robust grasping: An analysis of in-hand object motion with FBG optical fibers as force sensing technology12
Assist-As-Needed rehabilitation using velocity field for upper limb exoskeleton12
MGlove-TS: A modular soft glove based on twisted string actuators and flexible structures12
Sensor-based design of a Delta parallel robot12
Kinematic modeling and control of omnidirectional wheeled cellular conveyor12
Anti-slip Control for Unmanned Underwater Tracked Bulldozer Based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control12
Intelligent assistance for older adults via an admittance-controlled wheeled mobile manipulator with task-dependent end-effectors11
Model Reference Adaptive Control Based on Adjustable Reference Model during Mode Transition for Hybrid Electric Vehicles11
Proxy-based torque control of motor-driven exoskeletons for safe and compliant human-exoskeleton interaction11
Design, fabrication and characterization of a wind-isolated galloping energy harvester via an embedded piezoelectric transducer11
Speed sensorless control of a bearingless induction motor with combined neural network and fractional sliding mode11
Payload trajectory tracking of a 5-DOF tower crane with a varying-length hoist cable: A passivity-based adaptive control approach11
Real-time implementation of a super twisting control algorithm for an upper limb wearable robot11
An inflatable soft wearable knee rehabilitation device: Design, fabrication, control and preliminary evaluation11
A 6-DOF humanoid wall-climbing robot with flexible adsorption feet based on negative pressure suction11
Constrained haptic-guided shared control for collaborative human–robot percutaneous nephrolithotomy training11
Identification of an overactuated deformable mirror system with unmeasured outputs11
Robust control of a spherical motor in moving frame11
Editorial Board10
Simultaneous compensation of geometric and compliance errors for robotics with consideration of variable payload effects10
Anti-inertial loading platform: New method of resisting inertia in transport10
A force and moment compensation method for a hardware-in-the-loop docking simulator based on the stiffness identification of the docking mechanism10
Recover a moving rotor UAV without ground–air communications: System and control of a dual-stage tracking device10
Model-based approach for indentation on soft electronic skin10
Control of interaction force in constant-height contact mode atomic force microscopy10
WeHAPTIC-light: A cable slack-based compact hand force feedback system for virtual reality10
Experimental validation of a constrained control architecture for a multi-robot bricklayer system10
Editorial Board10
Wavelet-packet-transform-based identification of motor systems10
Design, modeling, and control of a reconfigurable rotary series elastic actuator with nonlinear stiffness for assistive robots10
Application of mass micromanipulations to submillimeter-scale particles in multiple containers on a laterally oscillated stage10
Design and motion planning of hydraulically driven leg for maximum height jumping10
High energy efficiency oriented-control and design of WFSM based on driving condition of electric vehicle9
A fast planning approach for 3D short trajectory with a parallel framework9
Human–robot kinematic mapping method based on index constraint9
Uncertainty Quantification for parameter estimation of an industrial electric motor using hierarchical Bayesian inversion9
Editorial Board9
A Parallel Compliant Leg for energy efficient walking of exoskeleton–walker systems9
Editorial Board9
Impedance adjustment for learning human variable impedance skill9
Passivity and underactuated modeling-based load energy coupling control for three-dimensional overhead crane systems9
Sensitivity-based data fusion for optical localization of a mobile robot9
Event-triggered path tracking control with obstacle avoidance for underactuated surface vessel compliant with COLREGs-constraints: Theory and experiments9
Torque equilibrium position closed-loop control of dual electric motors swing system for large mining excavator9
Coverage optimization of camera network for continuous deformable object9
Design, modeling, and control of a Series Elastic Actuator with Discretely Adjustable Stiffness (SEADAS)8
Steering feel improvement by mathematical modeling of the Electric Power Steering system8
Mechatronic design of a class of planar cable-driven parallel robots8
Modeling of a permanent magnet linear synchronous motor using magnetic equivalent circuits8
Development of a novel resonant piezoelectric motor using parallel moving gears mechanism8
Design and development of a multi-axis force sensor based on the hall effect with decouple structure8
Mechatronic design of a 3 degrees of freedom parallel kinematics manipulator with integrated force plate for human balance evaluation and rehabilitation✰8
Dynamics modeling for the ultrasonic machining tool using a data-driven approach and a D-RBFNN8
Guaranteed safe navigation via state-constraints induced by feedback control8
Combining underactuation with vacuum grasping for improved robotic grippers8
Robot path planner based on deep reinforcement learning and the seeker optimization algorithm8
FalconScan: A hybrid UAV-crawler system for NDT inspection of elevated pipes in industrial plants8
Geometric optimization of magnetorheological damper for prosthetic ankles using artificial neural networks8
Editorial Board8
On vibration rejection of nonminimum-phase long-distance laser pointing system with compensatory disturbance observer8
Humanoid motion planning of robotic arm based on human arm action feature and reinforcement learning8
Efficient rolling motion for snake-like robots utilizing center of gravity shift8
Optimized magnetic field control of an electromagnetic actuation system for enhanced microrobot manipulation8
A hybrid task-constrained motion planning for collaborative robots in intelligent remanufacturing8
Dynamic Finite-Element analysis of a soft bending actuator8
Anti-swing control of a hydraulic loader crane with a hanging load8
DBSCAN and Yolov5 based 3D object detection and its adaptation to a mobile platform8
Development of a novel cable-driven parallel robot for full-cycle ankle rehabilitation8
Control of on-demand nanoliter drop volume and jetting velocity in piezoelectric inkjet printing8
In-field gyroscope autocalibration with iterative attitude estimation8
Control system design for a class of non-cascade nonlinear under-actuated systems with an application to a rotary crane system7
Analytical solution to a time-varying LIP model for quadrupedal walking on a vertically oscillating surface7
An approach based on machine vision for the identification and shape estimation of deformable linear objects7
Design and experimental equilibrium stability assessment of a RFRFR continuum parallel robot7
Piecewise constant strain kinematic model of externally loaded concentric tube robots7
A novel high-frequency resonance controllable pneumatic actuator and its high-precision motion trajectory tracking control7
Underwater autonomous orientation using submarine light intensity gradient7
Water quality online modeling using multi-objective and multi-agent Bayesian Optimization with region partitioning7
An MRI-compatible endonasal surgical robotic system: Kinematic analysis and performance evaluation7
Trajectory tracking control of autonomous space-based simulators for the on-orbit assembly of large space optical telescopes7
Coupled stability analysis of cascaded leader–follower teleoperation networks using Möbius transformation7
Shared human–robot path following control of an unmanned ground vehicle7
Modeling, control and experimental investigation of horizontal hydraulic flight motion simulator7
SUPER-MAN: SUPERnumerary robotic bodies for physical assistance in huMAN–robot conjoined actions7
Resonant sensors for multi-axis force and torque estimation in collaborative robotics7
Optimal visual control of tendon-sheath-driven continuum robots with robust Jacobian estimation in confined environments6
Automatic-switching-based teleoperation framework for mobile manipulator with asymmetrical mapping and force feedback6
Hardware-in-the-Loop pantograph tests with general overhead contact line geometry6
Active disturbance rejection control for unmanned tracked vehicles in leader–follower scenarios: Discrete-time implementation and field test validation6
A joint acceleration planning method for inverse kinematics of manipulator based on second-order system with variable impedance6
Development of a linear decoupling cable-driven manipulator with independent driving joints,6
Time-optimal robotic manipulation on a predefined path of loosely placed objects: Modeling and experiment6
New fractional-order LADRC scheme based on a novel filtered-Bode’s ideal transfer function for integer-order systems6
A modular low-cost atomic force microscope for precision mechatronics education6
Robust internal model control approach for position control of systems with sandwiched backlash6
Design and control of the mechanical-hydraulic hybrid transmission system in wind turbines6
3D Helmholtz coil system setup for thermal conductivity measurements of magnetic nanofluids6
Axial vibration suppression of wire-ropes and container in double-rope mining hoists with adaptive robust boundary control5
Online identification of inertial parameters of a robot with partially combined links using IMU sensing5
Generating stable periodic motion in underactuated systems in the presence of parameter uncertainty: Theory and experiments5
VARISA - A VARIable Stiffness soft robotics Arm based on inverse pneumatic actuators and differential drive fiber jamming5
Self-balancing based on Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for the Two-In-Wheeled Electric Vehicle, Experimental results5
Rotary regenerative shock absorbers for automotive suspensions5
Model-based health monitoring of rotate-vector reducers in robot manipulators5
Optimal design of a tunable electromagnetic shunt damper for dynamic vibration absorber5
Design and experimental analysis of a high force piezoelectric linear motor5
Path planning of micromanipulators inside an SEM and 3D nanomanipulation of CNTs for nanodevice construction5
A novel robotic colonoscopy system integrating feeding and steering mechanisms with self-propelled paddling locomotion: A pilot study5
Experimental modeling of hysteresis in stage systems: A Maxwell–Iwan approach5
A novel binocular vision-robot hand-eye calibration method using dual nonlinear optimization and sample screening5
Experimental parameters identification of a flexible rotor system equipped with smart magneto-rheological bearing5
A non-redundant piezoelectric center-rotation platform with a single-layer structure and a large working range5
PID-type sliding mode-based adaptive motion control of a 2-DOF piezoelectric ultrasonic motor driven stage5
Estimation of low-cycle fatigue damage of sputtered Cu thin films at the micro scale using deep learning5
Active learning in robotics: A review of control principles5
Filtered-error RLS for self-tuning disturbance feedforward control with application to a multi-axis vibration isolator5
Editorial Board5
Machine learning-based framework for optimally solving the analytical inverse kinematics for redundant manipulators5
Novel 3-DOF counterbalance mechanism based on spring balancer for mobile robot arms5
Design and experimental research of observer-based adaptive type-2 fuzzy steering control for automated vehicles with prescribed performance5
Stiffness-fault-tolerant control strategy for elastic actuators with interaction impedance adaptation5
irisVSA: Infinite-rotation infinite-stiffness Variable Stiffness Actuator towards physical human–robot-interaction5
Collision detection and reaction for a collaborative robot with sensorless admittance control5
Design, manufacture, and clamping operation of a 4-DOF piezoelectric micro-gripper5
Performance-based assistance control for robot-mediated upper-limbs rehabilitation5
Heterogeneous reinforcement learning vibration control of coupling system with four flexible beams connected by springs5
A novel concurrent learning-based fixed-time convergent visual depth observer for weakly persistently exciting perspective dynamical systems5
Modulation of control authority in adaptive haptic shared control paradigms5
An estimation of triaxial forces from normal stress tactile sensor arrays4
Editorial Board4
Introduction to the virtual special issue from the IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems 20194
Decoupled error dynamics design for discrete-time sliding mode control in industrial servo systems under control input saturation and disturbance4
Design and calibration of 3D printed soft deformation sensors for soft actuator control4
Editorial Board4
Model based reduced-order observers for a class of mechatronic systems with mitigation of disturbances effects using the Attractive Ellipsoid Method4
Distributed supervisory control for multiple robot autonomous navigation performing single-robot tasks4
Continuum analysis of a soft bending actuator dynamics4
Autonomous detection and ascent of a step for an electric wheelchair4
Editorial Board4
Editorial Board4
Nondimensional analysis and experimental assessment of the PII1/2DD1/2 position control of a rotary axis4
Target positioning of dual forward looking sonars based on orthogonal detection4
Performance analysis of a double butterfly piezoelectric actuator in different motion modes4
USLIP dynamics emerges in underwater legged robot with foot kinematics of punting crabs4
Hierarchical control strategies for multi-mode steering system of emergency rescue vehicle4
Coordinated motion control and event-based obstacle-crossing for four wheel-leg independent motor-driven robotic system4
A hybrid force-magnetic control scheme for flexible medical device steering4
Design and Real-Time Implementation of a nonlinear regulation controller for the RMP-100 Segway TWIP4
Multi-cylinder electrohydraulic digital loading technology for reproduction of large load4
Editorial Board4
Real-time observer designs for elastic-joint industrial robots: Experimental comparison and new strategies4
Robust output regulation of a class of smart actuators described by a minimum phase LPV dynamics4
An adaptive internal model control approach for unmanned surface vehicle based on bidirectional long short-term memory neural network: Implementation and field testing4
Performance based systematic design methodology for development and flight testing of fuel engine powered quadrotor Unmanned Aerial System for industrial applications4
A novel robotic system enabling multiple bilateral upper limb rehabilitation training via an admittance controller and force field3
A smart walker based on a hybrid motion model and machine learning method3
Dynamic equivalent magnetic network model and drive system of permanent magnet synchronous motor with double V-shaped magnet structure3
Adaptive fuzzy impedance control of exoskeleton robots with electromyography-based convolutional neural networks for human intended trajectory estimation3
Fault diagnosis of active magnetic bearings3
Soft pneumatic actuators adapted in multiple environments: A novel fuzzy cascade strategy for the dynamics control with hysteresis compensation3
High-gain observer-based integral sliding mode tracking control for heavy vehicle electro-hydraulic servo steering systems3
Coaxial damping series elastic actuator for improved performance of transmissibility3
3D LIDAR based on FPCB mirror3
High-gain observer-based pump/valve combined control for heavy vehicle electro-hydraulic servo steering system3
Lightweight digital video stabilization for small-size robot3
Differentiated tactile effects of vibration modal superposition considering the time course3
Fast finite-time tracking control for a 3-DOF cable-driven parallel robot by adding a power integrator✰3
Estimation of sideslip angle and cornering stiffness of an articulated vehicle using a constrained lateral dynamics model3
Design and testing of double-wishbone suspension for enhanced outdoor maneuver stability of a six-wheeled mobile robot3
Passive arbitration in adaptive shared control of robots with variable force and stiffness scaling3
FPAA-based control of a high-speed flexure-guided AFM nanopositioner3
Optimization-based online estimation of vehicle mass and road grade: Theoretical analysis and experimental validation3
Trajectory generation of rotary cranes based on A* algorithm and time-optimization for obstacle avoidance and load-sway suppression3
Muscle-like contraction control of tendon-sheath artificial muscle3
Editorial Board3
Dynamic modeling, trajectory planning and prototyping of an ice-skating robot3
Uncertainty-aware safe adaptable motion planning of lower-limb exoskeletons using random forest regression3
Model identification and adaptive control of lower limb exoskeleton based on neighborhood field optimization3
Single-loop output-feedback positioning technique for servo systems via second-order pole-zero cancellation approach3
How to reduce the impedance for pHRI: Admittance control or underactuation?3
An admittance-controlled wheeled mobile manipulator for mobility assistance: Human–robot interaction estimation and redundancy resolution for enhanced force exertion ability3
Preisach-model-based position control of a shape-memory alloy linear actuator in the presence of time-varying stress3
Teleoperation of wheeled mobile robots subject to longitudinal slipping and lateral sliding by time-domain passivity controller3
Friction observer-based hybrid controller for a seat suspension with semi-active electromagnetic damper3
Harmonic vibration suppression of maglev rotor system under variable rotational speed without speed measurement3
Design and test of pneumatic dedusting equipment for photovoltaic panels2
Combined design of robust controller and disturbance observer in a fixed-order 2