Journal of Functional Programming

(The TQCC of Journal of Functional Programming is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Cogent: uniqueness types and certifying compilation15
Cubical Agda: A dependently typed programming language with univalence and higher inductive types10
Ready,Set, Verify! Applyinghs-to-coqto real-world Haskell code8
A type- and scope-safe universe of syntaxes with binding: their semantics and proofs7
Integrating region memory management and tag-free generational garbage collection6
A trustful monad for axiomatic reasoning with probability and nondeterminism5
Explainable dynamic programming5
Taming the Merge Operator5
Linear capabilities for fully abstract compilation of separation-logic-verified code4
Back to futures4
Modal FRP for all: Functional reactive programming without space leaks in Haskell4
On the correctness of monadic backward induction4
Not by equations alone: Reasoning with extensible effects4
How to design co-programs4
Blame and coercion: Together again for the first time3
Fregel: a functional domain-specific language for vertex-centric large-scale graph processing3
StkTokens: Enforcing well-bracketed control flow and stack encapsulation using linear capabilities3
Fold–unfold lemmas for reasoning about recursive programs using the Coq proof assistant2
Sparcl: A language for partially invertible computation2
Iterating on multiple collections in synchrony2
Gradual type theory2
Extensional equality preservation and verified generic programming2
Parameterized cast calculi and reusable meta-theory for gradually typed lambda calculi2