Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

(The median citation count of Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Engineering and evaluating an unsupervised predictive maintenance solution: a cold-forming press case-study163
GAN-based statistical modeling with adaptive schemes for surface defect inspection of IC metal packages148
High-precision point cloud registration system of multi-view industrial self-similar workpiece based on super-point space guidance138
BCTMSSF: a blockchain consensus-based traceability method for supply chain in smart factory122
Revolutionizing sheet metal stamping through industry 5.0 digital twins: a comprehensive review94
CD3IS: cross dimensional 3D instance segmentation network for production workshop93
A feature extraction method for intelligent chatter detection in the milling process90
Demand forecasting application with regression and artificial intelligence methods in a construction machinery company90
Multi-objective optimisation of ultrasonically welded dissimilar joints through machine learning88
A path planning algorithm for PCB surface quality automatic inspection86
Improved multi-core arithmetic optimization algorithm-based ensemble mutation for multidisciplinary applications84
Trustworthy and intelligent fault diagnosis with effective denoising and evidential stacked GRU neural network79
A multisensory time-frequency features fusion method for rotating machinery fault diagnosis under nonstationary case76
Process parameter optimization for reproducible fabrication of layer porosity quality of 3D-printed tissue scaffold62
Towards scalable and reusable predictive models for cyber twins in manufacturing systems59
Flexible and robust detection for assembly automation with YOLOv5: a case study on HMLV manufacturing line57
Evaluation of data augmentation and loss functions in semantic image segmentation for drilling tool wear detection57
Synthetic data generation using finite element method to pre-train an image segmentation model for defect detection using infrared thermography56
Variability-enhanced knowledge-based engineering (VEN) for reconfigurable molds53
Multi-level joint distributed alignment-based domain adaptation for cross-scenario strip defect recognition51
Remaining useful life prediction of milling cutters based on long-term data sequence and parallel fully convolutional feature learning51
A thermo-mechanical machining method for improving the accuracy and stability of the geometric shape of long low-rigidity shafts49
Improving surface quality in selective laser melting based tool making48
The effects of role transitions and adaptation in human–cobot collaboration42
Self learning-empowered thermal error control method of precision machine tools based on digital twin42
Optimal droplet transfer mode maintenance for wire + arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) based on deep learning41
Instant flow distribution network optimization in liquid composite molding using deep reinforcement learning41
Edge-fog-cloud hybrid collaborative computing solution with an improved parallel evolutionary strategy for enhancing tasks offloading efficiency in intelligent manufacturing workshops41
Multi-channel anomaly detection using graphical models40
Temporal anomaly detection on IIoT-enabled manufacturing38
Retraction Note: Visual sensor intelligent module based image transmission in industrial manufacturing for monitoring and manipulation problems37
AutoML-driven diagnostics of the feeder motor in fused filament fabrication machines from direct current signals37
Improving imbalanced industrial datasets to enhance the accuracy of mechanical property prediction and process optimization for strip steel37
Welding monitoring and defect detection using probability density distribution and functional nonparametric kernel classifier37
Effect and control of path parameters on thickness distribution of cylindrical cups formed via multi-pass conventional spinning36
Digital twin for product versus project lifecycles’ development in manufacturing and construction industries36
Lightweight convolutional neural network for fast visual perception of storage location status in stereo warehouse36
Optimization of laser annealing parameters based on bayesian reinforcement learning36
A predictive modelling strategy for warpage and shrinkage defects in plastic injection molding using fuzzy logic and pattern search optimization35
A novel micro-defect classification system based on attention enhancement34
A virtual sensor for backlash in robotic manipulators34
Transformation of a rolling mill aggregate to a cyber physical production system: from sensor retrofitting to machine learning33
A systematic mapping of semi-formal and formal methods in requirements engineering of industrial Cyber-Physical systems32
Warpage detection in 3D printing of polymer parts: a deep learning approach32
Measuring manufacturing system complexity: a literature review31
Reconfigurability improvement in Industry 4.0: a hybrid genetic algorithm-based heuristic approach for a co-generation of setup and process plans in a reconfigurable environment31
Gaussian-process based modeling and optimal control of melt-pool geometry in laser powder bed fusion31
Research on digital twin monitoring system for large complex surface machining31
Data-driven product configuration improvement and product line restructuring with text mining and multitask learning30
Multi-layer edge resource placement optimization for factories30
A review and classification of manufacturing ontologies29
Autonomous self-healing mechanism for a CNC milling machine based on pattern recognition28
Switching strategy-based hybrid evolutionary algorithms for job shop scheduling problems28
Voxel-based sensor placement for additive manufacturing applications28
On the role of complexity in machining time estimation28
An innovative hybrid algorithm for bound-unconstrained optimization problems and applications27
Artificial intelligence systems for tool condition monitoring in machining: analysis and critical review27
Analysis of models for IoT-driven predictive maintenance under constraints in the case of the biopharmaceutical industry27
Comprehensive learning Jaya algorithm for engineering design optimization problems27
Digital twin and predictive quality solution for insulated glass line27
The 3D narrow butt weld seam detection system based on the binocular consistency correction26
Research on salient object detection algorithm for complex electrical components26
A real spatial–temporal attention denoising network for nugget quality detection in resistance spot weld25
Leveraging computer vision towards high-efficiency autonomous industrial facilities25
Evaluation of process planning in manufacturing by a neural network based on an energy definition of hopfield nets25
Digital Twin and web services for robotic deburring in intelligent manufacturing25
New metrics for measuring supply chain reconfigurability25
A hierarchical ensemble causal structure learning approach for wafer manufacturing25
Casting plate defect detection using motif discovery with minimal model training and small data sets25
A fast spatio-temporal temperature predictor for vacuum assisted resin infusion molding process based on deep machine learning modeling25
Flexible dual-mode sensor with accurate contact pressure sensing and contactless distance detection functions for robotic perception24
An approach for designing smart manufacturing for the research and development of dye-sensitize solar cell24
Recent advances in human–robot interaction: robophobia or synergy24
An end-to-end welding defect detection approach based on titanium alloy time-of-flight diffraction images23
A machining feature recognition approach based on hierarchical neural network for multi-feature point cloud models23
A normal weld recognition method for time-of-flight diffraction detection based on generative adversarial network23
Machine learning approach to packaging compatibility testing in the new product development process23
Digital Twin-based manufacturing system: a survey based on a novel reference model22
Multi-stage few-shot micro-defect detection of patterned OLED panel using defect inpainting and multi-scale Siamese neural network22
A framework for fault detection and diagnostics of articulated collaborative robots based on hybrid series modelling of Artificial Intelligence algorithms22
A reference framework for the digital twin smart factory based on cloud-fog-edge computing collaboration22
Root cause analysis of an out-of-control process using a logical analysis of data regression model and exponential weighted moving average21
Image deep learning in fault diagnosis of mechanical equipment21
Enhanced detection of diverse defects by developing lighting strategies using multiple light sources based on reinforcement learning21
Deep learning for machine health prognostics using Kernel-based feature transformation20
Object detection for blind inspection of industrial products based on neural architecture search20
Random convolution layer: an auxiliary method to improve fault diagnosis performance20
Concurrent nonstationary process analysis model and its application in nonstationary process monitoring20
Review of image segmentation techniques for layup defect detection in the Automated Fiber Placement process20
Building digital-twin virtual machining for milling chatter detection based on VMD, synchro-squeeze wavelet, and pre-trained network CNNs with vibration signals20
Indirect porosity detection and root-cause identification in WAAM20
Online simulation task scheduling in cloud manufacturing with cross attention and deep reinforcement learning20
A review of the bat algorithm and its varieties for industrial applications19
Novel method for detection of mixed-type defect patterns in wafer maps based on a single shot detector algorithm19
A digital twin-assisted deep transfer learning method towards intelligent thermal error modeling of electric spindles19
Spatiotemporal analysis of powder bed fusion melt pool monitoring videos using deep learning19
RFID systems optimisation through the use of a new RFID network planning algorithm to support the design of receiving gates19
Spatial–temporal out-of-order execution for advanced planning and scheduling in cyber-physical factories19
Smart sheet metal forming: importance of data acquisition, preprocessing and transformation on the performance of a multiclass support vector machine for predicting wear states during blanking19
Improving the functional performances for product family by mining online reviews18
A smart process controller framework for Industry 4.0 settings18
The integrated process planning and scheduling of flexible job-shop-type remanufacturing systems using improved artificial bee colony algorithm18
Energy-time tradeoffs for remanufacturing system scheduling using an invasive weed optimization algorithm18
Systematic comparison of software agents and Digital Twins: differences, similarities, and synergies in industrial production18
Automatic quality inspection in additive manufacturing using semi-supervised deep learning18
Automatic selection system of the building orientation based on double-layer priority aggregation multi-attribute decision-making17
A fuzzy multi-criteria approach based on Clarke and Wright savings algorithm for vehicle routing problem in humanitarian aid distribution17
Imbalanced fault diagnosis based on semi-supervised ensemble learning17
A review of motion planning algorithms for intelligent robots17
Multi-agent reinforcement learning based on graph convolutional network for flexible job shop scheduling17
Enhancing wisdom manufacturing as industrial metaverse for industry and society 5.017
A review of machine learning techniques for process and performance optimization in laser beam powder bed fusion additive manufacturing17
Failure prediction in production line based on federated learning: an empirical study16
A novel machine learning algorithm for interval systems approximation based on artificial neural network16
Investigating the influence of fidelity on the capability of a digital twin to detect material extrusion failures16
Modular production control using deep reinforcement learning: proximal policy optimization16
Development of a surrogate model for high-fidelity laser powder-bed fusion using tensor train and gaussian process regression16
Robust-stable scheduling in dynamic flow shops based on deep reinforcement learning16
Reference training system for intelligent manufacturing talent education: platform construction and curriculum development16
Optimization of injection molding process using multi-objective bayesian optimization and constrained generative inverse design networks16
The multisensor information fusion-based deep learning model for equipment health monitor integrating subject matter expert knowledge15
Conceptualizing the digital thread for smart manufacturing: a systematic literature review15
Optimization of processing parameters for waterjet-guided laser machining of SiC/SiC composites15
A digital apprentice for chatter detection in machining via human–machine interaction15
Survey on ontology-based explainable AI in manufacturing15
Enterprise and service−level scheduling of robot production services in cloud manufacturing with deep reinforcement learning15
Managing product-inherent constraints with artificial intelligence: production control for time constraints in semiconductor manufacturing15
Machine learning for multi-dimensional optimisation and predictive visualisation of laser machining15
Deep reinforcement learning-based energy-aware disassembly planning for end-of-life products with stimuli-activated self-disassembly14
Modelling and condition-based control of a flexible and hybrid disassembly system with manual and autonomous workstations using reinforcement learning14
Correction: Detecting and classifying hidden defects in additively manufactured parts using deep learning and X-ray computed tomography14
Adaptive servo system for die-sinking micro-EDM driven by deep Q-network with online-offline combined data14
Deep learning-based conductive particle inspection for TFT-LCDs inspired by parametric space envelope14
A digital twin-driven cutting force adaptive control approach for milling process14
Machine learning-based non-destructive method for identifying defect causes in OLED displays to enhance productivity14
Optimization of buffer design for mixed-model sequential production line based on simulation and reinforcement learning14
A data-driven method for performance analysis and improvement in production systems with quality inspection14
Predicting the number of printed cells during inkjet-based bioprinting process based on droplet velocity profile using machine learning approaches14
An intelligent prediction method of surface residual stresses based on multi-source heterogeneous data14
From framework to industrial implementation: the digital twin in process planning14
A high-precision in-situ monitoring system for laser directed energy deposition melt pool 3D morphology based on deep learning14
Development of a cascaded multitask physics-informed neural network (CM-PINN) to construct the muti-physical field model of rubber bushing press fitting14
Intelligent monitoring of multi-axis robots for online diagnostics of unknown arm deviations14
CENet: improve counting performance of X-ray surface mounted chip counter via scale favor and cell extraction14
Acoustic emission reflection signal classification of PVDF-type AE sensor using convolutional neural network-transfer learning14
A bilevel optimisation model for the joint configuration of new and remanufactured products considering specification upgrading of used products13
Automated porosity segmentation in laser powder bed fusion part using computed tomography: a validity study13
An adaptive fault detection and root-cause analysis scheme for complex industrial processes using moving window KPCA and information geometric causal inference13
Digital twin-based real-time energy optimization method for production line considering fault disturbances13
MWRSPCA: online fault monitoring based on moving window recursive sparse principal component analysis13
Design patterns of deep reinforcement learning models for job shop scheduling problems13
Intelligent hierarchical compensation method for industrial robot positioning error based on compound branch neural network automatic creation13
Cyber-physical systems: a bibliometric analysis of literature12
A new effective decoupling method to identify the tracking errors of the motion axes of the five-axis machine tools12
Regenerative scheduling problem in engineer to order manufacturing: an economic assessment12
Appending-inspired multivariate time series association fusion for tool condition monitoring12
Investigation and machine learning-based prediction of parametric effects of single point incremental forming on pillow effect and wall profile of AlMn1Mg1 aluminum alloy sheets12
Combining physics-based and data-driven methods in metal stamping12
Developing an artificial neural network controller for accelerating the hot deformation of the titanium aluminide TNM-B1 using reinforcement learning and finite element simulations12
Multicriteria task classification in human-robot collaborative assembly through fuzzy inference12
A control architecture for continuous production processes based on industry 4.0: water supply systems application11
Collaborative approaches in sustainable and resilient manufacturing11
Hybrid data augmentation method for combined failure recognition in rotating machines11
A survey on HoloLens AR in support of human-centric intelligent manufacturing11
Investigation on eXtreme Gradient Boosting for cutting force prediction in milling11
Towards industry 4.0 in practice: a novel RFID-based intelligent system for monitoring and optimisation of production systems11
Conductive particle detection via efficient encoder–decoder network11
A signal-to-image fault classification method based on multi-sensor data for robotic grinding monitoring11
Machine learning guided design of experiments to accelerate exploration of a material extrusion process parameter space11
Exploring the applications of natural language processing and language models for production, planning, and control activities of SMEs in industry 4.0: a systematic literature review11
Autoencoder-based anomaly detection of industrial robot arm using stethoscope based internal sound sensor11
Wafer map defect recognition based on multi-scale feature fusion and attention spatial pyramid pooling11
Deformation by design: data-driven approach to predict and modify deformation in thin Ti-6Al-4V sheets using laser peen forming11
Stability modeling for chatter avoidance in self-aware machining: an application of physics-guided machine learning10
Multi-modal background-aware for defect semantic segmentation with limited data10
Nash equilibrium as a tool for the Car Sequencing Problem 4.010
A texture-aware one-stage fabric defect detection network with adaptive feature fusion and multi-task training10
Efficient textile anomaly detection via memory guided distillation network10
Towards real-time in-situ monitoring of hot-spot defects in L-PBF: a new classification-based method for fast video-imaging data analysis10
Optimization framework of laser oscillation welding based on a deep predictive reward reinforcement learning net10
A novel automatic classification approach for micro-flaws on the large-aperture optics surface based on multi-light source fusion and integrated deep learning architecture10
Development of a mobile 3D printer and comparative evaluation against traditional gantry systems10
Genetic algorithm optimization based on manufacturing prediction for an efficient tolerance allocation approach10
Monitoring and control framework for intelligent real-time optimization of printing sequence of powder bed fusion10
Simulation-based metaheuristic optimization algorithm for material handling10
Generative adversarial networks and hessian locally linear embedding for geometric variations management in manufacturing10
Attention mechanism and texture contextual information for steel plate defects detection10
A novel tolerance geometric method based on machine learning9
Editorial: intelligent manufacturing systems towards industry 4.0 era9
Cross-domain fusion and embedded refinement-based 6D object pose tracking on textureless objects9
Predicting part distortion field in additive manufacturing: a data-driven framework9
Augmented arithmetic optimization algorithm using opposite-based learning and lévy flight distribution for global optimization and data clustering9
Reinforcement learning for sustainability enhancement of production lines9
Competing refurbishment in a supply chain with different selling modes9
Integrated circuit probe card troubleshooting based on rough set theory for advanced quality control and an empirical study9
On reliability of reinforcement learning based production scheduling systems: a comparative survey9
Context-sensitive lexicon for imbalanced text sentiment classification using bidirectional LSTM9
In-process prediction of weld penetration depth using machine learning-based molten pool extraction technique in tungsten arc welding9
Automatic root cause analysis in manufacturing: an overview & conceptualization9
Coupling of an analytical rolling model and reinforcement learning to design pass schedules: towards properties controlled hot rolling9
An accuracy and performance-oriented accurate digital twin modeling method for precision microstructures9
A chip inspection system based on a multiscale subarea attention network9
Using GANs to predict milling stability from limited data9
A transfer regression network-based adaptive calibration method for remaining useful life prediction considering individual discrepancies in the degradation process of machinery9
Methodology for complexity and cost comparison between subtractive and additive manufacturing processes9
Improved wafer map defect pattern classification using automatic data augmentation based lightweight encoder network in contrastive learning8
Sheet resistance prediction of laser induced graphitic carbon with transformer encoder-enabled contrastive learning8
Real-time monitoring of molten zinc splatter using machine learning-based computer vision8
Heterogeneous demand–capacity synchronization for smart assembly cell line based on artificial intelligence-enabled IIoT8
Automatic high-frequency induction brazing through an ensembled detection with heterogenous sensor measurements8
Current status, challenges and opportunities of sustainable ultra-precision manufacturing8
Collaborative knowledge management to identify data analytics opportunities in additive manufacturing8
Selecting subsets of source data for transfer learning with applications in metal additive manufacturing8
Rule-based visualization of faulty process conditions in the die-casting manufacturing8
Machining tool identification utilizing temporal 3D point clouds8
Process monitoring and machine learning for defect detection in laser-based metal additive manufacturing8
A kind of intelligent dynamic industrial event knowledge graph and its application in process stability evaluation8
Combining human guidance and structured task execution during physical human–robot collaboration8
Use of machine learning models in condition monitoring of abrasive belt in robotic arm grinding process8
Semi-supervised learning for steel surface inspection using magnetic flux leakage signal8
A framework and method for equipment digital twin dynamic evolution based on IExATCN8
Neural lumped parameter differential equations with application in friction-stir processing8
Data-driven prediction of keyhole features in metal additive manufacturing based on physics-based simulation8
NG-Net: No-Grasp annotation grasp detection network for stacked scenes8
Scheduling of a class of partial routing FMS in uncertain environments with beam search8
Global receptive field graph attention network for unsupervised domain adaptation fault diagnosis in variable operating conditions8
A dual-attention feature fusion network for imbalanced fault diagnosis with two-stream hybrid generated data7
Intelligent control system for 3D inkjet printing7
Interpolation-based virtual sample generation for surface roughness prediction7
Data-driven dynamic causality analysis of industrial systems using interpretable machine learning and process mining7
In-situ monitoring laser based directed energy deposition process with deep convolutional neural network7
Multi-product scheduling through process mining: bridging optimization and machine process intelligence7
High speed neuromorphic vision-based inspection of countersinks in automated manufacturing processes7
A multi-task effectiveness metric and an adaptive co-training method for enhancing learning performance with few samples7
A Smart system in Manufacturing with Mass Personalization (S-MMP) for blueprint and scenario driven by industrial model transformation7
Comparison and explanation of data-driven modeling for weld quality prediction in resistance spot welding7
Federated learning-based collaborative manufacturing for complex parts7
Relational network of innovation ecosystems generated by digital innovation hubs: a conceptual framework for the interaction processes of DIHs from the perspective of collaboration within and between 7
Machine-learning based process monitoring for automated composites manufacturing7
In situ quality inspection with layer-wise visual images based on deep transfer learning during selective laser melting7
Explainable artificial intelligence and multi-stage transfer learning for injection molding quality prediction7
Part machining feature recognition based on a deep learning method7
Reinforcement learning applications to machine scheduling problems: a comprehensive literature review7
Machine learning and deep learning based predictive quality in manufacturing: a systematic review7
Maintenance optimization for a multi-unit system with digital twin simulation7
SPRBF-ABLS: a novel attention-based broad learning systems with sparse polynomial-based radial basis function neural networks7
A deep learning framework for layer-wise porosity prediction in metal powder bed fusion using thermal signatures7
An automatic calibration algorithm for laser vision sensor in robotic autonomous welding system7
Hyper-automation in manufacturing industry7
Machining accuracy prediction and adaptive compensation method of CNC machine tool under absence of machining process sensing7