Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements

(The TQCC of Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Localized method of fundamental solutions for two- and three-dimensional transient convection-diffusion-reaction equations126
Boundary integral formulation of the cell-by-cell model of cardiac electrophysiology59
An improved node moving technique for adaptive analysis using collocated discrete least squares meshless method59
Analytic analysis of free vibration problem of the plate with a rectangular cutout using symplectic superposition method combined with domain decomposition technique54
The effects of transferred heat and wall material on thermal behavior of a nano-grooved micro-heat pipe, molecular dynamics simulation54
Dynamic fracture modeling of concrete composites based on nonlocal multiscale damage model and scaled boundary finite element methods53
A simplified dual reciprocity boundary element method applied to plate buckling problems49
Analytic solution of the free boundary problem for porous media flow using a conformal map validated by the boundary element method48
Stability analysis of layered circular rock tunnels considering anchor reinforcement based on an enhanced mesh-free method48
Scaled boundary finite element based two-level learning approach for structural flaw identification48
A proportional topology optimization method with level-set description and evolutionary strategy48
Multi-grid methods of stable generalized finite element methods for interface problems47
An SPIM-FEM adapting coupling approach for the analysis of quasi-brittle media45
Buckling responses of the polyhedral composite lining fitted in the cracked subsea pipeline under combined loading fields45
Design sensitivity analysis of three-dimensional acoustic problems using a fast multipole accelerated indirect BEM45
Forced convection of nanofluid in double vented cavity system separated by perforated conductive plate under magnetic field43
Modelling the stability of a soil-rock-mixture slope based on the digital image technology and strength reduction numerical manifold method39
Smoothed point interpolation methods for phase-field modelling of pressurised fracture39
A strong-form meshfree computational method for plane elastostatic equations of anisotropic functionally graded materials via multiple-scale Pascal polynomials38
Generalized finite difference method (GFDM) based analysis for subsurface flow problems in anisotropic formation38
A coupled finite element-meshfree smoothed point interpolation method for nonlinear analysis37
A superconvergent finite node method for semilinear elliptic problems36
Interplay of photonic, electrical, and inertial loads on the stability of rotating sector perovskite sandwich plates with a GPL-based nanocomposite core35
Model of moving solid-liquid phase change interface of a droplet following impact on a cold plate35
A novel scaled boundary finite element method for dynamic impedance of an arch dam foundation in a complex layered half-space35
Buckling analysis of thin plates using direct interpolation boundary element method34
Natural convection analysis of magnetic nanofluid in fluid-magnetic coupled filed using the peridynamic differential operator33
Feasibility study of improving the energy and exergy performance of a concentrating photovoltaic/thermal system by the simultaneous application of biological water-silver nanofluid and sheet-and-groov33
A combination of large eddy simulation and physics-informed machine learning to predict pore-scale flow behaviours in fibrous porous media: A case study of transient flow passing through a surgical ma33
On the Vibration Characteristics of Graphene Platelet Reinforced Composite Super-elliptical Plates via Chebyshev-Ritz Method33
Comparative study on domain decomposition methods for solving multi-domain potential problems by DiBFM33
Application of the Chebyshev–Ritz route in determination of the dynamic instability region boundary for rotating nanocomposite beams reinforced with graphene platelet subjected to a temperature increm32
Combination of Karhunen-Loève and intrusive polynomial chaos for uncertainty quantification of thermomagnetic convection problem with stochastic boundary condition32
2-D FM-IBEM Simulation of broadband ground motions on near-fault mountain-valley coupling site32
Robust modelling of implicit interfaces by the scaled boundary finite element method32
Low-velocity impact response of sandwich plates with GRC face sheets and FG auxetic 3D lattice cores32
A generalized finite difference method for solving biharmonic interface problems31
A Burton–Miller-type boundary element method based on a hybrid integral representation and its application to cavity scattering31
Numerical investigation on the hydrodynamic performance of a new designed breakwater using smoothed particle hydrodynamic method31
Boundary element methods in diffraction of a point-source acoustic wave by a rigid infinite wedge31
A fundamental solution for radiofrequency heating due to a point electrical current in an infinite spatial domain: Numerical proofs with MATHEMATICA and ANSYS30
Free vibration of multiple-nanobeam system with nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory for various boundary conditions30
A space-time generalized finite difference method for solving unsteady double-diffusive natural convection in fluid-saturated porous media29
Laterally loaded piles and pile groups partially embedded in transversely isotropic fractional viscoelastic saturated soils29
Thermal-hydraulic performance of a solar collector with twisted vortex generators and hybrid nanofluid: A simulation by numerical method and two-phase model29
Numerical study of single bubble rising dynamics for the variability of moderate Reynolds and sidewalls influence: A bi-phase SPH approach28
Spectral-Tchebychev technique for the free and stochastic vibration analysis of functionally graded plates with piezoelectric patches28
Groundwater flow simulation in a confined aquifer using Local Radial Point Interpolation Meshless method (LRPIM)28
Dynamical characteristics of fastening of a cylindrical shell with a hemispherical shell made of graded porous power ceramic-metal under elastic boundary edges27
A particle-based computational framework for damage assessment in a concrete dam-reservoir system under seismic loading27
Singular boundary method for band structure calculations of in-plane waves in 2D phononic crystals27
Improved geometric modeling using the method of fundamental solutions27
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of transcranial electric stimulation for 9-subdomain human head model26
A FDEM based 3D discrete mixed seepage model for simulating fluid driven fracturing26
An in-depth thermo-electrical evaluation of a rooftop PV technology for a residential building using advanced infrared thermography26
Effects of partial magnetic field in a vented square cavity with aiding and opposing of MWCNT–water nanofluid flows26
Static analysis of axially loaded piles in multilayered soils using a BEM/FEM formulation26
A fast direct boundary element method for 3D acoustic problems based on hierarchical matrices26
An improved interpolating dimension splitting element-free Galerkin method for 3D wave equations26
The elastic dynamics analysis of FGM using a meshless RRKPM26
Stress intensity factor and fatigue life evaluation for important points of semi-elliptical cracks in welded pipeline by Bezier extraction based XIGA and new correlation model26
A novel direct interpolation boundary element method formulation for solving diffusive–advective problems25
Multilayered elastic medium reinforced with interfacial thin film: A theoretical model for geogrid reinforced HIR asphalt pavement25
AttenEpilepsy: A 2D convolutional network model based on multi-head self-attention25
Force/motion transmissibility analysis and parameters optimization of hybrid mechanisms with prescribed workspace25
Wave power absorption and wave loads characteristics of an annular oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter (WEC) with an attached reflector24
Anderson accelerated preconditioning iterative method for RBF interpolation24
Meta-heuristic optimization algorithms for vibration and buckling analysis of laminated composite plates24
A fast methodology for identifying thermal parameters based on improved POD and particle swarm optimization and its applications24
A multi-domain singular boundary method for dynamic analysis of multilayered saturated porous media24
Stokes flow past an array of circular cylinders through slip-patterned microchannel using boundary element method24
Localized space-time Trefftz method for diffusion equations in complex domains24
Fully coupled dynamic hydraulic fracturing of saturated porous media based on the numerical manifold method24
DEM-BEM coupling in time domain for one-dimensional wave propagation24
Numerical simulation of dual-tube heat exchanger equipped with an innovative turbulator containing two-phase hybrid nanofluid: Hydrodynamic and exergy analysis23
Static analysis of anisotropic doubly-curved shells with arbitrary geometry and variable thickness resting on a Winkler-Pasternak support and subjected to general loads23
Investigation on rock breaking and optimum spacing of TBM cutters under confining stress using a continuum-discontinuum method23
Elastic-viscoplastic analysis of plate bending with Reissner's theory by the Boundary Element Method23
Near corner boundary regularization of the parametric integral equation system (PIES)23
Vibrations of skew cylindrical shells made of FG-GPLRCs under rapid surface heating23
Three-dimensional elastic analysis of a bi-material system with a single domain boundary element method23
Effect of different pitches on the 3D helically coiled shell and tube heat exchanger filled with a hybrid nanofluid: Numerical study and artificial neural network modeling23
Three-dimensional IBEM solution to seismic wave scattering by a near-fault sedimentary basin23
A three-dimensional consistent ordinary state-based peridynamic formulation with high accuracy23
Investigation of tunnel excavation numerical analysis method for the combined finite-discrete element method23
Verification of 3D DDA-SPH coupling method and its application in the analysis of geological disasters23
Localized method of fundamental solutions for two-dimensional anisotropic elasticity problems22
Applications of the Trefftz method to the anti-plane fracture of 1D hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystals22
Analytical solution based on BEM to oblique waves scattering by thin arc-shaped permeable barrier applied for array of aquaculture cages22
On the free surface boundary of moving particle semi-implicit method for thermocapillary flow22
A bounded randomly variable shape multi-quadric interpolation method in dual reciprocity boundary element method22
Weighted radial basis collocation method for large deformation analysis of rubber-like materials22
Study on meso‑mechanical properties and failure mechanism of soil-rock mixture based on SPH model22
Simulation of grout diffusion in fractured rock mass by equivalent seepage lattice elements22
A novel highly accurate Trefftz attitude towards bending and free vibration analysis of doubly-curved laminated and sandwich shallow shells22
The direct RBF-based partition of unity method for solving nonlinear fractional parabolic equations22
A modification of the method of fundamental solutions for solving 2D problems with concave and complicated domains21
Deterministic–stochastic modeling of transcranial magnetic stimulation featuring the use of method of moments and stochastic collocation21
Solving phase change problems via a precise time-domain expanding boundary element method combined with the level set method21
An iteration-free semi-Lagrangian meshless method for Burgers’ equations21
A linearized integral equation reconstruction method of admittivity distributions using Electrical Impedance Tomography21
Editorial Board21
Computer numerical simulations for accelerated design of rare earth permanent magnet motors in renewable energy applications: A review20
Consolidation behaviors of gas-bearing sediments with modulus varying along depth under horizontal loads20
Numerical simulation of 3D fracture propagation problem with reproducing kernel peridynamic method20
Efficient storage and interpolation of acoustic transfer functions20
A point particle source model for conjugate heat and mass transfer in dispersed two-phase flows by BEM based methods20
Mesh reduction methods for thermoelasticity of laminated composite structures: Study on the B-spline based State Space Finite Element Method and Physics-Informed Neural Networks20
Editorial Board20
Numerical investigation of the effect of cross-section on the hydrothermal and irreversibility features of water/Fe3O4 ferrofluid flow inside a twisted tube in the presence of an external magnetic fie20
Grain-based modeling study of time-dependent mechanical behavior of brittle rocks in deep underground caverns based on the stress corrosion model19
Three-dimensional dynamic fracture analysis using scaled boundary finite element method: A time-domain method19
An improved meshless artificial viscosity technology combined with local radial point interpolation method for 2D shallow water equations19
Impedance functions of rigid rectangular foundations bonded on layered transversely isotropic elastic/poroelastic half-space19
Computational modelling of the basic creep of concrete: An image-based meso-scale approach19
Editorial Board19
A VSIE based time domain discontinuous Galerkin method for composite conducting dispersive dielectric objects19
Editorial Board18
Inviscid flow passing a lifting body with a higher order boundary element method18
The application of FEM-BEM coupling method for steady 2D heat transfer problems with multi-scale structure18
Penalty C0 8-node quadrilateral and 20-node hexahedral elements for consistent couple stress elasticity based on the unsymmetric finite element method18
Application of generalized finite difference method for elastoplastic torsion analysis of prismatic bars18
Simple measure for power transfer efficiency of coupled dipole antennas based on root-mean square value of transient current18
Global–local analysis with Element Free Galerkin Method18
Electromagnetic scattering analysis of large-area vegetation based on multilevel periodic fast multipole algorithm18
Analysis of phase change dynamics by using fin in a 3D tall cavity and modeling with artificial neural network17
Matrix Green's function solution of closed-form singularity for functionally graded and transversely isotropic materials under circular ring force vector17
A Trefftz based meshfree local method for bending analysis of arbitrarily shaped laminated composite and isotropic plates17
On the rational Levin quadrature for evaluation of highly oscillatory integrals and its application17
A numerical analysis of the generalised collocation Trefftz method for some 2D Laplace problems17
A novel isogeometric scaled boundary finite element method for bending and free vibration analyses of laminated plates with rectilinear and curvilinear fibers constrained or free from elastic foundati17
Numerical analysis of fully non-linear sloshing waves in an arbitrary shape tank by meshless method17
A mathematical model of coronavirus transmission by using the heuristic computing neural networks17
New three-dimensional time-stepping transient fundamental solutions with applications17
Artificial neural network modeling to examine spring turbulators influence on parabolic solar collector effectiveness with hybrid nanofluids17
Numerical examination of the effect of different boundary conditions on the method of approximate particular solutions for scalar and vector problems17
Hybrid method of space-time and Houbolt methods for solving linear time-dependent problems17
An efficient operator-splitting radial basis function-generated finite difference (RBF-FD) scheme for image noise removal based on nonlinear total variation models17
On numerical solution stability of the Laplace equation in absence of the Dirichlet boundary condition: Benchmark problem proposal17
Numerical assessment of the nanocomposite sector annular plates with the aim of promoting their mixed-form thermal shock response17
Non-conformal field-only boundary integral method for modeling EM scattering problems17
Editorial Board17
An efficient hybrid boundary-type weak-form meshfree algorithm for 2D thermal analysis in inhomogeneous functionally graded materials17
Thermal analysis of electronic packaging structure using isogeometric boundary element method17
Pressure-velocity coupled zonal free element method for fluid-solid conjugate heat transfer16
A non-iterative methodology to reconstruct boundary shapes and conditions in isotropic linear elasticity based on the BEM16
Analytical treatment on singularities for 2-D elastoplastic dynamics by time domain boundary element method using Hadamard principle integral16
Statistical analysis for solution of non-linear integro-differential equation by using odinary and accerlated technique of Kamal-Adomian Decomposition16
A point-to-point convolutional neural network for reconstructing electromagnetic parameters of multiple cavities scattering with inhomogeneous anisotropic media16
Dynamic analysis of functionally graded embedded graphene oxide powder nanocomposite conical shells resting on flexible foundations16
Efficient solution for transient laminar mixed convection problems using semi-explicit DQ/RBF-DQM16
Numerical calculation of regular and singular integrals in boundary integral equations using Clenshaw–Curtis quadrature rules16
An improved SPH scheme for the 3D FEI (Fluid-Elastomer Interaction) problem of aircraft tire spray16
Modified BEM for scattering analysis by a flaw at interface in an anisotropic multi-layered plate16
Application of coupled RBFDQ-FEM as a meshless method for time-domain analysis of dam-reservoir systems subjected to earthquake excitation16
Editorial Board16
Editorial Board16
Numerical study of simultaneous growth of multiple hydraulic fractures from a horizontal wellbore combining dual boundary element method and finite volume method15
Vibrational performance modeling for coupling of a full-ellipsoid shell with a cylindrical shell with a focus on flexibility at coupling and boundary conditions via the GDQ-meshless method15
Analytical and meshless numerical approaches to unified gradient elasticity theory15
On the approximate solution of dynamic systems derived from the HIV infection of CD15
SBFEM and Bayesian inference for efficient multiple flaw detection in structures15
The meshless method of fundamental solutions applied to couple stress problems15
Numerical modelling of CO2 leakage through fractured caprock using an extended numerical manifold method15
A unified formulation and the boundary discontinuous Fourier method for clamped functionally graded shells15
A multi-sphere DE-FE method for traveling analysis of an off-road pneumatic tire on irregular gravel terrain15
Nonlinear elastic-plastic analysis of reinforced concrete column-steel beam connection by RBF-FD method15
Dispersion error reduction for interior acoustic problems using the radial point interpolation meshless method with plane wave enrichment functions15
Two-phase simulation of entropy generation and thermo-hydraulic behavior of a therminol/CuO-diamond nanofluid in a heat exchanger15
Simulating fluid-structure interactions with a hybrid immersed smoothed point interpolation method15
Static and dynamic analysis of plane elasticity using complex Fourier manifold method based on numerical improvement of Gauss–Legendre quadrature techniques15
Stability analysis of hybrid laminated cylindrical shells reinforced with shape memory fibers15
A reduced-order peridynamic differential operator for unsteady convection–diffusion problems15
Bi-material topology optimization for fully coupled structural-acoustic systems with isogeometric FEM–BEM15
Protuberance placement mastery: Shock wave control integration with Coanda effect to thrust vectoring on a sonic jet15
Efficient kinematic upper-bound limit analysis for hole/inclusion problems by adaptive XIGA with locally refined NURBS15
Integral Evaluation for a Closed-Form 2-D Potential Formulation of the Galerkin BEM15
Influence functions for a 3D full-space under bilinear stationary loads15
Application of hyperbolic differential quadrature method for vibration responses of the electrorheological disk15
Meshless generalized finite difference method for two- and three-dimensional transient elastodynamic analysis15
Droplet generation by the oscillation of two spark-generated bubbles near a confined opening15
A novel approach for estimating blood flow dynamics factors of eccentric stenotic arteries based on ML14
Effect of polycaprolactone percentage on thermal and mechanical behavior of polyurethane/polycaprolactone/graphene oxide nanocomposite utilizing molecular dynamics simulation14
Coupled FEM/SBFEM investigation on the characteristic analysis of seismic motions of a trapezoidal canyon in a layered half-space14
The versatile polyhedral elements of Cosserat continuum theory based on SBFEM and its application14
An unsupervised K-means machine learning algorithm via overlapping to14
Analysis for complex plane cracks in 1D orthorhombic quasicrystals using the singular integral equation method14
Topology optimization of periodic mechanical structures with orthotropic materials based on the element-free Galerkin method14
Large deformation analysis of geomaterials using stabilized total Lagrangian smoothed particle hydrodynamics14
Radial basis function-based differential quadrature for dam break problems14
Simulation of the coupled Schrödinger–Boussinesq equations through integrated radial basis functions-partition of unity method14
A novel method for solving the seismic response of non-horizontally layered half-space14
Analysis of acoustic radiation problems involving arbitrary immersed media interfaces by the extended finite element method with Dirichlet to Neumann boundary condition14
Localized RBF methods for modeling infiltration using the Kirchhoff-transformed Richards equation14
Numerical solution strategy for natural convection problems in a triangular cavity using a direct meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method combined with an implicit artificial-compressibility model14
The adaptive Fourier decomposition for financial time series14
Steady heat transfer analysis for anisotropic structures using the coupled IGA-EFG method14
DAL-PINNs: Physics-informed neural networks based on D'Alembert principle for generalized electromagnetic field model computation14
Stable weight updating: A key to reliable PDE solutions using deep learning14
Multiphase numerical simulation of exergy loss and thermo-hydraulic behavior with environmental cosiderations of a hybrid nanofluid in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with twisted tape13
An extended fictitious node method for surface effect correction of bond-based peridynamics13
Airfoil self-noise prediction using deep neural networks13
A localized hybrid kernel meshless technique for solving the fractional Rayleigh–Stokes problem for an edge in a viscoelastic fluid13
Application of a local meshless modified characteristic method to incompressible fluid flows with heat transport problem13
Natural frequency analysis of imperfect GNPRN conical shell, cylindrical shell, and annular plate structures resting on Winkler-Pasternak Foundations under arbitrary boundary conditions13
Use of neural network and machine learning in optimizing heat transfer and entropy generated in a cavity filled with nanofluid under the influence of magnetic field: A numerical study13
The closed-form particular solutions of the Poisson’s equation in 3D with the oscillatory radial basis functions in the forcing term13
A size-dependent differential quadrature element model for vibration analysis of FG CNT reinforced composite microrods based on the higher order Love-Bishop rod model and the nonlocal strain gradient 13
Improvement of vibrational characteristics of multipurpose structures (plate and shells) used in aerospace components by deploying Graphene Oxide Powders (GOPs) in a matrix as a nano-reinforcement: A 13
Dynamic analysis of anti-dip bedding rock slopes reinforced by pre-stressed cables using discrete element method13
A refined quasi-3D logarithmic shear deformation theory-based effective meshfree method for analysis of functionally graded plates resting on the elastic foundation13
Predicting the performance of thermal, electrical and overall efficiencies of a nanofluid-based photovoltaic/thermal system using Elman recurrent neural network methodology13
Numerical investigation and optimisation of flat plate solar collectors using two swarm-based metaheuristic algorithms13
Gaussian smoothed particle hydrodynamics: A high-order meshfree particle method13
Numerical solution of two-dimensional stochastic time-fractional Sine–Gordon equation on non-rectangular domains using finite difference and meshfree methods13
Numerical analysis of mechanical behavior of stratified rocks containing a single flaw by utilizing the particle flow code13
A new approach to multi-domain fast multipole boundary element method13
Multi-objective energy and exergy optimization of hybrid building-integrated heat pipe photovoltaic/thermal and earth air heat exchanger system using soft computing technique13
Band structure analysis of two-dimensional photonic crystals using the wavelet-based boundary element method13
A meshless thermal modelling for functionally graded porous materials under the influence of temperature dependent heat sources13
A well-conditioned and efficient Levin method for highly oscillatory integrals with compactly supported radial basis functions13
Fluid topology optimization using quadtree-based scaled boundary finite element method12
Convergence properties of the radial basis function-finite difference method on specific stencils with applications in solving partial differential equations12
Properties optimisation of nanostructures via machine learning: Progress and perspective12
Retraction notice to “Analyzing geometric parameters in inclined enclosures filled with magnetic nanofluid using artificial neural networks” [Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 146 (2023) 55512
Expression of Concern: Numerical study of entropy generation in the convection heat transfer of nanofluid inside a tilted closed compartment with five constant-temperature heat sources in the presence12
Using phase change material (PCM) to improve the solar energy capacity of glass in solar collectors by enhancing their thermal performance via developed MD approach12
Molecular dynamics analysis of a flavoring drum combining numerical simulation and experimental evaluation12
Expression of Concern: Utilization of various waste sources in Saudi Arabia as a new clean and renewable energy source: Adsorption of phenol pollutants and removal from Petroleum industrial wastes via12
Special inclusion elements for thermal analysis of composite materials12
Modified space-time radial basis function collocation method for solving three-dimensional transient elastodynamic problems12
Scaled boundary finite element method for an acoustic cavity with porous layer12
Investigating deep energy method applications in thermoelasticity12
Expression of Concern: A Molecular Dynamics investigation of the atomic structural behavior of the interaction between Amyloid beta protein and Aspirin within an aqueous nanodomain12
Molecular dynamics method for numerical study of thermal performance of hexacosane PCM in a Cu-nanochannel12
Expression of Concern: High-Efficiency Perovskite Photovoltaic System Performance by Molecular Dynamics Method: Optimizing Electron Transport Thicknesses, Hole Transport, and Anti-Reflector Layers of 12
Molecular dynamic study of perovskite with improved thermal and mechanical stability for solar cells application: Calculation the final strength of the modeled atomic structures and the Young's modulu12
Expression of Concern: Representing Fluid Particle Model to incorporate two non-central components for dissipation forces associated with random forces: A new integral algorithm in modified Dissipativ12
A novel weak-form meshless method based on Lagrange interpolation for mechanical analysis of complex thin plates12
A local radial basis function-compact finite difference method for Sobolev equation arising from fluid dynamics12
Modeling variably saturated flows in porous media using the numerical manifold method12
A coupled scaled boundary finite element and phase-field algorithm for seismic loading12
Lattice-Boltzmann numerical simulation of double-diffusive natural convection and entropy generation in an n-shaped partially heated storage tank12
Expression of Concern: Optimal Techno-economic and Thermo-electrical Design for a Phase Change Material Enhanced Renewable Energy Driven Polygeneration Unit Using a Machine Learning Assisted Lattice B12
RETRACTED: Surface and shear effects on spatial buckling of initially twisted nanowires12
Expression of Concern: Impact of cavity tilt angle and magnetic field on the entropy generation of Cu/water nanofluid in a rectangular cavity in the presence of several constant-temperature obstacles12
Waste-to-Energy in Saudi Arabia: Treatment of petroleum wastewaters utilizing zeolite structures in the removal of phenol pollutants by using the power of molecular dynamics method12
A meshless method based on the method of fundamental solution for time harmonic electromagnetic field with a three-dimensional elastic body12
Analytical and meshless DQM approaches to free vibration analysis of symmetric FGM porous nanobeams with piezoelectric effect11
Numerical analysis of heating aerosol carbon nanofluid flow in a power plant recupesrator with considering ash fouling: a deep learning approach11