Journal of Logic and Computation

(The median citation count of Journal of Logic and Computation is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Declarative continuous reasoning in the cloud-IoT continuum15
Open sets in computability theory and reverse mathematics15
Algorithmic properties of first-order modal logics of finite Kripke frames in restricted languages14
Completeness theorems for first-order logic analysed in constructive type theory12
The Axiom of Choice in computability theory and Reverse Mathematics with a cameo for the Continuum Hypothesis12
Algorithmic properties of first-order superintuitionistic logics of finite Kripke frames in restricted languages11
Founded semantics and constraint semantics of logic rules10
Complexity of finite-variable fragments of products with K10
An efficient reasoning method on logic programming using partial evaluation in vector spaces9
Labelled calculi for quantified modal logics with definite descriptions9
Algorithmic properties of first-order modal logics of linear Kripke frames in restricted languages8
Monadic NM-algebras: an algebraic approach to monadic predicate nilpotent minimum logic8
Abstract argumentation and the rational man8
Handling inconsistency in partially preordered ontologies: the Elect method7
A conditional, a fuzzy and a probabilistic interpretation of self-organizing maps7
Relating structure and power: Comonadic semantics for computational resources7
Arg2P: an argumentation framework for explainable intelligent systems6
Neighbourhood semantics and labelled calculus for intuitionistic infinitary logic6
Truth tables for modal logics T and S4, by using three-valued non-deterministic level semantics6
Ordered models for concept representation6
A logic of blockchain updates6
Fibrational bisimulations and quantitative reasoning: Extended version6
Complexity of finite-variable fragments of products with non-transitive modal logics6
On the computational properties of basic mathematical notions5
On uniform belief revision5
A Labelling Semantics and Strong Admissibility for Weighted Argumentation Frameworks5
Hypersequent calculi for non-normal modal and deontic logics: countermodels and optimal complexity5
Logics of formal inconsistency based on distributive involutive residuated lattices5
Modular non-deterministic semantics for T, TB, S4, S5 and more5
Modal Logics and Group Polarization5
Categorical and algebraic aspects of the intuitionistic modal logic IEL― and its predicate extensions4
Weak relevant justification logics4
Multi-dimensional Interpretations of Presburger Arithmetic in Itself4
Notes on conjunctive and Quasi degrees4
Satisfiability of constrained Horn clauses on algebraic data types: A transformation-based approach4
Observing interventions: a logic for thinking about experiments4
Epistemic extensions of substructural inquisitive logics4
Markov chain model representation of information diffusion in social networks4
Negation as a modality in a quantified setting4
A unified logical framework for explanations in classifier systems3
Knowledge of uncertain worlds: programming with logical constraints3
Semantic data management in P2P systems driven by self-esteem3
Extensional realizability for intuitionistic set theory3
Consistency and permission in deontic justification logic3
Limitations of the invertible-map equivalences3
Dualities and algebraic geometry of Baire functions in non-classical logic3
Feedback hyperjump3
A Principle-based Account of Self-attacking Arguments in Gradual Semantics3
Uniform labelled calculi for preferential conditional logics based on neighbourhood semantics3
Reasoning about epistemic social network dynamics using dynamic term-modal logic3
Modelling Ceteris Paribus Preferences with Deontic Logic3
Rational coordination with no communication or conventions3
Kripke-style Semantics and Completeness for Full Simply Typed Lambda Calculus3
Densely computable structures3
Commutative action logic3
On the Turing complexity of learning finite families of algebraic structures3
Change in social networks: Some dynamic extensions of Social Epistemic Logic3
Convergence, continuity, recurrence and Turing completeness in dynamic epistemic logic13
On the correspondence between nested calculi and semantic systems for intuitionistic logics3
Reasoning about strategic voting in modal logic quickly becomes undecidable2
Ambiguity and context learning in signalling games2
Hybrid sabotage modal logic2
Decompositions of stratified institutions2
Modular orders on defaults in formal argumentation2
Computability of glued manifolds2
Projective classes as images of accessible functors2
Recursive rules with aggregation: a simple unified semantics2
The first-order theory of the computably enumerable equivalence relations in the uncountable setting2
Temporal logic for social networks2
Group belief2
Explicit analyses of proof/refutation interaction for constructible falsity and Heyting–Brouwer logic2
Countably many sublogics of the interpretability logicILhaving fixed point properties2
A study of continuous vector representations for theorem proving2
Dialectica logical principles: not only rules2
Modelling efficient team structures in biology2
Complexity function and complexity of validity of modal and superintuitionistic propositional logics2
There are no minimal essentially undecidable theories2
Decomposition approaches for scheduling chronic outpatients’ clinical pathways in Answer Set Programming2
A logic-based tractable approximation of probability2
Containment logics: Algebraic Counterparts and Reduced Models2
Steps and traces2
Guaranteeing Admissibility of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks with Rationality and Feasibility Constraints2
Basic modal congruent and monotonic multilattice logics2
A fully labelled proof system for intuitionistic modal logics2
The polyhedral geometry of Wajsberg hoops2
An ASP-based solver for parametrized-difference revision2
A parameterized view on the complexity of dependence and independence logic2
Computational Errors and Suspension in a PWK Epistemic Agent2
Calculi, countermodel generation and theorem prover for strong logics of counterfactual reasoning2
Probabilities of first-order sentences on sparse random relational structures: An application to definability on random CNF formulas2
Logics for reasoning about degrees of confirmation2
Qualitative uncertainty and dynamics of argumentation through dynamic logic2
Locally constant constructive functions and connectedness of intervals2
Parameterized complexity of abduction in Schaefer’s framework2
Handling support cycles and collective interactions in the logical encoding of higher-order bipolar argumentation frameworks2
Intuitionistic multi-agent subatomic natural deduction for belief and knowledge2
A computationally grounded logic of awareness2
EGG+: A graph grammar formalism with uncertain structure processing mechanism2
Cut-free sequent-style systems for a logic associated to involutive Stone algebras2
Efficient compliance checking of RDF data2
Fraïssé–Hintikka theorem in institutions1
On the modeling and verification of the spread of fake news, algebraically1
Hamilton’s cumular conception of quantifying particles: an exercise in third-order logic1
Incrementally predictive runtime verification1
Topological semantics of conservativity and interpretability logics1
From belief to trust: A quantitative framework based on modal logic1
Relevant epistemic logic with public announcements and common knowledge1
Epistemic predicates in the arithmetical context1
Fixed point theorems for minimal numberings1
On all pure three-valued logics1
Modelling supra-classical logic in a Boltzmann neural network: I representation1
Operator algebras with hyperarithmetic theory1
Constructive truth and falsity in Peano arithmetic1
A formalization of abstract argumentation in higher-order logic1
Interpolating between the Jaccard distance and an analogue of the normalized information distance1
Interpolation for intermediate logics via injective nested sequents1
Polyteam semantics1
On the strongest three-valued paraconsistent logic contained in classical logic and its dual1
Extension-based semantics for incomplete argumentation frameworks: properties, complexity and algorithms1
Unfriendly partitions when avoiding vertices of finite degree1
How to leverage intelligent agents and complex event processing to improve patient monitoring1
No false grounds and topology of argumentation1
Modeling legal conflict resolution based on dynamic logic1
A sequent calculus for first-order logic formalized in Isabelle/HOL1
Computational properties of finite PNmatrices1
Ensuring trustworthy and ethical behaviour in intelligent logical agents1
Belief contraction and erasure in fragments of propositional logic1
The Expressivity of Quantified Group Announcements1
Topologies on residuated lattices1
Algorithmic properties of modal and superintuitionistic logics of monadic predicates over finite Kripke frames1
A comprehensive account of the burden of persuasion in abstract argumentation1
A logic of interactive proofs1
Herbrand Proofs and Expansion Proofs as Decomposed Proofs1
Justification awareness1
Sahlqvist correspondence theory for second-order propositional modal logic1
Labelled cyclic proofs for separation logic1
Copying safety and liveness properties of computational artefacts1
Maximality of bi-intuitionistic propositional logic1
Parameterized Complexity of Dynamic Belief Updates: A Complete Map1
Semirings of Evidence1
Three faces of recursion axioms: the case of constructive dynamic logic of relation changers1
Tractable depth-bounded approximations to FDE and its satellites1
Frame definability, canonicity and cut elimination in common sense modal predicate logics1
Generic logical encoding for argumentation1
On the study of acceptability in weighted argumentation frameworks through four-state labelling semantics1
Type inhabitation of atomic polymorphism is undecidable1
Constructive and mechanised meta-theory of IEL and similar modal logics1
Almost APAL1
A recursion theoretic foundation of computation over real numbers1
Algorithmic correspondence and canonicity for possibility semantics1
Awareness logic: Kripke lattices as a middle ground between syntactic and semantic models1
Computational paths - a weak groupoid1
A strongly complete axiomatization of intuitionistic temporal logic1
On probabilistic argumentation and subargument-completeness1
Scheduling pre-operative assessment clinic with answer set programming1
Opinion diffusion and campaigning on society graphs1
Permissive and regulative norms in deontic logic1
Minimal degrees and downwards density in some strong positive reducibilities and quasi-reducibilities1
Internal proof calculi for modal logics with separating conjunction1
An abstract form of the first epsilon theorem1
Classical term-modal logics1
On sharp and single-conclusion justification models1
Effective inseparability and some applications in meta-mathematics1
Towards determinism in PDL: relations and proof theory0
Fuzzy bi-Gödel modal logic and its paraconsistent relatives0
Tracking computability of GPAC-generable functions0
Correction to: Opinion diffusion and campaigning on society graphs0
A policy-aware epistemic framework for social networks0
Modalities combining two negations0
Conjunctive degrees and cylinders0
Correction to: Arithmetical and Hyperarithmetical Worm Battles0
One-dimensional fragment over words and trees0
Temporal logics for compartmental models0
Strategic coalitions in stochastic games0
An encoding of abstract dialectical frameworks into higher-order logic0
Justification logic and type theory as formalizations of intuitionistic propositional logic0
Bounded model checking distributed temporal logic0
Computably enumerable equivalence relations via primitive recursive reductions0
Notions of Cauchyness and metastability0
3coSoKu and its declarative modeling0
Deductive databases in four-valued logic: rule semantics and models0
Probability logic: A model-theoretic perspective0
Preface of the special issue‘Logic, argumentation and AI’ in JLC0
Correction to: Some applications of Baaz’s generalization method to the study of the factors of Fermat numbers0
The extended predicative Mahlo universe in Martin-Löf type theory0
Prime spectrums of EQ-algebras0
NNIL-formulas revisited: Universal models and finite model property0
Advancing Logic in AI: insights from the LNGAI 2021 Workshop0
Changing the logic without changing the subject: the case of computability0
Non-distributive positive logic as a fragment of first-order logic over semilattices0
Contribution to decision-making in the big data industry based on the multiparametric similarity measure for Pythagorean fuzzy sets0
Adding abductive reasoning to a propositional logic0
Modeling dynamics of legal relations with dynamic logic0
Iterative social consolidations: Forming beliefs from many-valued evidence and peers’ opinions0
Some applications of Baaz’s generalization method to the study of the factors of Fermat numbers0
Carmo and Jones’ logic for contrary-to-duty obligations revised0
Arithmetical and Hyperarithmetical Worm Battles0
Polyhedral semantics and the tractable approximation of Łukasiewicz infinitely-valued logic0
Proof Complexity for the Maximum Satisfiability Problem and its Use in SAT Refutations0
Game equivalence and expressive power of game description languages: a bisimulation approach0
A new perspective on completeness and finitist consistency0
Ideal related algebras and their logics0
Experience and prediction: a metric of hardness for a novel litmus test0
Resolving the Cohenian paradox in judicial probability theory0
Correction to: Conjunctive degrees and cylinders0
An Argumentation-Based Approach for Goal Reasoning and Explanations Generation0
On embedding Lambek calculus into commutative categorial grammars0
Classifying all transducer degrees below N30
On the behaviour of coalgebras with side effects and algebras with effectful iteration0
Rescheduling rehabilitation sessions with answer set programming0
A Talmudic norms approach to many-valued logic0
On the expressive power of Łukasiewicz square operator0
Collective argumentation with topological restrictions: the case of aggregating abstract argumentation frameworks0
A formal, diagrammatic, and operational study of normative relations0
Correction to: Minimal degrees and downwards density in some strong positive reducibilities and quasi-reducibilities0
Editorial DEON 2020/2021 Special Issue0
Numeral completeness of weak theories of arithmetic0
PubHubs identity management0
Strict computability models over categories and presheaves0
Gödelian sentences, Rosserian sentences and truth0
Preface to the Special Issue from the 35th Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC 2020)0
The umbilical cord of finite model theory0
A logic for biassed information diffusion by paranoid agents in social networks0
Polyatomic logics and generalized Blok–Esakia theory0
A parametrized axiomatization for a large number of restricted second-order logics0
Pattern connectives0
Preface: Special Issue on Logic and Argumentation0
Lindström’s theorem, both syntax and semantics free0
Extending dynamic logic with refinements of abstract actions0
Finitism, imperative programs and primitive recursion0
On Scott’s semantics for many-valued logic0
A fuzzy structure processing mechanism for graph grammar0
Reflexive combinatory algebras0
Computing minimal unsatisfiable core for LTL over finite traces0
Paracomplete truth theory with KFS-definable determinateness0
ℋ-Colouring Dichotomy in Proof Complexity0
Reasoning in social settings0
Correction to: Argumentation Frameworks with Attack Classification0
A model-theoretic approach to descriptive general frames: the van Benthem characterization theorem0
Read-once refutations in Horn constraint systems: an algorithmic approach0
Coarsening Natural Deduction Proofs I: Finding Perfect Proofs0
Complexity of injection structures induced by finite state transducers0
Notions of indifference for genericity: Union sets and subsequence sets0
Dual counterpart intuitionistic logic0
Modal algebra of multirelations0
Modelling Supra-Classical Logic in a Boltzmann Neural Network: II Incongruence0
An algebraic analysis of implication in non-distributive logics0