Flow Measurement and Instrumentation

(The TQCC of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Analysis and optimization of flow field characteristics of axial piston motor based on CFD33
Particle image velocimetry in the impeller of a centrifugal pump: Relationship between turbulent flow and energy loss28
Physical constraint flow field reconstruction method for immersion scan-step flow28
Simultaneous flow and particle measurements for multiphase flows in hydraulic engineering: A review and synthesis of current state25
A least squares support vector regression coupled linear reconstruction algorithm for ECT24
Research on ECT image reconstruction method based on Long Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM)24
Fluid-dynamic analysis and multi-objective design optimization of piezoelectric servo valves23
Editorial Board23
Improvements on time-resolved measurement of gas volume production in laboratories bench systems22
Bent pipe flow reconstruction based on improved ultrasound Doppler velocimetry and radial basis function neural network21
Analysis of low frequency pulsation and profile modification of turbine control valve21
General theory of invariant methods for measuring the flow rate of multicomponent flows21
Using statistical features and a neural network to predict gas volume fractions independent of flow regime changes20
Study on double differential pressure measurement method of gas-liquid two-phase flow in high gas content wells18
Study of the factors influencing the over-reading characteristics of the precession Venturi18
Modelling a CO2 meter for a petroleum multiphase mixture at subsea conditions17
Extracting reference voltages from measurement voltages for oil-water two-phase flow measurement of electrical impedance tomography16
Data assimilation for combustion ignition delay time simulation using schlieren image velocimetry16
Effect of superhydrophobic surfaces on bubble column flow dynamics15
Sparse reconstruction of EMT based on compressed sensing and L regularization with the split Bregman method15
Flow measurement using a triangular broad crested weir theory and experimental validation15
Numerical analysis of influence of cavitation characteristics in nozzle holes of curved diesel engines15
Blow-down calibration of a large ultrasonic flow meter15
Dispersed-phase velocities for gas-liquid vertical slug and dispersed-bubbles flows using an ultrasonic cross-correlation technique15
Velocity distribution of liquid phase at gas-liquid two-phase stratified flow based on particle image velocimetry15
Detection of river flow slow-down through sensing system and quasi-real time imaging14
An anomalous method of using a camera in determining the velocity distribution within a boundary layer14
Phase inversion identification in Electrical Submersible Pumps using mechanical vibrations14
Theoretical and experimental investigation for developing a gas-liquid two-phase flow meter14
Validation of a mathematical model of ultrasonic cross-correlation flow meters based on industrial experience14
Laminar flowmeter for mechanical ventilator: Manufacturing challenge of Covid-19 pandemic13
Editorial Board13
Butterfly valve erosion prediction based on LSTM network13
Statistical characterization of the flow structure of air-water-solid particles three-phase flow in the airlift pump-bubble generator system13
Quality measurement of refrigerant two-phase flow in refrigeration cycles12
Numerical modeling and experimental verification of a low fluid flow inductive flowmeter12
Rectangle-gap-type laminar flow meter with inward pressure taps12
A calibrated physical flow standard for medical perfusion imaging12
Investigating reproducibility in multiphase flow metrology: Results from an intercomparison of laboratories12
Rotary gate: Submerged flow condition12
Discussion of “Estimation of one-dimensional velocity distribution by measuring velocity at two points” by Yeganeh and Heidari (2020)12
Hydraulic sensitivity analysis of discharge control valve: An experimental approach12
Experimental study of discharge coefficient of trapezoidal arced labyrinth weirs of widened middle cycle12
Effects of solid particulate mean diameter on hydrodynamic cavitation intensity and the variation laws and mechanisms in nozzle flows: Numerical simulations and theoretical analysis11
Study and application of discharge calibration for submerged radial gates11
Adaptive filtering techniques for velocity estimation of tomographic electric capacitance signals of two-phase gas/oil flows11
Applicability evaluation of the ultrasonic pulse-train Doppler method on the disturbed flow in a pipe11
Form drag coefficient quantification on rising bubbles using particle image velocimetry11
Structure and dynamics of the turbulent flow through a central baffle11
Theoretical and experimental investigation of a lateral broad-crested contraction as a flow measurement device11
Image-based migration velocity and dune length in clear water rivers11
Discharge coefficient relationship for the sharp-edged width constriction new theory and experiment10
Editorial Board10
Research on unsteady flow measurement standard device based on active piston10
Study of multi-electrode excitation mode for 3D electrical resistance tomography10
Flowmeter-free chemical dosing control system: A new volume measurement-based design offers cost-effective and reliable operations10
Numerical simulation of flow structures over dunes to develop an empirical relationship for separation zone dimensions10
Determining the flow correlation for an orifice with a non-dimensional number10
In-situ 1-kHz real-time particle tracking velocimetry using high-speed streaming camera10
Fluctuant pressure coefficient of the wake behind a bluff body in mist flow10
Experimental and numerical simulation study on the influence of structural factors on the leakage characteristics of clearance seals10
Flow measurement based on the combination of swirler and differential pressure under slug flow10
A novel water content sensor design and its application for in-situ water content measurement inside the flow channel of PEMFC10
Experimental study on effect of structural parameters on pressure drop characteristics of multi-orifice plates10
A study on gas-liquid two-phase flow metering: Identification of flow dynamics that influence the performance of CMFs10
An approach to hydraulic design of Conical Central Baffle Flumes10
On the effect of aeration on laser ranging measurements of free water surface9
Examining the interfacial behavior of non-Newtonian gas-liquid two-phase flow in horizontal square microchannels9
Concentration measurement of a mixture using an infrared transceiver9
A novel flow rate measurement method for fire hose based on vibration signal and neural network9
Low speed wind tunnel moving ground test bed design9
Design and operation of a von Kármán reactor for droplet breakage experiments9
Effects of ramp slope and discharge on hydraulic performance of submerged hump weirs9
Leakage detection in water networks by a calibration method9
Measuring the flow and the turbulence in a harsh environment using a modified Mc Caffrey gauge9
Editorial Board9
Extending the pressure-time method to bend using 3D-CFD9
A novel method of Coriolis flowmeter phase difference measurement based on improved correlation analysis method9
Numerical analysis and experimental comparison of temperature-compensation method for large length–diameter ratio thermal mass flowmeter9
Measurement of turbulent supersonic steam jet flow characteristics using TDLAS8
Study on the applicability of four flumes in small rectangular channels8
Particle image velocimetry flowmeter for natural gas applications8
A performance comparison of the meta model methods for discharge coefficient prediction of labyrinth weirs8
Image-based river discharge estimation by merging heterogeneous data with information entropy theory8
Effect of the pipe bend of the morning glory spillway on the cavitation number8
Flow measurement challenges for carbon capture, utilisation and storage8
Establishment of correlation for the pressure fluctuations on the low-head Francis turbine in the draft tube cone from the model test8
Investigation of cavitation characteristics in an aircraft centrifugal fuel pump8
Thermal boundary layers in critical flow venturis8
Experimental study and numerical simulation of flow over the inclined airfoil-shaped weir in rectangular channel8
Predicting leak aperture in the pipeline of ultra-long coal mine working faces under strong noise interference based on joint denoising and random forest8
A unique test facility for calibration of domestic flow meters under dynamic flow conditions8
Effect of flow-rate measurement accuracy on unaccounted for gas in transmission networks8
Streamlining multi-hole probe calibration using artificial neural networks8
Online rheological measurement of dilute liquid-solid two-phase flow with ultrasound Doppler technique8
Experiment and simulation study on cavitation flow in pressure relief valve at different hydraulic oil temperatures8
Numerical approach for investigating the influence of various flow and fluid parameters on the performance of a cryogenic two-phase flow meter8
An adaptive CEEMD-ANN algorithm and its application in pneumatic conveying flow pattern identification8
Flow regime identification of steam-water two-phase flow using optical probes, based on local parameters in vertical tube bundles8
Predicting oil flow rate through orifice plate with robust machine learning algorithms8
Pressure drop measurement in microfluidics channel by the Fabry-Perot diaphragm-based flow sensor8
Analysis of Delta in-out for Irish natural gas distribution network8
Particle image velocimetry in a centrifugal pump: Details of the fluid flow at different operation conditions8
Effect of conical angle on the hydraulic properties of orifice plate flows: A numerical approach8
Simulation analysis and experimental research on static performance of water-hydraulic pressure difference control valve7
Retraction notice to “Repeatability in measurements and control settings of a small Francis turbine test rig” [Flow Meas. Instrum. 88 (2022) 102260]7
Hydraulic investigation of modified semi-cylindrical weirs7
Development and evaluation of a slurry density measurement system based on Applied Current-Magnetic Induction Tomography (AC-MIT)7
Editorial note7
ECT image reconstruction algorithm based on Res-SEUnet7
Concentration and pressure measurements of dense sand and gravel multiphase flows under transient flow conditions in a vertically oriented closed conduit — Assessment of system and sensor performance7
Enhancing rectangular side weir discharge prediction using stacking technique7
Simulation and experiment of static and dynamic characteristics of pilot-operated proportional pressure reducing valve7
Assessing particle size distribution in suspensions through a multi-frequency ultrasonic backscatter approach7
Reference frequency variance-based rapid identification method for vortex flow rate under mixed vibration interference7
Unsteady flow and excitation characteristics in a vortex pump7
Identification of gas-liquid two-phase flow patterns in a horizontal pipe based on ultrasonic echoes and RBF neural network7
Dual-field measurement system for real-time material flow on conveyor belt7
A semi-supervised framework for analyzing the potential core of a low-density jet7
The stage-discharge relationship of a sharp-crested triangular weir pierced by square orifices7
Signal processing for slug flow analysis via a voltage or instantaneous liquid holdup time-series7
Conformity assessment of domestic and commercial gas meters for usage with hydrogen enriched natural gas and pure hydrogen7
An approach to solving the influence of high solids holdup ring and background in fluidized bed on electromagnetic tomography7
Twin-array capacitance sensor for multi-parameter measurement of gas-solid particle flow based on BP-Adaboost7
Research on adaptive damper based on cone-slide valve combination regulation principle7
Investigation of the transferability of calibration between alternative fluids for liquid and dense phase carbon dioxide flow measurement7
Flow regime identification and gas volume fraction prediction in two-phase flows using a simple gamma-ray gauge combined with parallel artificial neural networks7
Adoption of machine learning in estimating compressibility factor for natural gas mixtures under high temperature and pressure applications7
Effect of anti-vortex structures installed on stepped labyrinth side weirs on discharge capacity7
Fluid-structure interaction analysis on flow field and vibration characteristics of gas proportional valve7
Identification of swirling air flow velocity by non-neutrally buoyant tracer particle based on machine learning7
A low-cost, open-source gas flow meter for laboratory-scale bioreactors7
Computational fluid dynamics analysis of flowmeters with elliptical gear pairs and evaluation of calculated flow rate by Taguchi method7
Transmission channel and nozzle optimization of silicon drying cylinder based on CFD7
Experimental investigation of the hydraulic performance of porous bottom intakes6
Edge-based intelligent fault diagnosis for centrifugal pumps in microbreweries6
Pipeline impact force observation-based intelligent measurement method for liquid flow6
Computation of drag coefficient for real vegetation in wetlands6
Performance compensation model of turbine flowmeter under vibration conditions6
The flow model of the overlap spool valve considering the transition between laminar and turbulent flow6
Refined protocols to mitigate user-induced uncertainty for ADCP moving-boat discharge measurement in irrigation canals6
A novel concept of automatic soap flowmeter with bubble detection by closing an electrical circuit6
Usage of radial basis function neural network for dual-energy radiative detection system for measuring the oil pipelines scale layer6
Stage discharge relations of a trapezoidal broad-crested weir pierced by a circular culvert6
Measurement of steam flow rates using a clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter with various wetness fractions6
Image reconstruction for electrostatic tomography with deep convolutional neural network6
Seepage monitoring at variable spatial positions under natural convection with active heating6
Dynamics and experimental study of a novel proportional directional valve with displacement feedback groove controlled by high-speed switching valves6
Experimental and numerical study of flow over a broad-crested weir under different hydraulic head ratios6
Analysis of the effect of rigid vegetation patches on the hydraulics of an open channel flow with Realizable k-ε and Reynolds stress turbulence models6
Mathematical modeling of pressure characteristics of the deflector-jet pilot stage considering boundary layer flow6
Editorial Board6
Measurement of mixing time in a gas-liquid mixing system stirred by top-blown air using ECT and image analysis6
Flow field characteristics and energy loss model of the effective upstream flow region of orifice in liquid jet6
Structural optimization design of ice abrasive water jet nozzle based on multi-objective algorithm6
Coupled model of dual differential pressure (DDP) for two-phase flow measurement based on phase-isolation method6
Structure influence on the operating limit range and mixing performance of non-axisymmetric jet pump6
The enhanced sensitivity of pitot tubes at low Reynolds number6
Flow regime discrimination and methodology for calculating discharge in trapezoidal sluice gates6
Flow data forecasting for the junction flow using artificial neural network6
Dynamic performance analysis of turbine flow sensor based on CFD simulations6
Design of bypass structure and dynamic motion simulation for ultra-large diameter pipeline inspection gauge6
Application of the amended Coriolis flowmeter “bubble theory” to sound propagation and attenuation in aerosols and hydrosols6
A constant pressure differential valve and its controlling characteristics for aero engine6
Reproduction of air velocity in the entrance region of the test pipe in a wind tunnel6
Discharge coefficient for vertical sluice gate under submerged condition using contraction and energy loss coefficients6
A rigorous model to compute thermodynamic properties of natural gas without applying full component analysis5
Analysis of shift in discharge coefficient for contaminated multihole orifice flow meter5
Research on wet gas separation method based on swirl and ejection cycle technology5
Miniature planar 3D ECT sensor based on distributed electrode arrangement5
Experimental study of flow visualisation using fluorescent dye5
Experimental study on the turbulence characteristics in a vegetated channel5
Uncertainty analysis for multiphase flow: A case study for horizontal air-water flow experiments5
Dual-modality UDV-PIV system for measurement of solid-liquid flow in sewage facilities5
Lubrication characteristics of valve plate pair of balanced large flow pump based on elastic deformation5
Flow conditioning system for tri-sonic high pressure aerothermal testing5
Effect of particle size distribution on Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter backscatter for suspended sediment measurements5
Accurate mass flow and density of bubbly liquids using speed of sound augmented Coriolis technology5
Experimental instrumentation of water stage monitoring stations in mountain streams bedrock using pressure transducers5
Effect of probe size on phase-detection probe measurements of air-water flow properties in hydraulic jumps5
Editorial Board5
Editorial Board5
Correlating armature and needle dynamics with voltage waveforms of solenoid-actuated GDI injector5
Accurate and non-contact measurement of volume percentages of oil-water fluids using microstrip sensors independent of the volume of sample using artificial neural network5
Multi-objective reliability-based optimization for design of trapezoidal labyrinth weirs5
An adaptive non-convex hybrid total variation regularization method for image reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography5
Measurement and analysis of injection characteristics among each nozzle hole within a heavy-duty diesel engine5
Development of an air velocity and flow measurement system by using a novel circular disc5
Multi – oil droplet recognition of oil-water two-phase flow based on integrated features5
Rheological measurement of untreated sewage by straight tube5
Effects of dissipative forces on Coriolis flowmeter readings5
An alternative illumination source based on LEDs for PIV measurements on human swimmers—A feasibility study5
The measurement of deformation rate of flexible container based on constant conductance element in molecular regime5
Identification of gas-liquid two-phase flow regime in pipelines with low liquid holdup based on ResNet1D-345
Experimental and numerical study on a novel thermal mass flowmeter that is insensitive to radial flow velocity distribution5
A regression-based model for prediction of flowmeters calibration cost in oil and gas industry5
Image-based measurements of surface flow velocity, turbulence, and depth distribution during sediment replenishment implementation in the Naka River, Japan5
Accurate theoretical calculation of the discharge coefficient for sonic nozzle using geometric parameter measurements in Re=(7.33×104–1.26×106)5
Static pressure measurement error for wall taps with high Reynolds number turbulent pipe flow5