International Journal of Drug Policy

(The TQCC of International Journal of Drug Policy is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Has the treatment gap for opioid use disorder narrowed in the U.S.?: A yearly assessment from 2010 to 2019”136
Changes in substance supply and use characteristics among people who use drugs (PWUD) during the COVID-19 global pandemic: A national qualitative assessment in Canada98
Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines (LRCUG) for reducing health harms from non-medical cannabis use: A comprehensive evidence and recommendations update92
Safer opioid distribution in response to the COVID-19 pandemic76
COVID-19 and the health of people who use drugs: What is and what could be?75
An outbreak of novel psychoactive substance benzodiazepines in the unregulated drug supply: Preliminary results from a community drug checking program using point-of-care and confirmatory methods73
Syringe services program (SSP) operational changes during the COVID-19 global outbreak71
Buprenorphine dispensing in an epicenter of the U.S. opioid epidemic: A case study of the rural risk environment in Appalachian Kentucky71
Making “bad trips” good: How users of psychedelics narratively transform challenging trips into valuable experiences67
“You are not clean until you're not on anything”: Perceptions of medication-assisted treatment in rural Appalachia63
The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on needle and syringe programme provision and coverage in England60
Access to cannabidiol without a prescription: A cross-country comparison and analysis59
Communicating THC levels and ‘dose’ to consumers: Implications for product labelling and packaging of cannabis products in regulated markets58
Continuing increased access to buprenorphine in the United States via telemedicine after COVID-1956
I don't even want to go to the doctor when I get sick now: Healthcare experiences and discrimination reported by people who use drugs, Arizona 201955
Changes in characteristics of drug overdose death trends during the COVID-19 pandemic53
Patient and provider perceived barriers and facilitators to direct acting antiviral hepatitis C treatment among priority populations in high income countries: A knowledge synthesis53
A rapid review of the impacts of “Big Events ” on risks, harms, and service delivery among people who use drugs: Implications for responding to COVID-1952
From the clinic to the street: the changing role of benzodiazepines in the Scottish overdose epidemic51
A narrative systematic review of sexualised drug use and sexual health outcomes among LGBT people50
Multi-level drivers of tobacco use and purchasing behaviors during COVID-19 “lockdown”: A qualitative study in the United States49
Selectivity and sensitivity of urine fentanyl test strips to detect fentanyl analogues in illicit drugs48
Intersectional structural vulnerability to abusive policing among people who inject drugs: A mixed methods assessment in California's central valley46
COVID-19 - Enacting a ‘new normal’ for people who use drugs46
Trends in the use of cannabis products in Canada and the USA, 2018 – 2020: Findings from the International Cannabis Policy Study46
Pathways between COVID-19 public health responses and increasing overdose risks: A rapid review and conceptual framework45
“That's why people don't call 911”: Ending routine police attendance at drug overdoses45
Care during COVID-19: Drug use, harm reduction, and intimacy during a global pandemic45
Evaluation of fentanyl test strip distribution in two Mid-Atlantic syringe services programs44
Agency in the fentanyl era: Exploring the utility of fentanyl test strips in an opaque drug market44
Living Under Coronavirus and Injecting Drugs in Bristol (LUCID-B): A qualitative study of experiences of COVID-19 among people who inject drugs42
Addressing co-occurring public health emergencies: The importance of naloxone distribution in the era of COVID-1942
Implementing harm reduction in non-urban communities affected by opioids and polysubstance use: A qualitative study exploring challenges and mitigating strategies40
Co-use of methamphetamine and opioids among people in treatment in Oregon: A qualitative examination of interrelated structural, community, and individual-level factors40
“How will I get my next week's script?” Reactions of Reddit opioid forum users to changes in treatment access in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic40
Intentions, actions and outcomes: A follow up survey on harm reduction practices after using an English festival drug checking service40
“I couldn't live with killing one of my friends or anybody”: A rapid ethnographic study of drug sellers’ use of drug checking40
Race, cannabis and the Canadian war on drugs: An examination of cannabis arrest data by race in five cities40
Overdose among mothers: The association between child removal and unintentional drug overdose in a longitudinal cohort of marginalised women in Canada38
Consuming illicit opioids during a drug overdose epidemic: Illicit fentanyls, drug discernment, and the radical transformation of the illicit opioid market38
‘Pretty in Pink’ and ‘Girl Power’: An analysis of the targeting and representation of women in alcohol brand marketing on Facebook and Instagram37
Anabolic-androgenic steroid use among women – A qualitative study on experiences of masculinizing, gonadal and sexual effects37
Medication and substance use increases among people using cannabis medically during the COVID-19 pandemic36
“COVID just kind of opened a can of whoop-ass”: The rapid growth of safer supply prescribing during the pandemic documented through an environmental scan of addiction and harm reduction services in Ca36
‘Peer’ work as precarious: A qualitative study of work conditions and experiences of people who use drugs engaged in harm reduction work36
Stigma, discrimination and crystal methamphetamine (‘ice’): Current attitudes in Australia35
“I probably got a minute”: Perceptions of fentanyl test strip use among people who use stimulants35
People, places, and stigma: A qualitative study exploring the overdose risk environment in rural Kentucky35
Public interest in ∆8-Tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8-THC) increased in US states that restricted ∆9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC) use35
Evidence of increased Fentanyl use during the COVID-19 pandemic among opioid agonist treatment patients in Ontario, Canada34
The Bell Tolls for Thee & Thine: Compassion Fatigue & the Overdose Epidemic34
Experiences with substance use disorder treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a multistate survey34
We are the researched, the researchers, and the discounted: The experiences of drug user activists as researchers33
HCV testing and treatment initiation in an Italian prison setting: A step-by-step model to micro-eliminate hepatitis C33
Price and product variation in Washington's recreational cannabis market32
Harm reduction in the time of COVID-19: Case study of homelessness and drug use in Dublin, Ireland32
Rural risk environments, opioid-related overdose, and infectious diseases: A multidimensional, spatial perspective32
Treatment of Hepatitis C virus among people who inject drugs at a syringe service program during the COVID-19 response: The potential role of telehealth, medications for opioid use disorder and minima32
Is South Africa being spared the global opioid crisis? A review of trends in drug treatment demand for heroin, nyaope and codeine-related medicines in South Africa (2012–2017)32
An urgent impetus for action: safe inhalation interventions to reduce COVID-19 transmission and fatality risk among people who smoke crack cocaine in the United Kingdom31
Does naloxone provision lead to increased substance use? A systematic review to assess if there is evidence of a ‘moral hazard’ associated with naloxone supply31
Developing interagency collaboration to address the opioid epidemic: A scoping review of joint criminal justice and healthcare initiatives30
“It's an emotional roller coaster… But sometimes it's fucking awesome”: Meaning and motivation of work for peers in overdose response environments in British Columbia30
Conceptualising hepatitis C stigma: A thematic synthesis of qualitative research29
Patterns, contexts, and motivations for polysubstance use among people who inject drugs in non-urban settings in the U.S. Northeast28
Peer-delivered services for substance use in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review28
Cannabis adulterated with the synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist MDMB-4en-PINACA and the role of European drug checking services28
Lay knowledge and practices of methamphetamine use to manage opioid-related overdose risks28
Portable gas chromatography–mass spectrometry in drug checking: Detection of carfentanil and etizolam in expected opioid samples28
The impact of rurality on opioid-related harms: A systematic review of qualitative research28
No “back to normal” after COVID-19 for our failed drug policies28
Enacting ‘more-than-human’ care: Clients’ and counsellors’ views on the multiple affordances of chatbots in alcohol and other drug counselling27
Good Samaritan laws and overdose mortality in the United States in the fentanyl era27
Latent patterns of polysubstance use among people who use opioids: A systematic review27
Online surveillance of novel psychoactive substances (NPS): Monitoring Reddit discussions as a predictor of increased NPS-related exposures27
Fentanyl panic goes viral: The spread of misinformation about overdose risk from casual contact with fentanyl in mainstream and social media27
The perfect storm: COVID-19, mass incarceration and the opioid epidemic27
Refusal to accept emergency medical transport following opioid overdose, and conditions that may promote connections to care26
Alcohol consumption and attributable harm in middle-income South-East Asian countries: Epidemiology and policy options26
“Doing What Is Right and Doing It Right”: A Mapping Review of Athletes' Perception of Anti-Doping Legitimacy26
“Stigma is where the harm comes from”: Exploring expectations and lived experiences of hepatitis C virus post-treatment trajectories among people who inject drugs26
Between gang talk and prohibition: The transfer of blame for County Lines26
‘Red Flags’ and ‘Red Tape’: Telehealth and pharmacy-level barriers to buprenorphine in the United States26
Alcohol and drinking within the lives of midlife women: A meta-study systematic review26
Classic psychedelics in the treatment of substance use disorder: Potential synergies with twelve-step programs26
The effectiveness of drug-related Good Samaritan laws: A review of the literature25
Interventions to prevent HIV and Hepatitis C among people who inject drugs: Latest evidence of effectiveness from a systematic review (2011 to 2020)25
Rapid and accurate etizolam detection using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for community drug checking25
Interventions to increase linkage to care and adherence to treatment for hepatitis C among people who inject drugs: A systematic review and practical considerations from an expert panel consultation25
Can a new formulation of opiate agonist treatment alter stigma?: Place, time and things in the experience of extended-release buprenorphine depot25
Outcomes of a single-arm implementation trial of extended-release subcutaneous buprenorphine depot injections in people with opioid dependence25
Essential work, precarious labour: The need for safer and equitable harm reduction work in the era of COVID-1924
Methadone exposures reported to poison control centers in the United States following the COVID-19-related loosening of federal methadone regulations24
The pharmaceuticalisation of ‘healthy’ ageing: Testosterone enhancement for longevity24
No magic pocket: Buying and selling on drug cryptomarkets in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions24
The increase in benzodiazepine-laced drugs and related risks in Canada: The urgent need for effective and sustainable solutions24
Characterizing safer supply prescribing of immediate release hydromorphone for individuals with opioid use disorder across Ontario, Canada24
Digital chemsex support and care: The potential of just-in-time adaptive interventions24
Why we should all be more careful in drawing conclusions about how COVID-19 is changing drug markets24
Cannabis sales increases during COVID-19: Findings from Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington24
Unity in diversity: A systematic review on the GHB using population24
Tough Tradeoffs: Coca crops and agrarian alternatives in Colombia23
The details of decriminalization: Designing a non-criminal response to the possession of drugs for personal use23
Uncertainty and risk: A framework for understanding pricing in online drug markets23
Interventions to enhance testing and linkage to treatment for hepatitis C infection for people who inject drugs: A systematic review and meta-analysis23
A systematic review of cigarette smoking trajectories in adolescents23
Declining prevalence of current HCV infection and increased treatment uptake among people who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage study23
Preliminary findings of the impact of COVID-19 on drugs crypto markets23
Telemedicine efficiently improves access to hepatitis C management to achieve HCV elimination in the penitentiary setting23
Performance and image enhancing drug interventions aimed at increasing knowledge among healthcare professionals (HCP): reflections on the implementation of the Dopinglinkki e-module in Europe and Aust23
“You can't go wrong being safe”: Motivations, patterns, and context surrounding use of fentanyl test strips for heroin and other drugs23
Virtual raves and happy hours during COVID-19: New drug use contexts for electronic dance music partygoers23
Experiences with take-home dosing in heroin-assisted treatment in Switzerland during the COVID-19 pandemic–Is an update of legal restrictions warranted?22
Consumer protection in drug policy: The human rights case for safe supply as an element of harm reduction22
Imagining a fentanyl future: Some consequences of synthetic opioids replacing heroin22
Exploring the role of trauma in underpinning sexualised drug use (‘chemsex’) among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Singapore22
Perceived vulnerability to overdose-related arrests among people who use drugs in Maryland22
“You don’t have to squirrel away in a staircase”: Patient motivations for attending a novel supervised drug consumption service in acute care22
The practice and embodiment of “goofballs”: A qualitative study exploring the co-injection of methamphetamines and opioids22
The transition of alcohol control in China 1990-2019: Impacts and recommendations22
Extended lockdown and India’s alcohol policy: a qualitative analysis of newspaper articles22
Associations between self-reported cannabis use frequency, potency, and cannabis/health metrics22
Legal cannabis market shares during Canada's first year of recreational legalisation22
Single-visit hepatitis C point-of-care testing, linkage to nursing care, and peer-supported treatment among people with recent injecting drug use at a peer-led needle and syringe program: The TEMPO Pi21
Factors associated with methamphetamine dependency among men who have sex with men engaging in chemsex: Findings from the COMeT study in Taiwan21
The introduction of fentanyl on the US–Mexico border: An ethnographic account triangulated with drug checking data from Tijuana21
Xylazine in the drug supply: Emerging threats and lessons learned in areas with high levels of adulteration21
Youth drinking in decline: What are the implications for public health, public policy and public debate?21
Trends in opioid-related crime incidents and comparison with opioid overdose outcomes in the United States21
Association of alcohol control policies with adolescent alcohol consumption and with social inequality in adolescent alcohol consumption: A multilevel study in 33 countries and regions21
The COVID-19 pandemic and the health of people who use illicit opioids in New York City, the first 12 months21
Hepatitis C treatment and reinfection surveillance among people who inject drugs in a low-threshold program in Oslo, Norway21
Drug use during a pandemic: Convergent risk of novel coronavirus and invasive bacterial and viral infections among people who use drugs21
“They sent it away for testing and it was all bunk”: Exploring perspectives on drug checking among steroid consumers in Queensland, Australia20
Operational and contextual barriers to accessing supervised consumption services in two Canadian cities20
Injecting risk behaviours amongst people who inject drugs: A global multi-stage systematic review and meta-analysis20
Simple possession as a ‘tool’: Drug law enforcement practices among police officers in the context of depenalization in British Columbia, Canada20
Trends in cannabis use among U.S. adults amid the COVID-19 pandemic20
A free mailed naloxone program in Philadelphia amidst the COVID-19 pandemic20
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of take-home doses of opioid agonist therapy in Ontario, Canada: A population-based time-series analysis20
Testing the boundaries: Self-medicated testosterone replacement and why it is practised20
Stigma as understood by key informants: A social ecological approach to gay and bisexual men's use of crystal methamphetamine for sex20
Priorities and practices of risk reduction among gay and bisexual men in Australia who use crystal methamphetamine for sex20
A scoping review of qualitative research on barriers and facilitators to the use of supervised consumption services20
Precarity, poverty and poppy: Encountering development in the uplands of Shan State, Myanmar20
Factors associated with 60-day adherence to “safer supply” opioids prescribed under British Columbia's interim clinical guidance for health care providers to support people who use drugs during COVID-20
Estimating the Consensus hepatitis C Cascade of Care among people who inject drugs in Australia: Pre and post availability of direct acting antiviral therapy19
Using the behaviour change wheel to understand and address barriers to pharmacy naloxone supply in Australia19
United States National Institutes of Health grant funding for psychedelic-assisted therapy clinical trials from 2006–202019
Sources of cannabis among young adults and associations with cannabis-related outcomes19
Illicit drug prices and quantity discounts: A comparison between a cryptomarket, social media, and police data19
Growing pains: An overview of cannabis quality control and quality assurance in Canada19
Effectiveness of a school-based substance use prevention program taught by police officers in Brazil: Two cluster randomized controlled trials of the PROERD19
‘What makes up wine o'clock? Understanding social practices involved in alcohol use among women aged 40–65 years in Australia19
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of take-home naloxone (THN) ownership and carriage19
Investigating opioid preference to inform safe supply services: A cross sectional study19
Fentanyl epidemic hits the U.S. West Coast: Opioid-related deaths in San Francisco from 2009–201919
Understanding intentionality of fentanyl use and drug overdose risk: Findings from a mixed methods study of people who inject drugs in New York City19
Alarming increase in poisonings from recreational nitrous oxide use after a change in EU-legislation, inquiries to the Dutch Poisons Information Center19
Rurality and differences in pharmacy characteristics and community factors associated with provision of naloxone in the pharmacy19
Increased solitary drug use during COVID-19: An unintended consequence of social distancing19
How to think with models and targets: Hepatitis C elimination as a numbering performance18
A systematic review of qualitative evidence on barriers to and facilitators of the implementation of opioid agonist treatment (OAT) programmes in prisons18
Beyond a ‘post-cure’ world: Sketches for a new futurology of hepatitis C18
Evaluating how has care been affected by the Ontario COVID-19 Opioid Agonist Treatment Guidance: Patients’ and prescribers’ experiences with changes in unsupervised dosing18
Attitudes towards Kratom use, decriminalization and the development of a community-based Kratom control mechanism in Southern Thailand18
Drug induced homicide laws may worsen opioid related harms: An example from rural North Carolina18
Pharmacosex: Reimagining sex, drugs and enhancement18
Pharmacotherapies for cannabis use disorder: A systematic review and network meta-analysis18
Virtual overdose monitoring services and overdose prevention technologies: Opportunities, limitations, and future directions18
Beyond the narco frontier; rethinking an imaginary of the margins18
A qualitative assessment of discharge against medical advice among patients hospitalized for injection-related bacterial infections in West Virginia18
The Liver King Lie: Misrepresentation, justification, and public health implications18
The Pat Jasan drug eradication social movement in Northern Myanmar, part one: Origins & reactions18
Diverting people who use drugs from the criminal justice system: A systematic review of police-based diversion measures18
Increasing trend in accidental pharmaceutical opioid overdose deaths and diverging overdose death correlates following the opioid prescription policy liberalization in Norway 2010–201818
Methadone and buprenorphine-related deaths among people prescribed and not prescribed Opioid Agonist Therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic in England18
Possibilities and pitfalls? Moderate drinking and alcohol abstinence at home since the COVID-19 lockdown18
A qualitative study of a publicly funded pharmacy-dispensed naloxone program18
Structural competency in the post-prison period for people who inject drugs: A qualitative case study18
Predictors of using social media to purchase drugs in New Zealand: Findings from a large-scale online survey17
Jail-based reentry programming to support continued treatment with medications for opioid use disorder: Qualitative perspectives and experiences among jail staff in Massachusetts17
Increasingly powerful opioid antagonists are not necessary17
Consumer discernment of fentanyl in illicit opioids confirmed by fentanyl test strips: Lessons from a syringe services program in North Carolina17
Hospital policy as a harm reduction intervention for people who use drugs17
The substitution program on trial: progress and setbacks of the peace agreement in the policy against illicit crops in Colombia17
Lessons learned recruiting a diverse sample of rural study participants during the COVID-19 pandemic17
What explains the decline in adolescent binge-drinking in New Zealand?17
A rapid ethnographic study of risk negotiation during the COVID-19 pandemic among unstably housed people who use drugs in Rhode Island17
Critical realism and the ‘ontological politics of drug policy’17
A randomized pilot study assessing the acceptability of rapid point-of-care hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing among male inmates in Montreal, Canada17
Perceived Importance of Factors in Cannabis Purchase Decisions: A Best-worst Scaling Experiment17
Can google trends search inform us about the population response and public health impact of abrupt change in alcohol policy? A case study from India during the covid-19 pandemic17
Effects of messaging on public support for drug consumption rooms in scotland, UK17
The impact of alcohol taxation changes on unrecorded alcohol consumption: A review and recommendations17
How medical are states’ medical cannabis policies?: Proposing a standardized scale17
Effectiveness of treatment for hepatitis C virus reinfection following direct acting antiviral therapy in the REACH-C cohort17
‘We're in this together’: A content analysis of marketing by alcohol brands on Facebook and Instagram during the first UK Lockdown, 202017
Medication for opioid use disorder treatment continuity post-release from jail: A qualitative study with community-based treatment providers17
Carfentanil on the darknet: Potential scam or alarming public health threat?16
Rethinking enhancement substance use: A critical discourse studies approach16
Conceptualizing overdose trauma: The relationships between experiencing and witnessing overdoses with PTSD symptoms among street-recruited female sex workers in Baltimore, Maryland16
Medicinal cannabis and driving: the intersection of health and road safety policy16
A concept mapping study of service user design of safer supply as an alternative to the illicit drug market16
Examining the implementation of police-assisted referral programs for substance use disorder services in Massachusetts16
The United Kingdom's first unsanctioned overdose prevention site; A proof-of-concept evaluation16
A review of the evidence on cigarettes with reduced addictiveness potential16
‘Social health’, ‘physical health’, and well-being: Analysing with bourdieusian concepts the interplay between the practices of heavy drinking and exercise among young people16
Warrant checking practices by post-overdose outreach programs in Massachusetts: A mixed-methods study16
No party, no drugs? Use of stimulants, dissociative drugs, and GHB/GBL during the early COVID-19 pandemic16
Substances detected in used syringes of injecting drug users across 7 cities in Europe in 2017 and 2018: The European Syringe Collection and Analysis Project Enterprise (ESCAPE)16
Risk and enabling environments in sport: Systematic doping as harm reduction16
Opioids, stimulants, and depressant drugs in fifteen Mexican Cities: A wastewater-based epidemiological study16
Compulsory and voluntary drug treatment models in China: A need for improved evidence-based policy and practice to reduce the loaded burden of substance use disorders16
Connections built and broken: The ontologies of relapse16
The impact of the 2016 Psychoactive Substances Act on synthetic cannabinoid use within the homeless population: Markets, content and user harms15
Police officers’ knowledge, understanding and implementation of the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act in BC, Canada15
Isolating the isolated: Implications of COVID-19 quarantine measures on in-patient detoxification treatment for substance use disorders15
Targeting community-based naloxone distribution using opioid overdose death rates: A descriptive analysis of naloxone rescue kits and opioid overdose deaths in Massachusetts and Rhode Island15
The harms of punishing substance use during pregnancy15
Recreational drug use and use of drugs associated with chemsex among HIV-negative and HIV-positive heterosexual men and women attending sexual health and HIV clinics in England15
A qualitative study exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) and drug service provision in the UK: PWID and service provider perspectives15
#studydrugs–Persuasive posting on Instagram15
Trends in drug use among nightclub and festival attendees in New York City, 2017-202215
The success rate of online illicit drug transactions during a global pandemic15
Perceptions of cannabis health information labels among people who use cannabis in the U.S. and Canada15
Characterizing stimulant overdose: A qualitative study on perceptions and experiences of “overamping”15
Evaluating interventions to facilitate opioid agonist treatment access among people who inject drugs in Toronto, Ontario during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions15
A gender lens is needed in hepatitis C elimination research15
Linking criminal justice-involved individuals to HIV, Hepatitis C, and opioid use disorder prevention and treatment services upon release to the community: Progress, gaps, and future directions15
“That was quick, simple, and easy”: Patient perceptions of acceptability of point-of-care hepatitis C RNA testing at a reception prison15
Making legitimacy: Drug user representation in United Nations drug policy settings15
What is the face of new nicotine users? 2012–2018 e-cigarettes and tobacco use among young students in Italy14
Restrictive opioid prescribing policies and evolving risk environments: A qualitative study of the perspectives of patients who experienced an accidental opioid overdose14
Steps toward a theory of place effects on drug use: Risk, marginality, and opportunity in small and remote California towns14
‘Synthetic cannabis’: A dangerous misnomer14
Co-creating a social science research agenda for clean sport: An international Delphi study14
Distance matters: The association of proximity to syringe services programs with sharing of syringes and injecting equipment - 17 U.S. cities, 201514
Opioid overdose in the age of fentanyl: Risk factor differences among subpopulations of overdose survivors14
Challenges of implementing safer supply programs in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis14
US drug overdose mortality: 2009–2018 increases affect young people who use drugs14
Visitors of the Dutch drug checking services: Profile and drug use experience14
A normalised future of addiction14
The impact of legal cannabis availability on cannabis use and health outcomes: A systematic review14
Drug overdose mortality among stateside Puerto Ricans: Evidence of a health disparity14
Navigating Opioid Agonist Therapy among Young People who use Illicit Opioids in Vancouver, Canada14
Making sense of ‘‘drink responsibly’’ messages: Explorations of the understanding and interpretations of young Nigerians who use alcohol14
Impact of routine opt-out HIV/HCV screening on testing uptake at a syringe services program: An interrupted time series analysis13
Enhancement motivations for using prescription drugs among young adults in Nigeria13
“There are solutions and I think we're still working in the problem”: The limitations of decriminalization under the good Samaritan drug overdose act and lessons from an evaluation in British Columbia13