International Journal of Drug Policy

(The TQCC of International Journal of Drug Policy is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
High and highly bonded: Fused football fans who use cocaine are most likely to be aggressive toward rivals155
Education as drug policy: A realist synthesis of continuing professional development for opioid agonist therapy101
“It's a revolving door”: Ego-depletion among prisoners with injecting drug use histories as a barrier to post-release success93
Structural violence and necropolitics among Indigenous Peoples living with HIV who use substances in the Prairie provinces during COVID-1977
International property rights for Cannabis landraces and terroir products. The case of Moroccan Cannabis and hashish68
Women and opioid use disorder treatment: A scoping review of experiences, use of patient-reported experience measures, and integration of person-centred care principles61
A content analysis of cannabis edibles package marketing in the United States59
Older adults experiences of using recreational cannabis for medicinal purposes following legalization58
Response to “COVID-19 economic impact payments and opioid overdose deaths”58
How Covid-19 restrictions affected young people's well-being and drinking practices: Analyzing interviews with a socio-material approach56
“It gets you high as a kite but not unsick”: Characterizations of and responses to a changing local drug supply by people who use drugs in Rhode Island55
Inconsistencies between national drug policy and professional beliefs about psychoactive drugs among psychiatrists in the United States53
Visitors of the Dutch drug checking services: Profile and drug use experience50
A mixed methods study of provider factors in buprenorphine treatment retention49
How is alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking spread across different types of drinking occasion in Great Britain: An event-level latent class analysis48
Naloxone expansion is not associated with increases in adolescent heroin use and injection drug use: Evidence from 44 US states47
Civil commitment perspectives and experiences among friends and family of people who use illicit opioids in Massachusetts, USA46
Trends in varying modes of drug use in opioid toxicity deaths in Ontario from 2017 to 202146
Exploring the role of trauma in underpinning sexualised drug use (‘chemsex’) among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Singapore46
Peer to peer communication about hepatitis C treatment amongst people who inject drugs: A longitudinal qualitative study46
The perspectives of people who use drugs regarding short term involuntary substance use care for severe substance use disorders45
Barriers and facilitators of naloxone and safe injection facility interventions to reduce opioid drug-related deaths: A qualitative analysis45
Implementing opt-out hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening in Canadian provincial prisons: A model-based cost-effectiveness analysis42
Association between U.S. state prenatal drug use laws and child welfare reporting in Alabama, Maryland and Utah42
Illicit drug prices and quantity discounts: A comparison between a cryptomarket, social media, and police data41
Rethinking enhancement substance use: A critical discourse studies approach40
This is your brain on drug education: Putting young people with lived experience at the center of drug education40
There goes the neighborhood? The public safety enhancing effects of a mobile harm reduction intervention40
Social-spatial network structures among young urban and suburban persons who inject drugs in a large metropolitan area38
Peer-delivered point-of-care testing and linkage to treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among marginalized populations through a mobile clinic in Copenhagen, Denmark38
Volatile substances are an amorphous category, making it hard to build a comprehensive body of research38
Development of a systematic social observation tool for monitoring use of harm reduction supplies37
Controlling for pleasure and risk: The experiences of sexuality and gender diverse people who use GHB37
The killing of social leaders: An unintended effect of Colombia's illicit crop substitution program37
More than just ‘free heroin’: Caring whilst navigating constraint in the delivery of diamorphine assisted treatment36
When self-direction meets conformity: Surfacing Schwartz's 10 basic human values in drug policy dialogue with lived/living experience participants35
Substances detected in used syringes of injecting drug users across 7 cities in Europe in 2017 and 2018: The European Syringe Collection and Analysis Project Enterprise (ESCAPE)35
Pathways between COVID-19 public health responses and increasing overdose risks: A rapid review and conceptual framework35
Acceptability of integrating mental health and substance use care within sexual health services among young sexual and gender minority men in Vancouver, Canada34
Defining a public health approach to substance use: Perspectives from professionals and practitioners across Canada34
Simulated impact of medicaid expansion on the economic burden of opioid use disorder in North Carolina33
Integrated biobehavioral surveillance among people who inject drugs in Ukraine, 2007-202032
Leveraging pooled medical examiner records to surveil complex and emerging patterns of polysubstance use in the United States32
Shifting awareness among electronic dance music party attendees that drugs may contain fentanyl or other adulterants32
Simple possession as a ‘tool’: Drug law enforcement practices among police officers in the context of depenalization in British Columbia, Canada32
Recreational drug use and use of drugs associated with chemsex among HIV-negative and HIV-positive heterosexual men and women attending sexual health and HIV clinics in England31
Perceived social support moderates the association between household dysfunction adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and self-reported drug use among men who have sex with men in Los Angeles, Califor31
Drug induced homicide laws may worsen opioid related harms: An example from rural North Carolina31
A matter of craving–An archeology of relapse prevention in Swedish addiction treatment30
Economic analysis of out-of-pocket costs among people in opioid agonist treatment: A cross-sectional survey in three Australian jurisdictions30
Impact of COVID-19 on the characteristics of opioid overdose deaths in Arkansas29
Editorial Board29
Harm reduction interventions as a potential solution to managing cannabis use in people with psychosis: A call for a paradigm shift28
Incarceration history, antiretroviral therapy, and stigma: A cross-sectional study of people with HIV who inject drugs in St. Petersburg, Russia28
“You rise up and then you start pulling people up with you”: Patient experiences with a peer-delivered behavioral activation intervention to support methadone treatment27
Editorial Board27
Mapping alcohol and tobacco tax policy interventions to inform health and economic impact analyses: A United Kingdom based qualitative framework analysis27
How simulation modeling can support the public health response to the opioid crisis in North America: Setting priorities and assessing value27
Factors associated with drug use in prison: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence27
Effect of incarceration and opioid agonist treatment transitions on risk of hospitalisation with injection drug use-associated bacterial infections: A self-controlled case series in New South Wales, A26
Residence in urban or rural counties in relation to opioid overdose mortality among Kentucky hospitalizations before and during the COVID-19 pandemic26
How to think with models and targets: Hepatitis C elimination as a numbering performance26
“We were all looking for the magic pill”: A qualitative study of patient experiences using gabapentinoids for chronic pain26
Disentangling opioids-related overdose syndemics: a scoping review26
The adoption and sustainability of digital therapeutics in justice systems: A pilot feasibility study25
Assessing options for poppers policy in Canada: A call to action for evidence-based policy reform25
Precarity, poverty and poppy: Encountering development in the uplands of Shan State, Myanmar25
The role of mathematical modelling in aiding public health policy decision-making: A case study of the BC opioid overdose emergency25
Variation in adults’ use of flavored tobacco products by sales restrictions in California jurisdictions25
Homeless women's perspectives on smoking and smoking cessation programs: A qualitative study25
From Anti-doping-I to Anti-doping-II: Toward a paradigm shift for doping prevention in sport25
Drug policy goals in a changing landscape: Perspectives of practitioners in Japan25
Biotechnologies and the future of opioid addiction treatments25
Just say know: Drug education and its publics in 1980s Britain25
The Australian ready-to-drink beverages tax missed its target age group24
A normalised future of addiction24
How to be self-reliant in a stigmatising context? Challenges facing people who inject drugs in Vietnam24
Cognitive enhancing drug use by students in the context of neoliberalism: cheating? Or, a legitimate expression of competitive entrepreneurialism?24
Editorial Board24
Coordination, cooperation, and creativity within harm reduction networks in Iran: COVID-19 prevention and control among people who use drugs24
Factors associated with receipt of medication for opioid use disorder among pregnant individuals entering treatment programs in the U.S.24
Design, implementation, and monitoring of HIV service packages for people who inject drugs: An assessment of programs supported by the Global Fund in 46 countries23
Perceptions of professionals regarding interventions involving family members responsible for justice-involved youth with substance use disorders in Santiago, Chile.23
Waiting for inpatient detoxification: A qualitative analysis of patient experiences23
Critical policy frontiers: The drugs-development-peacebuilding trilemma23
Doing more with less: A proposal to advance cigarette packaging regulations in the United States23
COVID-19 and people who use drugs; seizing opportunity in times of chaos23
Endocarditis, drug use and biological sex: A statewide analysis comparing sex differences in drug use-associated infective endocarditis with other drug-related harms23
Post-Brexit opportunities for tobacco policy reform and tobacco harm reduction in the UK22
‘Alternative facts’: Public opinion surveys on the death penalty for drug offences in selected Asian countries22
Legalization as more effective control? Parallels between the end of alcohol prohibition (1927) and the legalization of cannabis (2018) in Ontario, Canada22
The Pat Jasan drug eradication social movement in Northern Myanmar, part one: Origins & reactions22
The Pat Jasan drug eradication social movement in northern Myanmar, part two: Deep culture & cultural psychology22
Deal or no-deal? Using administrative data to explore buyer motivation in online drug purchases and its association with community risk factors in Scotland22
Editorial Board22
High HCV cure rates among people who inject drugs and have suboptimal adherence: A patient-centered approach to HCV models of care22
Identifying how the principles of self-determination could be applied to create effective alcohol policy for First Nations Australians: Synthesising the lessons from the development of general public 22
Compliance with a law to reduce alcoholic beverage sales and service in Zacatecas, Mexico22
Stimulant use interventions may strengthen ‘Getting to Zero’ HIV elimination initiatives in Illinois: Insights from a modeling study22
Non-prescription drug use among HIV positive gay and bisexual men in Australia: A latent class analysis and comparison of health and well-being21
City streetscapes and neighborhood characteristics of fatal opioid overdoses among people experiencing homelessness who use drugs in New York City, 2017–201921
Editorial Board21
Cannabis policies in Canada: How will we know which is best?21
Editorial Board21
Treating addiction with deep brain stimulation: Ethical and legal considerations21
The effects of the 4/20 cannabis holiday and adult-use cannabis legalization on medical cannabis sales and medical cannabis patient registration in Arizona21
Opioid agonist therapy engagement and crystal methamphetamine use: The impact of unregulated opioid use in Vancouver, Canada21
Editorial Board21
‘Some days I am a lunatic that thinks I can moderate’: Amalgamating recovery and neo-liberal discourses within accounts of non-drinking among women active in the ‘positive sobriety’ community on Insta21
The social-structural contexts of cannabis consumption and harm reduction among young Nigerian women20
Enhancement motivations for using prescription drugs among young adults in Nigeria20
Identifying barriers and enablers to opt-out hepatitis C virus screening in provincial prisons in Quebec, Canada: A multilevel, multi-theory informed qualitative study with correctional and healthcare20
Lay knowledge and practices of methamphetamine use to manage opioid-related overdose risks20
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of take-home doses of opioid agonist therapy in Ontario, Canada: A population-based time-series analysis20
Diversion of medications to treat opioid use disorder: Qualitative findings from formerly incarcerated adults in Massachusetts20
Non-medical cannabis use among Indigenous Canadians: A systematic review of prevalence and associated factors20
Can google trends search inform us about the population response and public health impact of abrupt change in alcohol policy? A case study from India during the covid-19 pandemic20
Decision-making by laypersons equipped with an emergency response smartphone app for opioid overdose20
Opioid prescribing restrictions and opioid use among the Louisiana Medicaid population20
Effect of modified income assistance payment schedules on substance use service access: Evidence from an experimental study19
Co-designing the INHSU Prisons Hepatitis C Advocacy Toolkit using the Advocacy Strategy Framework19
Bridging the gap: An environmental scan of post-overdose program features and evaluation measures19
Patient perceptions of higher-dose naloxone nasal spray for opioid overdose19
Harm reduction in the time of COVID-19: Case study of homelessness and drug use in Dublin, Ireland19
Framework for opioid use disorder screening and diagnosis in carceral settings19
Evidence of increased Fentanyl use during the COVID-19 pandemic among opioid agonist treatment patients in Ontario, Canada19
‘Not just one box that you tick off’ – Deconstructing the hepatitis C care cascade in the interferon-free direct acting antiviral era from the client perspective19
High hepatitis C virus reinfection in a community-based sample of people who inject drugs in Imphal, India19
“No penalties. No arrests. No jails”: Perspectives on drug decriminalization among people who inject drugs in Sydney18
Generative tension and social risk management surrounding sexualised drug use practice among men who have sex with men in highly stigmatised environments: A qualitative study from Jakarta, Indonesia18
Frequency is not enough: Characterizing heterogenous patterns of cannabis use intensity among reservation-area American Indian youth18
Can alcohol policy prevent harms to women and children from men's alcohol consumption? An overview of existing literature and suggested ways forward18
A population-based study on the risk of prescription opioid abuse in patients with chronic opioid use and cost-effectiveness of prescription drug monitoring program using a patient simulation model in18
The role of gifts in building influence with politicians: Thematic analysis of interviews with current and former parliamentarians18
Tinkering with care: Implementing extended-release buprenorphine depot treatment for opioid dependence18
Neither legal nor illegal: Poppers as ‘acceptable’ chemsex drugs among men who have sex with men in the Philippines18
Opioid agonist treatment programs and hepatitis C virus elimination in Taiwan: Ways of expanding the care cascade in screening and treatment18
Publisher's Note18
Policy actor views on structural vulnerability in harm reduction and policymaking for illegal drugs: A qualitative study18
Socioeconomic stability is associated with lower injection frequency among people with distinct trajectories of injection drug use18
Editorial Board18
Evaluating the implementation of a prescription only regulatory model for nicotine vaping products: A qualitative study on the experiences and views of healthcare professionals18
Prospective association of interventions for at-risk families with illicit drug use among young students in Taiwan18
Editorial Board18
“Tethered to this ball and chain”: Women's perspectives on bodily agency within opioid treatment programs18
“The missing ‘I’ in drug research and the epistemic justice of disclosure”18
Consumption, not decriminalization: How Nigerian drug dealers/users account for cannabis harms18
Carfentanil on the darknet: Potential scam or alarming public health threat?18
The confluence of legacy, corporate social responsibility, and public health: The case of Migros and alcohol-free retailing in Switzerland18
Socio-ecological and pharmacy-level factors associated with buprenorphine stocking at pharmacies in New York City18
Public opinion on the expenditure of adult-use cannabis tax revenue: Evidence from New Jersey17
Deadly serious: The United Nations, drugs, and capital punishment in the 1980s17
Patient and healthcare provider perceptions of acceptability of fingerstick point-of-care hepatitis C testing at Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in Australia17
Online surveillance of novel psychoactive substances (NPS): Monitoring Reddit discussions as a predictor of increased NPS-related exposures17
Evaluating trends and stakeholders in the international drug control regime complex17
Substance use among pregnant women in NSW prisons17
“Grasping at straws,” experiences of Canadian parents using involuntary stabilization for a youth's substance use17
Virtual raves and happy hours during COVID-19: New drug use contexts for electronic dance music partygoers17
Changes in opioid and other analgesic prescribing following voluntary and mandatory prescription drug monitoring program implementation: A time series analysis of early outcomes17
Caring for coca, living with chemicals: Towards ecological harm reduction17
Disruption to Australian heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy markets with the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions17
Quasi-experimental study on the impact of local smoke-free policies on smoking among Indonesian adults: Evidence from repeated national health surveys17
Enhancing equity-oriented care in psychedelic medicine: Utilizing the EQUIP framework17
Between zero risk and harm reduction: An ethnography of Montreal supervised injection services as a public policy instrument17
Testing the boundaries: Self-medicated testosterone replacement and why it is practised17
Stigma and self-stigma among women within the context of the german “zero alcohol during pregnancy” recommendation: A qualitative analysis of online forums and blogs17
Dynamic borderlands–The challenge of adapting to hardening borders in Nangarhar and Nimroz17
Adverse outcomes of GHB use: Analysis of ambulance attendances in metropolitan and regional Victoria17
Alignment in local approaches to alcohol and cannabis control policy: A case study of California cities and counties16
The effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions in rural and remote populations: Systematic review and meta-analyses16
Experiences of misuse and symptoms of dependence among people who use gabapentinoids: A qualitative systematic review16
Understanding challenges for recovery homes during COVID-1916
Publics in local media reporting on harm reduction: Rightfully worried local witnesses or uneducated obstacles to change16
Does naloxone provision lead to increased substance use? A systematic review to assess if there is evidence of a ‘moral hazard’ associated with naloxone supply16
Conceptualising retention in treatment with long-acting injectable buprenorphine (for opioid use disorder) as a journey: Findings from a longitudinal qualitative study16
A mixed methods study to inform fatal overdose prevention in San Diego, California: Perspectives from people who use drugs16
Direct democracy and the adoption of recreational marijuana legalization in the United States, 2012–201916
Unpacking the differing understandings of “alcohol industry” in public health research15
Using nominal group technique with people who are incarcerated in Canadian federal prisons to identify barriers and solutions to improving Prison Needle Exchange Program uptake15
How much demand for money laundering services does drug selling create? Identifying the key parameters15
Taking the potential harms of psychedelic-assisted therapy seriously: How do we prevent or mitigate the risks to vulnerable patients?15
National and regional trends in fentanyl seizures in the United States, 2017–202315
Opioid and polydrug use among rural sexual and gender minorities: Current knowledge and future directions15
Beyond struggle: A strengths-based qualitative study of cannabis use among queer and trans youth in Québec15
Hepatitis C treatment at a Swedish needle exchange program, a successful model of care – the ACTIONNE study15
20-year trends in Australian methamphetamine-related deaths, 2001–202015
Trends in the use of cannabis products in Canada and the USA, 2018 – 2020: Findings from the International Cannabis Policy Study15
Optimizing the impact of medications for opioid use disorder at release from prison and jail settings: A microsimulation modeling study15
Social disparities in alcohol's harm to others: evidence from 32 European countries15
Drug use before and during imprisonment: Drivers of continuation15
Medication for opioid use disorder treatment continuity post-release from jail: A qualitative study with community-based treatment providers15
National increase in the community supply of take‐home naloxone associated with a mass media campaign in Scotland: a segmented time series analysis15
Increased solitary drug use during COVID-19: An unintended consequence of social distancing15
Correlates of concurrent use of stimulants and opioids among people who access harm reduction services in British Columbia, Canada: Findings from the 2019 Harm Reduction Client Survey14
The introduction of fentanyl on the US–Mexico border: An ethnographic account triangulated with drug checking data from Tijuana14
Tracing a path for opium gum from Mexico as a safe supply harm reduction measure for Canada14
‘Red Flags’ and ‘Red Tape’: Telehealth and pharmacy-level barriers to buprenorphine in the United States14
Simulating the impact of Addiction Consult Services in the context of drug supply contamination, hospitalizations, and drug-related mortality14
‘I just drink to feel abnormal for some time’: Reconfiguring heavy drinking and intoxication as pleasurable14
High occurrence of witnessing an opioid overdose in a sample of women who use heroin in Tanzania: Implications for overdose prevention14
A qualitative comparison of how people who use drugs’ perceptions and experiences of policing affect supervised consumption services access in two cities14
Early warnings and slow deaths: A sociology of outbreak and overdose14
“Keeping your composure”: A digital ethnography of gendered alcohol norms on Instagram14
The United Kingdom's first unsanctioned overdose prevention site; A proof-of-concept evaluation14
Practising recovery: New approaches and directions13
Factors associated with 60-day adherence to “safer supply” opioids prescribed under British Columbia's interim clinical guidance for health care providers to support people who use drugs during COVID-13
Interventions to prevent HIV and Hepatitis C among people who inject drugs: Latest evidence of effectiveness from a systematic review (2011 to 2020)13
Legacies of the war on drugs: Next of kin of persons who died of opioid overdose and harm reduction interventions in Philadelphia13
‘Choice’ of social media platform or encrypted messaging app to buy and sell illegal drugs13
Evaluation of the scale-up of HIV testing among people who inject drugs in Scotland in the context of an ongoing HIV outbreak13
Good Samaritan laws and overdose mortality in the United States in the fentanyl era13
The substitution program on trial: progress and setbacks of the peace agreement in the policy against illicit crops in Colombia13
Analysis of gaps in alcohol policies in Brazil using the Pan American Health Organization's Alcohol Policy Scoring13
Interventions to increase linkage to care and adherence to treatment for hepatitis C among people who inject drugs: A systematic review and practical considerations from an expert panel consultation13
Methadone within prison and linkage to and retention in treatment upon community release for people with opioid use disorder in Kyrgyzstan: Evaluation of a national program13
Non-fatal opioid overdose, naloxone access, and naloxone training among people who recently used opioids or received opioid agonist treatment in Australia: The ETHOS Engage study13
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of take-home naloxone (THN) ownership and carriage13
Race, cannabis and the Canadian war on drugs: An examination of cannabis arrest data by race in five cities13
The police paradox: A qualitative study of post-overdose outreach program implementation through public health-public safety partnerships in Massachusetts13
“Everybody is impacted. Everybody's hurting”: Grief, loss and the emotional impacts of overdose on harm reduction workers13
Corrigendum to ‘Uncertainty and risk: A framework for understanding pricing in online drug markets’ [International Journal of Drug Policy 101 (2022) 1–13]13
Investigating opioid preference to inform safe supply services: A cross sectional study13
Comparing characteristics and outcomes of different opioid agonist treatment modalities among opioid-dependent federal men correctional populations in Canada13
``Now it is mostly done through stashes, to do it in person one has to trust you'': Understanding the retail injection drug market in Dnipro, Ukraine13
“You can't go wrong being safe”: Motivations, patterns, and context surrounding use of fentanyl test strips for heroin and other drugs13
Characterizing stimulant overdose: A qualitative study on perceptions and experiences of “overamping”13
I don't even want to go to the doctor when I get sick now: Healthcare experiences and discrimination reported by people who use drugs, Arizona 201913
Privacy and confidentiality in Massachusetts' post-overdose outreach programs: Mixed methods analysis of outreach staff surveys and interviews13
Smuggling of drugs by body packing: Evidence from Chinese sentencing documents13
Influencing the global governance of alcohol: Alcohol industry views in submissions to the WHO consultation for the Alcohol Action Plan 2022-203012
COVID-19 risks among people who inject drugs in Puerto Rico12
Spatiotemporal Trends in Discarded Needle Reports in San Francisco Over a 10-year Period, 2010-201912
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cannabis cultivation and use in 18 countries12
U.S. state policies on opioid prescribing during the peak of the prescription opioid crisis: Associations with opioid overdose mortality12
Factors associated with opioid-involved overdose among previously incarcerated people in the U.S.: A community engaged narrative review12
What are the harms of vaping in young people who have never smoked?12
Modeling the impact of a supervised consumption site on HIV and HCV transmission among people who inject drugs in three counties in California, USA12
Uncertainty and risk: A framework for understanding pricing in online drug markets12
Structural competency in the post-prison period for people who inject drugs: A qualitative case study12
A content analysis of legal policy responses to xylazine in the illicit drug supply in the United States12
What's in Stock? Drug drought anticipation during COVID-19 among people who use drugs and service providers12
“It's professional but it's personal”: Participation, personal connection, and sustained disagreement in drug policy reform12
Intersectional structural vulnerability to abusive policing among people who inject drugs: A mixed methods assessment in California's central valley12
Upscaling prevention, testing and treatment to control hepatitis C as a public health threat in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: A cost-effectiveness model11
Media framing xylazine as a “zombie drug” is amplifying stigma onto people who use drugs11
Towards equity for people who inject drugs in HIV prevention drug trials11
Legal cannabis market shares during Canada's first year of recreational legalisation11
Examining reactions to smoking and COVID-19 risk messages: An experimental study with people who smoke11
An intervention to increase hepatitis C virus diagnosis and treatment uptake among people in custody in Iran11
Co-use of methamphetamine and opioids among people in treatment in Oregon: A qualitative examination of interrelated structural, community, and individual-level factors11