International Journal of Drug Policy

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Drug Policy is 35. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
High and highly bonded: Fused football fans who use cocaine are most likely to be aggressive toward rivals155
Education as drug policy: A realist synthesis of continuing professional development for opioid agonist therapy101
“It's a revolving door”: Ego-depletion among prisoners with injecting drug use histories as a barrier to post-release success93
Structural violence and necropolitics among Indigenous Peoples living with HIV who use substances in the Prairie provinces during COVID-1977
International property rights for Cannabis landraces and terroir products. The case of Moroccan Cannabis and hashish68
Women and opioid use disorder treatment: A scoping review of experiences, use of patient-reported experience measures, and integration of person-centred care principles61
A content analysis of cannabis edibles package marketing in the United States59
Older adults experiences of using recreational cannabis for medicinal purposes following legalization58
Response to “COVID-19 economic impact payments and opioid overdose deaths”58
How Covid-19 restrictions affected young people's well-being and drinking practices: Analyzing interviews with a socio-material approach56
“It gets you high as a kite but not unsick”: Characterizations of and responses to a changing local drug supply by people who use drugs in Rhode Island55
Inconsistencies between national drug policy and professional beliefs about psychoactive drugs among psychiatrists in the United States53
Visitors of the Dutch drug checking services: Profile and drug use experience50
A mixed methods study of provider factors in buprenorphine treatment retention49
How is alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking spread across different types of drinking occasion in Great Britain: An event-level latent class analysis48
Naloxone expansion is not associated with increases in adolescent heroin use and injection drug use: Evidence from 44 US states47
Peer to peer communication about hepatitis C treatment amongst people who inject drugs: A longitudinal qualitative study46
Civil commitment perspectives and experiences among friends and family of people who use illicit opioids in Massachusetts, USA46
Trends in varying modes of drug use in opioid toxicity deaths in Ontario from 2017 to 202146
Exploring the role of trauma in underpinning sexualised drug use (‘chemsex’) among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Singapore46
Barriers and facilitators of naloxone and safe injection facility interventions to reduce opioid drug-related deaths: A qualitative analysis45
The perspectives of people who use drugs regarding short term involuntary substance use care for severe substance use disorders45
Association between U.S. state prenatal drug use laws and child welfare reporting in Alabama, Maryland and Utah42
Implementing opt-out hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening in Canadian provincial prisons: A model-based cost-effectiveness analysis42
Illicit drug prices and quantity discounts: A comparison between a cryptomarket, social media, and police data41
This is your brain on drug education: Putting young people with lived experience at the center of drug education40
There goes the neighborhood? The public safety enhancing effects of a mobile harm reduction intervention40
Rethinking enhancement substance use: A critical discourse studies approach40
Peer-delivered point-of-care testing and linkage to treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among marginalized populations through a mobile clinic in Copenhagen, Denmark38
Volatile substances are an amorphous category, making it hard to build a comprehensive body of research38
Social-spatial network structures among young urban and suburban persons who inject drugs in a large metropolitan area38
The killing of social leaders: An unintended effect of Colombia's illicit crop substitution program37
Development of a systematic social observation tool for monitoring use of harm reduction supplies37
Controlling for pleasure and risk: The experiences of sexuality and gender diverse people who use GHB37
More than just ‘free heroin’: Caring whilst navigating constraint in the delivery of diamorphine assisted treatment36
Pathways between COVID-19 public health responses and increasing overdose risks: A rapid review and conceptual framework35
When self-direction meets conformity: Surfacing Schwartz's 10 basic human values in drug policy dialogue with lived/living experience participants35
Substances detected in used syringes of injecting drug users across 7 cities in Europe in 2017 and 2018: The European Syringe Collection and Analysis Project Enterprise (ESCAPE)35