Gender and History

(The TQCC of Gender and History is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
‘Selective historians’: The construction of cisness in Byzantine and Byzantinist texts10
In Battle and in Bed: Wanton Women and Women Warriors in Muslim and Christian Crusade Narratives4
Essentialising Sex: Hermaphrodites and the Thresholds of Masculinity and Femininity in the Early Modern Catholic Church c.17004
Viewpoint: Visibilising Care in the Academy: (Re)Performing Academic Mothering in the Transformative Moment of COVID‐194
The Girl Watcher: Celebrating a Man's Right to Look in the Post‐war USA4
The ‘Hiroshima Maidens’ on Different Shores: Decentralising Scarred Japanese Femininity in the A‐Bomb Victimhood3
Provincialising Early Feminism: A View from the Middle East3
AnnaHájková, The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020), p. 376. ISBN 01900517793
‘No sword could ever pierce my heart more than when I must miss my child’: Power dynamics, agency and motherhood in the prison of ‘s‐Hertogenbosch 1820–18803
Eric Sevareid and the Emotional Registers of Liberal Masculinity3
Issue Information2
Gender, Pobladoras and Ollas Comunes in Chile: Re‐Activating Memory and History in Order to Survive the Coronacrisis2
A Girls’ Army of Vengeance?: Perceptions of Sexual Violence against Children in post‐1905 Russia2
Visions of Statesmanship Across The Atlantic: Presidential Masculinity and the American Response to Benito Mussolini2
Contraception and Modern Ireland: A Social History by LauraKelly, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp. 1–363, ISBN 978‐1‐108‐9677‐2.2
Scenes of Domestic Citizenship in Negro Home Demonstration Work 1921–19382
Maricas: Queer Cultures and State Violence in Argentina and Spain, 1942–1982 by JavierFernández‐Galeano, University of Nebraska Press, 2024, pp. ix–307, ISBN: 978‐1‐4962‐3955‐6.1
‘The rainha is the boss!’: On Masculinities, Time and Precolonial Women of Authority in Northern Mozambique1
Women's International Thought in the Twentieth‐Century Anglo‐American Academy: Autobiographical Reflection, Oral History and Scholarly Habitus1
Issue Information1
Clothing Economy and Clothing Culture: The Farm Wardrobe from a Gendered Perspective in Nineteenth‐Century Sweden1
Care(ful) Disruption: Privileging Indigenous and Black Women's Standpoints on Care and Healing1
The Amazon Refashioned: Théroigne's Riding Habit and Women's Political Uniforms in Revolutionary Paris, 1789–17931
Race, Nutrition and Empire: Domestic Reform and Japanese Immigrants in Territorial‐Era Hawaiʻi1
Homo(sexual) socialist: Psychiatry and homosexuality in China in the Mao and early Deng eras1
Vichy's Mass Firing of Women Teachers of Colour in the French Caribbean and its Consequences11
Social Welfare Provision at the Imperial Edge: Single Mothers and Abandoned Children in the Late Russian Empire1
‘Hollywood is a Woman's Town’: Masculinity and the Leading Man in American Fan Magazines of the 1930s1
Strangers on the ladder of the party‐state: Women in teaching in Nationalist Taiwan, 1940s–1980s1
Issue Information1
Mujeres Públicas and women in public: Scrutinising the history of prostitution in eighteenth‐ and nineteenth‐century Mexico1
Rana A.Hogarth, Medicalizing Blackness: Making Racial Difference in the Atlantic World, 1780–1840 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017)Brooke N.Newman, A Dark Inheritance: 1
‘For Pretty Frocks’: Upper Class Female Consumerism and the Criminality of Abortions in Newspaper Reports of the Uzielli Case 18981
White Suits and Kangaroo Kills: Making Men's Careers in American Nursing1
‘Again the Same Hopeless Feeling’: Christian Queer Activism as a Personal Experience in Finland, 1960s–2000s1
Civility, honour and male aggression in early modern English jestbooks1
Trans misogyny in the colonial archive: Re‐membering trans feminine life and death in New Spain, 1604–18211
Medicalising the Jewish Ritual Bath: Women, Health and Purity in the Late Ottoman Empire1
The Royal Commission on human relationships and Australian masculinity in the 1970s1
‘They Begged with Borrowed Children and a Woman in Men's Clothing’: Gender and the Regulation of Begging in Late Medieval Germany1
Atomic Fatherhood: ‘Uncle Louis’, ‘Ike’ and the Electoral Politics of Paternalism in Canada and the United States, 1949–531
Gendering starvation: Women's experiences of the Kazakh famine, 1930–19331
‘Making Black More Beautiful’: Black Women and the Cosmetics Industry in the Post‐Civil Rights Era1
Was Einhard a widower?1
Pickets, Protests and Purses in the American Civil Rights Movement1
‘The Whole Thing was Numbingly Bland and it was Deliberately So’: Food and Power in Ireland's Magdalene Laundries, 1922–19961
Care, Mothering and the Academy: Making the Invisible Visible1
Informing the ‘Broad Masses’: Early‐Twentieth‐Century Birth Control Debates and Activism in the Polish‐American Community1
Helena Augusta: Mother of the Empire by JuliaHillner, Oxford University Press, 2023, p. 432, ISBN: 978‐0‐1908‐7529‐9.1
Mary McLeod Bethune's Feminism: Black Women as Citizens of the World1
Pushing the boundaries: Power, privilege and the problem with inclusion1
Embracing the Language of Human Rights: International Women's Organisations, Feminism and Campaigns Against the Marriage Bar, c.1919–19601
Machismo and other Intimacies in Twentieth‐Century Bolivia: Reflections on Conducting Oral Histories about Sexuality and Reproduction1
A Women's Health Issue?: Framing Post‐Abortion Syndrome in the 1980s1
Introduction: Histories of abortion beyond Roe1
Soviet men, clothing and appearance in Leningrad in the 1950s and 1960s1
‘Edited and Approved by Women for Maximum Benefit of all Readers’: Newsprint Journalism, the International Women's Year and the Remaking of a Gendered National Public in 1970s Ghana1
Madame Right for Monsieur Wrong: Prisoner Marriage Petitions and State Surveillance of Women in Post‐War France, 1946–19591
Women in Wartime: Theatrical Representations in the Long Eighteenth Century By Paula R.Backscheider, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022, pp. 456 ISBN‐10 1421441675.1
‘What a Difference it was to be a Woman and not a Teenager’: Adolescent Girls’ Conceptions of Adulthood in 1960s and 1970s Britain1
Issue Information1
The Gender Dynamics of Dress Gifts from Elizabethan Men at the Court of Elizabeth I0
The Case of Mister X (Formerly Miss X): Intersexuality in Modern Kenya and the Ethics of History Writing (c. 1940‐present)0
The Weaponising of Women's Bodies in the Wars of Reform and French Intervention in Mexico, 1857–670
The Girl as Mistress in Renaissance Italy: Gender and Power in Leonardo da Vinci's Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani0
Dr Ambedkar and the ‘Prostitute’: Caste, Sexuality and Humanity in Modern India0
Identity, Gender Relations and Community Life in the History of the Migration of Italian Anarchists to Brazil (1890–1922)0
Apostles of knowledge: Feminine modernities and the travelling schoolmistresses of interwar Iraq0
‘Your Offence is That You By‐Passed Us’: Women, Violence and Agency in Biafra during the Nigeria–Biafra War, 1967–19700
More than Cleaning and Caring: The Profession of Dental Hygiene in Canada, 1951–20100
A politics of suffering: Anarchism and embodiment in the life of Voltairine de Cleyre0
Agency, the Family and the Patriarchal State in Archival Documentation of Australian Second World War Brides0
Not a Priority: Infertile Women and the Symbolic Politics of IVF in 1980s Britain0
Manhood, Military Forts and Ethnological Thought: John Gregory Bourke and the Rise of Border Ethnology, 1870s–90s0
LASTESIS in conversation: Art, rights and resistance for the twenty‐first century, 16 November 20230
Daughter, mother, widow: The making of the identities of Isabella d'Aragona0
South Korean housewives’ emerging economic authority and contestation of domesticity during the Cold War Era0
Trans talmud: Androgynes and eunuchs in rabbinic literature by Max K.Strassfeld, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2023, pp. 1–262, ISBN‐978‐0520397392.0
Women Suppliers to Medieval Courts: Making Visible Ducal and Royal Power0
Power to the posers: Delsartean women, the law of correspondence and the classical male body0
SaraDelmedico, Opposing Patriarchy: Women and the Law in Action in Pre‐Unification Italy(1815–1865) (London: Institute of Modern Languages Research, 2021), p. 282. ISBN 978–0854572786.0
Issue Information0
Milk, Modernity and Muscles: Raw Dairy and Bodybuilding in 1960s America0
Voices in Verses: Women's Poetry and Cultural Memory in Nineteenth Century India by FarhatHasan, Cambridge University Press, 2024, ISBN: 978‐1‐0094‐5306‐6.0
Women, Gender and Human Rights: Women's International Organisations and Solidarity with Chile0
Precarious Professionals: Gender, Identities and Social Change in Modern Britain Edited by HeidiEgginton and ZoëThomas, London: University of London Press, 2021, pp. v‐332, ISBN 978‐1‐912702‐590
Incarceration as welfare: Transgressive female sexuality and the workhouse in West Germany, 1950–19690
The assertion of reproductive and social control in mid‐twentieth‐century US transgender medicine0
Issue Information0
Wrinkles in Time: Old Age, Gender and Temporality in Nineteenth‐Century Germany0
Revolutionary Landscapes and Kitchens of Refusal: Tomato Sauce and Sovereignty in Egypt0
Reading smart: Queering and contextualising a cycling diary0
On knowing nature's syntax: Preliminary cisness, victorian physiology and George Eliot0
Hysteria as a Shape‐Shifting Forensic Psychiatric Diagnosis in the Netherlands c. 1885–19600
‘While my husband was away … ’: Gender and time in the diary of Clara Cornelia van Eijck (1790–1791)0
Giving Birth in Eighteenth‐Century England By SarahFox, London: University of London Press, 2022, p. 254, ISBN 978‐1‐914477‐06‐5.0
‘Access to Women’: Securing Mormon Whiteness in the US Army's Regulation of Commercial Sex in Chihuahua, 19160
‘Brave men’ and ‘pampered children’: Male bodies, labour and coming of age in Belgian Congo0
A More Miserable Life than Living in the Jungle: A Japanese ‘Comfort Woman’ Story0
Fatherhood in Labour Zionist Children's Literature: Space, Masculinity and Hegemony in Mandate Palestine0
Trans feminism and the women's liberation movement in Britain, c. 1970–19800
Promoting Women's Rights, Hiding the Empire: Marie‐Hélène Lefaucheux, an Imperialist Woman at the United Nations0
Bobby pins, belts and diets: Survival strategies of women political prisoners within the gendered carceral regime at Alderson Prison, 1944–19600
The ‘Karman method’ and the boundaries of self‐help: Itinerary of an abortion technology0
The Commission Knocked Out Cold: Laura Serrano and the End of the Mexico City Prohibition of Women's Boxing in the 1990s0
Feeding ‘Growing Boys’ and Nourishing ‘Handy English Lads’: British Prison Diets and the Reclamation of the Male Juvenile Offender, 1895–19080
‘Love‐communion’: Catholicism, sexuality and pleasure in 1970s Mexico0
A Man and a Perpetuum Mobile? Assigned Hermaphrodite Andreas Bruce's Memoirs0
A Place for Women Only: Health, Healing and the Divine at an Islamic Shrine in Central Asia0
Attitudes to Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postnatal Complications in Medieval English Miracula0
Work, Gender and Witchcraft in Early Modern England0
Whores Aboard and Laws Abroad: English Women and Sexual Slander in Early Colonial New South Wales0
Scandalisation, gender and space in ancient Rome: The case of Cicero and Clodia0
‘Our Point of Departure is Feminist’: Féminin Masculin Avenir and the Intersectional Origins of Women's Liberation in France, 1967–19700
Widows, Violence and Death: The Construction of Imperial Identity and Memory by Women in Mourning across British India, 1857–19260
‘Traditional Birth Attendants’ and Reproductive Expertise in Postcolonial Mali0
‘Is Radioactive Iodine Present Equally in the Cream on Milk as in the Milk Itself?’: Lonely Sources and the Gendered history of Cold War Britain0
Political Image Making in Portraits of Isabella d'Este, Marchioness of Mantua0
‘Facing it Together’: Early Caregiving Responses to Vancouver's HIV/AIDS Epidemic0
Missing Queens: Gender, Dynasty and Power in Vandal Africa0
The Basque Heroine Libe and the Nationalist Press (1895–1936)0
Engendering carcerality: An introduction0
Fathers in a Motherland: Imagining Fatherhood in Colonial India by Swapna M.Banerjee, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. xvii+317, ISBN: 9789391050245.0
‘I Hope it Tastes Good’: Gender, Race and Class in Colonial Kitchens in the Dutch Indian Ocean Empire0
Women as Common Scolds in Law and Popular Culture: Pennsylvania, 1824–19720
Moving Beyond Sex: Prostitutes, Migration and Knowledge in Late‐Medieval Mediterranean Port Cities0
Balancing the Books: Valuing Household Work in Weimar Germany0
Melōsa and her prize: The victory of a woman in ancient Greece0
Virility, fascism and regeneration in post‐Civil War Spain: On interpretations of literary Romanticism under the Franco regime0
Book Review0
Issue Information0
Hired Childcare and Changing Maternal Perceptions Among the Urban Poor: Baby Farming in the Western Lands of Late Imperial Russia0
Christian political hypermasculinity: Brazilian fascism in the 1930s0
Before we were trans: A new history of gender by KitHeyam, London: Basic Books, 2022, p. 343, ISBN‐13 9781529377743.0
Real Men Don't Eat Quiche: Queer Food and Gendered Nationalism in the Late Twentieth‐Century USA0
Women as Frontier‐Makers in the Llibre dels fets of James I of Aragon0
The Lettres Portugaises: Scripting and selling female desire0
Out of Lust for Money’? Agency and Marital Strategies in Eighth‐Century Italy0
Trans‐gender things: Objects and the materiality of trans‐femininity in Ming‐Qing China0
Histories of aging and gender variability: Old age in the nineteenth‐century ‘Hijra’/‘Eunuch’ archive0
AmyStanley, Stranger in the Shogun's City – A Japanese Woman and her World (New York: Scribner, 2020), p. 352. ISBN‐13 9781501188527BettinaGramlich‐Oka, AnneWalthall, FumikoMiyazaki, NorikoSuga0
Forum Introduction: Challenging Orthodoxies: Religion, Secularism and Feminism Among English‐Canadian Women, 1960s–1980s0
Coloniality on a Virtual Plate: Contemporary Mexican Foodways as (Counter)Visuality0
Feminising the ‘Modern’ Sweetness: Gender and Western‐Style Confectionery in Interwar Japan0
Relics of an Unwanted Past: Slavery, Polygamy and the Harem at the End of the Ottoman Empire0
In the Forefront and on the Margins: Jews, Secularism and Women's Liberation in Ontario and British Columbia, 1960s–1980s0
Donne in the Vineyards: Italian‐American Women in the California Wine Industry0
Against anticipation, or, camp reading as reparative to the trans feminine past: A microhistory in Nazi‐Era Vienna0
Industrious, truthful, upright and manly: Reforming poor young men in the borstal schools of India in the 1920s and 1930s0
Entering the archive of second‐wave trans feminist print culture: The journal of male feminism0
Amanda L. Scott, The Basque Seroras: Local Religion, Gender, and Power in Northern Iberia, 1550–1800 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020), pp. 246. ISBN–13: 978–15017474960
‘Fraternity for Frustrated Females’: The Gender Dynamics of 1970s Feminist Organising at the University of Waterloo, Canada0
Queens Consort, Gender and Diplomacy: Catherine of Aragon, Claude of France and the Field of Cloth of Gold0
How the Clinic Made Gender: The Medical History of a Transformative Idea by SandraEder, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2022, p. 334, ISBN‐978‐0226819938.0
‘Some Very Queer Couples’: Gender Migrants and Intimacy in Nineteenth‐Century America0
Debating the fate of the homemaker: The ERA and the death of the family wage0
Tropical whites: Hegemonic masculinity and menswear at the crossroads of Australia and Asia, 1900–19390
Entangled Emancipation: Women's Rights in Cold War Germany by Alexandria N.Ruble, University of Toronto Press, 2023, pp. ix–238, ISBN: 978‐1‐4875‐5027‐1.0
French Catholic Men at War 1939–1940: A Study of Faith and Masculinity in the Field0
Making Modern Mughals: Gendered Labour, Colonial Governance and the Household in Colonial India0
Female Personifications and Masculine Forms: Gender, Armour and Allegory in the Habsburg–Valois Conflicts of Sixteenth‐Century Europe0
CharlesUpchurch, ‘Beyond the Law’: The Politics of Ending the Death Penalty for Sodomy in Britain (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2021), pp. 302. ISBN‐97814399203430
‘To assume another name’: Race, gender, family and name changing in New York City, 1887–20120
Women's Activism in Twentieth–Century Britain: Making a Difference Across the Political Spectrum By PaulaBartley, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp. xii–286, ISBN 978‐3‐030‐92720‐2.0
From Mother‐Patriot to Sister‐Lover: Changing Visions of Womanhood in Nineteenth‐Century Poland0
Feeding and Healing Bodies and Souls: German Women in Nursing, 1830s–1850s0
Revisiting Gendered Representations of Humility: An Examination of Sources from Late Medieval Italy0
Kitchen Window Feminism: Sarah Macnaughtan, Wartime Care and the Authority of Experience in the South African and First World Wars0
Historicising trans pasts: An introduction0
Cathleen D.Cahill, Recasting the Vote: How Women of Color Transfomed the Suffrage Movement (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2020).Dorothy SueCobble, For the Many: American F0
Introduction: Health, Healing and Caring0
A body of one's own: A trans history of Argentina by PatricioSimonetto, University of Texas Press, 2024, pp. vii‐288, ISBN: 978‐1‐4773‐2860‐6.0
Women of the Empire at Ajmer's Dargah: Negotiating Sacred and Civic at a Prominent Sufi Pilgrimage Site, 1900–19200
Selling Shame: Feminine Hygiene Advertising and the Boundaries of Permissiveness in 1970s Britain0
Where's the beef? The feminisation of weight‐loss dieting in Britain and Scandinavia c.1890–19250
Training for Citizenship: The Women's Suffrage Movement and Modernising the State in Early Twentieth‐Century South Africa0
‘Monsters are they in Nature’: Female Masturbation and Constructions of Femininity in the Early Eighteenth Century England0
Introduction: Food and Sovereignty0
Face‐Work: Making Hair Matter in Sixteenth‐Century Central Europe0
Negotiating Place and Power through Union Grievance in Post‐War New York City Cafeterias0
Suffragettes and Shrews: Unruly British Women in the Early Chinese Press (1900s–1910s)0
‘Truly a three‐dimensional job’: The feminisation of clerical work in Cape Town, 1900–19600
Feminist Transformation and Domestic Violence in Divided Berlin 1968–20020
The ‘Obstacle of Sex’. Christina of Sweden and Her Aspirations to the Polish–Lithuanian Throne0
Female projectionists on the move: Exhibiting socialist gender equality in rural China (1949–1966)0
The Queer Art of History: Queer Kinship after Fascism by Jennifer V.Evans, Durham: Duke University Press, 2023, p. 312, ISBN‐978‐1‐4780‐1979‐4.0
SarahA.Bendall, Shaping Femininity: Foundation Garments, the Body and Women in Early Modern England (London: Bloomsbury, 2022), pp. 338. ISBN 978‐1‐350‐16410‐9.0
Mujeres, Género y Violencia en la Guerra Civil y la Dictadura de Franco Edited by ConxitaMir and ÁngelaCenarro, Valencia: Tirant Humanidades, 2021, p. 420. ISBN 978‐84‐18614‐98‐9.0
‘Just Take Care of Them Like You Would a Baby’: Infant Care Work and Interspecies Foodways0
Masculinity, Modernity and Male Baldness, c.1880‐19390
‘Tearing Off the Bonds’: Suffrage Visual Culture in Australia, New Zealand and the USA, 1890–19200
Sexing the history of Indian anti‐colonial internationalism: White women, Indian men and the politics of the personal0
Issue Information0
Rape in Peking: Injured woman, microhistory and global trial0
Music in Colonial Punjab: Courtesans, Bards, and Connoisseurs, 1800–1947 by RadhaKapuria, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, pp. 410, ISBN‐978‐0192867346.0
Gender, Food and ‘The Right to the City’ in the Ghanaian Marketplace0
A body of one's own: A trans history of Argentina by PatricioSimonetto, Austen: University of Texas Press, 2024, p. 320, ISBN‐ 978‐1477328606.0
Recipes for Disaster: Cookery Books and the Management of Intimacy in Colonial Kenyan Settler Homes 1919–19440
To make a figure in the world: Identity and material literacy in the 1770s coach consumption of British ambassador, Lord Grantham0
AlexandraHughes‐Johnson and LyndseyJenkins (eds), The Politics of Women's Suffrage: Local, National and International Dimensions (London: University of London Press, School of Advanced Study, I0
Queer Obscenity: Erotic Archives in Dictatorial Spain0
Gender Culture or Gender System? Family Gender Arrangements and Stay‐At‐Home Fathers in Late‐Twentieth‐Century Australia0
FlorenceBernault, Colonial Transactions: Imaginaries, Bodies and Histories in Gabon (Durham: Duke University Press, 2019)Jacqueline‐Bethel TchoutaMougoué, Gender, Separatist Politics, and Embodied Nat0
Correction to “‘Monsters are they in Nature’: Female Masturbation and Constructions of Femininity in the Early Eighteenth Century England”0
Indígena or Não‐Indígena? The Gendered Politics of Assimilation in Colonial Mozambique, 1917–610
Practicing modernity at home: Expert discourses and women's narratives on household in late socialist Poland0
Bad, mad or both: A legal history of battered woman syndrome0
Issue Information0
‘Knowing What a Man Wants’: Advertising in Playboy magazine, 1972–19820
Issue Information0
‘Some Time We Have Trouble in Getting Mail. And Everything Else Here’: Black Women, Freedom Food and the US Postal System0
The other women's rights movement: ‘Streetwalkers’, habeas corpus and anticarceral activism in New York City, 1830–18600
Writing trans histories with an ethics of care, while reading gender in imperial Roman literature0
Inventing a Space to Speak: Ethos, Agency and United States' Woman Suffrage Cookbooks (1886–1916)0
Making the Private Public: Witnessing Female Infanticide in Nineteenth‐Century Kathiawar0
Women's International Thought: Towards A New Canon Edited by PatriciaOwens, KatharinaRietzler, KimberlyHutchings and SarahC. Dunstan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp. 776, ISBN:0
Issue Information0
Introduction: Women's Rights as Human Rights: Global Contestations over the Longue Durée0
Science, Sexual Difference and the Making of Modern Marriage in American Sex Advice, 1920–400
Women and Alcohol Consumption in Fascist Italy0
Reaching for T in the South African archives0
‘Good fortune in the camps never lasted’: Gendered experience of carceral labour in the Soviet Union, 1930–19530
Beyond the double blind spot: Relocating communist women as transgressive subjects in contemporary historiography0
‘Had it not been for her’: Gender, Care Labour and Disability in the British Caribbean, 1788–18340
A Fatherland of Free Men. Virility and ‘Frailty’ in Spanish Liberalism (1808–1814)0
Dying for The Nation: Death, Grief and Bereavement in Second World War Britain (Series: Cultural History of Modern War) by LucyNoakes, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020, p. 304, ISB0
‘We Thought We were the Only Lesbians in the World’: 1971 Vancouver and the Rise of Lesbian and Transnational Feminist Identities Between Canada and the USA0
Private Body and Social Order: Problems of Sex among Pre‐Modern Middle Eastern Jews0
A Tale of Two Annies: Historical Memory, Archives and the Perpetuation of the Sinners to Angels Trope in American Sex Worker History0
Back into Focus: Women Filmmakers, the Amateur Trade Press and 1960s British Amateur Cinema0
Forum Introduction: Addressing Gender, Gendering Dress0
‘No, we're not going away’: Two trans activist lives in Aotearoa New Zealand, 1974–19870
Contesting ‘Global Sisterhood’: The Global Women's Health Movement, the United Nations and the Different Meanings of Reproductive Rights (1970s–80s)0
DwaipayanBanerjee, Enduring Cancer: Life, Death, and Diagnosis in Delhi (Durham: Duke University Press, 2020)Natalie L.Kimball, An Open Secret: The History of Unwanted Pregnancy and Abortion0
In the Canine Archives of Sex: Radclyffe Hall, Una Troubridge and their Dogs0
Gender in Modern Welsh History: Perspectives on Masculinity and Femininity in Wales from 1750 to 2000 edited by BethJenkins, PaulO'Leary and StephanieWard, University of Wales Press, 2023, pp. 0
The Only Girl in Amoy: Gender and American Patriotism in a Nineteenth‐Century Treaty Port0
The strategic failure of shaping ‘childish’ colonised men into manly colonial soldiers in Vietnam and the Philippines, 1882–19150
Racialising Baby Boys: Racial and Gender Politics in Infant Formula Advertisements in Cold War Korea, 1950s–1960s0
The Female Condition: Gender and Deformity in High‐Medieval Miracle Narratives0
Surviving domestic and state violence: Women's prison organising and the gendered politics of solidarity0
Bison Herds and Indian Corn: Interspecies Matriarchs and Revitalised Foodways in the Fort Peck Reservation0