Superconductor Science & Technology

(The median citation count of Superconductor Science & Technology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Majorana bound state manipulation by current pulses97
The effect of bias current configuration on the performance of SQUID arrays80
Preparation of a small-size superconducting joint for C-doped 30-filament MgB2 wires69
Investigation of transport mechanisms induced by filament-coupling bridges-network in Bi-2212 wires63
Topological insulator based axial superconducting quantum interferometer structures59
Study of a low-frequency wireless charging system crossing the metal Dewar wall of a high-temperature superconducting magnet57
Optimizing the use of pressurized bladders for the assembly of HL-LHC MQXFB magnets52
Feedback-controlled flux modulation for high-temperature superconducting magnets in persistent current mode51
Shielding currents in multifilament coated conductors wound into pancake coils and layer-wound coils51
Study on helium gas bubble levitation in high field superconducting magnet50
Thermal-electrical analogy for simulations of superconducting power cables48
Navigation of superparamagnetic particles with a pre-magnetized high-temperature superconducting bulk in a weak background field47
E–I characteristics and critical currents of small Bi-2223/Ag coil thermally stabilized by solid and liquid nitrogen compared to water ice45
Fabrication of multi-filament(Ba,A)Fe2As2 (A: Na, K) HIP round wires and a small superconducting coil44
Artificial intelligence-based models for reconstructing the critical current and index-value surfaces of HTS tapes44
Study of contact resistivity of a no-insulation superconducting coil42
Screening current induced magnetic field and stress in ultra-high-field magnets using REBCO coated conductors41
Temperature-field-angle dependent critical current estimation of commercial second generation high temperature superconducting conductor using double hidden layer Bayesian regularized neural network40
Determining the absolute value of magnetic penetration depth in small-sized superconducting films39
Reducing cross-field demagnetization of superconducting stacks by soldering in pairs38
Synthesis of MgB2 films on Hastelloy-C276 tape with Al2O3/Y2O3/MgO/LaMnO3 buffer layers by magnetron sputtering in co-evaporation mode36
Effective reduction of magnetisation losses in copper-plated multifilament coated conductors using spiral geometry36
Optimisation of stacked, bulk high temperature superconductors for trapped-field magnet applications35
Industrial pulsed laser deposition for ultra-fast growth of high-temperature superconducting thin films with nanostructured pinning centers35
Progress in superconducting joints between Bi-2223 tapes32
Josephson junctions based on amorphous MoGe: prospects for use in superconducting electronics31
Coherent radiation of active Josephson traveling-wave antennas31
Magnetic shielding up to 0.67 T at 77 K using a stack of high temperature superconducting tape annuli of 26 mm bore30
Spin-charge-lattice couplings and Co doping effect in Ba(Fe 29
Hermite-Chebyshev pseudospectral method for inhomogeneous superconducting strip problems and magnetic flux pump modeling29
Fast solution of the superconducting dynamo benchmark problem28
Memristor-like behavior and negative resistance in a superconductor/insulator/ferromagnet device with a pinholes-governed interface28
Numerical study on the transport current distribution in the multi-layer CORC coil28
Superconductivity and weak anti-localization in nodal-line semimetal SnTaS228
Low clock skew superconductor adiabatic quantum-flux-parametron logic circuits based on grid-distributed blocks27
The possible effect of surface barriers on the magnetic levitation of cylindrical superconductors26
Boron based new high entropy alloy superconductor Mo0.11W0.11V0.11Re0.34B0.3326
Study on the winding quality for spiral HTS cables based on AI detection model26
High field HTS electromagnet with direct-current supplied bulk superconductors: old dream turns into reality?26
Doubled J c of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O x wires by partial melting and recrystallization heat treatment unde26
High performance of an innovative cable-in-conduit conductor with CWS cable pattern25
Non-uniform critical current and stacking effect remedy for multi-filament REBCO tapes with potential defects24
Aspects of long range spin–triplet correlations in superconductor/ferromagnet hetero-structures23
Shape resonances and the T c dependence on film thickness of Ni/Bi systems23
Dynamic resistance and total loss in a three-tape REBCO stack carrying DC currents in perpendicular AC magnetic fields at 77 K23
A numerical method for spatially-distributed transient simulation to replicate nonlinear ‘defect-irrelevant’ behaviors of no-insulation HTS coil23
Low-temperature sintering to fabricate MgB2 by using Mg(BH4)2 as precursor23
Evaluation of the nonlinear surface resistance of REBCO coated conductors for their use in the FCC-hh beam screen22
Temperature dependence of transport critical current density for REBCO superconducting tapes deposited by MOCVD22
Influences of quenching treatment and cobalt-doping on the thermally activated flux-flow behavior in KCa2(Fe 1−x Co x )4As4F2<22
Constitutive behaviour study of Ba x K1− x Fe2As2 iron-based su22
Discovery of superconducting quaternary Y–Ni–B–C system, T c ∼ 12 K, and a brief review of superconducting and magnetic properties of RNi2B2C21
Superconducting NbN thin films on various (X/Y/Z-cut) lithium niobate substrates21
High performance one-step grown half-moon shaped YBCO bulk superconductors21
Thin-shell approach for modeling superconducting tapes in the H-φ finite-element formulation21
Structural and electronic structure evolution of K x Fe2− y Se2 from semic21
Bending performance of the CORC cable with flexible interlocked stainless steel former21
Superconducting properties of van der Waals metal-rich subsulfide Nb1.7Ta3.3S221
Superconductivity of Li doped BSCCO mesoscopic fiber20
Superconductor to metal quantum phase transition with magnetic field in Josephson coupled lead islands on Graphene20
Critical current characteristics and ampere force distribution of a novel HTS cable with different transposition lengths20
A novel numerical approach for analyzing experimental data on critical current degradation in Nb3Sn wires caused by transverse deformations preceding heat treatment19
Improving the connectivity of MgB2 bulk superconductors by a novel liquid phase sintering process19
Crossover from Cooper-pair hopping to single-electron hopping in Pb x (TiO2) 19
On determining London penetration depth from magnetic susceptibility measurements: Reply to Comment on ‘Superconductivity of amorphous and crystalline Re–Lu films’ (Teknowijoyo and Gulian 2024 Superco19
Current limiting and recovery characteristics of an AC fast recovery superconducting fault current-limiting breaker19
Adiabatic quantum-flux-parametron boosters for long interconnection and large fanouts19
Fabrication and characterization of NbN/(TaN/NbN) N stacked Josephson junctions19
SQUID current sensors with an integrated thermally actuated input current limiter19
Magnetic field sensitivity of transition edge sensors19
Unconventional long range triplet proximity effect in planar YBa2Cu3O7/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7 Josep18
Quench analysis of a no-insulation REBCO magnet based on the ADI method considering the coupling effect of the cryostat18
Investigation of high-energy ultrasonication of RE2BaCuO5(RE = Y, Gd) on the growth and superconducting properties of REBa2Cu3O7−δtop-seeded melt18
Trapped flux in a small crystal of CaKFe4As4 at ambient pressure and in a diamond anvil pressure cell18
Modelling high- Tc electronics18
Physical properties of amorphous molybdenum silicide films for single-photon detectors18
Flux pinning dynamics in optimally proton irradiated REBCO coated conductors18
Finite-element recipes for HTS-coated conductors and HTS tape topologies18
Unraveling quench dynamics and real-time continuous detection in HTS tapes through distributed fiber optic sensing17
FEM-Circuit co-simulation of superconducting synchronous wind generators connected to a DC network using the homogenized J–A formulation of the Maxwell equations17
Enhancement of vortex liquid phase and reentrant behavior in NiBi3 single crystals17
Investigation on nonuniform current density and shape deformation affecting the magnetic field performance of a saddle-shaped no-insulation HTS cosine–theta dipole magnet17
Persistent MgB2 joints for react and wind magnets17
A new ductile, tougher resin for impregnation of superconducting magnets17
Evaluation of electrical fatigue limits in REBCO coated conductor tapes through static fatigue testing at 77 K17
Isochronous data link across a superconducting Nb flex cable with 5 femtojoules per bit*17
Precise determination of oxygen content in SmBa2Cu3O7−δ thin film samples using x-ray diffraction17
Performance test of REBCO CICC sub-cables with l0 kA current under 20 T background field17
Viewpoint: Compact cryogenics for superconducting photon detectors17
Fabrication and properties of lateral Josephson junctions with a RuO2 weak link17
The on-chip scanning probe with dual niobium nitride nanoscale superconducting quantum interference devices for magnetic imaging at the high temperature16
Enhancement of electron–phonon coupling due to increased magnetism and applied hydrostatic pressure in FeSe16
Performance test of REBCO CICC sub-cables with 10 kA current under 20 T background field16
Sub-nanosecond operations on superconducting quantum register based on Ramsey patterns16
Impact of local plastic deformation on thermo-magnetic instability of high-J c Nb3Sn strand16
Vortex in superconducting thin-film strips of arbitrary width16
Behaviour prediction of closed-loop HTS coils in non-uniform AC fields16
Analysis of the strain dependence of the superconducting critical properties of single-crystal and polycrystalline Nb3Sn16
Quantum detector tomography of a high dynamic-range superconducting nanowire single-photon detector16
On the criteria for superconducting superlattices using CaCuO2 *16
Investigation of high-speed superconducting electric machines through time-space extrusion numerical modelling15
Prediction of nodal-line fermion and phonon-mediated superconductivity in bilayer α-borophene15
Superconducting HfO2-added solution-derived YBa2Cu3O7 nanocomposite films: the effect of colloidal nanocrystal shape and crystallinity on pinning mechanism15
Pressure-induced superconductivity in Bi4(I1−x Br x )4 crystals grown by chemical vapor transport and flux m15
Enhancing the magnetic field gradient between two superconductors with rotational motion under a background DC field15
High critical current properties of multi-filamentary MgB2 superconducting wires fabricated using an internal Mg diffusion method15
K-doped Ba122 epitaxial thin film on MgO substrate by buffer engineering15
A reliable technique to fabricate superconducting joints between single grain, Y–Ba–Cu–O bulk superconductors14
Superconductor bistable vortex memory for data storage and readout14
Thickness effect on the evolution of superconducting properties in FeSe0.4Te0.6 thin films14
Electrically controlled crossed Andreev reflection in altermagnet/superconductor/altermagnet junctions14
Performance review of the joints for the ITER poloidal field coils14
Numerical determination of the threshold magnetic field in superconducting strips and coils triggering dynamic resistance14
Comparison of J 14
Novel sample-thickness-dependent flux pinning behaviors of KFe2As2 intercalations in CaKFe4As4 single crystals14
Experimental AC loss study on REBCO coil assemblies coupled with an iron cylinder14
Research on magnetic field distribution characteristics of 2G-HTS dynamo in superconducting wireless power supply applications14
Influence of irradiation temperature on REBCO tape degradation14
Examination of factors affecting strain tolerance of multifilament MgB2 wires with Fe barrier14
A turnkey gaseous helium-cooled superconducting CORC® dc power cable with integrated current leads14
Simultaneous transverse loading and axial strain for REBCO cable tests in the SULTAN facility14
A new MgB2 bulk ring fabrication technique for use in magnetic shielding or bench-top NMR systems13
From weak to strong-coupling superconductivity tuned by substrate in TiN films13
Optimization of Nb/Al-AlO x /Nb Josephson junctions through wafer-scale anodic oxidation: a systematic characterization and performance analysis13
Multiscale modeling on the multi-physical behaviors of high temperature superconducting magnets based on a combined global homogenization and local refinement scheme13
Transient liquid assisted growth of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7−x films based on pulsed laser deposition13
Effects of defects and surface roughness on the vortex penetration and vortex dynamics in superconductor–insulator–superconductor multilayer structures exposed to RF magnetic fields: numerical simulat13
Design and modelling tools for DC HTS cables for the future railway network in France13
Sensitivity analysis and machine learning modelling for the output characteristics of rotary HTS flux pumps12
Effect of nitrogen content on the structure and superconductivity of reactive sputtered NbTiN thin films12
An open-source 3D FE quench simulation tool for no-insulation HTS pancake coils12
Low‐purity Cu and Al sheathed multi‐core MgB2 wires made by IMD process12
Research on DC overcurrent characteristics and life prediction of YBCO tapes12
Effects of the initial axial strain state on the response to transverse stress of high-performance RRP Nb3Sn wires12
A modified model to estimate the screening current-induced magnetic field of a REBCO magnet12
Numerical evaluation of the deformation of REBCO pancake coil, considering winding tension, thermal stress, and screening-current-induced stress12
Coupling electromagnetic numerical models of HTS coils to electrical circuits: multi-scale and homogeneous methodologies using the T-A formulation12
Angular dependence of the critical current density in FeSe0.5Te0.5 thin films on metal substrates12
Analysis of local burnout in a sub-scale test coil for the 32 T magnet after spontaneous quenches during fast ramping12
Vortex glass phase transition in two-dimensional Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O 10+δ sub-microbridge12
Delamination model of an epoxy-impregnated REBCO superconducting pancake winding12
Experiment and numerical simulation of the combined effect of winding, cool-down, and screening current induced stresses in REBCO coils12
Thermo-electromagnetic modeling of coated superconductor coils with metal insulation12
Influence of twist pitch on hysteretic losses and transport J c in overpressure processed high J c 12
Formation and propagation of cracks in RRP Nb3Sn wires studied by deep learning applied to x-ray tomography12
Tuning microwave losses in superconducting resonators11
Superconducting single-photon detector with a system efficiency of 93% operated in a 2.4 K space-application-compatible cryocooler11
Superconductivity of amorphous and crystalline Re–Lu films11
A novel low-resistance solder-free copper bonding joint using a warm pressure welding method for REBCO coated conductors11
Refined circuit model for current distribution of the no-insulation HTS insert magnet11
Enhancement in the critical current density of BaTiO3-doped YBCO films by low-energy (60 keV) proton irradiation11
Evaluation of a-NbGe films as a candidate material for superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) applications11
Minimal lateral damage fabrication of high-temperature superconducting nanowires via focused helium ion beam irradiation11
Prediction of strain, inter-layer interaction and critical current in CORC® wires under axial strain by T-A modeling11
The geometry, purity, and grain orientation database of the Cu stabilizer layer and the effect on the electrical and thermal properties of commercial REBCO tapes11
Development of the first Tesla class iron-based superconducting coil for high field application11
In-situ measurements of the effect of radiation damage on the superconducting properties of coated conductors11
Local plastic deformation effects on the critical current of high-Jc Nb3Sn strands under uniaxial strain11
SuperSIM: a comprehensive benchmarking framework for neural networks using superconductor Josephson devices11
Study of the demagnetization behavior of no-insulation persistent-current mode HTS coils under external AC fields by 3D FEM simulation11
J model for studying AC magnetization loss in 3D cable structures11
Structural design and test of superconducting magnet coil for the cooling storage ring external-target experiment11
Analysis of mechanical behavior and electromechanical properties of REBCO-coated conductor tapes under combined bending-tension loads using numerical methods11
A visual and full-field method for detecting quench and normal zone propagation in HTS tapes11
Experimental and numerical studies on current distribution in stacks of HTS tapes for cable-in-conduit-conductors10
Improving the recovery performance of superconducting fault current limiters using nitrogen/tetrafluoromethane mixed coolants10
Peak effects induced by particle irradiations in 2H-NbSe210
The encapsulation of atomically-thin MgB2-based superconductors in two-dimensional material bilayers10
R&D of on-board metal-insulation REBCO superconducting magnet for electrodynamic suspension system10
Effects of precursor powder particle size on the powder-in-tube Ba1−xKxFe2As2 superconducting tapes10
Optimization of the superconducting properties of NbTiN thin films by variation of the N2 partial pressure during sputter deposition10
Effect of buffer layer on thermal recovery of superconducting nanowire single-photon detector10
Conceptual design and simulation of a thermal matrix-type SFCL10
Theory of Josephson current on a lattice model of grain boundary in d-wave superconductors10
Typical electrical, mechanical, electromechanical characteristics of copper-encapsulated REBCO tapes after processing in temperature under 250 °C10
Construction and test result of an all-REBCO conduction-cooled 23.5 T magnet prototype towards a benchtop 1 GHz NMR spectroscopy10
Progress of ultra-high-field superconducting magnets in China10
Natural width of the superconducting transition in epitaxial TiN films10
Reverse coating technique for the production of Nb thin films on copper for superconducting radio-frequency applications10
Development of a Zappe-interferometer style superconducting switch for time-division multiplexed readout of transition edge sensor array10
Training-free performance of the wax-impregnated SuShi septum magnet10
Effect of substrate on superconducting and magnetic properties for the epitaxial FeSe0.5Te0.5 thin films10
Error analysis for determining transverse tensile delamination strength of REBCO coated conductors by anvil test: numerical simulation demonstrations10
The effect of pre-sintering and high-temperature infiltration on the properties of single-domain YBCO bulk superconductors by the Y + 011 top-seeded infiltration growth process10
High area efficiency binary neural processing elements with time-domain signals using SFQ circuits10
Corrigendum: A new benchmark problem for electromagnetic modelling of superconductors: the high-T c superconducting dynamo (2020 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 33 110
Effect of substrate temperature on the growth mechanism of FeSe superconducting films10
Revealing the effect of bridges in the multi-filamentary Bi-2212 wires10
Fast and accurate 3D FEM model for electromagnetic simulations of no-insulation HTS coils based on polygon-anisotropic-resistivity9
Numerical calculations of high temperature superconductors with the J-A formulation9
A review of superconductivity in nanostructures—from nanogranular films to anti-dot arrays9
Trapping a magnetic field of 14.8 T using stacked coated conductors of 12 mm width9
Gate modulation of anisotropic superconductivity in Al–Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 nanoplate–Al Josephson junctions9
Validation of a desktop-type magnet providing a quasi-microgravity space in a room-temperature bore of a high-gradient trapped field magnet (HG-TFM)9
Characterization of a novel TORT cable wound of stabilized striated REBCO tapes for reduced magnetization AC losses9
Flux jump and mechanical response in inhomogeneous high-temperature superconductor under the pulsed-field magnetization9
Effect of a DC transport current on the AC loss in no-insulation ReBCO racetrack coils exposed to AC parallel magnetic field at 77 K and 4.2 K9
Fast current discharging using self-coupling energy absorption for insulated high temperature superconductor magnets9
A 6-around-1 cable using high-temperature superconducting STAR ® wires for magnet applications9
Topical Review: Multifilamentary coated conductors for ultra-high magnetic field applications9
Fabrication technology and performance tests for optical fiber-encapsulated, high-temperature superconducting tapes9
Characterizing the stress and electrical properties of superconducting molybdenum films9
The influence of porosity on the superconducting properties of Y–Ba–Cu–O single grains9
Superconducting properties of commercial REBCO-coated conductors with artificial pinning centers9
Improved pulsed field magnetisation in MgB2 trapped-field magnets9
Critical current and n-value prediction of second-generation high temperature superconducting conductors considering the temperature-field dependence based on the back propagation neural network with 9
Dynamic resistance and total loss in small REBCO pancake and racetrack coils carrying DC currents under an AC magnetic field9
Modeling of contact resistivity and simplification of 3D homogenization strategy for the H formulation9
Superconducting undulators: permanent magnets after all9
Towards high performance desktop NMR using bulk MgB2 superconductors9
Stacked-tape trapped-field superconducting magnets—edging ahead?9
Suppression of the superconducting transition temperature and magnetic-field-induced quantum critical behavior in three-dimensional polycrystalline niobium films9
Superconducting properties of pt-type and bct-type YRh4B49
Anisotropic critical current density and flux pinning mechanism of Fe 1+y Te0.6Se0.4 single crystals9
Numerical analysis of the contact resistance in a no-insulation layer-wound coil with a simplified electromagnetic–mechanical model9
Sensitivity of the thermomagnetic instability in superconducting film to magnetic perturbation for electromagnetic interference detection8
High-performance joints between iron-based superconductors: a key step towards applications8
Key designs of a short-bore and cryogen-free high temperature superconducting magnet system for 14 T whole-body MRI8
Tunable magnetic flux avalanches triggered by a focalized laser spot8
‘Defect-irrelevant-winding’ no-insulation (RE)Ba2Cu3O7 − x pancake coil in conduction-cooling operation8
Temperature dependence of microwave losses in lumped-element resonators made from superconducting nanowires with high kinetic inductance8
Testing superconducting pairing symmetry in multiterminal junctions8
Measurements of the amplitude-dependent microwave surface resistance of an Au/Nb bilayer8
Superconducting properties of bismuthate/manganite epitaxial multilayers8
Superconducting critical temperature and softening of the phonon spectrum in ultrathin nb- and nbn/graphene hybrids8
Electromagnetic force behavior of superconducting bulks passing electromagnetic turnout8
Stiffness and coherence length measurements of ultra-thin superconductors, and implications for layered superconductors8
Strong paramagnetic response in the superconducting state of Y-containing V0.6Ti0.4 alloys8
Robust superconductivity against water corrosion in Ba1−x K x Fe2As2 bulks8
Ultra-fast growth (up to 100 nm s−1) of heavily doped EuBa2Cu3O7 film with highly aligned BaHfO3 nanocolumn structure8
Magnetic background field-tolerant SQIF-based current sensors8
Significant improvement of the lower critical field in Y doped Nb: potential replacement of basic material for the radio-frequency superconducting cavity8
Novel two-step procedure for measuring I c vs. tensile stress of commercial REBCO tape8
Analysis of current and heat transfer in locations with reduced critical current in coated conductor tape8
Performance of low-loss demountable joints between CORC® cable-in-conduit-conductors at magnetic fields up to 8 T developed for fusion magnets8
Design, construction, and testing of no-insulation small subscale solenoids for compact tokamaks8
Miniaturized HTS linear flux pump with a charging capability of 120 A8
Quench position reconstruction through harmonic field analysis in superconducting magnets8
Bulk superconductivity and non-trivial band topology analysis of Pb2Pd8
Non-trivial band topology in the superconductor AuSn4: a first principle study8
High-current, double-sided REBCO tapes by advanced MOCVD8
Experimental study of stability, quench propagation and detection methods on 15 kA sub-scale HTS fusion conductors in SULTAN8
Nonlinear contact behavior of HTS tapes during pancake coiling and CORC cabling7
Design and test of a setup for calorimetric measurements of AC transport losses in HTS racetrack coils7
Numerical analysis of the electromechanical behavior of high-field REBCO coils in all-superconducting magnets7
Critical current improvement and resistance evaluation of superconducting joint between Bi2223 tapes7
Low-frequency electrodynamics in the mixed state of superconducting NbN and a-MoGe films using two-coil mutual inductance technique7
Training-free demonstration of a 5.4 T Nb3Sn Canted–Cosine–Theta accelerator dipole impregnated with paraffin wax7
Quench in a pancake coil wound with REBCO Roebel cable: model and validation7