Child Abuse Review

(The median citation count of Child Abuse Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The Challenges of Working with Child Abuse and Neglect: Barriers to Disclosure and Intervention, Adverse Outcomes, and Perplexing Presentations22
Analysis of child abuse by science mapping method11
Non‐technical Skills for Child Protection Professionals: The Importance of Human Factors10
Evaluating Assessment Tools in Child Protection: A Conceptual Framework of Internal and Ecological Requirements10
Reports of Animal Abuse in Child Protection Referrals: A Study of Cases from One South Australian Service9
Can childbearing and marriage of underage girls be prevented? A study of population data in Turkey9
Issue Information9
Child Sexual Abuse: Children at Risk Are Being Ignored8
Primary and Secondary Effects on Long‐Term Educational Outcomes of Individuals with Experience of Child Welfare Interventions8
Trauma‐informed care in childcare organisations to support children exposed to child maltreatment: Joint conclusions of four European countries8
The exploitation of girls in care: An ongoing struggle for recognition6
School‐based abuse prevention programming: Implementation of child safety matters with minority youth6
Sons and daughters of foster carers: Exposure to risk and harm5
Child Abuse and Neglect and the Burden of the COVID‐19 Pandemic on Families: A Series of Cases Consulted at the German Medical Child Protection Hotline5
The risk of self‐harm and suicide attempts in maltreated and poly‐victimised adolescents from Lithuanian vocational schools5
‘Big brothers and sisters have my back’: Benefits and risks of befriending older peers as a strategy to deal with school bullying5
Issue Information5
Issue Information5
Exploring social workers' views on assessing child neglect in England and Wales4
Constructing a Compelling Case: Nurses' Experiences of Communicating Abuse and Neglect4
Stereotypes and unconscious bias in institutional child sexual abuse: Barriers to identification, reporting and prevention4
Findings from a Thematic Multidisciplinary Analysis of Child Practice Reviews in Wales4
A Behaviour Change Analysis of Safer Sleep Interventions for Infants at Risk of Sudden and Unexpected Death4
A current view on the neglected topic of male child sexual abuse in the context of literature4
The effect of the training programme for nursing students on child abuse and neglect knowledge and awareness levels: A randomized controlled study4
A Structured Review of the Literature on Abusive Head Trauma Prevention4
The spectrum of concern for medical child abuse among adolescents with chronic pain due to central sensitisation4
Understanding Medical Neglect on the Frontline of Child Protection4
Children and sexual‐based online harms: A guide for professionals By CatherineKnibbs, London: Routledge. 2024. £19.99 (p/b). ISBN 97810324275844
A short report of a Scottish audit of disability and child protection medical examinations3
Enhancing child protection responses in oral health practice: A scoping review of evidence‐based approaches3
Bringing ‘care’ back into locked residential institutions: What can we learn from adolescents' experiences of secure care?3
An intensive perinatal mentalisation‐based intervention for women at risk of child removal and the role of restorative relationships3
Issue Information3
An analysis of child safeguarding cases managed by National Governing Bodies of sport across England and Wales3
Vulnerable Children and Early Intervention – What about Health Visiting?3
How Adults Tell: A Study of Adults' Experiences of Disclosure to Child Protection Social Work Services3
Love and Assault: Parents’ Views on Corporal Punishment in School3
The intersection of child protection and healthcare: Paediatric social admissions3
‘It's like a much deeper understanding and you kind of believe them more …’: The value of peer support for young people affected by sexual violence3
If It's Not on the System, Then It Hasn't Been Done: ‘Ofsted Anxiety Disorder’ as a Barrier to Social Worker Discretion3
The effect of beliefs and self‐efficacy on the levels of sexual abuse‐related anxiety in parents of children with disabilities3
Prevalence and determinants of caregivers’ self‐reported child abuse among children aged 3–6 years in the south of Iran3
Child Fatality Individual Case Reports: A 24‐Year National State‐by‐State Review2
Issue Information2
‘Then I Met This Lovely Police Woman’ Young People's Experiences of Engagement with the Criminal Justice System2
Child Sexual Exploitation: A Survey of Knowledge and Confidence of Healthcare Providers in Saskatchewan, Canada2
Factors Influencing Clinicians', Health Visitors' and Social Workers' Professional Judgements, Decision‐Making and Multidisciplinary Collaboration When Safeguarding Children with Burn Injuries: A Qual2
Detecting Parental Deception in the Child Safeguarding Context2
Child protection pathways for newborn infants: A multi‐disciplinary retrospective chart review of an Irish maternity hospital’s records2
Perception and Abolition of Corporal Punishment among a Sample of Respondents in Southwest Nigeria2
Case recording in child protection: An exploration of the evidence base and good practice2
Child Sexual Abuse: Common, Under‐Reported and Concomitant with Other Maltreatment2
Correction to “Parental substance misuse and statutory child protection in England: Risk factors and outcomes”2
Child Abuse and the Psychological Dispositions of Pain Catastrophising, Resilience and Hope2
APSAC/Foundling On‐line Course for Child Welfare and Child Maltreatment Professionals developed by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and The New York Foundling,2
‘The fruit of consultation’: Findings from an online survey on co‐production as a solution to the challenges of safeguarding children and young people in International Christian work2
Listening to children's voices in UK sports clubs: A Foucauldian analysis2
Early maternal death following child removal—A short report using observational data2
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and non‐parental care placement among head start‐eligible low‐income children2
Issue Information2
Hypoxia and reperfusion injury are not associated with subdural haemorrhages in young children: A retrospective study of drowning victims, with and without return of spontaneous circulation2
Practitioner responses to children and young people involved in forced marriage2
Understanding Child Neglect e‐Learning Course developed by the Social Care Institute for Excellence, London, 2020. £34.80 per learner (including VAT) with discounts for multiple users. Availabl2
Child Protection and Disability: Practical Challenges for Research by DeborahFry, PatriciaLannen, JenniferVanderminden, AudreyCameron and TabithaCasey, Dunedin Academic Press, Edinburgh, 2017. 122pp. 2
Dyadic Reports Using the Parental Support after Child Sexual Abuse Measure: Psychometrics and Associations with Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms2
Child Protection Investigations in Scotland: A 33 Per Cent Increase in Two Years1
Working with Children and Young People Who Have Displayed Harmful Sexual Behaviour by Stuart Allardyce and Peter Yates, Dunedin Academic Press Limited, Edinburgh, 2018. 198pp. ISBN 978‐1‐78046‐068‐0 (1
Prevalence of and factors contributing to violent discipline in families and its association with violent discipline by teachers and peer violence1
A thematic analysis of the involvement of children and families in Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews in England1
Issue Information1
PEGASE Program: Identification of babies in the child protection system at risk of developmental delays or disorders and the implementation of a ‘supra‐optimal’ care pathway1
Embedding young people's participation in health services. L. MBradyPolicy press, Bristol, 2020. 274 pp. ISBN 978–1–4473‐5120‐7 (Pbk), £21.431
Responses to prenatal opioid and alcohol abuse: A review of US and Australian mandatory reporting laws1
Pharyngeal trauma: When to suspect physical abuse1
Criteria‐Based Content Analysis in Child Sexual Abuse Cases: A Cross‐Cultural Perspective1
Community views on ‘Can perinatal services safely identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents experiencing complex trauma?’1
Child protection during the perinatal period: Innovation in assessment and practice1
Factors affecting frequency of child maltreatment in South Korea1
‘Letting you share when you need to share’: navigating the potential and precarity of friends and peers for UK young people after sexual abuse in adolescence1
Disclosure of parental physical abuse: Patterns in disclosure attempts among Norwegian teenagers1
Understanding practice with culturally and linguistically diverse children and young people who have experienced domestic and family violence: A practitioner perspective1
Issue Information1
Assessing Sexual Behaviours in Children and Young People: A Realistic Evaluation of the Brook Traffic Light Tool1
Adverse childhood experiences for schools e‐learning modules by mind‐Ed, a health education England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies, funded by the Department of Health an1
Issue Information1
Collaboration between Criminal Justice and Child Protection in Cases of Child Sexual Abuse: Unveiling Inhibiting and Facilitating Factors1
Eliminating online child sexual abuse material by RickBrown, Routledge Publisher. 2022. £ 35.99.pp.206. (978‐1‐003‐32726‐4 (ebook). DOI:
Re: Let's not overlook those children who are subject to ‘Care Orders at home’.1
Emergency Medicine Physicians' Screening Practices for Physical Child Abuse in Infants with Skull Fractures1
The Impact of Bullying on Deaf Children and Young People, e‐learning modules by the National Deaf Children's society, 2022, available free of charge at‐services/services‐fo1
Gender‐Based Violence in Children's SportBy GretchenKerr, London: Routledge, 2023. 170 pp. £125.00 (hardcover), ISBN: 97803674736621
Families of four‐year‐old children experiencing violence: A national survey of parents and public health nurses on help and support1
Adverse childhood experiences and potential pathways to filicide perpetration: A systematic search and review1
The protective power of friendship, advocacy and activism: A short report on the experiences of Who Cares? members and allies1
Issue Information1
Adverse childhood experiences and smoking status in children: A systematic review and meta‐analysis1
Traffic Light Tool e‐Learning Course [to support professionals' use of Brook's sexual behaviours Traffic Light Tool to identify, understand and respond appropriately to sexual behaviours in young peop1
Child welfare worker wellness: An ethical imperative in the service of children1
Issue Information1
A review of safeguarding in grassroots football: Children and young people's perspectives1
How a collapsing state impacts child safeguarding: Reflecting on the challenges of implementing a hospital‐based child safeguarding program in Lebanon1
Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse: The Effect of an Educational Programme on the Attitude, Knowledge and Behaviours of a Sample of Iranian Nurses1
The Child's world: The essential guide to assessing vulnerable children, young people and their families. JanHorwath and DendyPlatt, Jessica KingsleyPublishers, London and Philadelphia, 2019, 695p. IS1
False Controversy Regarding Abusive Head Trauma Endangers Vulnerable Children1
High‐Risk Behaviours, Suicide and Social Isolation in Street Adolescents in Iran: A Cross‐Sectional Descriptive Study1
Gender Differences in Cumulative Abuse, Bystander Intervention and Long‐Term Effects on Health and Intimate Partner Violence1
Gender Differences in the Disclosure of Sexual Abuse in Chilean Adolescents1
Issue Information1
Are Child Welfare Intervention Rates Higher or Lower in Areas Targeted for Enhanced Early Years Services?1
Clown doctors and forensic paediatricians enhance the patient experience at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne1
Assessment Tools in Child Protection Practice and Research1
Measuring accumulation: Constructing a tool for evaluating cumulative harm in children engaged with an intensive family support service0
Adverse childhood experiences and college student health promotion outcomes: Another perspective on the trauma‐health relationship0
Issue Information0
Issue Information0
‘From their own words’: A co‐produced study interpreting children and young people's experiences of emotional abuse and neglect expressed in anonymous, online peer‐peer message forums0
Friends and safeguarding: Young people's views about safety and to whom they would share safety concerns0
Child Sexual Abuse Reported by Adult Survivors: Legal Responses in England and Wales, Ireland and Australia, by SineadRing, KateGleeson and KimStevenson. NewYork, Routledge. 2022. pp350. £120 (hardbac0
The Development of Guidance for Responding to Disclosure of Non‐recent Child Sexual Abuse within a Large Provider of Health Services for Adults and Children0
Child marriage and education in the context of a global pandemic: Exploring the gendered implications of COVID‐inspired school closures in Ghana0
Disorganized attachment, mentalization and dissociation in context of childhood trauma: Implications for depressive symptoms0
‘Almost everything else goes to the wayside’: Experiences of caseworkers, middle managers and leaders responding to child fatality and near fatality cases0
Families with Parental Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Narrative Review of Family‐Focused Practice0
Book Review0
A Study of Alternative Measures in Resolving Cases of Child Sexual Abuse among the Ga Community in Accra, Ghana0
The unique relationship between childhood sexual abuse, self‐injury and suicide ideation: The mediating role of emotion dysregulation0
Issue Information0
Keeping Children Safe in Out‐of‐School‐Hours Care: Perceptions of Staff and Managers of One Provider in Sydney, Australia0
Examining the moderating effects of school factors on sense of acceptance and mental health: A multilevel analysis0
Parental substance misuse and statutory child protection in England: Risk factors and outcomes0
What do you Think about Parenting? Challenges to Cohesiveness in Child Protection Teams0
Sexual Trauma in Childhood and Adulthood as Predictors of Psychotic‐like Experiences: The Mediating Role of Dissociation0
‘In practice it can be so much harder’: Young people's approaches and experiences of supporting friends experiencing domestic abuse0
The role of parents' attitudes towards children's use of communication technologies and school climate in coping with cyberbullying among high school students in Turkey0
‘What am I Bringing into the Room?’ Perception and Management of Interviewer Bias in Child Sexual Abuse Interviews: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis0
When quantity takes on a quality of its own: A retrospective exploration of the lived experience of cumulative harm0
Developing an Understanding of Complex Trauma Among Child Sexual Assault Survivors in South Africa: Implications for Practice0
Circular reasoning, confessions and abusive head trauma: A critical analysis of Edwards et al. (2020)0
Oxford handbook of child protection systems. By Jill Duerr Berrick, Neil Gilbert, Marit Skivenes, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2023. pp. 1016 (hardback) £138.99 ISBN: 9780197503546 https://doi.org0
Consequences of parental neglect of academic performance Brazilian child0
Developing Effective Anti‐Bullying Practice: Free Online CPD Training for Professionals developed by the Anti‐Bullying Alliance as part of its All Together programme. Available: https://www.ant0
Social Worker and Midwife Decision Making Regarding Child Protection Risk and the Unborn Baby: A Qualitative Study0
Tailoring service and system design for families known to child protection: A rapid exploratory analysis of the characteristics of families0
Self‐Esteem, Family Support and Online Grooming Risk Among Adolescents: The Role of Problematic Internet Usage0
Issue Information0
Abusive head trauma follows witnessed infant shaking0
How Child‐Focused are Child Protection Conferences?0
High risk of severe child abuse and poly‐victimisation in families with parental substance misuse – results from a swedish school‐based survey0
Gastrointestinal problems and non‐Oral feeding in children evaluated for medical child abuse (fabricated and induced illness)0
The silver lining of parental migration on left‐behind adolescents' academic well‐being in China: A systematic review0
Issue Information0
Using Parental Attachment in Family Court Proceedings: An Empirical Study of the DMM‐AAI0
Comparing Child Homicide: An Examination of Characteristics by Degrees of Intimacy0
Factors Associated with Child Maltreatment Fatality among Young Children with an Open Child Protective Services Case at Death0
Multi‐Agency Safeguarding in a Public Protection World: A Handbook for Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults (2nd Edition) by RussellWate and NigelBoulton, Pavilion Publishing and Media, Shoreham 0
‘I just know I am upset, and thats it!’: The role of adolescents’ attachment, emotions, and relationship with caregivers in residential care0
A qualitative study of the perspectives of designated safeguarding leads responding to child protection concerns in fee‐paying schools0
Adults' interpretation of invitations using the word ‘time’0
Evaluating the Use of Trauma‐Informed Mental Health Assessment Measures in Care Planning for Children and Adolescents in Out‐of‐Home Residential Care in Singapore0
Professionals' Views on Responding to County Lines‐Related Criminal Exploitation in the West Midlands, UK0
Hearing the Voice of the Child in Safeguarding Processes: Exploring Different Voices and Competing Narratives0
‘Nothing happened’: Legal implications of false denials among abused children0
Issue Information0
Child Fostering and the Question of Child Labour in Northern Ghana's Alleged Witches' Camps0
MyCourtroom: Rosie's family go to court, interactive training simulation by the Centre for Child Protection, University of Kent and Cafcass, 2016. Details about the simulation, including licensing, ar0
Making connections with vulnerable children and families: Creative tools and resources for practice By JanHorwarth, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2024. £29.99. ISBN: 9781787757950. Illustrated 0
Building Rapport in Interviews with Adolescent Trafficking Victims0
Addressing the Complexity of Violent Discipline: A Perspective from Taoyuan Psychiatric Center, Taiwan0
Does money motivate prospective foster parents? Are responses from high vs. low‐income towns different? Evidence from Google advertising0
Using Parental Attachment in Family Court Proceedings: DMM Theory about the Adult Attachment Interview0
Using self‐report surveys in schools to study violence in alternative care: A methodological approach0
Issue Information0
Abusive Head Trauma through Shaking: Examination of the Perpetrators According to Dating of the Traumatic Event0
Home‐visiting mental health professionals' differentiations between acceptable and unacceptable parent discipline behaviours in Hong Kong: A q‐study0
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse: A Practitioner's Guide to Working with Families by HelenBonnick, Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd, Shoreham by Sea, 2019. 268pp. ISBN 978‐1‐912755‐25‐7 (Pbk), £29.0
Child sexual abuse reported by adult survivors: Legal responses in England and Wales, Ireland and Australia By SinéadRing, KateGleeson, KimStevenson, Routledge New York. 2022. pp. 338. £130.00 (hbk); 0
Willingness to Intervene in Child Abuse and Neglect: An Exploratory Study0
Evaluation of incest cases in Sivas: Ten‐year retrospective study0
What Is the Outcome When Schools Report Concern for a Child to the Norwegian Child Welfare and Protection Services?0
If we Ask, Will they Tell? (and Then, What?): Screening for Sexual Violence against Children in Kenya0
Development and initial validation of the me and my child interview to assess parental acceptance–rejection0
Are we starting to ‘think family’? evidence from a case file audit of parents and children supported by mental health, addictions and children's services0
School‐based interventions to reduce teacher violence against children: a systematic review0
Transgender identity and experiences of sexual harassment in adolescence0
Adverse childhood experiences: Pathways to internalising and externalising problems in young adulthood0
Integration of a Sexual Abuse Prevention Programme in the First‐Grade Indonesian Curriculum to Improve Children's Self‐Protection0
A review of the relationship between poverty and child abuse and neglect: Insights from scoping reviews, systematic reviews and meta‐analyses0
Emotional awareness, child maltreatment and child exposed to intimate partner violence: A systematic review of their relationship with symptoms and protective factors0
Children's Human Rights to ‘Participation’ and ‘Protection’: Rethinking the relationship using Barnahus as a case example0
Context matters: Conceptualising and operationalising the contextual prevention of child sexual abuse0
HIV biomedical approaches among sexual minority men with childhood sexual abuse histories: A systematic review0
The adverse childhood experiences—International questionnaire in clinical and at‐risk samples worldwide: A systematic review (part II)0
‘Educate, Empower and Inspire’: An Evaluation of a Preventative Service for Young People at Risk of Sexual Exploitation0
Recognising Limitations: Author's Response0
What Helps? Mothers' and Children's Experiences of Community‐Based Early Intervention Programmes for Domestic Violence0
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse: Family Interventions with Non‐Violent Resistance by DeclanCoogan, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, 2018. 264pp. ISBN 978–1–84905‐711‐0 (Pbk). £22.990
Issue Information0
Pitfalls, Paradox and Perplexity0
Speak out, stay safe: Including children with special educational needs and disabilities in an evaluation of an abuse prevention programme0
Developing a statistical model for assessment of referrals of children at risk0
Safeguarding Children When Fabricated or Induced Illness is Suspected or Proven0
The effect of training about child sexual, physical and emotional abuse0
Reimagining medical aftercare for sex‐trafficked youth0
Does Harsh Parenting Really Harm? A Systematic Review of Studies in China0
Issue Information0
Subsequent child protection contact for a cohort of children reported to child protection prenatally in one Australian jurisdiction0
Does the BuRN‐Tool Score Correctly Predict Cases of Maltreatment in Children Referred for a Child Protection Medical Assessment?0
Development of a framework for classifying threat and neglect in childhood: A qualitative study0
The use of demeanour to assess the credibility of child victims in sexual interference trials0
Multiagency safeguarding arrangements during and beyond the Covid‐19 pandemic: Identifying shared learning0
Recognising Limitations: Pitfalls in Drawing Conclusions about Abusive Head Trauma0
Retinal Haemorrhages in Childhood Encephalopathies: Review of a Prospective Research Programme0
The TSPCAN project: A qualitative evaluation with undergraduate students trained in child abuse prevention in Turkey0
Qatari mothers’ beliefs in child disciplinary methods and their reported use: A cross‐sectional study0
The Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Care of the Irish State—Professionals' Perspectives0
Disorders in the Executive Performance of Children Suffering Abuse0
Issue Information0
Tackling the ‘normalisation of neglect’: Messages from child protection reviews in England0
Friends, peers and safeguarding0
Child protection and developmental trajectories of children who entered care as infants0
Frequency of Child Abuse Before, During and After Confinement by COVID‐19: A Multicentre Cross‐Sectional Study in Bogotá0
Commercial sexual exploitation of children in Zimbabwe: A threat to human and social development0