Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence

(The median citation count of Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The risks associated with Artificial General Intelligence: A systematic review61
Credit Card Fraud Detection under Extreme Imbalanced Data: A Comparative Study of Data-level Algorithms53
Human detection based on deep learning YOLO-v2 for real-time UAV applications38
A Survey of Deep Learning Techniques for the Analysis of COVID-19 and their usability for Detecting Omicron35
Exploratory data analysis, classification, comparative analysis, case severity detection, and internet of things in COVID-19 telemonitoring for smart hospitals35
COVID-19 health analysis and prediction using machine learning algorithms for Mexico and Brazil patients34
An intelligent ensemble classification method based on multi-layer perceptron neural network and evolutionary algorithms for breast cancer diagnosis28
A Deep Learning Modified Neural Network(DLMNN) based proficient sentiment analysis technique on Twitter data19
LBO-MPAM: Ladybug Beetle Optimization-based multilayer perceptron attention module for segmenting the skin lesion and automatic localization18
Fuzzy whale optimisation algorithm: a new hybrid approach for automatic sonar target recognition18
Fitness-distance balance based artificial ecosystem optimisation to solve transient stability constrained optimal power flow problem17
Blockchain-based privacy preservation framework for healthcare data in cloud environment14
Guaranteed cost leaderless consensus for uncertain Markov jumping multi-agent systems14
A new hybrid Pythagorean fuzzy AHP and COCOSO MCDM based approach by adopting artificial intelligence technologies14
Cellular automata-based optimised routing for secure data transmission in wireless sensor networks13
Emergency Management Case-Based Reasoning Systems: A Survey of Recent Developments12
Prediction of cardiovascular disease using deep learning algorithms to prevent COVID 1910
A human fall detection framework based on multi-camera fusion10
Application of Artificial Intelligence on Post Pandemic Situation and Lesson Learn for Future Prospects10
A novel machine learning approach for rice yield estimation10
A review of feature selection methods based on meta-heuristic algorithms10
Topological machine learning for multivariate time series9
Predicting focal point solution in divergent interest tacit coordination games9
Three-dimensional route planning for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles using Salp Swarm Algorithm9
Mean-square exponential input-to-state stability of stochastic fuzzy delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks9
Artificial intelligence methods to support the research of destination image in tourism. A systematic review8
Modified layer deep convolution neural network for text-independent speaker recognition8
Multi-attribute strict two-sided matching methods with interval-valued preference ordinal information8
Correlation-based Oversampling aided Cost Sensitive Ensemble learning technique for Treatment of Class Imbalance8
Simultaneous localisation and mapping for autonomous underwater vehicle using a combined smooth variable structure filter and extended kalman filter7
Detection of COVID-19 Disease in Chest X-Ray Images with capsul networks: application with cloud computing7
Gamification in training with next generation AI- virtual reality, animation design and immersive technology6
COVIDPRO-NET: a prognostic tool to detect COVID 19 patients from lung X-ray and CT images using transfer learning and Q-deformed entropy6
Neural network-based multi-view enhanced multi-learner active learning: theory and experiments6
The role of an ant colony optimisation algorithm in solving the major issues of the cloud computing6
Machine translation model for effective translation of Hindi poetries into English6
Early diagnosis of COVID-19 patients using deep learning-based deep forest model6
An empirical evaluation of text representation schemes to filter the social media stream6
Understanding the intent behind sharing misinformation on social media5
Finite-time reliable sampled-data control for fractional-order memristive neural networks with quantisation5
A tuned feed-forward deep neural network algorithm for effort estimation5
An efficient banana plant leaf disease classification using optimal ensemble deep transfer network5
Cognitive framework and learning paradigms of plant leaf classification using artificial neural network and support vector machine5
CF-PPI: Centroid based new feature extraction approach for Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction5
Intrusion detection method based on imbalanced learning classification5
Gated Attention Based Deep Learning Model for Analyzing the Influence of Social Media on Education5
An Optimisation driven Deep Residual Network for Sybil attack detection with reputation and trust-based misbehaviour detection in VANET5
Merging slime mould with whale optimization algorithm for optimal allocation of hybrid power flow controller in power system5
Thyroid Disorder Diagnosis by Optimal Convolutional Neuron based CNN Architecture5
Majority re-sampling via sub-class clustering for imbalanced datasets4
Crispr biosensing and Ai driven tools for detection and prediction of Covid-194
An optimal context-aware content-based movie recommender system using genetic algorithm: a case study on MovieLens dataset4
Multi-objective optimisation model and hybrid optimization algorithm for Electric Vehicle Charge Scheduling4
A novel study to increase the classification parameters on automatic three-class COVID-19 classification from CT images, including cases from Turkey4
A hybrid optimizer based on backtracking search and differential evolution for continuous optimization4
A computer aided plant leaf classification based on optimal feature selection and enhanced recurrent neural network4
Epidemic Prediction using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models on COVID-19 Data4
Quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization of convolutional neural network for fault diagnosis4
The extent of the teacher academic development from the accreditation evaluation system perspective using machine learning3
Hybrid optimised deep learning-deep belief network for attack detection in the internet of things3
Learning Attribute-guided Fashion Similarity with Spatial and Channel Attention3
Group-based Pythagorean fuzzy soft sets with medical decision-making applications3
Evolutionary multi-objective customer segmentation approach based on descriptive and predictive behaviour of customers: application to the banking sector3
Escaping the No Free Lunch Theorem: A Priori Advantages of Regret-Based Meta-Induction3
Towards an energy management system based on a multi-agent architecture and LSTM networks3
Artificial intelligence: reflecting on the past and looking towards the next paradigm shift3
Refined PSO Clustering for Not Well-Separated Data3
The synchronization and stability analysis of delayed fuzzy Cohen-Grossberg neural networks via nonlinear measure method3
Hybrid optimisation dependent deep belief network for lane detection3
A Novel Approach of Linguistic Picture Fuzzy Dombi Heronian Mean Operators and their Application to Emergency Program Selection3
A novel solution of an elastic net regularisation for dementia knowledge discovery using deep learning3
Empirical analyses of genetic algorithm and grey wolf optimiser to improve their efficiency with a new multi-objective weighted fitness function for feature selection in machine learning classificatio3
Convergence analysis of a patch structure Nicholson’s blowflies system involving an oscillating death rate3
Blockchain-based cryptographic approach for privacy enabled data integrity model for IoT healthcare3
Reinforcement with iterative punishment3
Knowledge structure construction and skill reduction methods based on multi-scale context3
An investigation of solutions for handling incomplete online review datasets with missing values3
Learning attack-defense response in continuous-time discrete-states Stackelberg Security Markov games3
Efficacy Determination of Various Base Networks in Single Shot Detector for Automatic Mask Localisation in a Post COVID Setup2
Multi-feature fusion refine network for video captioning2
Almost periodic stability on a delay Nicholson’s blowflies equation2
Enhanced unsupervised neural machine translation by cross lingual sense embedding and filtered back-translation for morphological and endangered Indic languages2
Why we need biased AI: How including cognitive biases can enhance AI systems2
Blockchain based holistic trust management protocol for ubiquitous and pervasive IoT network2
Brazilian Forest Dataset: A new dataset to model local biodiversity2
Optimization enabled deep learning method in container-based architecture of hybrid cloud for portability and interoperability-based application migration2
Raising the Bar for Theories of Categorisation and Concept Learning: The Need to Resolve Five Basic Paradigmatic Tensions2
Analogy as a search procedure: a dimensional view2
A fuzzy logic-based method for designing an urban transport network using a shark smell optimisation algorithm2
Community Based Influencer Node Identification using Hybrid Optimisation Algorithm in Social Networks2
Explainable spiking neural network for real time feature classification2
Radio galaxies classification system using machine learning techniques in the IoT Era2
Decision support system (DSS) for traffic prediction and building a dynamic internet community using Netnography technology in the city of Amman2
Chaotic whale-atom search optimization-based deep stacked auto encoder for crowd behaviour recognition2
Blind separation of speech from aortic regurgitation signals using Dhoulath’s method2
Determining the most accurate machine learning algorithms for medical diagnosis using the monk’ problems database and statistical measurements2
Evolutionary gravitational neocognitron neural network based block chain technology for a secured dynamic optimal routing in wireless sensor networks2
A Prolog application for reasoning on maths puzzles with diagrams2
Feature selection based on ACO and knowledge graph for Arabic text classification2
Chunk-based incremental feature learning for credit-card fraud data stream2
Attention-based 3D convolutional networks2
A novel convolutional Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative mask for medical image edge analysis2
AFedAvg: communication-efficient federated learning aggregation with adaptive communication frequency and gradient sparse2
Evaluation of clustering techniques on Urdu News head-lines: a case of short length text2
Missing value imputation and the effect of feature normalisation on financial distress prediction2
Collaborative filtering based on multiple attribute decision making2
Enhanced type-2 Wang-Mendel Approach2
Method for evaluating plan recovery strategies in dynamic multi-agent environments2
Anytime clustering of data streams while handling noise and concept drift2
The future of endoscopy – what are the thoughts on artificial intelligence?2
A compact MLCP-based projection recurrent neural network model to solve shortest path problem2
A novel e-healthcare diagnosing system for COVID-19 via whale optimization algorithm2
Detection of Epilepsy patients using coot optimization based feed forward multilayer neural network1
Satellite fault tolerant attitude control based on expert guided exploration of reinforcement learning agent1
Improving flexibility in cloud computing using optimal multipurpose particle swarm algorithm with auction rules1
Integrated framework for EMD–Boruta-LDA feature extraction and SVM classification in coal and gas outbursts1
Fusing clinical and image data for detecting the severity of breast cancer by a novel hierarchical approach1
An optimal detection of fake news from Twitter data using dual-stage deep capsule autoencoder1
KreolStem: A hybrid language-dependent stemmer for Kreol Morisien1
Neural networks with dimensionality reduction for efficient springback prediction in deep drawing of multi-material cylindrical cups1
Development of human decision making model with consideration of human factors through reinforcement learning and prospect utility theory1
Robot arm navigation using deep deterministic policy gradient algorithms1
New findings on global exponential stability of inertial neural networks with both time-varying and distributed delays1
A classification-based fuzzy-rules proxy model to assist in the full model selection problem in high volume datasets1
AIDrugApp: artificial intelligence-based Web-App for virtual screening of inhibitors against SARS-COV-21
Fast copula variational inference1
Block-based pseudo-relevance feedback for image retrieval1
TransPose Re-ID: transformers for pose invariant person Re-identification1
Human pose completion in partial body camera shots1
Effective algorithms for mining frequent-utility itemsets1
Intelligent analysis of irregular physical factors for panic disorder using quantum probability1
Generalized correlation coefficients of intuitionistic multiplicative sets and their applications to pattern recognition and clustering analysis1
Data-driven reliable prediction of production indicators in the blast furnace using TS fuzzy neural network based on bat algorithm1
State-of-the-Art in Automated Story Generation Systems Research1
Efficient fireworks algorithms for dynamic optimisation problems in continuous space1
A novel plant leaf disease detection by adaptive fuzzy C-Means clustering with deep neural network1
Weighted holoentropy-based features with optimised deep belief network for automatic sentiment analysis: reviewing product tweets1
Selective AnDE based on attributes ranking by Maximin Conditional Mutual Information (MMCMI)1
Integration of local position-POS awareness and global dense connection for ABSA1
Determining context of association rules by using machine learning1
Engineered wisdom for learning machines1
Overlapping word removal is all you need: revisiting data imbalance in hope speech detection1
K–L divergence-based distance measure for Pythagorean fuzzy sets with various applications1
A systematic mapping study on agent mining1
Intelligent hybrid hand gesture recognition system using deep recurrent neural network with chaos game optimisation1
Universal approximation with neural networks on function spaces1
Novel FNN-based machine deep learning approach for image aggregation in application of the IoT1
Explicit matrix gradient expression for residual network1
A comprehensive survey on the ant lion optimiser, variants and applications1
Computer-aided COVID-19 diagnosis: a possibility?1
Ensemble feature selection using q-rung orthopair hesitant fuzzy multi criteria decision making extended to VIKOR1
A scaling up approach: a research agenda for medical imaging analysis with applications in deep learning1
A Novel Multispectral Maritime Target classification based on ThermalGAN (RGB-to-Thermal Image Translation)1
Intelligent system for solid waste classification using combination of image processing and machine learning models1
Improved Cascade Chaotic Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (ICCIWO), application to controller tuning and optimization1
Organising lexica into analogical grids: a study of a holistic approach for morphological generation under various sizes of data in various languages1
A new fitness function in genetic programming for classification of imbalanced data1
Ancillary mechanism for autonomous decision-making process in asymmetric confrontation: a view from Gomoku1
Anti-periodic stability on a class of neutral-type Rayleigh equations involving D operators1
Understanding the effects of negative (and positive) pointwise mutual information on word vectors1
Optimisation algorithm in health care: review on the State-of-the-Art models1
A novel Hybrid Harris hawk sine cosine optimization algorithm for reactive power optimization problem1
Improving the performance of deep learning-based classification when a sample has various appearances1
A QoS-based technique for load balancing in green cloud computing using an artificial bee colony algorithm1
Unsupervised SMT: an analysis of Indic languages and a low resource language1
Boosting symbiotic organism search algorithm with ecosystem service for dynamic blood allocation in blood banking system1
Projection: a mechanism for human-like reasoning in Artificial Intelligence1
Emotion recognition in election day tweets using optimised kernel extreme learning machine classifier1
Intelligent computational of Experimental Study of Intermittent Feed High-speed Grinding Method utilising PSO basis FEM Solver1