Journal of Radiological Protection

(The median citation count of Journal of Radiological Protection is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Development of operational intervention levels for events with release of radionuclides62
Evaluation of the contamination droplet model used for the assessment of skin dose during the manipulation of radiopharmaceuticals27
The Health Physics Society’s ‘Ask-The-Expert’ feature: widening public support through empathy and science26
Object and person tracking systems to enable extremity dosimetry in nuclear medicine using computational methods23
Urban working groups in the IAEA’s model testing programmes: overview from the MODARIA I and MODARIA II programmes23
Review of ethical values across the ICRP’s system of radiological protection23
Bounding uncertainties around the conceptual representation of species in radiological assessment in the context of routine atmospheric release19
Radiation exposure to allied health personnel handling blood specimens from patients receiving radioactive iodine-131 and recombinant human TSH (thyrogen®) stimulation19
Mitigation of radiation exposure during surgical hepatectomy after yttrium-90 radioembolization18
Wire mesh capped DRPS based bronchial dosimeter for personal inhalation dosimetry due to radon progeny17
Note on testing of radiological events in conventional and dental radiology16
Studies large and small: the Bernard Wheatley Award for 202215
Improving models and data for radiological impact assessment: work carried out under the IAEA MODARIA programme15
Estimation and sensitivity analysis of operational intervention levels for the early phase of radiological emergencies involving radioactive releases14
Combined radiation burn injuries: A note14
Improved clearance verification14
Four-decade follow-up of a plutonium-contaminated puncture wound treated with Ca-DTPA14
Could imaging with monochromatic x-ray beams become a reality in all our hospitals?13
Safety culture to improve accidental event reporting in radiotherapy12
Influence of tube and patient positioning in thoracoabdominal CT examinations on radiation exposure–towards a better patient positioning12
Applicability of ‘Toolkit for Safety Assessment’ tool to interventional radiology using probabilistic risk assessment techniques11
The role of radiation protection societies in tackling the skills shortage and development of young professionals and researchers11
Plant based radioprotectors as an adjunct to radiotherapy: advantages and limitations11
Activity estimates of localised gamma emitting radionuclides using a GR-135 survey meter11
Simplified approach to estimation of organ absorbed doses for patients undergoing abdomen and pelvis CT examination11
X-ray spectrometry for calculating conversion coefficients from air kerma to operational quantities in radiation protection10
Assessment of scattered radiation from hand-held dental x-ray equipment using the Monte Carlo method10
Residential radon exposure in Astana and Aqsu, Kazakhstan10
Priority issues and key findings from evaluation of disposal records for a legacy radioactive waste site10
The young generation in radiation protection (IRPA YGN) in social media and online learning: ‘Brave New World’ or ‘Online Nightmare’?10
Towards an ecological modelling approach for assessing ionizing radiation impact on wildlife populations9
On the fake accuracy in radiation protection9
Political issues encouraging discrimination and prejudice associated with radiation exposure in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) incident for political purposes: a case of five former9
Radon in Finnish underground mines 2011–20199
The future of our radiation protection profession9
Assessment of doses in contaminated urban areas: modelling exercise based on Fukushima data9
Monitoring of surgical staff x-ray exposure in the operating room with DosiBadge9
JRODOS customization for Pakistan and assessment of the consequences of a hypothetical nuclear accident8
An investigation into potential improvements in the design of lead glasses for protecting the eyes of interventional cardiologists8
Estimated risk of radiation-induced cancer following breast screening employing tomosynthesis and digital mammography8
‘‘Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, 10 years on—progress, lessons and challenges", OECD/NEA 20218
Update: History of radiation detriment and its calculation methodology used in ICRP Publication 103 (2019 J. Radiol. Prot. 39 R19−R35)8
Characterization of OSL dosimeters used at the ELI-beamlines laser-driven accelerator facility8
Monte Carlo modelling of an x-ray chamber for providing inactivation exposures to viruses7
Relationship between assistant’s lens exposure and dose information during computed tomography examinations7
Usefulness and limitations of various detector systems for estimation of 131I thyroid activity following an RN event7
Radiation exposure in the intra-arterial nimodipine therapy of subarachnoid hemorrhage related cerebral vasospasm7
United States medical preparedness for nuclear and radiological emergencies7
Approaches to the definition of potentially exposed groups and potentially exposed populations of biota in the context of solid radioactive waste7
Current status of diagnostic reference levels in interventional cardiology7
Consideration of the conversion factor from air dose rates to individual external dose per hour after the Fukushima accident—individual external dose measurements of a TEPCO employee in Fukushima pref7
Impact of shield location on staff and caregiver dose rates for I-131 radiopharmaceutical therapy patients6
Feasibility study of computational occupational dosimetry: evaluating a proof-of-concept in an endovascular and interventional cardiology setting6
Quantitative investigation of gamma radiation in accelerator produced ISO neutron fields6
NCRP commentary no. 33—recommendations for stratification of equipment use and radiation safety training for fluoroscopy6
A European perspective on dental cone beam computed tomography systems with a focus on optimisation utilising diagnostic reference levels6
Radiological risk assessment of outdoor 222Rn and 220Rn around rare earth element and uranium mines from northern Vietnam6
Remediation of the uranium industry in the Czech Republic: regulation aspects and main technologies6
Assessing lead curtains’ impact on radiation protection in coronary interventions6
Mortality from various diseases of the circulatory system in the Russian Mayak nuclear worker cohort: 1948–20186
The scientific basis for the use of the linear no-threshold (LNT) model at low doses and dose rates in radiological protection6
Eye-lens dose rate conversion factors due to hot particles and surface contaminations on the cornea6
Mesenchymal stromal cells in the regeneration of radiation-induced organ sequelae: will they make the difference?6
Neutron shielding assessment of a 16O hadron therapy room by means of Monte Carlo simulations with the PHITS code6
The Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety—30 years of international coordination of radiation protection and safety matters6
The use of dose quantities in radiological protection: ICRP publication 147 Ann ICRP 50(1) 20215
Radiological risk evaluation applied to aerial evacuation procedures in a nuclear scenario5
Communicating radiation risk: the role of public engagement in reaching ALARA5
131I dose coefficients for a reference population using age-specific models5
Variability of indoor radon concentration in UK homes5
Overview of epidemiological studies of nuclear workers: opportunities, expectations, and limitations 5
Occupational eye lens dose in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography using a dedicated eye lens dosimeter5
Age-based diagnostic reference levels and achievable doses for paediatric CT: a survey in Shanghai, China5
A review of current inventory for major industries involving naturally occurring radioactive materials in Canada5
Methods of improving brain dose estimates for internally deposited radionuclides *5
Radiation exposure to the lens of the eye for Japanese nuclear power plant workers5
Virtual estimation of effective dose in neutron fields5
Communication of radiation risk from imaging studies: an IAEA-coordinated international survey5
A biokinetic model for systemic sodium5
Lead aprons and thyroid collars: to be, or not to be?5
Corrigendum: Comparison of the UNSCEAR isodose maps for annual external exposure in Fukushima with those obtained based on airborne monitoring surveys (2018 J. Radiol. Prot. 38 310)5
A strategy for achieving optimisation of radiological protection in digital radiology proposed by ICRP5
Radiological safety assessment for transportation of reactor pressure vessel during decommissioning of a nuclear power plant in Korea5
Medical gamma cameras in radiological emergency preparedness: determination of calibration factors and MDA for the GE Discovery NM/CT 670 Pro5
Variations in size-specific effective dose with patient stature and beam width for kV cone beam CT imaging in radiotherapy5
Absorbed dose coefficients for pediatric differentiated thyroid cancer patients undergoing radioiodine therapy5
Low doses of ionising radiation: definitions and contexts5
Conversion coefficients from total air kerma to the newly proposed ICRU/ICRP operational quantities for radiation protection for photon reference radiation qualities5
Management and cleanup of legacy radium-contaminated sites in the United States5
Evaluation of radiation dose and image quality for dental cone-beam computed tomography in pediatric patients5
The influence of building material structure on radon emanation5
Radiation protection infrastructure—challenges in developing countries5
Measurement of individual external doses of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings employees working in Fukushima Prefecture and the relationship between individual external doses and air dose rates in4
A study of dose indicators during intra-arterial catheter implantation for liver chemotherapy4
Development of alimentary tract organs for ICRP pediatric mesh-type reference computational phantoms4
Radiation exposure of astronauts following an intense solar particle event: analysis and comparison of doses in male and female voxel phantoms4
In situ gamma spectrometry using a portable HPGe detector. Radiological characterisation and environmental surveillance around an operating nuclear power plant. Possibilities and limits.4
Summary and analysis of Russian and international requirements for the safe management of very low level radioactive waste and production waste containing very low active radionuclides4
Women in radiation: a brief discussion of the intersectionality of race and gender4
A survey of patient contact shielding in dental teaching hospitals in the UK4
Effective methods for monitoring internal contamination among workers handling radioactive materials in various fields4
Radiological impact of the atomic centre Centro Atómico Ezeiza on humans and non-human biota4
Referring physician perspective on how to handle frequent use of CT imaging4
Radiation protection in a cohort of healthcare workers: knowledge, attitude, practices, feelings and IR-exposure in French hospitals4
Book Review: The Environmental Behaviour of Uranium, IAEA Technical Reports Series No. 4884
A review of radiation doses and associated parameters in Western Australian mining operations (2020-23)4
Validating the application of the revised ICRP’s biokinetic models for organic 14C and organically bound tritium to members of the public4
Role of molecularly-cloned hematopoietic growth factors after acute high-dose radiation exposures4
Improving a regional project on diagnostic reference levels for interventional procedures (OPRIPALC) with the support of a dose management system for the protection of patients and staff4
Going out of print4
Smoking Kills: The Revolutionary Life of Richard Doll by Conrad Keating. Paperback—18 July 20144
Examination of applicability of the ISO slab phantom as calibration phantom for the new ICRU 95 operational quantity personal dose4
Modelling of long-term retention of high-fired plutonium oxide in the human respiratory tract: importance of scar-tissue compartments4
System understanding as a scientific foundation in radioactive waste disposal, legacy site and decommissioning programmes4
The need to update NCRP 151 data for 10 MV linear accelerator bunker shielding based on new measurements and Monte Carlo simulations4
Risk communication regarding radiation exposure by experts using two concepts of regulatory science and ALARA4
National survey to update the diagnostic reference levels in interventional radiology procedures in Italy: working methodology4
On the value and costs of protective actions in a nuclear emergency4
Scan factors and practices associated with radiation doses for chest CT: current Brazilian scenario4
Prototype of the National Dose Register (NDR) for Latin America: main experiences in design and implementation3
IRPA practical guidance for engagement with the public on radiation and risk3
Designing an improved model of the adult female ICRP reference phantom dedicated to mammography procedure3
Twelve years on: an evaluation of mental health status in the town of Tomioka, located within 20 km of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station3
Study on the radiation detriment3
Mitigating effects of sublethal and lethal whole-body gamma irradiation in a mouse model with soluble melanin3
Authors’ response to ‘Estimates of cardiovascular disease risk from CT scans may be premature’ (Harbron, 2024)3
Comparison of linear energy transfer measurement for therapeutic carbon beam using CR-39 and TLD3
The human dimension: the Bernard Wheatley Award for 20233
The determination of coefficients for size specific effective dose for adult and pediatric patients undergoing routine computed tomography examinations3
Review of IAEA Human Health Series report 42: Establishing and Improving Interventional Radiology3
Book Review: IAEA Safety Standard ‘Radiation protection and safety in medical uses of ionizing radiation’, SSG-46 (2018)3
Overview of the MODARIA programme (and comments on implications for future programmes of work) *3
Evaluation of the effect of radioactivity to the environment in wooden houses within the evacuation area at Fukushima3
Updated soil to fruit concentration ratios for radiocaesium compiled under the IAEA MODARIA II Programme3
Radiation levels outside a patient undergoing 177Lu-PSMA radioligand therapy3
Valid versus invalid radiation cancer risk assessment methods illustrated using Swiss population data3
Assessment of the effectiveness of Saba shielding with the composition of Cu–Bi in neck CT imaging: a phantom and patient study3
National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) 2024 annual meeting: advanced and small modular nuclear power reactors*3
Personal dosimeter utilisation among South African interventionalists3
Quality assurance for the use of computational methods in dosimetry: activities of EURADOS Working Group 6 ‘Computational Dosimetry’3
Prediction of the irradiation doses from ultrashort laser-solid interactions using different temperature scalings at moderate laser intensities3
OBITUARY: Professor Krishnaswami Sankaranarayanan (1934–2022)3
Fundamental study on diagnostic reference level quantities for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography using a C-arm fluoroscopy system3
Radiation dose to nuclear medicine technologists when operating PET/MR compared with PET/CT3
Comparison of lifetime mortality risk, incidence risk, and DALYs of baseline cancer rates among countries as a benchmark for radiation-related cancer risk3
Reflections on low-dose radiation, the misconceptions, reality and moving forward3
Keeping the ICRP recommendations fit for purpose3
Congenital abnormalities in the offspring of nuclear test veterans3
Estimation of population exposure to terrestrial gamma rays in Canada3
Radiation exposure, organ and effective dose of CT-guided liver biopsy as a function of lesion depth and size3
Numerical analysis of two-filter method for continuous measurement of airborne Rn-2223
Health risks from radioactive particles on Cumbrian beaches near the Sellafield nuclear site3
Establishment of national diagnostic reference levels for computed tomography procedures in Sri Lanka: first nationwide dose survey3
Diagnostic reference levels in digital mammography: a systematic review3
Reflections on effects of low doses and risk inference based on the UNSCEAR 2021 report on ‘biological mechanisms relevant for the inference of cancer risks from low-dose and low-dose-rate radiation’3
Radiation risks of lymphoma and multiple myeloma incidence in the updated NRRW-3 cohort in the UK: 1955–20113
Accumulation of radio-iron and plutonium, alone and in combination, in Pseudomonas putida grown in liquid cultures3
Comparing the effectiveness of learning formats in radiation protection3
Towards the establishment of national diagnostic reference levels for abdomen, KUB, and lumbar spine x-ray examinations in Sri Lanka: a multi-centric study3
Occupational doses in interventional angiography after radiological protection training and use of a real-time direct display dosimeter3
‘Radiation safety of accelerator based radioisotope production facilities’, IAEA Specific Safety Guide (SSG-59), 20203
Tritium in environmental objects in the area affected by FSUE Mayak Production Association in 2014–153
Use of real-time electronic extremity dosimeters for monitoring and optimisation of radiopharmacy technique3
Corrigendum: Optimizing whole body computed tomography doses for paediatric trauma patients: a Swiss retrospective analysis (2022 J. Radiol. Prot. 42 021521)3
Shape of radiation dose response relationship for ischaemic heart disease mortality and its interpretation: analysis of the national registry for radiation workers (NRRW) cohort3
Estimation and analysis of S values for 131I using paediatric mesh type reference computational phantoms2
Losing the balance in risk-benefit analysis2
Visual impression and texture analysis of advanced modeled iterative reconstruction (ADMIRE): improved assessment of image quality in CT for better estimation of dose reduction potential2
Special issues and computational techniques: the Bernard Wheatley Award for 20212
Experiences in radiological risk assessment of a surface waste disposal facility in Chişinău, Moldova2
The 2019–2023 Strategic Plan of the Spanish Society of Radiological Protection (SEPR)2
Surface degradation of laminated metal 226Ra foils used in school sealed sources in the UK2
Establishment of typical adult CT dose indicators for PET-CT scans in Slovenia2
Book review: Attribution of radiation health effects and inference of radiation risks—considerations for application of the IAEA safety standards, IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 1222
Archival records housed at USTUR support radium dial worker dosimetry2
Potential risks of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and cancer due to cumulative doses received from diagnostic CT scans?2
Radioactive hot-spot localisation and identification using deep learning2
Radioactive seed localization is a safe and effective tool for breast cancer surgery: an evaluation of over 25,000 cases2
Relevance of radon progeny measurements for the assessment of inhalation doses in groundwater utilities2
Survey of the publics’ preferences for communication of medical radiation risk *2
Comparison of shielding effects of over-glasses-type and regular eyewear in terms of occupational eye dose reduction2
A new phantom developed to test the ATCM performance of chest CT scanners2
Influence of the simultaneous calibration of multiple ring dosimeters on the individual absorbed dose2
A review of radiation doses and associated parameters in Western Australian mining operations (2018–20)2
Evaluation of radiation dose to the lens in interventional cardiology physicians before and after dose limit regulation changes2
Doses from ionising radiation in paediatric cardiac catheterisations in Norway 1975–20212
An age- and sex-specific biokinetic model for radon *2
Early-response multiple-parameter biodosimetry and dosimetry: risk predictions2
Investigation of the effect of using radiation protective glasses on the photon fluence-to-dose conversion coefficients of eye substructures2
Computational dose evaluation on children exposed to natural radioactivity from granitic rocks used as architectural materials2
Understanding radiological protection systems among diagnostic radiology facilities in Mumbai, India2
Review of x-ray exposure and safety issues arising from ultra-short pulse laser material processing2
Criteria for angular response of individual monitoring dosemeters2
Preliminary assessment of the radiological consequences of the hostile military occupation of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone2
Uncertainties in occupational eye lens doses from dosimeters over the apron in interventional practices2
Effective doses and risks from medical diagnostic x-ray examinations for male and female patients from childhood to old age2
ALARA in practice—4 decades of radiological protection at Goesgen NPP2
An approach to dual-energy contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (DE-CESM) using a double layer filter: dosimetric and image quality assessment2
Further development and application of a method for assessing radionuclide surface activity distribution and source location based on measurements of ambient dose equivalent rate. Examples for Andreev2
British standards, Swedish ethics2
Comparison of radiation-shielding curtains for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography staff2
Ensuring robust radiological risk assessment for wildlife: insights from the International Atomic Energy Agency EMRAS and MODARIA programmes2
Obituary for Wolfgang Weiss2
Key outcome summaries of the scientific programme of the IRPA15 congress2
Dose quantities for measurement and comparison of doses to individual patients in computed tomography (CT)2
Measurement of therapeutic 12C beam in a water phantom using CR-392
In memory of Leonid Ilyin (1928–2023)2
Predicting individuals’ preventive practices against Radon indoor exposure in Saudi Arabia: a cross sectional study2
The correction factors for UD802 dosimeters irradiated with different radiation energies and at different incidence angles2
Nuclear Terrorism: Assessment of U.S. Strategies to Prevent, Counter, and Respond to Weapons of Mass Destruction (2024). Report from the US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NAS2
Corrigendum: Valid versus invalid radiation cancer risk assessment methods illustrated using Swiss population data (2021 J. Radiol. Prot. 41 1228)2
Richard Haylock and the nuclear test veterans2
M-FISH evaluation of chromosome aberrations to examine for historical exposure to ionising radiation due to participation at British nuclear test sites2
Corrigendum: Radiation detriment calculation methodology: summary of ICRP Publication 152 (2022 J. Radiol. Prot. 42 023001)2
Why is radiological protection different in medicine? Sievert Memorial Lecture2
Lessons being learned from the Covid-19 pandemic for radiological emergencies and vice versa: report from expert discussions2
Development of paediatric mesh-type reference computational phantom series of International Commission on Radiological Protection2
Freedom from stigma in Fukushima2
US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine launch low dose research strategy initiative2
UK audit of variation in nuclear medicine occupational exposure calculations in 20212
Close contact restriction periods for patients who have received iodine-131 therapy for differentiated thyroid cancer2
Perspectives of the role of ICRP and the system of protection in meeting the United Nations sustainable development goals2
Potential harm to the skin from unfiltered krypton chloride ‘far-ultraviolet-C’ lamps, even below an occupational exposure limit2
Towards the establishment of national diagnostic reference levels in Tunisia: a multicentre survey in paediatric CT2
Trend of locally produced food avoidance among the guardians with school children in Minamisoma City after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster2
Calibration of medical gamma cameras for estimation of internal contamination from 137Cs1
Pre- and post-accident environmental transfer of radionuclides in Japan: lessons learned in the IAEA MODARIA II programme1
Optimisation of the management and regulatory supervision of nuclear decommissioning, legacy sites and radioactively contaminated land1
Impact of the incorrect use of lead drapes on staff and patient doses in interventional radiology1
High-dose radiation exposure and hypothyroidism: aetiology, prevention and replacement therapy1
Obituary: Dr Norman Elwood Gentner1
The joint roadmap for radiation protection research: outreach and future1
The acute radiation syndrome—need for updated medical guidelines1
Basis for the ICRP’s updated biokinetic model for systemic astatine1
Is there a role for haematopoietic cell transplants after radiation and nuclear accidents?1
Use of life cycle assessment (LCA) to advance optimisation of radiological protection and safety1
The Fukushima nuclear accident—a decade on1
An ultra-low-dose protocol for computed tomography-guided lung radiofrequency ablations1
Obituary David Cancio1
Response to ‘Further information about the latest study of UK nuclear test veterans’ by Susie Boniface (2022 J. Radiol. Prot. 42 024505)1
Assessment of extremity exposure to technologists working manually with 99mTc-labelled radiopharmaceuticals and with an automatic injection system for 18F-FDG1
The National Dose Registry—Canadian occupational exposure to ionising radiation, 1998–20181
Experimental examination of radiation doses from cardiac and liver CT perfusion in a phantom study as a function of organ, age and sex1
A software-based approach for calculating spatially resolved radiation exposure for structural radiation protection in nuclear medical imaging1
Preliminary assessment of genotoxic effects induced by radiation from EAST using Vicia faba micronucleus assay1
Usefulness of a lead-acrylic shield for reducing lens dose of assistant in x-ray CT examination1
Characteristic evaluation of a simple hand-made semiconductor dosimeter for mammography1
Development of a model for registration and notification of accidents and incidents in nuclear medicine1
Old enemy, new threat: you can’t solve today’s problems with yesterday’s solution1
Eye lens dose in spine surgeons during myelography procedures: a dosimetry study1