Keats-Shelley Review

(The TQCC of Keats-Shelley Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Chairman’s Report1
Chairman’s Report0
Letters from Manuela0
Peterloo and ‘Fairburn’s Editions’0
‘I May Write My name’: A Collector’s Fog-Born Elf0
Keats-Shelley 2000
Reading Peterloo as Social Practice: the Lexical Representation of Social Actors in Three London-based Papers0
On Adonais0
John Keats: The Doctors’ Poet?0
Report from Rome0
Love and Death in St Pancras Churchyard0
Elegy for Hedgehog0
The Soundscapes of Childhood in Coleridge’s Lyric Poetry0
‘A Waking Dream’: John Ferriar, Keats, and Medical Re–Enchantment0
Shelley’s Sea-Change: Ariel’s Song as Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Epitaph0
In the Kelp Forest0
The Wolves of Chernobyl0
Moving Shadows: The Influence of John Keats on the Poetry of John Tyndall0
Licentia Historica : History and Romance in Mary Shelley’s Valperga0
Chairman’s Report0
Talking about Peterloo: Manifold Oratory Speeches during the Romantic Period0
The Reverdie0
Aaron Burr and Mary Shelley’s Lodore0
Of Fame and Revelations0
Shelley and Keats Revisited: The 1820 Volumes0
The Italian Idea: Anglo-Italian Radical Literary Culture, 1815–18230
Elegy to the Motherland0
Keats, Peterloo and Seriality0
Report from Rome0
Shelley’s Gone Girl: Morbid Cherishing in Ginevra0
‘Bound in Amity to All’: Euthanasia’s Cosmopolitan Ethic of Caring0
Shelley, a Diet for Peace0
Report from Rome0
Walking About a Cemetery Always, What Endures, The Walk0
Romantic Heredity: Degeneration, Form, and Pathological Readings of ‘The Triumph of Life’0
Report from Rome0
Byron and the Mediterranean “Cult of the South”: a bicentennial symposium - University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway, June 20-22, 20240
Canny Scanning0
Report from Rome0
A Craftsman’s Tale0
Written in Water: Keats’s Final Journey0
The Intellectual Circle of Muzio Clementi in London: A Contribution to His Biography0
Why Did John Keats Judge John James Audubon (1785–1851) a Fool?0
Awarding the Peterloo Medal: The Radical Free Press and the Manchester Massacre, 1819-18210
December Moth outside a care home window0
Report from Rome0
A Romantic Rebel: Shelley’s Etonian Schooldays0
Born Under Scorpio0
On Keats’s Spenser0
An Unpublished Mary Shelley Letter0
Shelley’s Visions of Death0
Valperga at 2000
News from Keats House, Hampstead0
Don Juan: The Liberal Epic of the Nineteenth Century Don Juan: The Liberal Epic of the Nineteenth Century , by Richard Cronin, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020
The Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Volume VII0
Perspectives on Peterloo at 200: Construing and Representing the Event0
‘Translating’ Valperga : A Journey Through Mary Shelley’s Italy0
‘Rise Now from Your Slumber’: Ballads and Songs of Peterloo0
Romanticism and the Contingent Self: The Challenge of Representation0
Three Mad Men: The Interlunations of Mind in Shelley’s Julian and Maddalo0
KSMA Outstanding Achievement Award: Kelvin Everest0
Afterlives: Shelley’s Transformative Rhetoric in Queen Mab Note 170
‘That Path Where Flowers Never Grew’: Pageantry as Fertility Going Awry in ‘The Triumph of Life’0
P. B. Shelley’s The Mask of Anarchy between Ethics and Politics0
New Curator for Keats-Shelley House0
Shelley with Benjamin: A Critical Mosaic Shelley with Benjamin: A Critical Mosaic , by Mathelinda Nabugodi, London, UCL Press, 2023, xxii + 152 pp., £25.00 (paperback), 0
Of Poets, Dreamers, and Doctors: Keats as a ‘Physician to All Men’0
Some Further Complications Regarding the Keats Death Mask0
Gone with the (West) Wind: Shelley, Apostrophe, and Inept Interpellation0
New Perspectives on Byron and Godwin: The View from the Archives0