NMR in Biomedicine

(The TQCC of NMR in Biomedicine is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Nonaqueous magnetization following adiabatic and selective pulses in brain: T1 and cross‐relaxation dynamics191
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Altered Nigral Amide Proton Transfer Imaging Signal Concordant With Motor Asymmetry in Parkinson's Disease: A Multipool CEST MRI Study36
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Quantification of NAD+T1 and T2 Relaxation Times Using Downfield 1H MRS at 7 T in Human Brain In Vivo34
The contrast‐free diffusion MRI multiple index for the early prediction of pathological response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer31
Effects of repeated manganese treatment on proton magnetic resonance spectra of the globus pallidus in rat brain28
Dissolved organic metabolite extraction from high‐salt media27
Multi‐mask self‐supervised learning for physics‐guided neural networks in highly accelerated magnetic resonance imaging27
Reproducibility of absolute quantification of adenosine triphosphate and inorganic phosphate in the liver with localized 31P‐magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3‐T using different coils26
Reducing femoral flow artefacts in radial magnetic resonance fingerprinting of the prostate using region‐optimised virtual coils23
In vivo phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of the whole human liver at 7 T using a phosphorus whole‐body transmit coil and 16‐channel receive array: Repeatability and effects of princ23
Cover Image, Volume 36, Issue 321
Issue Information21
Correction of errors in estimates of T at low spin‐lock amplitudes in the presence of B0 and B1 inhomogeneities20
Special issue on ex vivo NMR spectroscopy20
Signal abnormalities of the bladder wall detected by native T1 mapping in patients with overactive bladder19
Non‐aqueous magnetization following adiabatic and selective pulses in brain: T1 and cross‐relaxation dynamics19
Fast 19F spectroscopic imaging with pseudo‐spiral k‐space sampling18
Single‐shot diffusion trace‐weighted MR spectroscopy: Comparison with unipolar and bipolar diffusion‐weighted point‐resolved spectroscopy18
A new deuterium‐labeled compound [2,3,4,6,6’‐2H5]‐D‐glucose for deuterium magnetic resonance metabolic imaging17
High‐fidelity, high‐spatial‐resolution diffusion magnetic resonance imaging of ex vivo whole human brain at ultra‐high gradient strength with structured low‐rank echo‐planar imaging ghost correction17
Dynamic parallel imaging at 9.4 T using reconfigurable receive coaxial dipoles17
Improving advanced intraoperative MRI methods during pediatric neurosurgery17
Positional and compositional analysis of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in human adipose tissue triglyceride by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance17
Robustness and stability of volume‐based tractography in a multicenter setting16
A tribute to Professor Sebastián Cerdán15
Editor's Choice: What does filter exchange imaging measure?15
ATP line splitting in association with reduced intracellular magnesium and pH: a brain 31P MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) study of pediatric patients with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprote14
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Open‐source magnetic resonance imaging: Improving access, science, and education through global collaboration14
Model‐free leakage index estimation of the blood‐brain barrier using dual dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI acquisition14
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Amide proton transfer‐weighted MRI features of acute ischemic stroke subtypes14
Postprandial splenic stiffness changes on magnetic resonance elastography in a young healthy population13
Change in medial frontal cerebral metabolite concentrations following bariatric surgery13
Assessing muscle‐specific potassium concentrations in human lower leg using potassium magnetic resonance imaging13
Radical‐free hyperpolarized MRI using endogenously occurring pyruvate analogues and UV‐induced nonpersistent radicals13
High‐resolution proton metabolic mapping of the human brain at 7 T using free induction decay rosette spectroscopic imaging13
Subject‐specific optimization of background suppression for arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging using a feedback loop on the scanner13
Quantitative 7T sodium magnetic resonance imaging of the human brain using a 32‐channel phased‐array head coil: Application to patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis13
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy reveals dysregulation of monounsaturated fatty acid metabolism upon SPINK1 attenuation in colorectal cancer13
Dynamic parametric MRI and deep learning: Unveiling renal pathophysiology through accurate kidney size quantification13
MR‐Nucleomics: The study of pathological cellular processes with multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging in vivo12
Concurrent intrinsic optical imaging and fMRI at ultra‐high field using magnetic field proof optical components12
The Larmor frequency shift of a white matter magnetic microstructure model with multiple sources11
Repeatability of image quality in very low‐field MRI11
Assessment of cellular responses in three‐dimensional cell cultures through chemical exchange saturation transfer and 1H MRS11
Multisite reproducibility of quantitative susceptibility mapping and effective transverse relaxation rate in deep gray matter at 3 T using locally optimized sequences in 24 traveling heads11
A birdcage transmit, 24‐channel conformal receive array coil for sensitive 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of the human brain at 7 T11
Comparison of quantitative susceptibility mapping methods on evaluating radiation‐induced cerebral microbleeds and basal ganglia at 3T and 7T11
Issue Information11
Exercise promotes growth and rescues volume deficits in the hippocampus after cranial radiation in young mice11
Cover Image, Volume 36, Issue 611
Real‐time influence of intracellular acidification and Na+/H+ exchanger inhibition on in‐cell pyruvate metabolism in the perfused mouse heart: A 31P‐NMR and hyperpolar10
A radiofrequency coil for infants and toddlers10
Inter‐subject stability and regional concentration estimates of 3D‐FID‐MRSI in the human brain at 7 T10
Alterations of white matter tracts and topological properties of structural networks in hemifacial spasm10
Issue Information10
Evaluation of enzymatic proteoglycan loss and collagen degradation in human articular cartilage using ultrashort echo time‐based biomarkers: A feasibility study10
An approach to evaluation of the point‐spread function for 23Na magnetic resonance imaging10
Expanding access to magnetic resonance education through open‐source web tutorials10
Fat distribution measurements by chemical shift‐encoded transition region extraction predict the risk of hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia and metabolic syndrome in mice10
Metabolic alterations in the visual pathway of retinitis pigmentosa rats: A longitudinal multimodal magnetic resonance imaging study with histopathological validation10
Deep learning based correction of RF field induced inhomogeneities for T2w prostate imaging at 7 T10
Correction of B0 and linear eddy currents: Impact on morphological and quantitative ultrashort echo time double echo steady state (UTE‐DESS) imaging10
Metabolite selection for machine learning in childhood brain tumour classification9
A multimodal pipeline using NMR spectroscopy and MALDI‐TOF mass spectrometry imaging from the same tissue sample9
Muscle fiber strain rates in the lower leg during ankle dorsi‐/plantarflexion exercise9
Comprehensive quantitative magnetic resonance imaging assessment of skeletal muscle pathophysiology in golden retriever muscular dystrophy: Insights from multicomponent water T2 and extracellular volu9
In vivo rat brain mapping of multiple gray matter water populations using nonparametric D(ω)‐R1R2 distributions MRI9
Improved reproducibility of γ‐aminobutyric acid measurement from short‐echo‐time proton MR spectroscopy by linewidth‐matched basis sets in LCModel9
Impact of deep learning architectures on accelerated cardiac T1 mapping using MyoMapNet9
Morphological characterization of hepatic steatosis and Monte Carlo modeling of MRI signal for accurate quantification of fat fraction and relaxivity9
A taxonomic guide to diffusion MRI tractography visualization tools9
Protein and peptide engineering for chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging in the age of synthetic biology9
Motion correction for native myocardial T1 mapping using self‐supervised deep learning registration with contrast separation9
Contrast‐agent‐free state‐of‐the‐art MRI on cerebral small vessel disease—part 1. ASL, IVIM, and CVR9
Paradoxical paramagnetic calcifications in the globus pallidus: An ex vivo MR investigation and histological validation study9
In vivo assignment of methylmalonic acid in breast tissue using 2D MRS and relationship with breast density, menopausal status and cancer risk9
Issue Information9
Microvascular response to exercise varies along the length of the tibialis anterior muscle9
Double delay alternating with nutation for tailored excitation facilitates banding‐free isotropic high‐resolution intracranial vessel wall imaging8
Ammonium quantification in human plasma by proton nuclear magnetic resonance for staging of liver fibrosis in alcohol‐related liver disease and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease8
Different tissue types display different signal intensities on b = 0 images and the implications of this for intravoxel incoherent motion analysis: Examples from liver MRI8
A robust adiabatic constant amplitude spin‐lock preparation module for myocardial T quantification at 3 T8
The metabolic representation of ischemia in rat brain slices: A hyperpolarized 13C magnetic resonance study8
A pathway towards a two‐dimensional, bore‐mounted, volume body coil concept for ultra high‐field magnetic resonance imaging8
Free‐breathing abdominal T1 mapping using an optimized MR fingerprinting sequence8
On the correction of spiral trajectories on a preclinical MRI scanner with a high‐performance gradient insert8
Improvements in precision and accuracy of complex‐ relative to real‐domain linear combination model spectral fitting not necessarily recovered by zero filling8
The effects of residual dipolar coupling on carnosine in proton muscle spectra8
Measurement of metabolite levels and treatment‐induced changes in hepatic metastases of gastro‐esophageal cancer using 7‐T phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging8
Are Cramér‐Rao lower bounds an accurate estimate for standard deviations in in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy?8
Rapid and automated lipid profiling by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using neural networks8
Deuterium MRSI characterizations of glucose metabolism in orthotopic pancreatic cancer mouse models8
Prepolarized MRI of hard tissues and solid‐state matter8
Longitudinal manganese‐enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of neural projections and activity8
Rapid fat–water separated T1 mapping using a single‐shot radial inversion‐recovery spoiled gradient recalled pulse sequence8
New methods for robust continuous wave T relaxation preparation8
Intravoxel incoherent motion and diffusion kurtosis imaging and their machine‐learning‐based texture analysis for detection and assessment of prostate cancer severity at 3 T8
Integrated intravoxel incoherent motion tensor and diffusion tensor brain MRI in a single fast acquisition8
Intravoxel incoherent motion imaging predicts exercise‐based rehabilitation response in individuals with low back pain8
Signal‐to‐noise ratio penalties from a loss of stimulated echoes when using slab‐selective excitation in three‐dimensional fast spin echo imaging with long echo trains8
Differentiating leukemia subtypes based on metabolic signatures using hyperpolarized 13C NMR8
Correction to “Benchmarking the performance of a low‐cost magnetic resonance control system at multiple sites in the open MaRCoS community”7
Molecular subtype classification of low‐grade gliomas using magnetic resonance imaging‐based radiomics and machine learning7
A three‐dimensional Magnetic Resonance Spin Tomography in Time‐domain protocol for high‐resolution multiparametric quantitative magnetic resonance imaging7
Noninvasive Imaging of Transgene Expression in Neurons Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI7
A human brain atlas of χ‐separation for normative iron and myelin distributions7
Reducing thermal noise in high‐resolution quantitative magnetic resonance imaging rotating frame relaxation mapping of the human brain at 3 T7
CEST‐MRI for body oncologic imaging: are we there yet?7
Measurement of cellular‐interstitial water exchange time in tumors based on diffusion‐time‐dependent diffusional kurtosis imaging7
Intravoxel incoherent motion as a surrogate marker of perfused vascular density in rat brain7
Interleaved and simultaneous multi‐nuclear magnetic resonance in vivo. Review of principles, applications and potential7
Four‐dimensional flow MRI for quantitative assessment of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics: Status and opportunities7
Augmented T1‐weighted steady state magnetic resonance imaging7
Differential and correlational tractography as tract‐based biomarkers in mild traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal MRI study7
The effect of fat model variation on muscle fat fraction quantification in a cross‐sectional cohort7
Prospective longitudinal cohort study of quantitative muscle magnetic resonance imaging in a healthy control population7
Amine‐weighted chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging in brain tumors7
Interleaved trinuclear MRS for single‐session investigation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in human liver at 7T7
Assessment of iron nanoparticle distribution in mouse models using ultrashort‐echo‐time MRI7
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy thermometry: Impact of separately acquired full water or partially suppressed water data on quantification and measurement error7
Blood–brain barrier water exchange measurements using contrast‐enhanced ASL7
MRI‐based quantification of whole‐organ renal metabolic rate of oxygen7
Single‐heartbeat cardiac cine imaging via jointly regularized nonrigid motion‐corrected reconstruction7
Hippocampal single‐voxel MR spectroscopy with a long echo time at 3 T using semi‐LASER sequence7
Renal tubular dilation and fibrosis after unilateral ureter obstruction revealed by relaxometry and spin‐lock exchange MRI7
Radiofrequency labeling strategies in chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI7
Reproducibility of 3D pH‐weighted chemical exchange saturation transfer contrast in the healthy cervical spinal cord6
Towards an integrated radiofrequency safety concept for implant carriers in MRI based on sensor‐equipped implants and parallel transmission6
Deuterium MRS of early treatment‐induced changes in tumour lactate in vitro6
Motion‐compensated image reconstruction for improved kidney function assessment using dynamic contrast‐enhanced MRI6
Transverse relaxation in fixed tissue: Influence of temperature and resolution on image contrast in magnetic resonance microscopy6
1H NMR‐based metabolomics of paired esophageal tumor tissues and serum samples identifies specific serum biomarkers for esophageal cancer6
Simultaneous bilateral T1, T2, and T relaxation mapping of the hip joint with magnetic resonance fingerprinting6
Intravoxel incoherent motion imaging to assess the acute effects of moderate‐intensity continuous training and high‐intensity interval training on thigh muscles6
A supervised deep neural network approach with standardized targets for enhanced accuracy of IVIM parameter estimation from multi‐SNR images6
Phase‐shifted transverse relaxation orientation dependences in human brain white matter6
Transmembrane pH gradient imaging in rodent glioma models6
Fibrosis imaging with multiparametric proton and sodium MRI in pig injury models6
Issue Information6
Sampling pattern discrepancy in the application of compressed sensing hyperpolarized xenon‐129 lung MRI6
Fast and accurate modeling of transient‐state, gradient‐spoiled sequences by recurrent neural networks6
Perfusion system for studying dynamic metabolomics in rat brain slices exposed to oxygen–glucose deprivation using proton and phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance6
Longitudinal relaxation in fat‐water mixtures and its dependence on fat content at 3 T6
Demonstration of magnetic resonance Z‐spectral imaging for fatty acid characterization of bone marrow at 3 T6
Comparison of triple quantum (TQ) TPPI and inversion recovery TQ TPPI pulse sequences at 9.4 and 21.1 T6
An efficient R dispersion imaging method for human knee cartilage using constant magnetization prepared turbo‐FLASH6
Metabolite T1 relaxation times decrease across the adult lifespan6
Comparison of interpolation methods of predominant cardiomyocyte orientation from in vivo and ex vivo cardiac diffusion tensor imaging data6
Improvement of the thalamocortical white matter network in people with stable treated relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis over time6
Cover Image, Volume 36, Issue 66
Two‐dimensional correlated spectroscopy records reduced neurotransmission in blast‐exposed artillery soldiers after live fire training6
Investigation of metabolite correlates of CEST in the human brain at 7 T6
The impact of variations in subject geometry, respiration and coil repositioning on the specific absorption rate in parallel transmit abdominal imaging at 7 T6
A generalized QUCESOP method with evaluating CEST peak overlap6
Feasibility of 3D MRI fingerprinting for rapid knee cartilage T1, T2, and T mapping at 0.55T: Comparison with 3T5
Very‐long T2‐weighted imaging of the non‐lesional brain tissue in multiple sclerosis patients5
Repeatability of alkaline inorganic phosphate quantification in the skeletal muscle using 31P‐magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3 T5
Enhancing T1 signal of normal‐appearing white matter with divided subtracted inversion recovery: A pilot study in mild traumatic brain injury5
Single‐shot multi‐b‐value (SSMb) diffusion‐weighted MRI using spin echo and stimulated echoes with variable flip angles5
In situ temperature determination using magnetic resonance spectroscopy thermometry for noninvasive postmortem examinations5
Actual patient position versus safety models: Specific Absorption Rate implications of initial head position for Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging5
Universal generative modeling in dual domains for dynamic MRI5
Ensemble learning‐based pretreatment MRI radiomic model for distinguishing intracranial extraventricular ependymoma from glioblastoma multiforme5
Measuring cerebral enzymatic activity, brain pH and extracranial muscle metabolism with hyperpolarized 13C‐pyruvate5
Velocity of cerebrospinal fluid in the aqueduct measured by phase‐contrast MRI in rat5
Automatic deep learning segmentation of the hippocampus on high‐resolution diffusion magnetic resonance imaging and its application to the healthy lifespan5
Signal‐to‐noise ratio versus field strength for small surface coils5
Elliptical Halbach magnet and gradient modules for low‐field portable magnetic resonance imaging5
Issue Information5
Calculation of intravoxel incoherent motion parameter maps using a kernelized total difference‐based method5
Preliminary experience of cardiac proton spectroscopy at 0.75 T5
CEST effect of dimethyl sulfoxide at negative offset frequency5
Evidence for biexponential glutamate T2 relaxation in human visual cortex at 3T: A functional MRS study5
Linear Bloch–Siegert phase‐encoded low‐field MRI: RF coils, pulse sequence, and image reconstruction5
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Theory of chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI in the context of different magnetic fields5
Deep learning‐based classification of preclinical breast cancer tumor models using chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging5
Deep‐learning‐based super‐resolution for accelerating chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI5
Brain metabolism after therapeutic hypothermia for murine hypoxia‐ischemia using hyperpolarized [1‐13C] pyruvate magnetic resonance spectroscopy5
Navigator‐based motion compensation for liver BOLD measurement with five‐echo SAGE EPI and breath‐hold task5
Metabolic profiling of colorectal cancer organoids: A comparison between high‐resolution magic angle spinning magnetic resonance spectroscopy and solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of po5
Towards robust glucose chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging in humans at 3 T: Arterial input function measurements and the effects of infusion time5
Carbonic anhydrase activity in the frontal lobe of human brain4
Red cell exchange transfusions increase cerebral capillary transit times and may alter oxygen extraction in sickle cell disease4
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A hierarchy of manganese competition and entry in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures4
A novel antisymmetric 16‐element transceiver dipole antenna array for parallel transmit cardiac MRI in pigs at 7 T4
Synthetic MRI improves radiomics‐based glioblastoma survival prediction4
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Dual‐frequency resonant coil design for low‐γ X‐nuclear and proton magnetic resonance imaging at ultrahigh fields4
Quality assessment of routine brain imaging at 0.55 T: initial experience in a clinical workflow4
Comparison of baseline correction algorithms for in vivo 1H‐MRS4
Detection of metabolic change in glioblastoma cells after radiotherapy using hyperpolarized 13C‐MRI4
Double spectral attenuated inversion recovery (DSPAIR)—an efficient fat suppression technique for late gadolinium enhancement at 3 tesla4
Achilles tendon and enthesis assessment using ultrashort echo time magnetic resonance imaging (UTE‐MRI) T1 and magnetization transfer (MT) modeling in psoriatic arthritis4
High‐field ex vivo and in vivo two‐dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in murine brain: Resolving and exploring the molecular environment4
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A unified global tractography framework for automatic visual pathway reconstruction4
Radiofrequency coil design for improving human liver fat quantification in a portable single‐side magnetic resonance system4
Cover Image, Volume 36, Issue 104
Effects of muscle damage on31phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy indices of energetic status and sarcolemma integrity in youngmdxmice4
Fast, regional three‐dimensional hybrid (1D‐Hadamard 2D‐rosette) proton MR spectroscopic imaging in the human temporal lobes4
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Medial prefrontal cortex neurotransmitter abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder with and without comorbidity to major depression4
Ultra‐low‐field magnetic resonance angiography at 0.05 T: A preliminary study4
Quantification of myocardial fibrosis using noninvasive T2‐mapping magnetic resonance imaging: Preclinical models of aging and pressure overload4
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for detection of pathological changes in the central nervous system of a mouse model of multiple sclerosis in vivo4
Cover Image, Volume 36, Issue 54
13C NMR quantification of polyamine syntheses in rat prostate4
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Effects of clamping end‐tidal CO2 on neurofluidic low‐frequency oscillations4
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GABA and glutamate response to social processing: a functional MRS feasibility study4
Efficient performance analysis and optimization of transient‐state sequences for multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging4
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Cardiac metabolic imaging using hyperpolarized [1‐13C]lactate as a substrate4
Filter‐exchange spectroscopy is sensitive to gradual cell membrane degradation4
Underestimation of the spleen perfusion fraction by intravoxel incoherent motion MRI4
Prenatal heroin exposure alters brain morphology and connectivity in adolescent mice4
Reply to Letter to the Editor: “Augmented T1‐weighted steady state MRI”4