Marine Structures

(The median citation count of Marine Structures is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Experimental investigation of structural system capacity with multiple fatigue cracks86
Simplified bar-system model for tubular structures by considering local joint flexibility72
Flexural strength and stiffness of circular double-skin and double-tube concrete-filled steel tubes58
Analysis of fatigue test data of retrieved mooring chain links subject to pitting corrosion47
Assessing the reliability of the cargo deck of a hovercraft through fiber optic strain measurements45
Numerical analysis of vortex-induced vibration on a flexible cantilever riser for deep-sea mining system43
Hydrodynamic interaction of floating bridge pontoons and its effect on the bridge dynamic responses42
A general scaled model design method of stiffened plate subjected to combined longitudinal compression and lateral pressure considering the ultimate strength and collapse modes42
An expeditious algebraic formulation to the buckling critical load of risers under dynamic compression41
Probabilistic time series prediction of ship structural response using Volterra series37
Analytical formulations and comparison of collapse models for risk analysis of axisymmetrically imperfect ring-stiffened cylinders under hydrostatic pressure36
Hydrodynamic modeling effect analysis of a fully submerged tension leg concept integrating the DTU 10 MW offshore wind turbine35
Directional wave spectrum estimation with ship motion responses using adversarial networks34
Vortex-induced vibration of a full-diamond textured cylinder at subcritical Reynolds numbers33
Vulnerability criterion of nonlinear coupled resonance for semi-submersible platform using classification algorithm33
A face-contact connector for modularized floating structures30
A low-fidelity model for the dynamic analysis of full-lattice wind support structures29
Reliability-based structural design of a vertical subsea separator for deep-water applications29
Epistemic uncertainties on the estimation of minimum air gap for semi-submersible platforms29
A simulation-based and data-augmented shear force inversion method for offshore platform connector28
Frequency-domain hydroelastic stress analysis considering local bending effect based on a two-step procedure28
Dynamic behaviors of RC caisson subjected to underwater explosions28
Comparative study of TLP and ETLP performance in Caspian Sea environment using numerical method27
Editorial Board27
Probabilistic analysis of irregular wave runup on a fixed and truncated surface-piercing vertical cylinder27
Experimental uncertainty of a physical model of a tanker moored to a terminal in a port27
Investigation for the effect of the column step on the flow-induced motion of a TLP26
Required test durations for converged short-term wave and impact extreme value statistics–Part 2: Deck box dataset26
Vortex induced vibrations of short side by side cylinders25
LQR control on multimode vortex-induced vibration of flexible riser undergoing shear flow25
Editorial Board24
Three-dimensional equivalent static analysis for design of submerged floating tunnel24
Editorial Board23
Chloride diffusion models for Type I and fly ash cement concrete exposed to field and laboratory conditions23
FRF-based optimization strategies of actuator on/off status for active vibration isolation systems in underwater vehicle applications23
Finite element study on circular armour wire lateral buckling in umbilicals23
Rigid finite element method in applications to dynamic optimization of motion of a riser in reentry22
Coupled analytical-numerical approach for determining hydrodynamic responses of breakwater with multiple OWCs22
Cloud-based system for monitoring loads generated on the quay wall by ship propeller jets22
Application of analytical model in the prediction of dynamic responses and fatigue damage of flexible risers: Part II – Dynamic analysis of flexible risers in large-scale domain using a direct moment 22
A Rayleigh-Ritz solution for high order natural frequencies and eigenmodes of monopile supported offshore wind turbines considering tapered towers and soil pile interactions22
Parametric method for the assessment of fatigue damage for marine shaft lines22
The effect of the yield to tensile strength ratio on stress/strain concentrations around holes in high-strength steels22
Wave impact pressure and pressure impulse on a square column with an overhanging deck in regular waves21
Methodology for the simulation of a ship's damage stability and ultimate strength conditions following a collision21
Modelling of convection, diffusion and binding of chlorides in concrete during wetting-drying cycles21
A data-driven approach for fatigue life of water intake risers20
Trapped waves within the blocking frequency under compressed sea ice and two-dimensional current20
Algorithmic formulation of clay and sand pipe–soil interaction models for on-bottom stability analysis19
Ice impact response and energy dissipation characteristics of PVC foam core sandwich plates: Experimental and numerical study19
On the influence of environmental and operational variability on modal parameters of offshore wind support structures19
Reliability analysis of ovalized deep-water pipelines with corrosion defects18
Automated manufacture of optimised shape-adaptive composite hydrofoils with curvilinear fibre paths for improved bend-twist performance18
Wave spectrum estimation conditioned on machine learning-based output using the wave buoy analogy17
Dilated-polyhedron-based DEM analysis of the ice resistance on ship hulls in escort operations in level ice17
Estimation of directional wave spectra and hull structural responses based on measured hull data on 14,000 TEU large container ships17
Mechanical properties of marine polymer foams in the arctic environment17
Pressure-resistant cylindrical shell structures comprising graded hybrid zero Poisson's ratio metamaterials with designated band gap characteristics17
Hydrodynamic experiment of submerged floating tunnel under regular wave and current actions during construction period17
Dynamic ultimate strength analysis of stiffened plate based on Idealized Structural Unit Method16
A simplified non-linear numerical method for the assessment of welding induced deformations16
Investigating the effects of Coating systems on the degradation behavior of 3D-Printed pressure vessels16
Bond-slip behaviour of concrete filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) columns16
Editorial Board16
Study on hydrodynamic characteristics and depth control of the towed sensors array system16
Planar multibody dynamics of floating Y-method installation system and the lowering of subsea equipment based on finite element modeling16
Characteristics of gas explosion loads and structural responses of blast wall on FPSO16
Multi-objective optimization of variable-stiffness composite for CFRP-winding buckle arrestor by using NSGA-Ⅲ16
Influence of different combinations of impact mass and velocity with identical kinetic energy or momentum on the impact response of RC piles16
Thermomechanical performance of offshore topside steel structure exposed to localised fire conditions16
Size effect on residual stress in low transformation temperature welded joints15
Uncertainties in modelling the low-frequency wave-induced global loads in ships15
Local joint flexibility of tubular T/Y-joints retrofitted with GFRP under in-plane bending moment15
Hydroelastic analysis of Pre-Swirl Stator15
Design and experimental study of lightweight fireproof bidirectional bead bulkheads in a cruise ship15
Weld toe versus root fatigue failure mode and governing parameters: A study of aluminum alloy load-carrying fillet joints15
Environmental lumping for efficient fatigue assessment of large-diameter monopile wind turbines15
Field data observations for monitoring the impact of typhoon “In-fa” on dynamic performances of mono-pile offshore wind turbines: A novel systematic study15
Fatigue analysis of steel catenary risers under coupled cross-flow and in-line vortex-induced vibrations with oblique incoming flow15
The use of operational modal analysis and mode tracking for insight into polar vessel operations15
Axial compressive strength of preloaded CHS stubs strengthened by CFRP15
Using the polynomial chaos expansion and bias-variance tradeoff to analyse the statistical characteristics of a trimaran cross-deck structure14
Numerical analysis and optimization of CFRP buckle arrestors in subsea pipelines14
Hoop and axial plastic buckling modes of submerged cylindrical shells subjected to side-on underwater explosion shock wave14
Numerical analysis on the creep-fatigue damage of titanium alloy deep-sea pressure hull at room temperature14
Predicting heave and pitch motions of an FPSO using meta-learning14
Potential of a repair system for grouted connections in offshore structures: Development and experimental verification14
An updated fast continuous contact detection algorithm and its implementation in case study of ice-structure interaction by peridynamics14
On the collapse of thick-walled pipes with corrosion defects under external pressure14
Ultimate strength assessment of stiffened panel under uni-axial compression with non-linear equivalent single layer approach14
Reliability-based design optimization of river-sea-going ship based on agent model technology14
A two-degree-of-freedom tuned mass damper for offshore wind turbines on floating spar supports14
A study on a representative heat source model for simulating laser welding for liquid hydrogen storage containers14
Assessing scour prediction models for monopiles in sand from the perspective of design robustness14
A modified p-y curve model for offshore piles near sandy slopes considering the soil-pile-slope deformation mechanism13
Prediction and mitigation of out-of-plane welding distortion of a typical block in fabrication of a semi-submersible lifting and disassembly platform13
Efficient optimization design method of jacket structures for offshore wind turbines13
Three-dimensional vortex-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder predicted using a wake oscillator model13
A finite element methodology for birdcaging analysis of flexible pipes with damaged outer layers13
Collapse of composite-repaired cylinders with internal metal loss subjected to external hydrostatic pressure13
Stress concentration factors of multi-planar tubular KT-joints subjected to in-plane bending moments13
Numerical modelling of hydrodynamic responses of Ocean Farm 1 in waves and current and validation against model test measurements13
Remaining fatigue life assessment of corroded mooring chains using crack growth modelling13
Response-based bridge deck limit state considering component-level failure under extreme wave13
On load-bearing and soil-reacting characteristics of hybrid pile-bucket foundations subjected to static horizontal loading13
Collar plate effect on local joint flexibility of tubular K-joints under IPB moments: Parametric study and predictive equations12
Experimental investigation of breaking regular and irregular waves slamming on an offshore monopile wind turbine12
Flow around two elastically-mounted cylinders with different diameters in tandem and staggered configurations in the subcritical Reynolds number regime12
Testing, simulation and design of offshore lined pipes under axial compression12
Dynamic response and performance of submarine tunnel subjected to surface explosions12
Pseudo-shakedown of rectangular plates under repeated impacts12
Structural optimization model of confined polyhedral composite subsea pipelines under pressure and thermal fields12
Mechanical model and mechanical property analysis of fibre-reinforced hybrid composite pipes12
Stress concentration factors in tubular T/Y-connections reinforced with FRP under in-plane bending load12
Passive control of jacket–type offshore wind turbine vibrations by single and multiple tuned mass dampers12
Tuning of transfer functions for analysis of wave–ship interactions12
Numerical simulation of wave-induced hydroelastic response and flow-induced vibration of a twin-tube submerged floating tunnel12
Stress and failure analyses of thermoplastic composite pipes subjected to torsion and thermomechanical loading11
Numerical and experimental investigation on active hydraulic tensioner system for a TLP under tether fails condition11
Cargo ship aft panel stresses prediction by deconvolution11
Understanding the higher harmonics of vortex-induced vibration response using a trend-constrained, machine learning approach11
Numerical investigations into the influence of geometric configurations on hydrodynamic characteristics of torpedo anchors11
Lateral response of monopile reinforced by cement-improved soil in clay to monotonic and cyclic loadings: Laboratory model test and theoretical investigation11
Optimal design of offshore jacket platform using enhanced colliding bodies optimization algorithm11
Experimental investigation of nonlinear springing of ultra-large container ship in regular waves11
A Kane-based time domain hydrodynamic analysis method for hinged multi-floating bodies under irregular wave conditions11
Experimental and theoretical studies on the lateral collapse of mechanically lined pipes11
Influence of different topological variants on optimized structural scantlings of passenger ship11
Fluid-structure-material coupling analysis for a floating laminated structure consisting of high-stiffness panels and a soft core11
Improving the fatigue life of large offshore foundations11
Numerical study of slamming and whipping loads in moderate and large regular waves for different forward speeds11
A deep learning model for predicting mechanical behaviors of dynamic power cable of offshore floating wind turbine11
Accuracy verification of the 2D spectral AIS method by the hull monitoring data11
The ISSC 2022 committee III.1-Ultimate strength benchmark study on the ultimate limit state analysis of a stiffened plate structure subjected to uniaxial compressive loads11
A simplified approach to assess the resistance of a ship sliding on elliptic paraboloïd rock11
Investigation of higher-harmonic wave loads and low-frequency resonance response of floating offshore wind turbine under extreme wave groups11
Bending moment capacity and failure mechanism of caisson foundations under monotonic and cyclic loading in clay11
Numerical investigations of the effects of spanwise grooves on the suppression of vortex-induced vibration of a flexible cylinder10
Dynamic response of a SWATH vessel for installing pre-assembled floating wind turbines10
Editorial Board10
Comparison of vibration response prediction on the main deck of a catamaran using experimental, numerical and correlated mode shapes10
Impact of climate change on the design of multi-megawatt spar floating wind turbines10
Experimental investigation of downstream cylinder vibrations caused by FIV in the presence of upstream stationary cylinder10
Experimental study of multi-buoy-assisted moored ship motion at open berth10
Vortex-induced forces of crossflow and inline oscillating bluff bodies at moderate Reynolds numbers10
Dynamic responses analysis of crane-blade coupling system for the single blade installation of offshore wind turbine considering the wind effect10
A numerically efficient framework in failure mode evaluation of a wind turbine tower under cyclones10
The DeRisk database: Extreme design waves for offshore wind turbines10
Editorial Board10
Study on the energy dissipation mechanism of the pyramidal lattice sandwich panel subjected to underwater explosion10
The impact of periodic axial loads on nonlinear dynamic instability behavior of Inconel 625 pipes10
Flexural response of composite coated steel components using the extended finite element method10
Collapse behavior of carbon-fiber epoxy cylinders subjected to long-term seawater exposure at seafloor depth pressures10
Experimental study of liquid slamming in elastic rectangular tanks under the flip-through impact10
Editorial Board10
Study on hot spot stress distribution of three-planar tubular Y-joints subjected to in-plane bending moment10
Uncertainty in wave hindcasts in the North Atlantic Ocean10
Vibration-assisted decommissioning of a slip joint: Application to an offshore wind turbine10
A Bayesian analysis for the quantification of strength model uncertainty factor of ship structures in ultimate limit state10
Development of a retrofit layer with an embedded array of piezoelectric sensors for transient pressure measurement in maritime applications10
An experimental study of wave-in-deck loading and its dependence on the properties of the topside structure10
Solving for hydroelastic ship response using a high-order finite difference method on overlapping grids at zero speed9
Prediction of seasonal maximum wave height for unevenly spaced time series by Black Widow Optimization algorithm9
Identification of stiffness and damping of the weld in stiffened plates using model updating9
Modeling and calculation of acoustic radiation of underwater stiffened cylindrical shells treated with local damping9
Low frequency multimode vibration suppression of floating raft system based on NES cells9
A numerical tool for efficient analysis and optimization of offshore wind turbine jacket substructure considering realistic boundary and loading conditions9
The effects of geometric detail on the vibratory responses of complex ship-like thin-walled structures9
Editorial Board9
Hydrodynamic modelling of a multi-body wave energy converter using the Moving Frame Method9
Mechanical model and characteristics of deep-water drilling riser-wellhead system under internal solitary waves9
Investigation on fatigue characteristics of transparent submersible manned cabin structure9
Benchmark on the prediction of whipping response of a warship model in regular waves9
Experimental and numerical study on dynamic responses of floating bridge under the shielding effect of a floating platform9
Vortex-induced vibration response of the cylinder inspired by Terebridae9
Optimal control of wave cycloidal rotors with passively morphing foils: An analytical and numerical study9
Hysteretic damping model for laterally loaded piles9
Influence of seabed profile on the seismic response of monopile-supported offshore wind turbines including dynamic soil-structure interaction9
Integrated optimisation design of a dynamic umbilical based on an approximate model9
Fully 3D ship hydroelasticity: Monolithic versus partitioned strategies for tight coupling9
Mooring system stiffness: A six-degree-of-freedom closed-form analytical formulation9
A numerical study on the correlation of ductile crack extension in Ni-based clad pipe girth welds with circumferential surface cracks and clamped SE(T) specimens9
Numerical prediction of vortex-induced vibrations of a long flexible riser with an axially varying tension based on a wake oscillator model9
Study of collision characteristics of water-filled double-layer structure9
Synergy of random balance design method and intelligent optimization technique for model updating of the 4 MW offshore wind turbine benchmark9
A computationally efficient finite element model for the analysis of the non-linear bending behaviour of a dynamic submarine power cable9
Development of an integrated deep learning-based remaining strength assessment model for pipelines with random corrosion defects subjected to internal pressures8
A study for the bending vibration analysis of the intermittently welded stiffened plate8
An experimental investigation on interfering VIVs of double and triple unequal-diameter flexible cylinders in tandem8
Numerical and experimental analyses of ultimate longitudinal strength of a small-scale hull box girder8
Effects of roughness on hydrodynamic characteristics of a submerged floating tunnel subject to steady currents8
Sea state estimation based on vessel motion responses: Improved smoothness and robustness using Bézier surface and L1 optimization8
Experimental study on dynamic response of a floating offshore wind turbine under various freak wave profiles8
Moored elastic sheets under the action of nonlinear waves and current8
Sea state identification using machine learning—A comparative study based on in-service data from a container vessel8
Editorial Board8
ABAQUS–OlaFlow integrated numerical model for fluid–seabed–structure interaction8
Elastic mode expansion in smoothed particle hydrodynamics framework for hydroelasticity and validation with 3D hydroelastic wedge impact experiments8
Dynamic response analysis of the TetraSpar floater in waves: Experiment and numerical reproduction8
Numerical investigation on the ultimate strength behaviour and assessment of continuous hull plate under combined biaxial cyclic loads and lateral pressure8
Review of the uncertainties associated to hull girder hydroelastic response and wave load predictions8
An analytical solution for vertical seismic response of an end-bearing pile in saturated soil considering pile-soil and free and scattered field water-soil interaction8
Comparative study of numerical modelling and experimental investigation for vessel-docking operations8
Effects of cyclic ageing frequencies on the ageing and mechanical behaviour of adhesive materials: Experimental analysis and numerical study8
Review of methods for the high-cycle fatigue strength assessment of steel structures subjected to sub-zero temperature8
Analysis of safety and impact probability of subsea Christmas tree impacted by falling objects8
Coupled analysis between catenary mooring and VLFS with structural hydroelasticity in waves8
Lateral static stiffness of offshore monopile socketed in soft rock8
The remedial performance of suction caisson foundations for offshore wind turbines under seismically induced liquefaction in the seabed: Shake table testing8
Ship service life extension considering ship condition and remaining design life8
Assessment of operational limits: Effects of uncertainties in sea state description8
Experimental investigation into the effects of air pockets on wave-in-deck loads of offshore structures8
Dynamic analysis of a dual-spar floating offshore wind farm with shared moorings in extreme environmental conditions8
Axial buckling behavior of H-piles considering mechanical-electrochemical interaction induced damage8
A floating system integrating a wind turbine with a steel fish farming cage: Experimental validation of the hydrodynamic model8
Methodology for developing a response-based correction factor (alpha-factor) for allowable sea state assessment of marine operations considering weather forecast uncertainty7
Design considerations of drag anchors in cohesive soil for floating facilities in the South China sea7
Data-driven modeling of multiaxial fatigue in frequency domain7
A new buckle initiation concept based on the energy barrier of subsea pipelines laid on the sloping seabed7
Effect of long periods of corrosion on the fatigue lifetime of offshore mooring chain steel7
Investigation of higher-order springing of a ship in regular waves by experimental analysis and two-way CFD-FEA coupled method7
Statistical modelling of the ocean environment – A review of recent developments in theory and applications7
Editorial Board7
Plastic deformation of ship plate subjected to repeated patch loads at different locations - Elastoplastic numerical analysis and design equation7
Research on the calculation method of penetration resistance of bucket foundation for offshore wind turbines7
A goal-based approach for selecting a ship's polar class7
Local joint flexibility of tubular K-joints reinforced with external plates under IPB loads7
Underwater wet welding of S1300 ultra-high strength steel7
Multi-impact performance of prestressed CFRP-strengthened RC beams using H-typed end anchors7
Sea trials of Sigma wave energy converter – slacking and snapping of TLP mooring lines7
Ultimate strength of welded aluminium stiffened panels under combined biaxial and lateral loads: A numerical investigation7
A probability-based study on failure mechanism and quantitative risk analysis for buried offshore pipelines subjected to third-party impact loads, exploring the effects of spatial variability of soil 7
Assessment of submarine pipeline damages subjected to falling object impact considering the effect of seabed6
Hysteretic damping of soils for well conductor fatigue analysis6
A simplified formula for calculating the limit load of cracked offshore wind turbine monopile under bending6
Editorial Board6
Hydrodynamic interactions between the cylinder and nets of a typical offshore aquaculture structure in steady current: Numerical investigation and coupling mechanism6
Numerical instability investigation of composite pipes reinforced by carbon nanotubes based on higher-order shear deformation theory6
Natural vibration characteristics of short-span submarine power cables with bending stiffness and sag6
Hydrodynamic response of a passive shape-adaptive composite hydrofoil6
Penetrating-levelling tests on bucket foundation with inner compartments for offshore wind turbines in sand6
Bend stiffener linear viscoelastic thermo-mechanical analysis. Part I — Experimental characterization and mathematical formulation6
Underactuated control and analysis of single blade installation using a jackup installation vessel and active tugger line force control6
Load-bearing characteristics of marine complex sandwich composites considering unequal elastic modulus in tension and compression6
Application of embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors for structural health monitoring of complex composite structures for marine applications6
Editorial Board6
An infinite tube approach for the efficient modelling of collapse using the finite element method6
Statistical accuracy of finite element method in predicting horizontal displacement of monopiles for offshore wind turbines6
Experimental and numerical investigations of the ultimate strength of two subsea power-transmission cables6