
(The TQCC of Nonlinearity is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Analyticity of the Lyapunov exponents of random products of quasi-periodic cocycles56
Asymptotics of discrete q-Freud II orthogonal polynomials from the q-Riemann Hilbert problem40
Non relativistic and ultra relativistic limits in 2D stochastic nonlinear damped Klein–Gordon equation28
Singularity formation for the cylindrically symmetric rotating relativistic Euler equations of Chaplygin gases24
On uniqueness properties of solutions of the generalized fourth-order Schrödinger equations24
Linear response due to singularities23
The evolution problem associated with the fractional first eigenvalue23
Soliton solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with defect conditions21
Absence of absolutely continuous diffraction spectrum for certain S-adic tilings21
The effect of a positive bound state on the KdV solution: a case study *19
Homogenization for sub-riemannian Lagrangians18
Existence and stability for the travelling waves of the Benjamin equation17
Pushed and pulled fronts in a logistic Keller–Segel model with chemorepulsion*17
Instability of closed orbits obtained by minimization*16
Asymptotic stability of rarefaction wave and boundary layer for outflow problem on the viscous vasculogenesis model *16
Linear instability of elliptic rhombus solutions to the planar four-body problem16
Monotonicity of entropy for real quadratic rational maps16
Perturbation theory for nonlinear Schrödinger equations15
Random iterations of maps on Rk : asymptotic stability, synchronisation and functional central limit theorem15
Uniqueness of the 2D Euler equation on a corner domain with non-constant vorticity around the corner15
Corrigendum: Limit cycles bifurcating from periodic orbits near a centre and a homoclinic loop with a nilpotent singularity of Hamiltonian systems (2020 Nonlinearity 15
How close are shell models to the 3D Navier–Stokes equations?15
Erratum: Normalized solutions for fractional nonlinear scalar field equations via Lagrangian formulation (2021 Nonlinearity 34 4017)14
A weighted eigenvalue problem of the biased infinity Laplacian *14
Analytic smoothing estimates for the Korteweg–de Vries equation with steplike data14
Partial regularity of a nematic liquid crystal model with kinematic transport effects14
Modeling the interplay of oscillatory synchronization and aggregation via cell–cell adhesion14
Oblique interactions between solitons and mean flows in the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation13
The twisted baker map13
Heat-content and diffusive leakage from material sets in the low-diffusivity limit *13
Vector-valued Ruelle operator for weakly contractive IFS and Dini matrix potentials13
A novel Riemann–Hilbert approach via t-part spectral analysis for a physically significant nonlocal integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation13
Irrationality exponent and convergence exponent in continued fraction expansions13
The growth of periodic orbits with large support12
Area convergence of Voronoi cells on spiral lattices12
Lyapunov irregular set of Banach cocycles11
Existence of physical measures in some excitation–inhibition networks*11
Absolute continuity of non-homogeneous Gibbs measures of the Ising model on the Cayley tree11
Stratified Boussinesq equations with a velocity damping term11
Computing Garsia entropy for Bernoulli convolutions with algebraic parameters *11
Nonlinear scalar field equation with competing nonlocal terms *11
Bi-Hamiltonian structure of Sutherland models coupled to two u(n)* -valued spins from Poisson reduction11
Pointwise densities of homogeneous Cantor measure and critical values11
Aubry–Mather theory on graphs11
Hidden spatiotemporal symmetries and intermittency in turbulence11
Global threshold dynamics and finite-time contraction stability for age-structured HIV models with delay10
Critical intermittency in rational maps10
Global existence and decay of the inhomogeneous Muskat problem with Lipschitz initial data10
Relaxation oscillations in substrate-depletion oscillators close to the nonsmooth limit10
A Cahn–Hilliard phase field model coupled to an Allen–Cahn model of viscoelasticity at large strains10
KdV on an incoming tide10
On the non-integrability and dynamics of discrete models of threads10
Anomalous self-similar solutions of exponential type for the subcritical fast diffusion equation with weighted reaction10
Propagation acceleration in reaction diffusion equations with anomalous diffusions10
Strong Feller property of the magnetohydrodynamics system forced by space–time white noise10
Rigorous bounds on Lyapunov exponents of linked twist maps10
Bifurcations of hidden orbits in discontinuous maps10
Entropic transfer operators9
Complex a priori bounds for Lorenz maps9
Gevrey estimates for asymptotic expansions of Tori in weakly dissipative systems*9
On stable and unstable behaviour of certain rotation segments9
A complete scenario on nodal radial solutions to the Brezis Nirenberg problem in low dimensions *9
Uniform hyperbolicity of a class of scattering maps9
On relations between properties in transitive Turing machines9
On variable viscosity and enhanced dissipation9
Filament structure of random waves9
Asymptotic limits for a nonlinear integro-differential equation modelling leukocytes’ rolling on arterial walls9
Asymptotic behaviour of global vortex rings9
Singular diffusion with Neumann boundary conditions9
Effective estimates of ergodic quantities illustrated on the Bolyai-Rényi map9
Global well-posedness and asymptotic behavior in critical spaces for the compressible Euler system with velocity alignment8
Almost flat angles in surface superconductivity8
Asymptotics of the deformed higher order Airy-kernel determinants and applications8
Remarks on sparseness and regularity of Navier–Stokes solutions8
The Morse index theorem for mechanical systems with reflections8
Capturing the cascade: a transseries approach to delayed bifurcations8
Convergence of stochastic 2D inviscid Boussinesq equations with transport noise to a deterministic viscous system8
Global well-posedness of slightly supercritical SQG equations and gradient estimate8
Transition phenomena for the attractor of an iterated function system*8
Strong convergence of the vorticity and conservation of the energy for the α-Euler equations8
Integrable differential systems for deformed Laguerre–Hahn orthogonal polynomials8
Fiber denseness of intermediate β-shifts of finite type8
Hausdorff dimension of thin higher-dimensional solenoidal attractors8
Homogenization of the Navier–Stokes equations in perforated domains in the inviscid limit8
Method of nose stretching in Newton’s problem of minimal resistance8
Towards a classification of networks with asymmetric inputs8
Radius of analyticity of solutions to compressible Navier–Stokes–Korteweg system8
Stationary coalescing walks on the lattice II: entropy7
Ginzburg–Landau equation with fractional Laplacian on a upper- right quarter plane7
Higher-dimensional Euler fluids and Hasimoto transform: counterexamples and generalizations7
Absolutely continuous invariant measures for random dynamical systems of beta-transformations7
A mathematical analysis of the adiabatic Dyson equation from time-dependent density functional theory7
Stratonovich–Khasminskii averaging principle for multiscale random Korteweg–de Vries-Burgers equation7
Resonance, symmetry, and bifurcation of periodic orbits in perturbed Rayleigh–Bénard convection7
Synchronization of Turing patterns in complex networks of reaction–diffusion systems set in distinct domains7
On Liouville type results for the stationary MHD in 7
On the Lyapunov instability in Newtonian dynamics7
Wronskian structures of planar symplectic ensembles7
Asymptotic dynamics of Hamiltonian polymatrix replicators7
On the role of the surface geometry in convex billiards7
Matrix models for stationary Gromov–Witten invariants of the Riemann sphere7
Invariant tori for multi-dimensional integrable Hamiltonians coupled to a single thermostat7
Thermocapillary thin films: periodic steady states and film rupture7
Low regularity well-posedness for KP-I equations: the dispersion-generalized case7
Maxwell–Bloch equations without spectral broadening: the long-time asymptotics of an input pulse in a long two-level laser amplifier7
Blowup analysis for a quasi-exact 1D model of 3D Euler and Navier–Stokes6
Hölder continuity of absolutely continuous spectral measure for the extended HARPER’S model6
There are no σ-finite absolutely continuous invariant measures for multicritical circle maps *6
Spectral properties of pattern sequences of general degrees6
On multifractal analysis and large deviations of singular hyperbolic attractors6
Analysis of a model of self-propelled agents interacting through pheromone6
Existence, nonexistence and uniqueness for Lane–Emden type fully nonlinear systems6
Ultradiscrete analogue of the van der Pol equation6
Topological synchronisation or a simple attractor?6
Scenarios for the creation of hyperchaotic attractors in 3D maps6
Parametric approximations of fast close encounters of the planar three-body problem as arcs of a focus-focus dynamics6
Random expansive measures6
Weakened vortex stretching effect in three scale hierarchy for the 3D Euler equations6
Algebro-geometric integration of the Q1 lattice equation via nonlinear integrable symplectic maps6
Zero surface tension limit of the free-boundary problem in incompressible magnetohydrodynamics*6
Construction of exact solutions to the Ruijsenaars–Toda lattice via generalized invariant manifolds6
Active vector models generalising 3D Euler and electron–MHD equations6
A fuzzy q-closest alignment model6
Spectrality of random convolutions generated by finitely many Hadamard triples6
Remarks on the separation of Navier–Stokes flows6
Locating Ruelle–Pollicott resonances*6
Nonlinear stability of fast invading fronts in a Ginzburg–Landau equation with an additional conservation law6
Quasi-graphs, zero entropy and measures with discrete spectrum6
Finite-time blow-up and boundedness in a 2D Keller–Segel system with rotation6
Stability and instability of breathers in the U(1) Sasa–Satsuma and nonlinear Schrödinger models*6
Dynamical Borel–Cantelli lemma for recurrence under Lipschitz twists6
Shape analysis via gradient flows on diffeomorphism groups6
Dispersive hydrodynamics in non-Hermitian nonlinear Schrödinger equation with complex external potential6
Global well-posedness for axisymmetric MHD equations with vertical dissipation and vertical magnetic diffusion6
Spectrality of a class of infinite convolutions on R *5
Global convergence rates from relaxed Euler equations to Navier–Stokes equations with Oldroyd-type constitutive laws5
Birkhoff normal form in low regularity for the nonlinear quantum harmonic oscillator5
Generalized Hardy operators5
The global well-posedness of the relativistic Boltzmann equation with hard potentials and diffuse reflection boundary condition in bounded domains5
Functional limit theorems for Volterra processes and applications to homogenization*5
Global transonic solutions of hot-Jupiter model for exoplanetary atmosphere5
Dynamics of Dirac concentrations in the evolution of quantitative alleles with sexual reproduction5
Large coupling asymptotics for the Lyapunov exponent of finitely smooth quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators5
Continuum limit for the Ablowitz–Ladik system5
Asymptotic behavior of a semilinear non-autonomous wave equation with distributed delay and analytic nonlinearity5
Exactly self-similar blow-up of the generalized De Gregorio equation5
The structure of the toric locus of a reaction network5
Extremes and extremal indices for level set observables on hyperbolic systems *5
Global dynamics of a reaction-diffusion brucellosis model with spatiotemporal heterogeneity and nonlocal delay5
Normalized multibump solutions to nonlinear Schrödinger equations with steep potential well5
On a fluid–structure interaction problem for plaque growth5
Sharp boundary concentration for a two-dimensional nonlinear Neumann problem*5
Unstable entropies and dimension theory of partially hyperbolic systems5
Takens-type reconstruction theorems of one-sided dynamical systems5
Linear encoding of the spatiotemporal cat5
Stochastic electromechanical bidomain model *5
The measure transfer for subshifts induced by a morphism of free monoids5
Extending discrete geometric singular perturbation theory to non-hyperbolic points5
Optimal large time behaviour of the 3D compressible magnetohydrodynamics equations with large initial data5
Necessary and sufficient conditions for Kolmogorov’s flux laws on 5
Almost sure scattering at mass regularity for radial Schrödinger equations5
Global attractivity for a nonautonomous Nicholson’s equation with mixed monotonicities5
Hardy inequalities for magnetic p-Laplacians5
The free material design problem for the stationary heat equation on low dimensional structure5
Singular solutions of the BBM equation: analytical and numerical study5
On the non-chiral intermediate long wave equation: II. Periodic case5
Elementary catastrophes underlying bifurcations of vector fields and PDEs5
The defect of toral Laplace eigenfunctions and arithmetic random waves5
Liquid crystal elastomers wrinkling5
Location of Siegel capture polynomials in parameter spaces5
Vanishing viscosity limit for incompressible axisymmetric flow in the exterior of a cylinder5
Algebraic identifiability of partial differential equation models4
The Lorenz system as a gradient-like system4
ADHM skyrmions4
Stability and bifurcation phenomena in asymptotically Hamiltonian systems4
Intersections of middle-α Cantor sets with a fixed translation4
Uniform regularity and zero capillarity-viscosity limit for an inhomogeneous incompressible fluid model of Korteweg type in half-space4
Global well-posedness of 2D Euler-α equation in exterior domain4
Radial solutions to a chemotaxis-consumption model involving prescribed signal concentrations on the boundary4
Spatiotemporal stability of periodic travelling waves in a heteroclinic-cycle model4
Hidden dynamics for piecewise smooth maps4
Semi-infinite travelling waves arising in a general reaction–diffusion Stefan model4
Classification and stability of positive solutions to the NLS equation on the T -metric graph4
The simplest erasing substitution4
Persistence of lower dimensional degenerate invariant tori with prescribed frequencies in Hamiltonian systems with small parameter4
Existence of solutions for the surface electromigration equation4
Strong alignment of micro-rotation and vorticity in 3D micropolar flows*4
Asymptotics of the Hausdorff dimensions of the Julia sets of McMullen maps with error bounds*4
Rate of accelerated expansion of the epidemic region in a nonlocal epidemic model with free boundaries4
Generalized spaces of pointwise regularity: toward a general framework for the WLM4
Piecewise linear maps with heterogeneous chaos4
Global solutions to an initial boundary problem for the compressible 3D MHD equations with Navier-slip and perfectly conducting boundary conditions in exterior domains4
The finiteness conjecture holds in (SL2Z⩾0)2 *4
The local universality of Muttalib–Borodin ensembles when the parameter θ is the reciprocal of an integer4
Superharmonic instability for regularized long-wave models*4
Precise asymptotics on the Birkhoff sums for dynamical systems4
Stabilization despite pervasive strong cross-degeneracies in a nonlinear diffusion model for migration–consumption interaction4
Topological bifurcation structure of one-parameter families of C 1 unimodal maps4
Long-time behaviour for a nonlocal model from directed polymers4
Numerical study of the Serre–Green–Naghdi equations in 2D *4
Completely degenerate equilibria of the Kuramoto model on networks4
Quenching for axisymmetric hypersurfaces under forced mean curvature flows4
Corrigendum: Target patterns in a 2D array of oscillators with nonlocal coupling (2018 Nonlinearity 31 4162)4
On persistence properties in weighted spaces for solutions of the fractional Korteweg–de Vries equation4
Algorithms for solving high dimensional PDEs: from nonlinear Monte Carlo to machine learning4
New examples of stably ergodic diffeomorphisms in dimension 34
Decay of correlations for weakly expanding dynamical systems with Dini potentials under optimal quasi-gap condition4
Simultaneous local normal forms of dynamical systems with singular underlying geometric structures4
Quenched Poisson processes for random subshifts of finite type4
Integrable hierarchies, Frölicher–Nijenhuis bicomplexes and Lauricella bi-flat F-manifolds4
Global solutions to the three-dimensional inhomogeneous incompressible Phan-Thien–Tanner system with a class of large initial data4
Corrigendum: Non relativistic and ultra relativistic limits in 2D stochastic nonlinear damped Klein–Gordon equation (2022 Nonlinearity 35 2878)4
Critical mass capacity for two-dimensional Keller–Segel model with nonlocal reaction terms4
A PDE hierarchy for directed polymers in random environments4
Finite-time blow-up in hyperbolic Keller–Segel system of consumption type with logarithmic sensitivity4
Multifractal analysis in non-uniformly hyperbolic interval maps4
Energy decay for wave equations with nonlinear damping and space-time coefficient in Rn4
On a class of non-local phase-field models for tumor growth with possibly singular potentials, chemotaxis, and active transport4
Equilibrium states for hyperbolic potentials via inducing schemes *4
Anderson localization for the unitary almost Mathieu operator4
Long-time behavior of partially damped systems modeling degenerate plates with piers4
Normalized ground states for the Sobolev critical Schrödinger equation with at least mass critical growth4
Fractal squares with finitely many connected components *3
A road map to the blow-up for a Kirchhoff equation with external force3
Global weak solutions to a Navier–Stokes–Cahn–Hilliard system with chemotaxis and singular potential3
Zeitlin’s model for axisymmetric 3D Euler equations3
Revisiting the Kepler problem with linear drag using the blowup method and normal form theory3
The stability of the b-family of peakon equations3
(S)-convergence and approximation of oscillatory solutions in fluid dynamics3
Global existence of solutions to the 4D attraction–repulsion chemotaxis system and applications of Brezis–Merle inequality3
Rigorous justification for the space–split sensitivity algorithm to compute linear response in Anosov systems3
On the generalization of classical Zernike system3
Generic properties of free boundary problems in plasma physics*3
Kolmogorov’s dissipation number and determining wavenumber for dyadic models3
Prevention of infinite-time blowup by slightly super-linear degradation in a Keller–Segel system with density-suppressed motility3
Reduction in soliton hierarchies, elliptic Lie algebras of Holod and Krichever-Novikov-type equations3
Local well-posedness of a coupled Westervelt–Pennes model of nonlinear ultrasonic heating3
Exponential moments for disk counting statistics of random normal matrices in the critical regime3
Shadowing for nonuniformly hyperbolic maps in Hilbert spaces3
Variational properties of nonlocal singular problems3
Ahead of the Fisher–KPP front3
Estimating Hausdorff measure for Denjoy maps3
Dynamics of the Fermi–Ulam model in an external gravitational field3
Global weak solutions to fully cross-diffusive systems with nonlinear diffusion and saturated taxis sensitivity3
Unbounded solutions for the Muskat problem3
Existence and multiplicity of peaked bound states for nonlinear Schrödinger equations on metric graphs3
Weak–strong uniqueness property for models of compressible viscous fluids near vacuum*3
Glimm’s method and density of wild data for the Euler system of gas dynamics *3
Path-dependent shrinking target problems in beta-dynamical systems3
Variational methods for breather solutions of nonlinear wave equations3